CoH = $15 a month (cool) CoV = $15 a month (BAD!)




if they raise the rates at all, I wont be getting CoV. 15 bucks a month to play a game already dents my tight wallet.



I seem to remember either Statesman or Positron posting about this a few months ago. Basically, CoV is going to be sold as a seperate game. You can go buy CoV and start a new account with a $15 a month fee.

BUT, if you have an existing CoH account, all you need is a code from the CoV box. The existing account fee will cover both game subscriptions.

This is from memory, as this post would have dropped off the boards quite a while ago. But IIRC, this is the model they are planning on using...

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This is what I read as well, and I believe it was States himself that answered this in an interview.

The one where they asked him if it was wierd that people refer to him as Stateman and not Jack.

"Through Avarice evil smiles; through insanity it sings"
Forum Troll Rule #1: Anyone who disagrees with my point of view is either a fanboy or an idiot.
I'm a proud carebear.



Only reason my account is still up now is that I am waiting for CoV. Sure I could freeze it and wait I guess but, I fear I'll lose my toons. No way I'd pay $30. $15 is 3 times the amount it should be considering the geriatric leveling speed and other factors that I wont flame into at this time.



Only reason my account is still up now is that I am waiting for CoV. Sure I could freeze it and wait I guess but, I fear I'll lose my toons. No way I'd pay $30. $15 is 3 times the amount it should be considering the geriatric leveling speed and other factors that I wont flame into at this time.

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Geriatric lvling speed?

Geriatric can either mean slow or old... None of which make sense when it comes to the CoH lvling speed.

"Through Avarice evil smiles; through insanity it sings"
Forum Troll Rule #1: Anyone who disagrees with my point of view is either a fanboy or an idiot.
I'm a proud carebear.



Statesman has stated in interviews that the plan is to charge ONE FEE, regardless if you own one or BOTH games. So everyone would be paying a flat 15 dollar fee to play BOTH games.

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Okay, here's the key. The PLAN that Statesman is going to support is that, a plan. In the end, although I'm sure his opinion holds a great deal of sway, the decision isn't his. NCSoft hasn't said one way or the other on the pricing scheme yet.

It doesn't matter what anyone 'remembers'. There's been no final word, so make your opinions heard.



The devs have already stated that your CoH subscription pays for the CoV subscription.

You do, however, still have to buy CoV, for an extra $50 on-time charge.



The devs have already stated that your CoH subscription pays for the CoV subscription.

You do, however, still have to buy CoV, for an extra $50 on-time charge.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's right. And as other people have said already, it's one subscription price. The reason both are listed as $15 a month is that you can play with either one. If want both content though, you have to buy both. However, it's still one subscription price at $15 a month. You pay for both games at whatever the retail price is, but you have a single $15 a month subscription.

Also I noticed many obviously didn't read what was already posted here explaining things before they added their own post. Please read before you post. You're just spreading more gossip.



meh, make us pay $20 a month for both games and its cool with me.



Yeah, but the point is they can do it with only 15



On a similar note, CoH is almost twice as much to purchase than other MMORPG's. Just today I saw SWG ( original and Lightspeed ) and UO for $29, while CoH was $59 ( Canadian prices ). They already get basically a free month out of us compared to those other 2 games with similar monthly fees.

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Current SWG and UO prices now do not reflect their prices at release. All MMO's are discounted after month's and years as they offset the initial development costs. CoH's current price is not demonstrably more than SWG and UO in the first 6 months of release.



Decision is not made yet. If it was we would see the official announcement.

And dont be too sure that it will not be 30$. Its not as much as you think. I personally know a couple of MMo-lovers who play up to 3 MMos at the same time. Therefore paying 3 accounts which exceed 30$ easily.

Same to all those who even have 2 CoH accounts anyways. To me personally it would be too much, but think about much do you pay for your flatrate internet connection alone? I have a flatrate only to play MMos....together with my phone it costs about 40$.......and the CoH account only 15$.....a arise to 30$ would raise total from 55$ to 70$....its not that much.

What would happen if they charge 2x15$?
Huge flamethreads would start on what? Do you think any company who wants to make money cares as long as those who flame buy the stuff anyways? EQ and AO for example lived on that....ppl playing those games hated and mostly still hate the companies who own the games.....but they still pay and play.

If its 30$ a month in future it would be end for me and probably a couple others.....but there would still be more than enough to make good money with it.

Just take a look at WoW and their foolish "Restricted-to-local-Server" strategy....they make lots of money with it........flamethreads on forum are gigantic.....ppl start hating the company now before game has even gone live......but there will be enouh ppl who pay and play anyways.



Good point, Clintonian, and thanks for clarifying.

This begs the question then, will CoH be around $30 mark in the spring or shortly thereafter? And, if so, will CoV be the same amount? SWG hasn't been out that long and it's been downgraded in price. Since it has been then that explains why the new Lightspeed expansion is the same price.

Any thoughts on this anyone?



Shockie, baby;

Have faith in the Jack
Trust in the Jack
He knows, he'll do his best for us.

No matter what happens though, I just hope that people on this board remember that if we DO end up paying for both it won't be because the dev's and Jack Emert decided to, it'll be because NCSoft, the publisher, is grabbing at more cash from an already existing client base.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



I'd settle for a compromise of $7 for having a CoV account to be honest. It is afterall going to be running on additional servers, need additional technitians and employees so the cost of the expansion sales alone won't cover it. However having the full price of $15 is a bit excessive ontop of the existing $15.



Good point, Clintonian, and thanks for clarifying.

This begs the question then, will CoH be around $30 mark in the spring or shortly thereafter? And, if so, will CoV be the same amount? SWG hasn't been out that long and it's been downgraded in price. Since it has been then that explains why the new Lightspeed expansion is the same price.

Any thoughts on this anyone?

[/ QUOTE ]

CoH is already down to US$40 from 49.95. It might come down more in December or January after the special dvd edition boxset has been out. CoV might come down in price before release, but it's still being pre-order solicited at 49.95. Remember, CoV is standalone-playable, which is different from SWG: Jump to Lightspeed. I'm wondering about some sort of rebate for current CoH players, but we really won't get financial details until well into beta next year.



I think (THINK) that CuppaJo or some moderator/dev has stated that...

CoH: 15$
CoV: 15$
Coh/CoV: 15$

I think that their smart enough not to charge us 30$ a month..I mean cmon how many people would they lose if they did that? I'm guessing over 50% of their gamers. But like the saying goes...If its not posted by a Moderator/Dev then its probably just a rumor and not true. I'm just posting what I THINK I saw..



On a scale of 1 to 5, I give this thread:

Four Tinfoil Hats



On a scale of 1 to 5, I give this thread:

Four Tinfoil Hats

[/ QUOTE ]

It's harsh but fair.

....almost too fair!



I don't see why anyone would play CoV as a stand alone game. Almost everyone I have talked to wants to play a villain so they can have PvP. There is nothing wrong with making it a requirement to have CoH to play CoV. That kind of marketing is standard and they usually include the original game in the add on for free or a little bit higher price.

Now they certainly will not charge two seperate account fees for someone to play both games as they are mergable so when a player will only have one account after ading it to their existing account.

Remember NCSoft is the company behind the soon to be released Guild Wars which is an MMORPG that you play for FREE so I doubt they are stupid enough to try and hit players of their biggest succes with two fees to play an expansion, no matter how large, of their best game.



Greetings Heroes,

I was reading another thread and was looking for your thoughts on this topic. Basically I hear that NCSoft is considering charging people who want to play or have a CoV account, and additional $15.00 above and beyong our $15.00 a month fee that we pay for CoH.

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To clarify: you didn't hear NCSoft doing anything whatsoever. You heard a group of people talking about what they think might be done -- or what they fear might be done. Until a red name -- or a press release -- is stating something definitive on the matter, there's really no point at all in worrying over it. And if I recall, Statesman has said himself, on more than one occasion, that there'll be no additional subscription charge.

But don't take my word for it either. *g*



Well thanx LivingHellfire.

See this was my point. To see what other people would or would not do.

Now, some people say dont worry about it cuz CoV is not in BETA yet. Are you sure? Do you think Cryptic made the recent statements about how the prioity system will work for CoV because they are 6 months out from starting CoV Beta? NOT!! CoV BETA is upon us people.

So my basic querry is just a simple yes and no. Would you pay $15.00 a month for CoV, plus the $15.00 a month your already paying for CoH if NCSoft decides to charge CoV as a seperate game and account?

I have no problems with buying the game, hell thats moot point, but if they tag us with more money, I dunno, not sure I will be playing CoV then.

Was just intrested what the masses (I.E.>YOU) thought about this? Maybe we will get lucky and Jack will drop a tasty bit of table scrap from Cryptic.



To try to lay this thread to rest (again), here's what can be currently said.

1. CoH is not required to play CoV. You can buy CoH and play it, buy CoV and play it, or have both.

2. Pricing is something NCSoft will announce. They have not made any announcement yet. Please rest assured, they are very aware of your opinions and concerns.



Is there any wonder why this man got my vote?



To try to lay this thread to rest (again), here's what can be currently said.

1. CoH is not required to play CoV. You can buy CoH and play it, buy CoV and play it, or have both.

2. Pricing is something NCSoft will announce. They have not made any announcement yet. Please rest assured, they are very aware of your opinions and concerns.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only thing missing from this post is to LOCK THE THREAD!