CoH = $15 a month (cool) CoV = $15 a month (BAD!)




Greetings Heroes,

I was reading another thread and was looking for your thoughts on this topic. Basically I hear that NCSoft is considering charging people who want to play or have a CoV account, and additional $15.00 above and beyong our $15.00 a month fee that we pay for CoH.

Here, this is a post I will copy and paste...........


My only problem is the $15/month price for CoV as well...if it wasn't for that I'd say Cryptic has a clean track record.


Yeah, considering they've done just about everything right so far, they are overdue to make a horrendous glaring mistake (like charging 2 separate subscription fees would be).

/em keeping my fingers crossed that Statesman wins and NCSoft loses.

Well, I too hope that Statesman wins. If he is fighting for us to get CoV and NOT be charged an additional $15.00, you my friend (STATESMAN) rock more than I had previously thought.

For me, an additional $15.00 a month would kill all aspirations of me getting CoV. I have 2 accounts now, 1 for me and 1 for my woman and our childen, and to have another account, well only if I win the lottery.

What do the rest of you think?



Well frankly that's the worst marketing strategy I've ever heard. Frankly, I'll never pay $30 a month to pay essentially the same game. I was under the impression that CoV was an expansion, and you don't see EQ expansions charging more. And if it is a sequel, a sequel should never come out while the former game is still in full swing. Sony isn't expceting people to pay for EQ and EQ2. I'd probably have to make the choice between CoH and CoV, and if that happens both NCSoft and I (the player) lose.



well.... COV is "technically" a different game... but for already owners of COH.. I wouldn't mind them adding extra 2$/month for COV add-on.. for those interested...

but charging a seperate fee... I don't think so.. mainly I would assume CoV and CoH will be interacting (thus more of a expansion instead of a new game) hehe

but..... this is "something" new.. per se.. you get a whole new class of stuff and city to play in... (can't start in Atlas Park that is for sure) so who knows



Ungood through and through. I dont have a job and 30 bucks every 2 months is killing me!



I really don't think this will happen...can't find the damn posts anymore but they've stated many times that if you are already paying your $15/mon for CoH you won't have to for CoV. However, CoV will also be a stand-alone game that you can play W/O owning CoH. You will have to pay $15/mon for CoV if this is the case.

COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster

Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier



I really don't think this will happen...can't find the damn posts anymore but they've stated many times that if you are already paying your $15/mon for CoH you won't have to for CoV. However, CoV will also be a stand-alone game that you can play W/O owning CoH. You will have to pay $15/mon for CoV if this is the case.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup, I've read this before as well.
The original post sounds too much like a rumour to me...



I highly doubt NCSoft can be this stupid or this greedy. A lot of people love CoH, they are building a fan base like nobody's business. To "double charge" in this way would make ZERO marketing sense, piss of the fans, and make people question pricing everytime a new "addition" to the game comes out. I hope this is just a wild rumor. I really want to try out CoV, but if they charge an extra 15 bucks to do so, then I won't bother. I'll stay content with CoH alone.



I've heard both sides of the coin.

CoV isn't even in beta. It's not time to talk about the pricing.



Er...hasn't it been well established (as well as anything is about CoV) that you'll only pay 1 subscription for both games?



I'm positive I saw a red name saying in no uncertain terms that they wouldn't be doubling up on subscription fees for CoV and CoH. It was quite a while ago though, and I don't feel like wading through all the old posts, but I can't see it happening any other way.

Has there been anything from an official source saying otherwise that I've missed? All I've seen is rumor mongering by players.

Wile E. Canuck.



It's been said before by a Red that you will NOT have to pay another $15 a month to have CoV along side CoH. I've been searching the Dev Digest for five minutes checking to figure out exactly where they said it, but I will let you personally send me hate mail in every way possible if I'm wrong on this.

Trust me, you pay $15 whether you have CoV, CoH, or both. The only exception to this rule is if you have more than on CoH account. And I'm sure it would work the same as the original--I.e., if you bought two CoH copies and activated them both, you could then get two CoV copies and attach them to each account to have CoH and CoV paid for on each $15 bill, totalling to only $30.

They aren't out for our money alone--This is evident in the fact that there is a Dev Digest, and that it's rare you don't see anything from one of them for long. Some may be working on something, but then shortly after you see them posting a lot to make up for it.

They're good people. Don't discredit them.



They know they have a large fan base and they want to make a bigger profit for it, this is just to see how the fans feel so just make sure you let them know you dont like it. CoV is really just an expansion it runs the same engine will take a lot of the same updates, and will even play together with CoH so like all expansions it should not have its own annual fee.

I know this is a horrible comparison and I dont even play it anymore but SWG just released their space expansion, thats a completely new engine of sorts and SOE (SOE!!!) didnt make a second annual fee (noted if they did it would kill them beyond what they are at now).

Edit: Also CoH rocks so I dont discredit them for thinking about a second annual fee, they possibly could pull it off better than any other MMO.



Wow some people...
I'm SURE they wont do this. IT would be too useless for htem cause nearly nobody would do it. Now on to what im nearly 100% sure they are doing, and people are just mistaking what they said.
Cov will be it's own seperate game, OR and add-on to CoH. BUT you can buy CoV and not CoH and sitll play. If you pay the monthly subscription for one, you can play both for that, or pay 15 dollars and only play one. Your choice, but $15 for both, not $30.



I, as well, think the double-charge is merely a rumor. I haven't seen anything to contradict it, but it just seems to make poor sense.

If they DO double-charge for CoV and CoH, I'll probably drop CoH because I've really wanted to play a villain anyway and $15 is too much to pay for the privelege of playing heroic alts.



On a similar note, CoH is almost twice as much to purchase than other MMORPG's. Just today I saw SWG ( original and Lightspeed ) and UO for $29, while CoH was $59 ( Canadian prices ). They already get basically a free month out of us compared to those other 2 games with similar monthly fees.

If the suits do get their way and make players pay separate monthly fees I would hope they at least consider cutting the price for the box by 80%.

I haven't fully decided if I'm against paying a separate fee for CoV yet. I don't want to pay it ( who does ), but I can see the reasoning for it since it's basically another acc't where you can make at least 64 characters.



I seem to remember either Statesman or Positron posting about this a few months ago. Basically, CoV is going to be sold as a seperate game. You can go buy CoV and start a new account with a $15 a month fee.

BUT, if you have an existing CoH account, all you need is a code from the CoV box. The existing account fee will cover both game subscriptions.

This is from memory, as this post would have dropped off the boards quite a while ago. But IIRC, this is the model they are planning on using...



Purple monkey dishwasher.



CoV is a expan pack, you will only play for cov for the content. It will still be 15 buck a month to play both games. Thank you




CoV isn't even in beta. It's not time to talk about the pricing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly, lets all wait until it gets closer and NcSoft announces their final pricing policy for CoV. No use getting all excited or angry about something that hasn't been decided yet.



The smart way to do it would be this.

If you want to play CoH, pay your 15$.
If you want to play CoV, Pay your 15$.
If you want to play both, then they should release a special addon that you can get that allows you to have both installed, but only be logged into one at a time.

You would STILL have to buy the other game, and maybe pay 5$ more a month for a total of 20$ to play both.

For me, 20$ a month is nothing. That's 3 Trips to Mc Donalds, one pizza, 2 movies rented. For how many hours of play. Lets see.

5hrs a night, plus 2x10hrs on days off, that's...45hrs a week, x 4 = 180 hrs a month that I play(plus or minus 10hrs) so lets see.

15$ devided by 180 = 8.3 Cents per HOUR of game time.
If you did BOTH, it would be
20$ devided by 180 = 11 Cents per hour.

Dunno about you guys, but that's the cheapest form of entertainment I've ever seen.

1 movie rental = 2hrs of movie(average) cost about 4$. So 2$'s per hour.

Go see a movie at the theater, about 10$ for 2 hrs, that's 5$ and hour.

Go out to a bar to pick up women.... WAY too much..

Personally, I'll gladly pay for it. Will I play CoH at the same time, doubt it, so I'll just be paying my 15$ a month @ 8.3 Cents per hour of game play.

Thanks NCsoft and all associated with it.



I really don't think this will happen...can't find the damn posts anymore but they've stated many times that if you are already paying your $15/mon for CoH you won't have to for CoV.

[/ QUOTE ]

That sure as hell better be the case, or I'll drop CoH out of principle.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



This is why your parents told you never to listen to rumors.

They won't charge two subsciption fees. End of story.



Statesman has stated in interviews that the plan is to charge ONE FEE, regardless if you own one or BOTH games. So everyone would be paying a flat 15 dollar fee to play BOTH games. (Not 15 + 15)



On a similar note, CoH is almost twice as much to purchase than other MMORPG's. Just today I saw SWG ( original and Lightspeed ) and UO for $29, while CoH was $59 ( Canadian prices ). They already get basically a free month out of us compared to those other 2 games with similar monthly fees.

If the suits do get their way and make players pay separate monthly fees I would hope they at least consider cutting the price for the box by 80%.

I haven't fully decided if I'm against paying a separate fee for CoV yet. I don't want to pay it ( who does ), but I can see the reasoning for it since it's basically another acc't where you can make at least 64 characters.

[/ QUOTE ]

COH is a new game.

SWG and UO are not.

SWG and UO have gone into 'discount' status. A few of the Lucas titles have gotten cheaper, and SWG was one of them.

COH will drop to that in a year or two as well.

In fact I believe I read somewhere that the regular version will drop in price once the DVD edition is WELL as I swear I read that if you ALREADY subscribe to COH and then add COV you do not pay an additional monthly fee, only if you DO NOT have a current subscription. Sooo...if you buy COV ONLY, you pay $15 a month (to which you can buy/add COH to that as well for no additional monthly charge)..........or am I dreaming?



Ok, here's my two cents. Have CoH. Love it. Dont mind paying $15.00 for it.

CoV is coming out. I plan to get it. Thats another $40 to 50 bucks, unless they charge 2 subscription fee's. No way I am paying $30 bucks a month for a online game. Now if they decide to tack another $5 bucks. I would be willing to pay $20 a month for both CoH and CoV. But thats as high as I go.

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)