CoH = $15 a month (cool) CoV = $15 a month (BAD!)




IMO they will only charge $15 per month for both games. If for some reason they charge $15 for CoH and CoV I wouldn't play either one.



The slight problem is that our subscription rate pays for updates and maintenence. If we hope to see updates to the villain-side of the game, and maintenence on the severs that house the villain portions of the game, accounts, etc, then this will also need to be paid for. My bet is each game will be 15 bucks, both for 20. that is equitable to me.



$15+$15=Still less than I spend on coffee in a month.



The slight problem is that our subscription rate pays for updates and maintenence. If we hope to see updates to the villain-side of the game, and maintenence on the severs that house the villain portions of the game, accounts, etc, then this will also need to be paid for. My bet is each game will be 15 bucks, both for 20. that is equitable to me.

[/ QUOTE ]
This is the problem that I see. The cost of the actual game pays for the initial developement. Your monthly fee pays for the servers and updates. I can't imagine CoV not costing *something* extra per month, but I doubt they'll make us pay double. I think $20 for both is a fair price.

Proud member of the Paragonian Knights



playing two games at once is like playing two accounts at once. They charge 15 bucks a month for each account, why wouldn't they charge that much for both games? If they're stand alone products, then it seems like you can't have heroes and villains on the same account. That being the case I see no reason for them to offer a deal or anything else. After all, are you going to play full time on two accounts? I have two accounts and I don't. I keep the second for convenience' sake and to try to convince friends to play. Also I ended up getting it basically as an accident. One big consideration in Pvp environments is making it difficult to communicate with the enemy. The reason is to avoid situations where people farm each other, or have 'spies'. At a certain point, someone with two computers and two accounts can get around this... but the point is to make it dificult. This also leads me to believe that heroes and villains couldn't be on the same account. Taking these things together, it seems likely that it's going to be 15 and 15, and frankly, that's fair. I realize people will scream bloody murder. But I don't know. Maybe you should be able to flip-flop an account between heroes and villains once a month or something. That would be a solution which is above and beyond. But an account on a stand alone product should cost a stand alone price.



IMO they will only charge $15 per month for both games. If for some reason they charge $15 for CoH and CoV I wouldn't play either one.

[/ QUOTE ]

I could swear that they already said that you will not have to pay another $15 per month if you have CoH and buy CoV and want to play both. Or did they go back on this?

Spines/ D A lvl 50 Scrap, stone/wm lvl 50 tank, Kat/reg lvl 50 Scrap
Grav/Kin lvl 50 Cont, Fire/Enegry lvl 50 Blast
Warshade lvl 50, PB lvl 39, nightwidow lvl 50, crab lvl 42
plant/thorns lvl 50 dom, ice/fire lvl 40 dom, grav/nrg lvl 41 dom



I believe they've already ANNOUNCED that if you have a CoH account, and your paying the 15 bucks for it, you will NOT have to pay the 15 bucks a month for CoV. This also is applied vica versa. If you have one, you will NOT have to pay for the other.



Oh my GOD people. There is such a thing as a Dev Digest. Go look it up. Hell....go back one page. Lord Recluse just said that it would be 15 dollars for CoH and CoV combined ~or~ CoH and CoV seperate. Stop this lame rumor! Use your eyes. READ!



To try to lay this thread to rest (again), here's what can be currently said.

1. CoH is not required to play CoV. You can buy CoH and play it, buy CoV and play it, or have both.

2. Pricing is something NCSoft will announce. They have not made any announcement yet. Please rest assured, they are very aware of your opinions and concerns.

[/ QUOTE ]

You could lay it to rest in my mind with one simple yes or no answer.

30 a month for cov+coh?


Yes I know you "can't" answer that, but until you can this topic wont rest, even if it is locked.



Oh my GOD people. There is such a thing as a Dev Digest. Go look it up. Hell....go back one page. Lord Recluse just said that it would be 15 dollars for CoH and CoV combined ~or~ CoH and CoV seperate. Stop this lame rumor! Use your eyes. READ!

[/ QUOTE ]

Errr... maybe you should follow your own advice?



I'm looking at CoV as a expansion to CoH you would pay for ?!?! If they wanted to charge $30-40 for it ... fine!

But to ask me to pay $15 a month for an expansion ... sorry not interested. Especially since it's on my same account?! Wha?

Must be a mere rumor tho...



To try to lay this thread to rest (again), here's what can be currently said.

1. CoH is not required to play CoV. You can buy CoH and play it, buy CoV and play it, or have both.

2. Pricing is something NCSoft will announce. They have not made any announcement yet. Please rest assured, they are very aware of your opinions and concerns.

[/ QUOTE ]

You could lay it to rest in my mind with one simple yes or no answer.

30 a month for cov+coh?


Yes I know you "can't" answer that, but until you can this topic wont rest, even if it is locked.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not even Lord_Recluse can answer that, it is up to the suits at NCSoft. The best answer you ARE going to get, you have gotten. For that reason alone this should be locked.



playing two games at once is like playing two accounts at once. They charge 15 bucks a month for each account, why wouldn't they charge that much for both games? If they're stand alone products, then it seems like you can't have heroes and villains on the same account. That being the case I see no reason for them to offer a deal or anything else. After all, are you going to play full time on two accounts? I have two accounts and I don't. I keep the second for convenience' sake and to try to convince friends to play. Also I ended up getting it basically as an accident. One big consideration in Pvp environments is making it difficult to communicate with the enemy. The reason is to avoid situations where people farm each other, or have 'spies'. At a certain point, someone with two computers and two accounts can get around this... but the point is to make it dificult. This also leads me to believe that heroes and villains couldn't be on the same account. Taking these things together, it seems likely that it's going to be 15 and 15, and frankly, that's fair. I realize people will scream bloody murder. But I don't know. Maybe you should be able to flip-flop an account between heroes and villains once a month or something. That would be a solution which is above and beyond. But an account on a stand alone product should cost a stand alone price.

[/ QUOTE ]

They won't do so because COV is an expansion, as in EQ most of its expansions are considered to be standalone from the other expansions, yet they don't charge per expansion. And the fact that other MMO competitors charge around $15 a month for the base game and all its expansions would mean charging extra for COV will lose the company many customers. It's simply not the norm to charge more than $15 a month for a MMO. Besides, $30 a month usually isn't in the budget of most people who play this game.(those that get their parents to pay or young working people paying for themselves.)



Besides, $30 a month usually isn't in the budget of most people who play this game. .(those that get their parents to pay or young working people paying for themselves.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Who commissioned the poll that told you that?



Besides, $30 a month usually isn't in the budget of most people who play this game. .(those that get their parents to pay or young working people paying for themselves.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Who commissioned the poll that told you that?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's called common sense. The age range for most people that play this game are kids to young adults, with a minority in adult customers. Parents aren't going to pay $30 a month just so their kids could waste their time playing some time consuming MMO when they could be studying or doing something else constructive to their development. I certainly wouldn't even pay the $15 for my kids to play MMOs, knowing the addictive qualities and detrimental side effects of it firsthand, if I had kids that is.

If you really want to be anal about it we could find online polls for this I'm sure. There are many studies done on the nature of MMOs and its subscribers.

Either way the point of this post is moot, it has been explicitly stated that you won't have to pay extra for CoV, end of discussion.



I already have two accounts, one for me and one for my will be very difficult to pay for another couple accounts just so we can enjoy all aspects of what is essentially the same game. I think the folks complaining about the pricing have a point and Lord Recluse has basically said...they don't know.



To try to lay this thread to rest (again), here's what can be currently said.

1. CoH is not required to play CoV. You can buy CoH and play it, buy CoV and play it, or have both.

2. Pricing is something NCSoft will announce. They have not made any announcement yet. Please rest assured, they are very aware of your opinions and concerns.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey Lord Recluse, while everyone appreciates your dropping a line about the fact that you can have CoH, or CoV, or both was pretty much already a given. I believe this thread was originally intended for "What do you think if NCSoft annouces it will be $15.00 a month for CoH, and $15.00 a month for CoV, meaning a total of $30.00 a month."
So to lay it to rest, would be knowing what NCSoft will actually do, and without them announcing it, this thread is merely a questionaire of....."What would you do if they make us pay", but then again maybe I am wrong, hehe. Its happened before.
I just hope NCSoft doesnt try and get to greedy and disappoint people. You say they are aware of our concerns, but there is no proof to us, the consumer.

To try to lay this thread to rest (again), here's what can be currently said.

1. CoH is not required to play CoV. You can buy CoH and play it, buy CoV and play it, or have both.

2. Pricing is something NCSoft will announce. They have not made any announcement yet. Please rest assured, they are very aware of your opinions and concerns.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only thing missing from this post is to LOCK THE THREAD!

[/ QUOTE ]

Well we all have to thank Torak for his trolling and proof that if you are a troller, its okay to look like one too. Jez, some people take their self appointed positions too seriously.




They won't do so because COV is an expansion, as in EQ most of its expansions are considered to be standalone from the other expansions, yet they don't charge per expansion. And the fact that other MMO competitors charge around $15 a month for the base game and all its expansions would mean charging extra for COV will lose the company many customers. It's simply not the norm to charge more than $15 a month for a MMO. Besides, $30 a month usually isn't in the budget of most people who play this game.(those that get their parents to pay or young working people paying for themselves.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually the press release is calling it a "sequel." (I think but can't find it right now) CoV will be unique in the sense that it will be it's own game, but will allow you to interact with CoH. So it's a combo new game/expansion.

Most likely outcome is that NCSoft will try to do something like SoE has where you have "the one fee to play them all" plan. Say 20-25 a month, and you'll have access to all of their titles.

Of course all this is speculation, and even if Cryptic wants to keep CoV "Free" to CoH players, NCSoft may say no, and charge us.

I do find it unlikely that it'll be a full fee twice.



To try to lay this thread to rest (again), here's what can be currently said.

1. CoH is not required to play CoV. You can buy CoH and play it, buy CoV and play it, or have both.

2. Pricing is something NCSoft will announce. They have not made any announcement yet. Please rest assured, they are very aware of your opinions and concerns.

[/ QUOTE ]

This means that it will be 15 for CoH and 15 for CoV. Not a problem because WoW will be out by that point.



To try to lay this thread to rest (again), here's what can be currently said.

1. CoH is not required to play CoV. You can buy CoH and play it, buy CoV and play it, or have both.

2. Pricing is something NCSoft will announce. They have not made any announcement yet. Please rest assured, they are very aware of your opinions and concerns.

[/ QUOTE ]

This means that it will be 15 for CoH and 15 for CoV. Not a problem because WoW will be out by that point.

[/ QUOTE ]

God, just leave already, everyone knows you hate CoH now.



Jez, some people take their self appointed positions too seriously.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll see your troll and raise you one. Are you the official troll namer? How about this thread does nothing but perpetuate the same question which no one has an answer to?

First post: Hey do we have to pay 2 subscription fees?
Numerous subsequent posts: Probably not, but it hasn't been decided
Another post: but None of you are Devs
Dev Post: We aren't sure, we would like it to be one fee, but that is out of our hands.
Subsequent Blathering posts: Ok but do we have to pay a subscription fee?

Yea, this adds to the forums. Some people just want THEIR answer not THE answer.




To try to lay this thread to rest (again), here's what can be currently said.

1. CoH is not required to play CoV. You can buy CoH and play it, buy CoV and play it, or have both.

2. Pricing is something NCSoft will announce. They have not made any announcement yet. Please rest assured, they are very aware of your opinions and concerns.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you sir, I appreciate the response. I just hope what you say is true, and the people at NCSoft who are sitting behind a desk somewhere, actually do see/hear/read our concerns, as I am not sure they are surfing these forums like yourself or other Dev's, Mod's, etc.

I just know with some of the responses here, some people would either quit CoH just to play CoV, or just continue to play CoH if they actually charge more.
Statesman did have a couple quotes, and I have read them, and I know how he feels and I know he will represent the community and the game fairly and state our case.
Thank you for your response.



To try to lay this thread to rest (again), here's what can be currently said.

1. CoH is not required to play CoV. You can buy CoH and play it, buy CoV and play it, or have both.

2. Pricing is something NCSoft will announce. They have not made any announcement yet. Please rest assured, they are very aware of your opinions and concerns.

[/ QUOTE ]

You could lay it to rest in my mind with one simple yes or no answer.

30 a month for cov+coh?


Yes I know you "can't" answer that, but until you can this topic wont rest, even if it is locked.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not even Lord_Recluse can answer that, it is up to the suits at NCSoft. The best answer you ARE going to get, you have gotten. For that reason alone this should be locked.

[/ QUOTE ]

My post is in agreement of what your saying... Read below the ----

Ok so only in partial agreement... Locking also is not the answer because - until the answer is available people will just create more topics, warnings will be issued, and people will move their concerns to other boards.

Your quip above about "adding to the boards" is bogus. This isn't your board anymore than it is mine. Who are you or anyone other than the mods to decide what is and is not constructive, if futile.

Locking is not the answer(opinion). Open constructive discussion is. Why? Because as he has already stated in his single post here. They are fully aware of our concerns. Just because they can't officially say anything does not mean they can't/don't read our concerns and use that as a measuring stick for choices to be made.



I will add my "speculation"
Only the marketing department of NcSoft knows the answer, but I can assure you COV will not be free.
Does COH cost 15 bucks? Yes
Will COV cost 15 bucks? Yes
Does it cost 30 bucks to play both...probably not.
More than likely they will have a package deal as a bargain for playing both. They just have to figure out what the customers are willing to pay.
