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  1. great still no new powersets for tankers
    we have the least and now you devs are making sure we really have the least number of powers.
  2. so long
    congrats on the promotion
    we will miss you
  3. RainmanCP

    Changes to Rage

    First I get my Invulnerbility changed now my Super Strength Rage.

    First and foremost I don't like a 100% endurance drop. Whoever asks for that is stupid. All other +damage buffs don't do that why should a tanker have this penality. We have enough endurance problems with the many toggles we run as it is. Please don't do this.

    Suggestion: Make Rage's inital endurance cost be 25%. that should be sufficient enough. And take away the disorient effect. Leave it at that. If that doesn't make some people happy let it drain 25% after it wears off, like hasten. I hope you consider this STatesman
  4. RainmanCP

    Villain Emotes

    1) The infamous stance while revealing your evil plans to (the hero you caputered) to take over the world. Cheesy music before the hero spoils your plot.

    2) Taken from Pink and the Brain. "What do you want to do tonight Pinky?" I dunno. What do you want to do? "TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!" Didn't we try that last night and fail?
    Explanation - unique font that is very large.
  5. RainmanCP

    Tanker Update

    I just like to say I will make it my first priority to be there as soon as it goes to test server. I would very much put up Big Green for any experiements with the idea you have in mind Statesman. Kudos to you for addressing the tanker issues.