MANTICORE TF Still not fixed??!!




2 weeks of no XP gain due tio the fact I am 36 9/10.

2 weeks of waiting, being led to believe it would get fixed this week.

2 weeks of hunting in low lvls zones, being exemplar and bored to tears.

When is the fix coming this time?

2 weeks again??!!

Get Ms. Liberty to talk to us, ooooooooh Holy DEVS!



Is that TF completely broken or is there a *chance* that the problem with Ms. Liberty will show up?



Did you restart the Task Force with this new patch or were you still on a pre-patch version of the mission? In order to get the "fix" you have to have a fresh version of the mission. Meaning you have to quit the Task Force and start over again.

Thank you,



really hope this is fixed and just forgot to document it. half the SG seems to have stopped playing waiting to do this as they are stuck in 36 for weeks.

Having to wait another few weeks before a fix is not good at all.



Well, I read on one the post concerning this long lasting issue now, that a player waited for 5 days or so for an answer from a GM, and that then he/she was able to go on.



Did you restart the Task Force with this new patch or were you still on a pre-patch version of the mission? In order to get the "fix" you have to have a fresh version of the mission. Meaning you have to quit the Task Force and start over again.

Thank you,

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Earlier this weel, it was said the test server currently testing post had forgotten to insert this fix in the text.

Is this the case also for the patch update we got this morning?



Did you restart the Task Force with this new patch or were you still on a pre-patch version of the mission? In order to get the "fix" you have to have a fresh version of the mission. Meaning you have to quit the Task Force and start over again.

Thank you,

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task force was stopped but the answer ingame and to email petition is tht the fix will be in an update and to read teh update notes. As far as the info given to us its still broken.



Here is a email answer I just receive from cutomer support.

It's leading me to belive the TF was fixed, will have to test it and see.

Thank you for contacting the in game support department. We received your updated petition in regards to that Task Force issue and the latest patch as of this morning. The patch is supposed to fix Ms Liberty and the Manticore Task Force issue. If you find that while running the Task Force Ms Liberty for some reason does not speak to you or the Task Force team please reply to this email and let us know. She should be working again.

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In order to get the "fix" you have to have a fresh version of the mission. Meaning you have to quit the Task Force and start over again.

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But are you still going to bump the mission along for those pre-patch? As of last night someone that had been waiting four days finally got the mission advanced. Are those of us that have only been waiting two days going to get it advanced or not?

Pinnacle Server - Drama Capital of Paragon

L50 Dark Melee/Regen Scrapper
L50 Spines/Regen Scrapper
L50 Dark/Energy Brute
L27 DarkSquid
L32 Ice/Thorn Dominator



What happens to those who have now leveled past it and could not get any help from customer support. I hit 37 during the TF, got stuck at Ms. Liberty, petitioned no luck was dropped after 24 hours. I can't start it now even if I wanted to. When will we be able to exemplar in a TF?



I can't find any reference that this was fixed. Does anyone have a direct link to the patch notes? I would like to be aware when any change is made in the game. The only patch notes I find are those on Test server. I've check the main page, I've checked these forums, I've check my login window. Nothing comes up with patch notes.

How was I to know that Manticore was fixed? (or is it)



go to the main page then "recent updates" all the patch notes. if your too lazy here Update Page

Edit - I've noticed that no one has answered Vyvyanne's inquiry. Did you quite the existing pre-patch TF and start a new TF?



Did you restart the Task Force with this new patch or were you still on a pre-patch version of the mission? In order to get the "fix" you have to have a fresh version of the mission. Meaning you have to quit the Task Force and start over again.

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On Freedom, we started the TF after Issue 2 and we've been stuck on the Ms. Liberty part for two weeks. The petition response was effectively "wait for the patch."



Ok so it is not in the patch notes (we are aware of that, it didnt make it in and we are discussing the reasons why on our end.) However, this should be fixed with the patch this morning.

Has anyone tried this since this morning's patch? Is it working for you?

Thank you,



go to the main page then "recent updates" all the patch notes. if your too lazy here Update Page

Edit - I've noticed that no one has answered Vyvyanne's inquiry. Did you quite the existing pre-patch TF and start a new TF?

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problem is that many cannot risk testing the task force in that they will level and if its still broken then they will not be able to restart it so we cannot test it.



go to the main page then "recent updates" all the patch notes. if your too lazy here Update Page

Edit - I've noticed that no one has answered Vyvyanne's inquiry. Did you quite the existing pre-patch TF and start a new TF?

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problem is that many cannot risk testing the task force in that they will level and if its still broken then they will not be able to restart it so we cannot test it.

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Yep, exactly my problem. 3 bubbles from leveling to 37 otherwise I'd be more than happy to test it.



Wow, it's a shame it took a badge for people to be interested in Task Forces. And now they're almost too high and can't test it. Dripping with irony! And karma!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Even without restarting, has anyone that was stopped at this point, logged in and talked to Ms. Liberty and seen if she will now advance the mission, since this morning's patch?




Okay, now I understand. if that's the problem, worried that your going to level past the TF, I guess the only thing is to hope that someone can confim in a post-patch version of the TF.

So far, looks like any pre-patch is [censored] and will have to quit and do the post-patch TF.

Only other thing would be to hope they get the Exemplar's fixed so they can do TF.



Wow, it's a shame it took a badge for people to be interested in Task Forces. And now they're almost too high and can't test it. Dripping with irony! And karma!


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Doesn't have anything to do with that for me. I've done two TFs previously (one didn't get completed) and tried to do Manticore's as well. Don't assume.



Even without restarting, has anyone that was stopped at this point, logged in and talked to Ms. Liberty and seen if she will now advance the mission, since this morning's patch?


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I have been stuck since Tuesday. I have not yet quit the TF. I logged in (Pinnacle) right after the servers came up and tried, still won't talk. I tried again just now (just in case), still won't talk.

Pinnacle Server - Drama Capital of Paragon

L50 Dark Melee/Regen Scrapper
L50 Spines/Regen Scrapper
L50 Dark/Energy Brute
L27 DarkSquid
L32 Ice/Thorn Dominator



Wow, it's a shame it took a badge for people to be interested in Task Forces. And now they're almost too high and can't test it. Dripping with irony! And karma!


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that is actually wrong and unnecessarily rude/insulting. I and others I know have done every mission and story arc with our characters, and done ever task force we have been able to. Its nothing to do with badges - though they have beena nice diversion while they havent been able to do anything which wil yield experience.



Ok so it is not in the patch notes (we are aware of that, it didnt make it in and we are discussing the reasons why on our end.) However, this should be fixed with the patch this morning.

Has anyone tried this since this morning's patch? Is it working for you?

Thank you,

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cannot as quit teh task force sometime ago I'm afraid. will hopefully do a new one later and confirm.



Thank you. I am now looking further into this issue and the extent of the fix.


P.S. Feedback from any who have tried this TF since the most recent patch, starting fresh or not and whether this is working for you currently or not will be very helpful. Thank you again.




P.S. Feedback from any who have tried this TF since the most recent patch, starting fresh or not and whether this is working for you currently or not will be very helpful. Thank you again.

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I just checked and I'm still unable to talk to Ms Liberty to continue my existing Manticore, even after this morning's patch. Like others, I'm very close to leveling and would rather avoid having to start over.

Fire Imps: Summon Fire Imps will now spawn one Imp. The Imp melee attack was never intended to do damage, and has been replaced with emotes. Your summoned Imp will now alternate between /em teabag, /em backflip, and /em getsome.