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The dim light of the fading Moon : Lines in the sand part 2
Wepp picked up the phone, the captain of the guards sounded breathless and echoes of an ongoing battle had the doctor push the phone away from his ear.
Sir, we are outnumbered and outgunned, we cannot hold much longer, I suggest evacuation at this point. Spoke the Captain, almost screaming. Wepp remained silent, taking the scope of the news, all it implied into consideration. The captain would not request this lightly. It meant that they would have to abandon the facility, leave behind proof of its existence to enemy hands. But, what was more important here, was the people doing the work, not the work itself. They would rebuild on its foundation in due time, as long as the core data could be saved and carried away, the future of the project would be protected.
Very well Captain, once the personnel is out of the facility I will send word for you and your men to rendezvous at the secondary location. Let me be clear Captain, you hold that line until the last man, theres too much in stake here for us to simply evacuate, we need time to implement the procedure. Understood?
Sir, yes sir. Came the sharp reply on the telephone. In other words, Dr. Wepp had ordered him and all of his men to die. What were they in comparison to the project. Nothing but cannon fodder.
Wepp hung up, then dialed another extension.
Staff Sergeant. Spoke a females voice on the other end.
Execute order gamma-3 Staff Sergeant, authorization W609, the password is Countess.
Very well doctor, fifteen minutes and counting now. Came the reply, after which the line was cut, and Dr. Wepp was left to his thoughts. Would this be a major setback to the project, he wondered. In a few minutes, the news of laboratory 1203 being compromised would reach the high instances of the company, along with his name being mentioned in the same sentence where the word failure could be heard. Already, all around him, every screen in the facility had begun flashing a red alert message along with the gamma-3 inscription. The Crey personnel, at first stunned by the sight displayed, busied themselves gathering all essential data, while others scurried about with materials and other sensitive documents. Most of which would be destroyed in the next few minutes. Wepp just hoped not too many of them would confuse what was to be kept from what was to be erased.
A computerized voice came on the intercom system of the laboratory: Self-destruct procedure implemented, fourteen minutes and twenty seconds remaining. There will be no other warning. Evacuate Evacuate Evacuate Wepp looked down into the main facility, at the two water tanks containing Icy Heart and Ghost Starr, and felt sadness at having to destroy them so soon.
Fifty yards under the base, in an enclosed chamber, a timing device had begun a countdown a few seconds ago. Less than fifteen minutes from now, it would go into a nuclear reaction. Located where it was, it insured maximal destruction of the laboratory and would create a small crater inside Creys Folley of about one hundred yards in every direction. Being underground guaranteed that a minimal amount of radiation would actually permeate the area, although no plant life would survive for the next one hundred years, most in Creys Folley wouldnt care much about that. And if it killed a few Freaks in the long term or prevented them from procreating, it was considered a bonus.
Moon Psyche had listened to the intercom message, had felt the heightened tension in the minds of the people in the laboratory, and right on the edge of his powerful perception, something wicked coming their way. A few minutes ago, his mind had twitched when Bear Cat attempted to fight the Envoy of Shadows, the meat grinding process the huge tanker had gone through had him thinking that getting a trashing from the guards had been a mild event. Concentrating hard, he searched and found the minds of his friends close by, and tried to relay calmness and confidence that all was happening according to a greater purpose than they could fathom. Although he found agreement within the mind of Metal Core and Jade Rade, his friends did not agree wholeheartedly, especially Cavaliers mind, who firmly believed that men and women made the difference, not some preordained force managing the universe. Ironic, Moon though, that those who are willing to rely more on faith, are those that did not have any hopes to begin with. Time was running out though, less than fourteen minutes until the explosion, they needed to act.
Apocalypse Assemble. Mindspoke Moon to everyone. He felt them struggle to rise up, against their power shackles, against their injuries. Frank, can you free yourself yet? Moon asked Winter.
Working on it Moon, our new recruit is helping me with this issue as we speak. Came the reply that had everyone in the circle of minds wondering whom Frank Winter was referring to. Moon squinted his eyes at the mental image that Frank sent him.
Lab Experiment will betray us in the end, Frank, be wary of your words and actions with her.
Oh I know Moon, she cant go against the genetic engineering that created her, but I think she can help for a short amount of time before it kicks in. When you pit it against her need to belong, to be part of something greater, she finds it in herself to resist what she is. A very interesting theory applied, Ill have to compile notes and some data on this case later on, no amount of genetic manipulation can truly prevent us from being human, she is flawed. Winters thoughts breathed satisfaction at this realization.
Can we leave the mumbo jumbo for later guys, and work on getting out of here? Cavaliers mind was clear and true, his purpose was decisive.
Im free I just need to figure out how to bust down the door. Frank Winter replied through Moons mind relay. Lab is going to free Sun Heat.
Make your shots count! Yelled the Captain of the guards as he aimed his sub machinegun into the corridor and fired a volley into a passing acolyte of the Circle of Thorns. The brown clad shape spun on itself then fell limp to the ground. He took the safety pin off a grenade and sent it rolling deep ahead, towards the double doors leading into the main corridor he and his men were defending. They needed to hold, had to hold, no matter what, until they were told to fall back. The grenade exploded and a rumble ran through the floor under his feet, several cries of pain were heard from the enemys position, and the captain winced at the images they brought. Smoke filled the doorway, guns ceased to fire after a while, silence followed. The captain saw an occasion to replace his ammo, made sure his men were doing the same, while looking at the doorway quizzically. Then, then it came. A hissing sound, faint at first, but growing each second. An orange glow began to wash the bend of the corridor beyond the door, the hair behind the back of his head rose.
Five grenades into that doorway, now! He screamed teeth clenched, lips curled back. A moment later, he counted seven impact sounds of grenades rolling against the floor into the doorway. A generic order brings a generic reaction, he reminded himself. He just hoped that seven would be enough to shatter the entryway at this point. He had no clue what was coming, but rarely had he felt this sensation in his life, maybe once or twice. And every time he had, something bad, really bad occurred. The concussive explosion that followed rattled the soldiers, debris came flying towards them, shredding apart pieces of concrete walls, creating more projectiles as it sped from its momentum. With a loud sound, the ceiling above the doorway fell across the entrance, a sight welcomed with a loud cheer by the soldiers.
The men and women patted themselves on the shoulders, looked at their captain, nodding approval for his decision, once again recognizing his leadership and skills. But he kept his eyes on the blocked doorway, still not satisfied. The concrete and stone began to glow orange in the dark, brighter and brighter, until it liquefied, and a small river of molten rock started to spread itself across the floor. The troops were far enough from it to be safe, but the heat was palpable. A brighter glow could be seen beyond the shimmering, it was about to fill the melted doorway. The soldiers expertly took aim towards the opening, eyes fixed on the center of the hole.
A small shape appeared, no taller than a child, covered in flames. Squinting his eyes, the captain defined the outline of it as that of a monkey, a flaming monkey
Fire! He screamed to his troops.
A second monkey shaped flame being jumped onto the melted rocks, and both were met with a hail of bullets that send them flying backwards against the wall behind them, where they ungracefully died. A third came racing through the entrance, jumping its way towards the nearest soldier, but never made it. It met the same fate that the others had. The captains eyes grew wider, his mind did not accept what his eyes were seeing.
Liquid flames were creeping on the floor now, washing like the tide across the broken flooring and melted rocks. Silent and hot, the fire was breathing gently, pushed by a soft wind unseen. The walls and ceiling were soon covered by them, blurring the view into the doorway, the river of flames seemed to stall and wait.
I came here to rescue Turbo Starr, my mission is not complete.
Slowly he rose in the cage. Carefully and as gently as he could he tried to remain up, but fell. The impact send a cry from his lungs, a spurt of blood exploded from his mouth and he racked with coughing and pain. His right arm was limp and broken on his side, the right area of his ribcage felt shattered, he could feel the bones loosely poking his lung. His right eye was shut and swollen, he was having a hard time to swallow. His right leg had trouble supporting him but he managed to stay upright by using his left hand and holding on to one of the heavy bars of the spilled over cage. Looking up with a heavy sigh, he wondered how in his condition, he would be able to lift the iron door wide enough to crawl out.
His attention was taking away by the pounding of a heavy drum. The sound came from the other side of the gymnasium. The cage being on its side and the flooring of it hiding the view in that direction, he had to lean his head against the bars to catch a glimpse of what was going on. About seventy yards away, Envoy of Shadows was pounding heavily on the double doors that had let Bear Cat into the combat area. The beast alternated left and right pummelling motion onto it, oblivious to everything else. The pure rage animating the motions reminded him of how much he was in pain at the moment. He backed away from the sight, a creeping sensation in the pit of his stomach made him do so. Bear Cat was very much afraid of going into another round with the monstrosity. Turning around, he stopped short. There, outside the bars, pressing a finger against his lips to signal silence, was a guard armed with an air pressure gun. His face was covered in sweat and he was not alone. Nine more Crey Security Guards accompanied him, all armed to subdue the Envoy of Shadows. They were scared, all using the cage as a shield from the beast. They would have to covered seventy yards of open ground, at the very least forty to fire their weapons, to put the monster under. Why was Crey Industries hell bent on keeping it?
The pounding went on, and the lead guards made hand signals to split the team into two units, moving left and right of the cage, creeping quietly closer to their target. Bear Cat began to think, while removing his belt to begin fastening his limp arm to his chest. The five thousand years old Chinese proverb stating that the enemy of my enemy, is my friend, had just gained a new light here. With a restrained grunt, Bear Cat finished fastening his useless appendage along his chest, with the forearm across the belly to provide more defence to an already weakened area. He looked once more in the direction of Envoy of Shadows, saw that the monster was still attempting to break through the far door, saw that the guards were still silently creeping to get to a firing position. He looked down and around him, took hold of one of the bars, let out a long breath accompanied by a silent prayer and yelled :
Yo! Fugly! We aint done yet!
The beast stopped its pounding and turn around in one swift motion. The ten security guards faces went from sweaty to pastry white during that same motion and Bear Cat made ready for what would surely be a hell of a bumpy ride. Envoy of Shadows started to race after the retreating guards, some of which were screaming for their mothers. Many managed to fire their tranquilizer darts, but none hit the target as they were killed horribly and quickly by the beast.
The dim light of the fading Moon: Lines in the sand
Well, you would have to be invited by one of the leaders, and I happen to be one, you know. Also, you would have to complete your first assignment with success. Most recruits fail that second part usually. He made his eyes harden, steeling them and looking at her, a hint of challenge and amusement to coerce her into wanting this. She remained silent, holding her breath, awaiting his next sentence with anticipation. All right, you are hereby promoted to the rank of recruit first class, all privileges, and most importantly, responsibilities that come with it, are now yours. Since we are not at the academy, and there are no instructors present to begin your training, I guess well have to skip a few chapters, and dive right into it.
Dive into what? She asked curiously, she wasnt one to enjoy swimming much, already she disliked this new adventure.
Into trouble, recruit. We dont call ourselves Riders of Apocalypse for nothing, you know. Ours is a long tradition of standing when we should run, holding the line when everyone else says we should surrender. We are the Riders, take pride in this title, recruit, for it is that very name, which will strike fear in the heart of your foes, and hope in the ones that had none. When all else fails, we stand and deliver. Frank spoke with passion, with belief and pride, hoping to inspire the little mutant to think of herself as being a part of something greater than anything she had known or believed in the past, and judging from her upright stature, the cold decidedness in her eyes, the words had rung true.
I understand, ermmm, Leader of Us All, what is my task? She asked solemnly, not quite understanding why Winter chuckled at the title she had just given him.
Your task is as follows, should you succeed, you are to report to the Riders of Apocalypse Headquarters in Steel Canyon. There you will ask to speak with Control, and only him, and report your success. Are you ready for your first assignment recruit? Frank knew that Control would ask the little mutant the right questions, knew that he would add it all up and come here with all the Riders and tear this place apart. The only thing that truly mattered though, was to make sure the information got to him. Taking into account he believed his time, and that of his friend was running out, he decided to take no chances.
But Sir Where is Steel Canyon? Impishly replied by a blushing Lab Experiment. Winter nodded, she had never been out of here, and that was exactly what he had hoped for.
Well, in that case recruit, I guess we will have to show you. He smiled, then creased his eyebrows. Only problem is, only one of us knows the location of the Headquarters, and whenever we need to go there, she has to guide us. I guess that upgrades your mission, recruit. Winter was lying through his teeth so much, he looked up at the ceiling, almost expecting a heavenly bolt of lightning to strike him. Bring Sun Heat with you, she will be your guide.
Silence, heavy and palpable, full of meaning, followed.
Further into the base, Bear Cat was being carefully watched by two guards. He slowly walked in front of a series of table, onto which a myriad of weapons were laid out. His eyes went from fighting batons to swords, to battle axes and various types of knives.
The odds are fifty to one against you, Mr. Bunny. Any last requests? One of the guards chuckled.
Yah, I wouldnt mind going out with a little music. Bear Cat replied while his hand brushed the hilt of a vicious looking battle mace.
Sure, got a tune in mind?
Have a drink on me by AC/DC. And his hand came to rest upon a familiar weapon, that hammer he had used to punt his way into this facility, the first time around. He smiled ruefully, that weapon somehow made him feel good. His choice was made. Hefting the weapon expertly, he swung it around the air a few times and recognised the familiarity of it. It looked like a plain battle hammer, long shaft that looked aged and used, the blunt head of it rusted. But it felt good to use it, almost as if he had always wielded it. A calm, confident and resolute smile appeared on his rugged face. He would be going down fighting, kicking and screaming and that was good. It had been the way of his life ever since that day he had decided for himself that enough was enough. He knew what he was about to face, he was no fool when it came to asserting odds for or against himself. Today, was the day he died.
Turning around still smiling, the two guards took a few careful steps back and raised their weapons at the sight of him. They led him into the last corridor he would ever walk, towards the last door he would ever see open and close, into a circular room the size of a football field. All of it did not matter anymore, nothing but the moment now, occupied his mind. They wanted to measure a fight, a battle against a foe he could not possibly beat alone. A battle they would get to witness, record and quantify as they said, the likes of which people read of in the history books and wonder if it really occurred or if it was made up. They wanted to record a fight, he would give them a war. Bear Cats mind was calm and quiet, he was hot red steel in the cold, crisp water, tempered and true. The guards closed the double doors behind him, he heard them sliding what must be a heavy bar across, to block the escape. Silence, nothing to be seen in the room all the way across. He had no doubts that the sliding cargo door at the other end of the gymnasium was where the enemy would come from. The entire situation had a certain roman feel to it, the gladiators arena, morituri te salutant and all that crap. This was a wonderful way to die, no audiences, no one to save but himself. It would come down to his will to survive pitted against an enemy that would give no quarter. No fear here, just two warriors, facing each other not because they have to, or that they want to. Because they choose to do so, because thats what it was all about in the end: a pure moment of truth. He wondered if the monstrosity he was about to face understood this, wondered how that thing interpreted this moment. Bear Cat was sure of only one thing at this moment in time, the clarity of it making him smile. If that beast and him could talk about the things to come in the next few minutes, they would both agree that Bear Cats life was coming to a sudden alt, soon.
The door at the far end of the room began to slide upwards, revealing a pool of light, the outlines of pairs of feet standing around what looked to be a giant cage with wheels underneath it. Bear Cat counted seven guards armed with sub machineguns standing around the cage, the slumped shape of the monster inside the cage confirmed at least that even the Envoy of Shadows can be subdued by chemical means. Four guards came to the front of the contraption and bent down to begin pulling on ropes attached on it. They brought forth the sleeping menace and let go of the ropes about fifteen feet inside the gymnasium. They quickly ran back towards the cargo door, while two more guards aimed and fired darts inside the cage, at the beast. No doubt, these projectiles would be the wake up call. The cargo door slid down, leaving the caged beast and Bear Cat alone in the quiet space. Maybe fifty yards separated him from the cage yet he clearly heard the behemoth stir, a grumbling came from it. There was no doubt now that the time to die was here and now. Bear Cat took a fighting stance, battle hammer at the ready, he repeated to himself over and over: I came here to rescue Turbo Starr, my mission is not complete.
The first note of Have a drink on me began to play in the room, soon the drums would kick in, the base would roll into it and the screeching voice of the lead singer would come in. Bear Cat wondered if he would make it to the end of the song
In the laboratorys control room, several technicians were seated in front of glowing screen, managing the data from the many experiments going on. Most of them were now standing and watching the battle about take place. Money was exchange and bets were made as to how long Mr. Bunny would actually last against the beast. Dr. Wepp did not intervene in the matter. In fact letting it go was just what morale needed today, his people deserved some form of entertainment here and there, as long as all the data was being gathered to be reviewed later, he had no quarrels with them standing around and watching the spectacle.
He sat there watching the monitors, his eyes darting towards another screen recording the heart rate and blood pressure and a myriad of other physical information on Bear Cats condition. Sad, the man had refused his offer, what an addition to his team he wouldve been. Even now, facing the impossible, his pulse was steady and calm. What a specimen he was. He had seen others like him tested in similar fashions in the past, and only a few were a match to his composure. Wepp admired him in a way, although gifted as Bear Cat was, he had also found the time to develop the nature of his being, the core of his soul. Other super powered beings usually relied more on their powers than their brains, but Wepp had a doubt that the former leader of the Hunters of Apocalypse valued and enjoyed using his wisdom before his brawns.
Cheers from the technician broke his reverie and he saw that the captured monster had risen in its cage, growling its anger. A few gigantic punches later, the reinforced bars of the door were already bent, in a few seconds, it would be free. His eyes shifted to the Bear Cat monitor. Motionless, he just stood ready, awaiting, watching. With a resounding echo, the cage door flew open and the beast took a careful step out of it, looking left and right in the gymnasium. Was this basic instincts, or was the monster actually assessing the situation? Its red eyes then centered on Bear Cat, in the distance, and the beast stopped, a low growl rumbling out of it. Was it sensing a threat? The energy monitor spiked up and everyone visually witnessed a flowing black smoke emanating from the Envoy of Shadows, magic in its nature, known to be deadly if someone came too close and was exposed over a period of time. Crey personnel had learnt this outright when they first brought in the beast, two days ago.
The beast charged ahead and the floor rumbled, Bear Cat did the same, letting a long cry filled with anger. Everyone in the lab cheered then feel silent as the distance between the two was closing. They watched one screen, then the other, until both could be seen in the center monitor. The clash was gigantic, Bear Cat jumped in the air, battle hammer raise high above his head ready to come down mercilessly on the monsters skull. The beast dove straight ahead, talon hands extended in a reaching manner, jaws opened ready to render flesh and bones if it had the chance. The impact followed, drowned by the excited yells of the technical staff.
Bear Cats hammer flew from his hands and continued its course behind the beast, and in a flash, he found himself shove into the floor once, twice and a third time. Breath knocked out of him, he wasnt given a chance to recuperate. The beasts right hand closed with an iron grip around his left arm, he felt the room spin, suffered the smashing effect of his body being turned into a rag doll as he hit the floor once more, was lifted again, smashed once more into the floor. He felt ribs break, muscles and ligaments tore up, blood flew his mouth. The beast rotated on itself and violently threw Bear Cat towards the cage. The man flew through the air and came to a sudden stop inside the cage, against the far wall of it. So strong was the impact, that it pushed the contraption to fall backwards with a resounding clang! Envoy of Shadows growled with satisfaction, racing towards the cage, it jumped on it, coming to stand above bear Cats broken body. Emitting a rumbling laugh, the beast stepped to the ground, closing the cage door on the bloody mess.
The song had reached the first chorus -
The dim light of the fading Moon : Dark Side
Lying on his side, hands shackled behind his back, Cavalier breathed slowly the ever present pain racking his body. The guards had not been too kind, and with his powers prohibited, he had felt every blow land, something he had forgotten about after so many years. Broken jaw throbbing, nose also, cracked or broken ribs on his right side making it difficult to breathe, anger and a sense of despair accompanied every breath. He spat some blood, along with a loose molar, on the floor.
Slowly, he rolled himself to a sitting position, grinding his teeth doing so. Letting out a curse from the pain, he leaned his back against the concrete wall of the cell, a sigh of relief escaping his mouth. That trashing he took, would serve him in the future, to remind him that the best laid out plans came with a certain amount of pain. He wondered if the others were in a worse shape than he was, passing out had been a blessing, but what had happened after, was a blur. If only he could free himself of the inhibitors, if only he
Patience, James, If Im right, well get our turn soon. Wepp will not get away with this. Moon Psyches mindvoice spoke to him, and Cavalier felt the pain in it. Moon was in a bad shape himself.
And if youre wrong, this will go down in history as being the most idiotic attempt at surrendering ever known to man. Cavalier was angry at Moon, not so much because they were caught, more because Moon was relying on a trump card to save the day. Its a good thing to hope, Moon, but not at the expense of others. If your gamble doesnt work, have you thought of what might happen to Sun Heat?
If it comes down to that, James, if truly I am wrong, I will kill her myself before I let Wepp and his cronies do anything to her. This, I swear. The resolve in the thought was adamant, decisive and strong. Be sure of this James, we cant allow Crey Industries, under any circumstances, to experiment on babies, whether they be mine, yours or anyone elses, it isnt right. It cant be permitted to go on, and if this means that well have to kill every last one of them to stop it, so be it, is that understood?
Cavaliers mental nod agreed to the fact, there were things in this world that should not, could not be allowed. Lines in the sand were drawn, and each chose a side in the war, point of views stating that each were righteous in their plight against the other. But the children, the future of the world, had to remain outside the equations, had to be allowed, encouraged to grow up believing the world was a good place to grow up in. Hope, it has to account for something.
Are you sure that the alien watching over Voyager, saved him? The famous scrapper then asked, while trying not to cough to hard out, the blood that had come to his lips. Pierced lung from a broken rib, it had to be.
I cant say for sure, but I felt her presence, heard her through him. I think shes with him in a sense, to make sure that he survives. I felt a greater purpose than mere surveillance, she is overseeing the outcome of something big, of which he has to play an important part. The one thing I can guarantee, she will not let him die, not if she can help it. Only problem is, Im not sure what she can or cannot do, in the matter. She influences his thoughts, and come to think of it, I believe she is preventing the Crey Serum from working in his bloodstream. Bane is not insane anymore, but mark my words, the moment she leaves him, he will revert back into a paranoid state, and well have to stop him.
I just hope youre right, Moon. Right now, a borderline psychopath is the only hope we have to rescue everyone. I truly hope you are right .
The cell door unlocked, two guards entered equipped with what appeared to be a sophisticated type of cattle prods. Using the tips, they pushed Bear Cat to the back wall of the cell. No funny business, you freak.
All right, all right, point those things somewhere else guys, Im all about peace, love and hot showers. Replied Bear Cat as he leaned against the wall.
A team of scientists entered the room, with a rolling tray in tow, on which a variety of medical probes, syringes and bandages were laid out. Quietly, they stopped between the guards, eyeing the huge tank from head to toe. Nodding to each other, the lead one made a hand gesture to the guards, and soon after Bear Cat found himself rocked by an electric current that left him stiff, but aware on the floor. The scientists wasted no time, and got down to business. They took a blood sample, injected him twice with an unknown substance, they also put in place a biosensor emitter. Using a small blade, they made a small incision in his chest, just below the sternum. Once that was done, one of them brought out a type of medical gun, and they shot him with it. He felt an alien object burrow itself deep in his ribcage, lodging itself between the lungs, close to his heart. Had he been able to move, this would not have been permitted, he was annoyed.
Firing up a monitor on the tray, the constant beep of his heartbeat could be heard. Crey Industries was indeed going to collect valuable data from the fight, like how long it took him to die. They stitched him back up, then and there.
Move it guys, its about to wear off. Spoke one the guards, nervously standing by the door. The scientists nodded to each other, their work was done. Silently, they removed themselves from the room, followed by the two guards. The door closed, and Bear Cat remained on the floor, unable to move. Time went by, after about a minute, the huge tanker regained control of his body. A deep growl, soon after accompanied by a long series of curses and swears, could be heard through the reinforced metal door, all the way into the next corridor.
Quietly sitting on the bunk bed, Metal Core was attempting to meditate, on what he believed to be, the last days of his life. Of course, his time in the Shard had prepared him for death, but he had always pictured it in a fight, caught in a battle against odds he could not possibly overcome. That was the death he dreamed of, to stand defiantly in the face of danger, and not budge. Instead, he would die a lab rat, face down on a cement floor. Perspective, he reminded himself, allowed or prevented oneself from truly seeing what was going on. He would be of ice, would be of fire, in the coming hours, but he would not be indifferent.
His thoughts wandered on Jade Rade, wondering what, and also if, a day couldve come when he and she, would talk. She was his spark, in a sense, the flicker of electricity that made his mind, body and soul, whole. Perspective, he thought again, made it possible for him to fight incredible odds, and yet be unable to tell the lady he cherished above all, how he truly felt for her. What is so frightening about love, that remaining quiet about it, makes one feel like it is heroic to do so? Words, simple words, carrying meaning beyond time and space, moving souls to a crescendo of sensations and beliefs. Exalting the people who had the courage to speak them aloud, to feel what poets write about, a thousand fold.
If we make it out of here alive, she will know. He solemnly swore to himself. Metal Core continued to let his mind drift on the subject, sitting still, eyes closed, on the countless times he had stood alone with her, unable to muster up the words he longed to tell her. Perspective, he vowed, would never again prevent him from being true to himself.
Are these numbers correct, did you double check? Wepp asked the technician standing in front of him, in his office.
Yes sir. Replied the latter briskly. According to these readings, if she survives the dialysis, the woman should be the most powerful mutation ever created.
Wepp put the papers out on his desk, and went to stand in front of the bay window looking down on the laboratory. Some of the greatest discoveries made by man, had been by mistakes. Gravity, radioactivity, and countless others. And now this
Upgrade the containment chamber, double the guards in the lab. Wepp brought a finger to his lips, rubbing his bottom lip with it. There was an opportunity here, if they could harness her blood, much like they did with Turbo Starr, mould it into a viable serum, Crey Industries would become unparalleled on the biotechnology frontier, they would be able to transform every armies in the world, into super armies. Never again would a race like the Ritki, be able to invade blatantly their planet, never again. Remove Mr. Starr from the extraction tube also, place him back in his cell. Until were done with her, he will have to wait. He watched her, now quietly floating in the water, her body had stopped fighting the invasive procedure, she was becoming Something else.
As you wish, sir. The technician left the room, while Doctor Wepp picked up the phone. It was time to report his progress to the powers that be. He knew the Countess would welcome this news with enthusiasm, hoped also, that she would make the rewards that came with it, substantial, as always.
While patiently waiting on hold, the security sergeant for the installation, entered his office, and came to stand stiffly in front of his desk. Wepp placed a hand on the phones speaker and said: What is it?
Two things, sir. One, the guards that executed the controller have not made it back yet from the sewers, I sent out a detachment some time ago, and we havent heard from them since. Second, we have a perimeter breach.
Wepp hung up the phone there and then, stood up and looked directly into the sergeants eyes.
Perimeter breach? Have the Freaks decided we were no longer a threat to them? He inquired, remembering last years incident with their neighbours.
No sir, this is something new. Replied the officer, suddenly uncomfortable with the idea of displeasing this most powerful man.
Talk sergeant, I have no patience for riddles this late in the day.
Circle of Thorns, sir, theyre all over the perimeter. Wepps head snapped around, looking at Ghost Starrs inert shape in the tube next to Icy Heart.
Theyre coming for him. Wepp spoke softly. What a fool he had been. This magical being could be tracked by magic users, and he had no way to prevent it. Arm your men, I want everyone ready for a battle.
Soon followed the telltale signs of motions, the ventilation crate opened and hung from one side, and a small shape fell from it, landing softly on the bunk bed next to him. Frank Winter blinked his eyes twice at the sight of her. What a marvel she was, about eight inches high, rough pink hair, a rats tail, dressed in Barbie clothing. Her glowing pink eyes were riveted on the chocolate bar his right hand was holding, and much like he wouldve done for a kid, Frank broke off a piece and handed it over to her. She literally wrenched it from his hand, and almost appeared to wrestle the treat to the mattress as she was eating it.
Hungry, are we? Winter asked to the diminutive mutant.
You have no idea, mister. The chef will not let me have anything unless the doctor clears it first. She munched on the sweet, speaking the words were her mouth full.
Sounds like they could be nicer to you, whats your name? Biogenetic marvel is what she was. The degree of talent and knowledge it mustve taken to create her, limited the possibilities to one or two persons in Paragon City, maybe a total of six throughout the entire state. The fact that she was alive was a crime in itself, but Frank Winter could not deny the sheer boldness of her creation. Human and rat DNA, grafted and moulded together, breaking all natural laws of nature, and yet pushing its frontier towards new horizons.
Im Lab, you must be Frank Winter? Replied the mutant, evidently hyper from eating the chocolate.
Why, yes, yes I am. Who told you my name? He inquired, puzzled by the little being.
The doctor. She went on, not aware that her lips were now smudged with melted chocolate, much like a kid would be.
Doctor Wepp, well, has he told you why he wanted you to meet me? Winter got up and walked to the reinforced door, looking it over, assessing its functionality. It took a few seconds to gather what he needed from it, smiling to himself and nodding, he would probably be able to open it from the inside with a few tools. Problem was where to get them?
The doctor rarely tells me anything interesting, he says to go there or do that, and I do it, then I get some cheese. Lab Experiment was now in the process of licking the chocolate from her hands and enjoying every moment of it.
Cheese I understand. How about all the food you would like, for as long as you live? It was worth a try. Heck, if he could bribe her with this, maybe he would get what he needed to organise a break out.
Her eyes widened, her ears erected themselves on the side of her head, her jaw slackened for a few seconds. Then her face closed, and her eyes darkened. Why is it that everyone I meet offers me everything I want, but soon after, they ask for something else before I get it?
Innocence, Frank Winter thought, he was confronted by pure childish innocence. She was sentient, that was recognisable, but her brain functions and more importantly, her psychological development, was limited, would always be. The little being mustve been bribed like this a thousand times past, and yet, she was still here. That meant that all the previous attempts fell short of her expectations. What could she want, above all else? What would be her most precious desire, the very thing to tip the scales in his favour?
Do you have a family? Inquired Winter after a few seconds of silence, already aware of the answer.
I have the doctor, he takes care of me. She replied, and started running all over the bed, then jumped down. The smallish figure had just eaten half her size in chocolate, the tell tale signs of a sugar rush, could not be disguised. She crawled under his pillow, and started laughing, her head popped out at the end, smiling ruefully and showing her sharp teeth.
I mean a real family, brothers, sisters, mother and father. You know, like everyone else? He pressed on, trying his sales pitch and hoping she would bite hook, line and sinker.
Oh, no. Whats it like to have one? She jumped from the bed, landed gracefully on the floor to soon vanish under the thing. She couldnt stand still, her attention span was limited under the circumstances, but Frank Winter would have to make do. If he could handle a room full of reporters calling him a liar, he could handle her in this state.
I dont have one either, He lied but I do have brothers and sisters, lots of them.
Like how many? The little mutant eyes darted from left to right, then up. She jumped and used the metal bar under the bed frame, and kicked her legs in front, resulting in a mid-air summersault, landing squarely on the edge of the mattress above.
Oh, about three hundred or so, not counting the ones that are coming. He replied dismissively, waving a hand and looking intently at her reaction. And it came, she gasped at the number and stopped moving altogether.
Your father is a rabbit, and your mother a spider? Lab Experiment commented, sitting herself down on the mattress. Frank Winter laughed wholeheartedly at that, her innocence was very sweet. She liked his laugh right away.
Nothing of the sort, little one. I am part of the Riders of the Apocalypse, they are my family. We take care of one another, like brothers and sisters. I also enjoy the privilege of being one of their leaders, Ill have you know. Anyone I meet, I can make them a member, right here and then. He looked for it and found it, in her eyes, the need to belong. But not just everyone can become a Rider, Ill have you know. It takes courage, skills and the desire to do whats right, above all things. A Rider is a hero in the eyes of his fellow Riders. He nodded at that last, putting emphasis on the last words and hoping this would work. He would offer her what no one else could. A family.
She blinked, bit her bottom lip and though real hard about what he had just said. It sounded wonderful to be part of something like that. To have, what was the word? She creased her eyebrows, she knew the word but just couldnt place it. That thing when people were comfortable together, made them want to be together and stuff. What was it again?
All of them are my friends, we are a family. Winter went on, recognising in her features that she understood the concept, albeit that it was alien to her.
Friends! That word sounds wonderful, I was looking for it just a moment ago. She was very excited and jumped up and down.
Do you have friends? That was worth a shot, Winter thought, maybe she needed a friend.
Plenty, theres Mr. Starr, the annoyed old man, Mr. Bunny. Oh, and I met the most lovely lady just then, shes my friend too! Her eyebrows creased, and she looked down on the bed she was standing on. I think she is.
She knew Turbo Starr, the annoyed old man must be Voyager, and Mr. Bunny was more than likely Bear Cat. What lady?
Shes in one of the cells, she kept screaming her lungs out earlier. At first I thought it was because she was hungry, but when I looked in on her, I saw that it was probably more because she was thirsty. Replied Lab Experiment, happy with herself, at her powers of deduction.
What did she look like, that lady? Frank wanted to know if she was talking about Jade Rade or Sun Heat. It as also important to keep the little mutant talking, to get to know her more.
Very beautiful, like Barbie. Replied the pink haired being.
Oh, you must be referring to Sun Heat then. She is a pretty one all right. Suddenly, Frank Winter found what he was looking for. Leverage. All children were pretty much the same in a sense. They wanted, needed to do the right thing. Problem was, the right thing depended solely on what the parent said it was. Pacing in the cell, he wondered how he would be able to become a father figure to the mutant. His eyes darted from the door, to the mutant, to the floor. Then he stopped, jaw clenching, looking away from her, so she would not see his features darkened. He remained still a few seconds, gathered his composure, and turned around, his most warm smile on his face.
Say, would you like to become a Riders of Apocalypse? Throwing on his most solemn and caring face, the dice was cast. If she went for it, Frank Winter had found the tool he needed to break free, to escape from here. He just hoped that she needed to belong to something more than she realised.
Her head cocked to the side, she looked at him for a while. She was about to say something but held back. Her head cocked to the other side and she tried speaking once more, but remained silent. She took a long breath, let it out, and then said: That sounds complicated. -
Ok, where to begin...
Thank you all (the both of you) for the replies and comments.
Secondly, I'm not back on a regular basis just yet, me and the wife are expecting a child this february, and I am in the process of having to build a new office for the house, my old one is soon becoming a baby's room...
Work has been crazy also, so finding time to write has been sporadic at best. This story will be completed, and onec that is done, will be forgotten soon enough. But in the meantime, I must admit 150 meters to the ground has become more than it was supposed ot be, and I will remember it as being one heck of a roller-coaster ride.
Until I can write "The End." Than you for reading.
Voyager -
The dim light of the fading Moon part 2
Link us, Moon. Cavaliers eyes had narrowed as soon as Voyager had spoken the words. What was he up to? Moon Psyche concentrated for a second, then opened a psychic channel for everyone on his team to be able to communicate without words. The advantage of doing this were instantaneous and very fast, an entire conversation could be exchange at the speed of thought, where twenty minutes became twenty seconds. And the very first thought that came across, was that of Cavalier:
You bloody old fool.
You can call me anything you want, but a year in the Shard has thought me when to run, when to fight and when to surrender. I can fulcrum shift the power units, but not the guns. You wanted in the base, well surrendering is one way to get in there. Mindspoke the old controller towards his friend and the team.
Kill that one. A female voice said from above. I know you can still hear me, playing the deaf hear does not change the outcome of the future. Kill that one before he kills you.
Moon Psyche probed around the room, gently, secretly. As the vessel through which all minds were meeting to converse, he had not expected this. Before, he had tried to locate a presence while interrogating Voyager, back at the headquarters. But had he tried to actually forward his thoughts to another, he wouldve heard the voice the old controller said he had been listening to all this time. Surprised and amazed, Moon Psyche laughed at himself for not thinking about this before, what he was hearing coming from Bane, was nothing more than an echo of another conversation taking place on the psychic plane. Voyager had been carrying another psychic conversation on his own, all this time.
The voice of the woman communicating with Voyager had an alien taint to it, cold, uncaring and calculating. The intent behind her thoughts seemed to be directed towards him though, even if she couldnt know that he was listening in on her channel, he felt the heat of it wash over him like water from a fall. And something else too, something that raised the hair on the back of his head right away, instilling fear and anger on a primal level. That alien presence talking through Voyager had all its concentration rooted on one person, probing and measuring the life signs, thought patterns and stress levels, monitoring every change in her body and that of her womb. Sun Heat and his child.
Confined in the head of the bearers, thoughts travelled at the speed of light, making bodies move, motivating ideas and emotions, quicker than the blink of an eye. But they were also just that, incorporeal energies that very few could manipulate to their will, lesser still that could use them as a weapon. Moon Psyche was one of the latter, he could tap into the primeval power and will it to become a tool of war, a sharp and precise sword of pure emotion that would kill instantly and without mercy its target. It was his conscience that prevented him from killing Thomas Bane, his soul that he considered to be his greatest asset, stopped the incredible urge to release the energy needed to tell the body of the old controller to stop functioning. But if he so much as touched Sun Heat, all bets were off.
Bloody hell Thomas, I am leading this team, if we surrender, I get to decide that, not you. Cavaliers thoughts were clear and angry, sharp and edgy much like his sword. There was a difference there that Moon couldnt quite understand. Cavalier had always been one to face the day, everyone knew that, and that was why he had been chosen as a Leader of Apocalypse. The man knew battle, simple and true, he had a keen understanding of its shapes, its motions and outcomes. Countless times he had turned the tides of a fight by finding, or better put, by feeling what would change it in his favour. But today, now, Cavaliers judgement was somewhat shady and confused, interested more in resolving a personal vendetta, than making sure everyone would go home.
Look around you Cavalier, they have us outnumbered and in their sights, you want to fight and die gloriously or what? Jade Rades pattern was more confusing, too many ideas racing through her head all at once. You could feel her past in there, the abuse and the confusion, the low self esteem and frustration, layers upon layers of psychotic damage. She was wounded in her soul, scarred there more that her small beautiful body showed. Negative energies ebbed from her, surrounding and shrouding her being in a dark halo that flowed from her towards Metal Core. She loved him dearly, but was unable to tell him so.
Jades right man, better to live and fight another day. The Japanese tanker was more of an assemblage, in psychic terms, than a whole being. Mingled in there were anger and love, mistrust and weariness, innocence and hope. He considered himself a criminal, an exiled and outcast, from what he had always hoped to become, a good guy. Regrets and mistakes clouded his judgement at every step, blocking him from becoming what he had dreamed of as a kid. The promise Metal Core had secretly made to himself back then, haunted him to this day by the magnitude of what he considered to be his biggest failure. A hero he was not, not according to him anyways. But a villain he wasnt either. Strangely, he felt a deep love for Jade Rade as well, and yet had never spoken to her about it.
As much as it annoys me to admit it, Voyager is right. And I will not permit anyone to endanger the life of my child. Patient, caring and calm like a quiet sea. Moon Psyche clearly couldnt think right when it came to her. He could now feel the faint presence of their child in her, no clear thoughts yet, but it was there, building itself. She was beautiful under any light, sometimes Moon felt she had been placed on earth to test him, so that he could find the limits of what he would do in her name, for her sake. It centered him to know her, to feel the warmth of her body next to his when they slept at night, the softness of her skin and the smell of her hair. She clouded his judgement from the day he met her, spinning him about in more ways than he could count. Sun Heat was her battle name, but in his mind, in the secret place where all that he cherished, was guarded from foe and friend, he had another name for her, love.
Guys, if they start shooting, Im going down so hard and fast, I wont even have time to curse you all to hell. Even under duress, Frank Winter had an outlook to life that spoke of his upbringing. Careless and free, educated by the best schools his fathers money had provided, his mind was a technical encyclopaedia of untapped potential. Had he been born in an average family, both parents working and barely making ends meet, he wouldve more than likely grown up to be nothing more than an average Joe himself. The difference between knowledge and intelligence is not always clear to describe, and knowing which is which, sometimes harder to say. Chromium Man knew a lot of things, had assimilated a lot of facts and practiced a lot of theories, but he hadnt been faced by the challenges of real life that most people have. He had been sheltered and prepared to take over one of the biggest industries Paragon had, until recently that is. You could feel the fear of the unknown in him now, something you couldnt find there before, surely brought on by his recent experiences. He was not wearing his battle armour, but Frank Winter still held strong the belief that he could make a difference, if he lived.
Look people, I dont care what we do here, but you all seem to forget they are holding Turbo Starr down there, even if we won this fight, they would have the time to kill your much vaunted leader before we got to him. If the plan is still to rescue him, put an end to this insanity and all that crap, then shut the [censored] up and surrender already. Moon had probed his mind once, and had found nothing but sheer brute strength in there. The man only counted the end results, not the ways to get them. Bear Cat should be in a prison cell, and yet had managed to keep his people and his organisation, hidden and untouched. It couldnt be helped, the man would someday be caught and arrested, he knew it, understood it and didnt care for it. Until then, his sole purpose was to bring a terminal justice where there was none to be given. He moved in shadows, lived in them and permitted no one to tell him what to do. His mind was trained to keep mind searchers out, every second that passed brought on a different image of no relevance, a flower, a bath tub, a pair of pants. He rotated these thoughts all the time on a rhythm, but Moon Psyche had forced his way in once, and he could do it again.
Moon cut off the psychic link, severing the ties between all of them and time resumed its normal pace. Although he wished he had taken more time to investigate Voyager and that presence talking to him, the team needed to focus on the situation at hand. The Crey personnel could not know what had just taken place, for them, only the fraction of a second had gone by. But Moon Psyche had been the vessel, the server if you will, for all these thoughts and emotions, and was now aware more than ever, that there was more here, than met the eyes.
One by one, the heroes raised their hands and crossed their fingers on top of their heads. They knelt and did not resist when the Voltaic tanks placed power shackles on them, rendering their powers inert for a short duration, until they could be placed into cells. Doctor Wepps voice was confident and victorious as he spoke of their wise choice to surrender. The dice was cast, they were now prisoners of the devil.
Be mindful of where you put that sword friend, I will need to retrieve it in order to run it through your overfed belly. Even cuffed and unable to fight, Cavalier felt the need to taunt the enemy, to make him aware that he was indeed a danger to be acknowledged.
They were place on a mag lift and brought below, heavily escorted by the power units, closely followed by the security force. The wide corridor, neon lighted and olive green painted, filled with many office doors, led them towards the main research area. The sterilised smell came to their nostrils as soon as they were brought down. When the doors opened and they were glided in, the team was met by a nightmarish sight. Cavalier let out a loud curse and started to struggle to break free of his shackles. So much so, that one of the power tanks had to stun him with an energy punch behind the skull, knocking him unconscious. But everyone else on the team felt stunned as well, by what they saw, when they laid eyes on the scene taking place in the laboratory.
Icy Heart was in a tube, filled with a reddish liquid, spasms and shocks rocked her body. She was bleeding, from her eyes, her ears and any place where blood could exit, and she was very much in pain. Had she not been kept suspended in water, she would have been screaming in agony over what was happening to her at the moment. The water filled tank, with all its filtration and tubes, its calibration systems and measuring gauges, had a very hard time keeping itself filtered from the red taint her blood was creating. But what had made Cavalier scream in anger and the others look on in fear, wasnt the sight of her being tortured like this, but more what was being done to her.
In a second tank, a few meters away, Ghost Starr was also hooked up and floating. He seemed to be unconscious as well, peaceful and uninjured. Several tubes were hooked to his body, pumping out a black liquid from his veins, sucking it out into a dialysis machine. And his blood, or whatever it might be, was being fed to Icy Heart, pushed into her small body that was writhing in agony, reacting with such force that blood exploded out of her. No one knew how Crey Industries had laid hands on Ghost Starr, but what was being done to Icy Heart here this day, had just sealed a declaration of war between Apocalypse and Crey Industries, forever. -
The dim light of the fading Moon
With one powerful upward swipe of the old long blade, the metal door of the warehouse split open. Bear Cat, Metal Core and Jade Rade rushed in, while the rest of the team stayed outside, still hoping for a surprise on the enemy. One by one, the three grafted super beings reported their i]all clear[/i] from the inside. Throwing a sideways look inside, Cavalier got a quick glimpse of an empty warehouse, about the size of a football field, big enough to fit a small plane inside. Dim moonlight came through the dirtied windows, basking the scenery with an eerie feeling of abandonment and decrepitude. Old newspapers and boxes littered the floor, broken crates spilling dried straw on the floor in one corner, a fork lift turned over on its side in the other. The team walked in expecting to meet resistance, and instead found that the building had been left vacant for years. Had it not been for Moon Psyche and Bear Cat, both arguing for different reasons that this was the place, Cavalier wouldve ordered an entire district search. Moon kept feeling Icy Heart, in all of her pain and suffering, directly underneath them, and Bear Cat muttered something about the sewers door, more than likely being welded shut forever.
They walked slowly across the dirtied floor, and it was Jade Rade who found the fresh tracks of what mustve been a wheeled pallet jack, leading off towards the center of the huge room. They all looked ahead, following the wheel impressions with their eyes to a place where the moon beams passed just over, hiding from clear view the cluttered filled floor underneath it, creating a zone of darkness due to the pale brightness.
You know mates, I was somehow expecting a fight at this point. I dont mean to complain or anything, but it wouldve somehow made things more in accordance with my state of my mind, than . Than this! You could feel Cavaliers frustration building, arms outstretched to encompass the whole room, sword back in its scabbard. He walked ahead, one hand brushing through his short hair, looking at the tracks on the floor, he followed them. They all followed quietly, darting eyes trying to pierce the darkness all around them, all looking for the tell tale sign of trouble.
There has to be a way in. Spread out, look for a door or a switch. Spoke Moon Psyche.
They searched the walls, looked into the old offices on the far left, even lifted the turned over fork lift, in case of a floor entrance, but nothing they found. Minutes passed by until Sun Heat noticed a pattern in the garbage and debris accumulated towards the middle room, piled to perfection if you looked at it from a certain angle, it seem to cover a rectangle on the floor of about five meters. The heroes cleaned the area, and doing so revealed the end of the wheels tracks, broken by the fine line of what appeared to be a metallic sliding door, built into the floor itself. Under the sooth and dirt, the metal was strong and sturdy, and felt warm to the touch. A few more seconds of investigation clearly detailed that this door was blast proof and probably more.
They tried everything, fire and heat from Sun Heat, Voyager and Metal Core, sheer strength from Bear Cat, radiation was thrown into it as well to melt it down some, Moon Psyche could not even probe beyond it, so much it was thick. Cavalier attempted to plunge the blade straight through to no avail, nothing attempted seemed to breach it or even soften it a little. This door had been custom built to prevent anyone from entering without proper clearance.
Should we try knocking? Spoke Frank Winter with a smirk on his face, the only non-super powered person in the room.
Good idea, lets order a dozen pizzas and hide in that corner. Replied Jade Rade with a childish, rueful smile.
Moon Psyche and Cavalier exchanged a long look, not saying a word, but knowing full well that by now, the Crey personnel was surely aware of their presence. That they did not respond, or were holding back, was worrisome.
They know we are here, theres probably half a dozen spy cameras on us at the moment, and yet, no attacks? Spoke aloud Sun Heat, not just for the group, but for the entire warehouse. Soon after she spoke these words, lights blinded the heroes from all around, and a humming sound from below began. The floor vibrated from it, soon after, hydraulics accompanied the vibration.
Frank, Voyager, Moon, get in the center, Jade you cover us. Sun Heat, Bear Cat and Metal Core, form a perimeter. The orders came barking out of Cavalier, sword at the ready, jaw clenched and eyes deadly.
My signal is jammed, I cant report our position to Apocalypse. Quickly spoke Sun Heat, who took a position in front of Cavalier, away from the two other tanks.
Mine too. Replied the squared jaw scrapper while looking down at his radio, it was flashing red, displaying the lack of frequency to emit.
A sliver of green light, rectangle shaped appeared from the floor, at first very thin, the far end of it began to widen, and a downward ramp was revealed, leading below the old warehouse. The heroes repositioned themselves to face the ramp, and any incoming threat. Hearts quickened, powers activated, they waited for it. Frank Winter felt very small just then, knowing full well that whatever he could put up, would be very dangerous to his life. But nonetheless, he was Apocalypse until the end. Without his armour to supply the awesome array of powers he could display, Chromium Man would have to rely on quick reflexes and wits to get through this one.
If anyone get their hands on a gun, throw it my way. He said through clenched teeth, afraid as he was, he had rarely felt this alive.
Sounds of stomping feet came their way, from below and out of sight, and everyone squared their feet for the oncoming rush. Moon Psyche counted at least fifty, if not sixty different thought patterns. Some were soldiers, but others were more powerful, more certain of their capabilities. Soon after, the green glow coming from underneath the warehouse, began to darken, as Crey Industries personnel ran towards the ramp and up to the surface. They did not fire or attack, but simply exited the underground complex and went to the far sides of the room, taking position to encircle the team of heroes.
Power Tanks, Voltaic Tanks and Cryo Tanks, accompanied by many Eliminators, Juggernauts and Crisis Units, held themselves ten yards ahead of the entrance, blocking the path. Tension rose quickly, Cavalier measuring the odds against the team, and finding them not good, not good at all. Their one chance would be to breach the Power Units line quickly, to find refuge and protection from the gun fire, below.
Good evening Mr. Bunny.
The voice resounded throughout the room, echoing against the walls like a drum. The loudspeakers from which it had come from were unseen, but the voice itself, could not be mistaken.
And Mr. Bane as well, I see you keep odd and unwanted company Mr. Bunny.
Wepp. Muttered Voyager to himself.
Doctor Wepp. Hissed Bear Cat.
All right, heres how this is going to be. You are all under arrest, lay down your arms, power down your suits and come along peacefully, or were going to make damned sure the paperwork to file after this fight, is minimal. Cavalier took a step forward and spoke these words, blatantly aware that if he were on the receiving end of them, he wouldve laughed out loud at such bravado.
Cavalier, I think youre pushing it a little. Whispered Sun heat in the direction of the scrapper. If I counted right, the odds are a bazillion to one, and not in our favour.
Anyone else got a better plan? Replied the famous scrapper to his team.
Dont shoot, we surrender! yelled back Voyager, raising his hands high above his head. -
The deal of the century part 4
Frank, its Robert, I stole the truck but they are hot on my trail. Ferraras voice was frantic, it was accompanied by the sound of a speeding engine and screeching tires. Gun shots could be heard in the background as well. Frank Winter swallowed hard as he listened on to message. I dont know if I can make it all the way to Steel Canyon, Frank. If you get this message, hurry up and call me, I need help. Another gunshot, and this time he heard a gurgling sound coming from Robert Ferrara, then the engine of the truck seemed to slow down and bumped into something. A few seconds passed, then Frank heard the door to the trucks cabin open and someone saying:
What a mess, you stupid [censored], cant you die without bleeding all over the seats, move over. Sounds of a rustle as what mustve been a dying Robert Ferrara being pushed on the passenger side were heard, more sputtering and gurgling followed, then a muffled gun shot. Be quiet, will ya. A few seconds passed, after which the gunmen spoke:
We have the stolen truck, on our way. More time passed and Frank Winter kept listening as he walked with the group where the ladder leading up into Creys Folley was situated. The beep telling him the message was over came along, and Frank opted to save the message, crushed by the loss of a close friend, stunned by the theft of the Chromium Man Mark IV. Without the armour, he was powerless, nothing more than another regular person. Nothing more that is, but a very angry, resentful normal guy out to get revenge.
The group emerged to the surface, looking around for any signs trouble and finding none. The night air damp and musky, here and there sounds in the distance of skirmishes between unseen fighters were present. Moon Psyche ordered the team to fall in and follow closely, using his mind powers to find and locate potential enemies and have them look elsewhere while they made their way towards Cavaliers position. Frank Winter had been adamant about coming along, after Bear Cat had revealed that Crey Industries had indeed been interested in taking possession of the Mark IV armour. Explaining quickly how he had first visited the lab, and how he had ended up on the bitter end of a bad deal. They were well aware that Crey Industries could track them through the transponders grafted in Metal Core, Jade Rade and the former leader of the Hunters of Apocalypse. But Moon told with much confidence his people, that while the enemy knew they were coming towards them, they also believed only three of them were coming. He hoped the surprise of finding seven heroes, instead of three, would turn the tide in their favour.
A few hundred meters ahead, Cavalier was laying in wait, keeping a weary eye out for the arrival of the team of heroes. Granted, the famous scrapper felt at odds to explain his actions, but he couldnt bring himself to relent, to back down. In this team, amidst all the strife and difference of opinion, was a friend to which he owed more than words could describe. A friend that was perceive by all as a nemesis to the city, and that yet, he couldnt ring himself to let down. Not again, not while there was still breath in his body. He understood that it would only take little more than a step in the wrong direction for the others to come down hard on Voyager, and he wondered what would be his reaction when that happened, when he would be faced with the fact that he would have to choose between which friends were more important.
The group finally appeared between two buildings, Sun Heat peeking around the corner to see if the cost was clear. Moon Psyche mentally scanned the area, and ordered two snipers and four guards to look elsewhere while they crossed the street and met Cavalier at his hiding place. Once reunited, the team debated quietly about the course of action, it wouldnt be long before the Crey gooneys would come for them. There were only so many people Moon could control at once and there was only so much time they would remain unchallenged.
While Voyager and Metal Core stood guard and watched the perimeter, Moon suddenly moaned in pain, holding his head and letting a long shuddering breath out. Everyone looked at him puzzled, then they all assumed a fighting stance, not sure where the threat was coming from. But Moon reacting in such a way, didnt leave any room for doubts, something was happening, and it was not pleasing.
What is it love? Inquired a worried face Sun Heat.
Icy Heart, shes in there, and shes in terrible pain, we have to hurry. He hissed through clenched teeth, attempting very hard to shut Icy Heart form his mind, from the echo of pain that was washing from her, through him.
That does it, here we go. Spoke the squared jaw scrapper as he stood up and raised his long sword high above his head, tip pointed towards the sky. For freedom and great justice! He then exclaimed, to which everyone just stood ogled eye and looked at Cavalier like he was some sort of tropical disease ridden rat.
Dont you guys use battle cries at times? He inquired, annoyed from their reaction. And everyone just sort of looked away, some blushing, some scratching their heads and Metal Core whistling innocently while booting a rock.
Youre a bunch of wankers, come on. And with that, the famous scrapper stepped into the moonlight street and ran for the old warehouse, sword at the ready, closely followed by the team. -
The deal of the century part 3
We should leave him. No place for him where were going. Bear Cat leaned against the wet sewer wall, and looked far into the distance of the tunnel, towards Brickstown. One thing was bothering him about all this, but he couldnt get his finger on it. He knew well enough who Frank Winter was, from the tabloids and newspapers, somewhat of a local spoiled brat celebrity. He was also very aware that his father, aside from being the major shareholder of Winter Industries, was privately funding the Hunters of Apocalypse, that is, until recently, when he pulled the plug. Any hopes of getting that money back would be crushed if anything happened to pretty boy Winter here.
Were Apocalypse, we dont leave friends stranded or behind. Replied Moon softly while he was trying to sit Frank Winter up, gently, much like a brother would.
Right, sure, huh huh. Replied Bear Cat almost too quickly, some derision in the voice, some annoyance in his traits.
What does that mean? Asked Moon Psyche, still intent on helping his friend to a better position, cleaning up some of the muck, which was present on his numerous cuts and wounds.
Were Apocalypse, we dont leave friends stranded or behind. Bear Cat spoke, imitating Moon Psyche, much anger present on his face. Bear Cat was not a patient one for lies, double talk or bull [censored], as it were, Moon Psyche was feeding him a recruiting concept, an idea that can seldom be considered true in the heat of battle. When things get worse, two things will happen on the spot. You either will stand tall and die, or you will run for your life. The law of average and probability, especially in combat, had a way to catch up to anyone.
Once again, what does that mean? Moon Psyche looked up at the huge tanker, a criminal or a vigilante, he wasnt sure yet about him. But he knew when he was in the presence of a threat or not, and this huge chunk of man did not emanate such an aura, yet. You are not from Apocalypse, although you usurped the name, up until recently, we had no idea of your existence, or that of your organisation. Speak your mind, or keep quiet, do not do both. Moon caught an image, a quick glimpse of Bear Cats state of mind, a fleeting picture that told him how much Bear Cat thought he was a liar. Anger and resentment began to make their way in the sewers, the tension began to build between Moon Psyche and Bear Cat.
Right, but what about him? Asked the former leader of the Hunters of Apocalypse, while pointing a thumb in Voyagers direction, which was just now arriving with Jade Rade.
Cavalier looked on for a few minutes, and according to the noises coming from the building across the street, the truck was being unloaded. Remaining hidden and still, he waited patiently, when another truck came into view, down the street. The second one bore the crest of WinterTech Industries, and no sooner had it backed up to the door, no sooner was it emptied. Only difference this time, that a body was dragged from the passenger side, carried away by two Malta soldiers and dumped without ceremony into a close by dumpster. Soon after, they poured gasoline into it and threw a match, lighting up the surrounding alley with a fiery orange glow, accompanied by a dark soot smoke.
In the distance, brought on by the wind, remnants of heavy metal music could be heard, the cheers of a crowd and several shots fired also. The Freaks were having a party, a loud one too. Cavalier couldnt help but think on this enemy as a nuisance more than a threat. Part men, part machines, they thrived on conflict and what they lack in sheer power, surely they made up for it, in numbers. Maybe they were the future of men, he thought ironically, cyborg technology used for the betterment of humankind.
But not tonight, much like a swimmer, the future held its breath. Tonight, Cavalier felt things were going to change once more, there was something eerie in the air. Was it the cloud covered moon in the sky, the lack of stars or the absence of warmth in his soul, he didnt know, but this night certainly felt different. A few days ago, he wouldve followed procedure to the letter, letting the authorities deal with this issue. Tonight, he was taking it one step further, going beyond what was required of him and seeing it through.
Justice, or whatever it might be viewed as, would prevail. Too often had he stepped back and let things go, secure in the belief that the city, Apocalypse and ranking authorities knew better and would handle the follow ups to such situation. This night, would see an end to this blind pattern, this night would open the doors that only a certain few had the key to. Truth be told, the famous scrapper felt a hero now, more than ever before in the last year. Hidden in the shadows, watching like a stalker his target, mind set on a deadly behaviour, he felt elated and right. Was this freedom of thought? Freedom of action and movement? Could it be that all this time he had acted the part, but never believed in the words?
He looked down on his sword, at the aged hilt and metal, and wondered if the idea behind it, wasnt a thing of the past as well. This blade, more than fourteen hundred years old, had been crafted by a master smith of the dark ages. Long ago, when men cowered in fear of everything, well before faith came to grasp humanity in a choking hold and unite it behind a common, albeit misguided, goal. Why had his ancestor ordered the blade made, had he foreseen the future, had he caught a fleeting glimpse of things to come, and out of fear, decided to arm himself? Had he known that it would be linked to legendary men of arms, passed down from generation to generation to the one worthy wielder, only one? Surely not, things were not that ordained in the universe, were not so pristine that it could be that simple to explain. But what if they were?
Shaking his head away from the reverie of the moment, he returned his attention to the old warehouse across the street. Both trucks had moved away and disappeared towards Brickstown, leaving the building in a state of quiet abandonment. The squared jaw scrapper knew it wasnt empty, far from it. Inside, the opposing force would most surely be strong and armed, trained to respond to intruders in a most deadly fashion. Smiling ruefully in the darkness, he couldnt help but think they had another coming.
Jade Rade bent down and inspected the injured man next to Moon Psyche. His pulse was weak, but steady. Concentrating, she released radiation around herself, basking Bear Cat, Moon and Voyager in her regenerative aura. It felt warm, soothing and calming to the men, and the results were almost instantaneous. Frank Winter opened his eyes to see Sun Heat and Metal Core appear from the bend of the tunnel, looked around to see Bear Cat, Moon Psyche. His eyes went wide when they fell on Voyager, and he actually tried to get up and stumble backwards. Moon gently held on to his friend, telling him to calm down, that he was safe now. After a few seconds of disorientation and another healing session from Jade Rade, Frank Winter stood up and held himself with pride and composure. Although it was comical to look at him doing so in a soaking wet, ripped apart and wrinkled suit.
Frank, you have a message. Spoke Moon as he extended his hand to give the shot cell phone to Chromium Man. When Winter saw the bullet lodged in it, he looked straight for his chest to find where it had entered. Shaking his head in disbelief, at the sheer luck he had used up by surviving, he wondered how in the blue blazes of hell, the phone could still be in working condition. Pressing the button to call voice mail, while the group walked back up towards the manhole, he brought the speaker to his ear.
Its a wonder the Vazhiloks or the Losts didnt get their hands on you, old friend. Spoke Moon Psyche, walking next to him.
I was wondering the same thing, the sewers seem deserted these days. Replied Bear Cat walking ahead, next to Metal Core and Jade Rade.
They are far from deserted. The sewers can only hold so much evil at once. Whispered Voyager who had fallen into step next to Frank Winter, throwing him a disturbing smile, fiery red eyes glowing in the dark. -
Ok, think its solved now.
Please note that I am almost completely pc illiterate, all your talk of harddrives and links frighten me.
They shouldn't even allow me to own one
[/ QUOTE ]
What he said! -
The deal of the century part 2
Cavalier and Metal Core were the first out of the manhole, followed by Jade Rade and Voyager. Moon Psyche and Sun Heat were still below with Bear Cat, about to make their way up. The first comment that came out of Cavalier, when he noticed the delivery truck in the distance, heading west into Creys Folley, had been surprise. What was it doing here, of all places? Straightening up from behind the dumpster directly west of the entrance to the restricted and also, much polluted zone, Cavalier watched as the security chief and his men simply cleared the non descript truck in. He couldnt recall a time when cars and civilians were allowed in here. Ducking himself behind the dumpster, he motioned for Metal Core to quietly do the same, although the tank found it very difficult to hide his unique and imposing shape. Jade nestled herself between the two of them, while Voyager decided that it would be best to get back into the manhole until he was needed.
Dammit! Hissed the square jaw scrapper, as he smacked his forehead. I forgot the masks.
What is it? Whispered Metal Core, looking all over for the reason to this outburst.
I left the masks in my office. I had ordered them for you, Jade and Voyager, so that no one would see your faces, in case of trouble. Cavalier shook his head, annoyed at his forgetfulness. But going back to HQ was not an option now. Hidden behind the dumpster, they watched the truck roll by their position, heading straight for the heart of Creys Folley. Only its tail lights could be seen in the distance, making a motion for the sidewalk, probably driving around a pile of debris in the road. Cavalier decided this deserved some investigation.
Stay here, Ill be back. And with that, he super ran across the tarmac, and began to sneak around quickly, never loosing sight of the delivery truck in the distance.
If he thinks for one second I will hide my face from the enemy, hes got another thing coming. Mumbled Metal Core, while Jade Rade nodded approval to his comment.
Almost a thousand yards from the entrance, the truck veered south, moving slowly. Cavalier noticed a detail about the route, something he recalled from his early days patrolling Creys Folley, occurred to him. The truck was following a trail heroes had learned to call: Snipers Alley. In about four hundred yards, he knew the vehicle would make two quick turns and resume its trajectory towards the south, then west again. He watched it move along, he also saw a Ritki patrolling drone come out from the side building to the east. No sooner was it out in the open, no sooner was it shot down, and judging from the multiple echoing metal sound that followed, the drone was shot down by five different guns. Snipers Alley was a good name for this place, and the truck was more than safe to proceed to its destination.
So, this truck has business here then? The squared jaw scrapper thought to himself.
Cavalier kept on following from a distance, creeping from one shadow to the other, at times loosing sight of his target, but never long enough. When the truck veered west and headed straight into Shanty Town, Cavalier was on its tail. Then, the delivery vehicle entered the now very abandoned Portal Industries sector, and resumed its course west. A few hundred yards more and it would be confronted by the make shift walls that composed the Circus, Freaks territory. But, just before it did so, the brake lights light the night, two small white lights began to glow and the truck was backing up to a door. Cavalier crept closer still, senses on alert for anything, he loosened the sword from his scabbard.
Moon Psyche was holding Sun Heats hand, while Bear Cat and Voyager were quietly debating the fact that Crey Industries knew where they were this very second, due to the three active transponders on Jade, Core and Bear Cat. The former leader of the Hunters of Apocalypse shrugged it off, stating that it did not matter much anymore, even if the world came crashing down, he would face it standing up. You could tell by watching the old controller and the massive tanker talking, that if this were a bar and not a sewers, a bare knuckle fight would certainly be the outcome to this conversation. But then again, Voyager had always been not very good with interpersonal relations, his file told countless stories of reports made by other members concerning his attitude. Above the ground, Metal Core and Jade Rade were gently talking, like old friends, asking each other in no uncertain terms, if this is what they truly wanted. Rade was telling her friend that as soon as this was over, they would more than likely be arrested once more, and sent to prison. To which Core disagreed, they would end up back in Firebase Zulu.
They all brought in their own, very unique, set of problems. All of them did. Voyager, who was seeking revenge, at all cost. Cavalier was after redemption, a penance of sort. Bear Cat wanted to expose the truth. Jade Rade desired justice and fairness, and hopefully a review of her case. Metal Core dreamed to bash in Voyagers head, and also some semblance of justice. Sun Heat longed to see her child be born in a better world, happily married with Moon Psyche. They all were here, united under a single objective, brought about by different motives. Crey Industries had to be stopped, not just arrested, stopped with intent and decisiveness, with prejudice and violence. Tonight, they would be criminals according to the law, but no one would know, ever.
Am I the only one who hears a phone ringing? Whispered Moon Psyche, standing close to the ladder leading up top. Bear Cat and Voyager hushed down to listen, Sun Heat held her next step in check, cocking her head to the side, intently trying to hear the repeating sound Moon had detected. Yes, faintly, to the east, she heard it. Moon looked at her, and made the motion for her to stay where she was. Nodding his head towards Voyager and Bear Cat, the three of them walked down the sewers tunnel, creeping towards the sound, which grew louder and stronger. It was indeed a phone ringing, here of all places. They walked carefully to the bend, followed the slope downwards, where at the bottom, a pile of garbage and debris had accumulated itself, blocking partly the water flow. The telephone ring came from down there, likely seventy yards under street level.
Whatever that brand of phone is, I want one. Whispered in awe Moon Psyche.
Bear Cat lead the way down and around the pile of garbage, and knelt next to a man, badly injured, from the looks of things. Voyager followed in and looked at this stranger, dressed in a dirty suit, he was a bleeding mess. When Moon came around the corner and his eyes fell on the victim, he gasped in shock.
Frank! Kneeling, he straightened the man to a sitting position, and started to feel for injuries. Swelling from the side of the chest told of broken ribs, but there was no bleeding from the mouth, if only from a deep gash in his cheek. He was wet all over, ranking the smell of the sewers, and very much unconscious. Reaching inside his jacket, Moon pulled out the cell phone that had been ringing all along. Bear Cat whistled when he saw it in Moons hand and said:
This is one lucky [censored] we have here, one inch to the right, hed be dead.
Moon looked at the phone, what appeared to be a 7.62mm bullet was lodged into the phone, right where the emitter was. That the phone was working still, was a credit to the company who made it. The titanium casing might have something to do with it though, Moon acknowledged to himself. Looking at the screen, it kept flashing about a new message left for Frank Winter.
Get Jade Rade, quickly! Said Moon to Voyager, who stood up and ran with all haste to retrieve the defender.
Ill tell you this, its a good thing he aint awake. If he were, that guy would be in pain, a lot of it. You know him? Bear Cat was searching the mans pockets for identification when Moons hand stopped him short, preventing him from pulling the wallet out.
Yes, he is a friend, my friend. -
The deal of the century
How does one justify the means, the very means by which the end is met? The city knows a threat, feels its powers, understands its motivations, and with that knowledge, answers in kind. The response, send in the heroes, send them all in. Two years of endless fighting, gaining a meter here, loosing one there. Making friends, only to see them vanish, disappear from sight like their existence had been but a dream. Of course, one would argue that defending the weak and helpless is a privilege earned, bestowed upon one by the foremost powers to be, calling upon the bravest knights to slay the dragons. Funny, when put into perspective, that we remember the tales of those who won, they are well known to us, passed down from generation to generation, inspiring us to strive and be more than mere mortals. Also very humorous that the tales of those who did not slay the dragons are best left forgotten, shameful failures that should never be transmitted, less the people should learn that heroes, can and will die facing the odds. But these failures, were they less courageous?
The city itself, only honours the victors, their benefactors and saviours, showering them with prestige, recognition and powers. Granting them access to ever greater dangers, resting on the heroes, the hopes of entire generations living secure in the knowledge that the city, not exactly the city, but the courageous souls it sends in its name, will save the day once more. That the heroes die, a tragedy, should they come back, a victory celebrated with a pat on the shoulder, a badge and a picture on page three or four of the Paragon Times, next to the daily coupons of the meat market. Why, when you ask this to yourself, should this go on? Why, easily answered by our families, friends, neighbours, the love we feel and cherish for ourselves through them. But, only those that make it home, those that prevail matter. As for the rest, a sad, very sad loss indeed, which will be expressed by a flower crown for the burial, if the hero was well known, a citys representative or dignitary present for the big send off.
Anger building in a heros heart can only be natural at this point, be expected and excused to a certain degree. Being themselves, entities and conduits of extreme powers, collateral effects are to be foreseen, such as explosions, fires, crumbling buildings and innocent victims either injured or dead. As for the latter, rarely have they been mentioned, it wouldnt be proper for the morale and image of heroism, to be known that last night, while hero X was arresting villain Y, sweet little Z was burnt to a crisp by a stray fireball, rendering Z a hideous, blind and hairless piece of human flesh. Thankfully, the doctors were able to stabilize Z, and at the tender age of fourteen, she would live a long and wonderful life. It would not be proper to mention that, to remind the population who celebrate their heroes, that they too are killing machines of the highest calibre.
Will heroes sometime falter, trip over themselves, be mistaken for the very fiend they fight? The answer is yes, it happens to most of them, at one point or another they have the urge, the desire, to let it happen. To stare straight down into the bottomless pit that we call evil, and look for the bottom. Plunge freely, willingly without a care, and let anger flow free. Fall into it for once, for just one moment, and let a heros soul scream its despair at being so good, the paramount spitting image of all that is proper and faultless.
What should a city do when that happens, is a good question indeed? Of course, they could call in the new found villains former friends, set their hunting dogs after the fallen hero, have the situation contained by these virtuous beings. Studied for years, the city has delve itself into that subject, and over time, came up with a solution that answered this specific need. Sending friends and colleagues to arrest a friend, had proven to be at times a mistake, playing the understanding hand and letting the rogue be sent away with a slap on the hand, also. What was a city sworn to protect its citizens to do, in the case of a hero gone bad? The answer had come from Crey Industries, almost a year ago now, in the form of a program meant, not to help the heroes, but to outcasts them from society, to exile them away from heroes, away from villains. And forward was pushed the Firebase Zulu project, all the way to the top, onto the mayors desk, in the greatest secrecy, as dark plans should be.
The project, most auspicious that it was, brought forth the proposition that jailing the rogues was too expensive, and in time would also, fill the prisons with too many powerful beings, as they already were, which would lead to a possible massive breakout. The contingency plan, approved during a private meeting between selected city representatives and Crey Industries, lead to an agreement between the two parties. On the one hand, fast and efficient containment of rogue heroes justified for the safety of the public, on the other, test subjects and guinea pigs for Crey Industries that would permit medical and technological breakthroughs to be shared with the city. The authorities felt that it was better to control the situation in this matter, than having all out battles between heroes in the city streets. Giving the premises for, and opening the door to the fact that, even though the city needs its heroes, it was also very afraid of them. The hidden agenda was put into force a year ago, its first victim, an aging controller called Voyager. More would follow after, all abducted quickly and efficiently, by a crack team of Crey Agents and Malta Operatives, taken away without regards of the consequences.
The rogue heroes were then brought into a laboratory, where Crey Industries tested them, tried several different potential technologies, created for the sole purpose of making sure that the former heroes would become more unstable than they were. It also provided Crey Industries with countless studies on the nature of their powers, and how to harness it for later usage. The city looked the other way while this was happening, playing the innocent card, while Crey Industries reaped valuable data that led to important improvements of its discoveries. Of course, Apocalypse raised a few questions at times, wondering if anyone had heard of their friends, colleagues, disappeared and vanished. But they remained unanswered until recently.
Target acquired.
After thorough study and testing, the heroes would be grafted with a transponder, and set free within the Shard, unable to return to earth. That they would perish there was expected, that they would survive, unlikely and not desired. The military played their parts, in exchange for data and technology, which Crey Industries shared with them, albeit in a limited fashion, but enough so that the cooperation would ensue. The Firebase Zulu project has been operating ever since, capturing heroes and using them for the greater good.
Go weapons free now.
Subduing the heroes had proven difficult at first, at times impossible. Asking Apocalypse to capture them, the city would then stage a daring escape from the prison where the rogues had been held, only to remit them to Crey Industries. News of their escape would cover the newspaper, but sighting of them, or recapture, had never happened. The plan was working well, already a serum to treat and regenerate dead cells from cancer had been discovered. And there, a new optical system had lead to the improvement of magnetic imaging by a tenfold. Here, a biogenetic armour mesh had been discovered, equipping the police force with a safer and more thorough protection against projectiles and energies. Crey Industries had become the foremost company, its profit rocketing sky high, surpassing that of WinterTech and its competitors. Hefty donations were made to the city in return also, providing much needed funds to rebuild structures and provide for the citizens. By far, and with a certain look back, with all the draw backs it brought at first, Firebase Zulu had made everyone richer and far better off, than Apocalypse had been, by merely fighting off crime and destroying entire city districts in the process.
Icy Heart was running through Brickstown, using super-speed , she was almost at Creys Folleys entrance, when she felt a dozen stinging sensation hit her across her back, the back of her legs, and a very painful one at the bottom of her skull, where the spine met the head. Her muscles gave way almost right away, and she became a rolling ball of flesh and bones, tumbling on the street without ceremony, to crash land back first and head down, into a parked car, unconscious. She had just been fired upon by several stun darts, each containing enough to put to sleep an elephant. A truck applied its brake almost on top of her, and two Malta agents came out the back, and grabbed her. They threw her in the truck, closed the door, the engine roared into gear. In less than fourteen seconds, a fallen hero had been subdued and taken off the street.
Target subdued, on our way. -
If I recall Greek Mythology, which is somewhat dusty...
Have the "gods" "visit" into a human/alien/what have you. I remember countless stories of greek gods inhabiting humans for their own private pleasures/reasons/deeds. Maybe this could be an approach to it... Once the wedoing is over.... Humans go huh??!! [censored]??!! -
Dangerous or crazy, both or not... part 2
Frank Winter felt the world spin around him, his step faltered and he had to sit down on the sidewalk, where his shallow breaths seemed to be all he could hear. Atlas Park was moving around him, careless of his plight or distress, people went on walking passed him, uncaring to inquire if he needed help. How did his father not see this, this calamity come about? How could he not prevent it? What would happen to him now?
Frank? Chromium Man then realized that his cell phone was still in operation.
Yes? He couldnt find anything else to reply, words and sentences were spinning around in his skull, and his eyes were wide opened. From the sheltered life he had always known, from which nothing was out of reach or impossible, he was now faced with the same harsh reality that ninety-eight percent of the human population was faced with every day, he would have to survive. Basic economics thought you that most things were measured so that a person could live from check to check, saving very little money in the long run, North American fact.
Frank, what do you want me to do? Crey security personnel are inside the building and probably the labs and factories, your father is being escorted out. Frank, what do I do? Roberts voice was tensed, and he hissed that last sentence.
Is the Mark IV still in the armoured transport truck? Secure his future, thats what he had to do. All the other battle armours, the Chromium Men, were in that building and were probably locked down by Crey as they were talking, he was hoping that the latest model had not been unloaded since the media display.
I think so, why?
Robert, I want you to steal that truck and meet me at the Apocalypse HQ in an hour. We cant let Crey Industries get their hands on it, do you hear me? His voice was cold steel, his purpose in life had just been clarified, he would not surrender that easily, not without a fight.
I will try Frank, but they are searching for you, better be careful man. Ferrara sounded more certain of himself, now that his friend and employer had given him a task to concentrate upon. Aside from being head of public relations for WinterTech, Robert Ferrara had an extensive military background, he could handle this task.
Dont worry about me, just get the Mark IV out of there and meet me in Steel Canyon. Ill check in with you in forty-five minutes from now. With that, Frank Winter pressed the end button of his cell phone, and placed it back inside his suit pocket. He stood up and brushed himself free of the dust and dirt that might have dirtied his Armani suit. He looked around once more at Atlas Park, got his bearing and was about to walk towards the train station, when a light reflection from a rooftop across the street, caught his attention. He looked at it, at first it didnt register, but then he thought:
Without a thought, he threw himself on the ground, and felt the wind displacement of the projectile hit the pavement behind him. There had been no sharp sound accompanied by the shot, the gunman was using a silencer. Had it not been for the sun reflecting off the lens, Frank Winter would be dead. He looked at the shooter quickly, and saw that the woman was cocking the firearm again for another shot, she took aim. He stood up and began to run down the street, towards the train station, fear propelling his legs to run, teeth clenched and fists tight.
He counted the seconds, one, two, three had passed, she would fire soon. He frantically dove and rolled behind a bus stop shelter, at the same time that the window of it broke in thousands of piece. The glass shards scrapped his hands, and tore through his suits, and one of his knees bumped hard against the pavement as he rolled back up. But Frank Winter kept running for his life, looking over his shoulder at the sharpshooter, he saw her rearm the weapon once more. He tackled a woman walking towards him to the ground, and kept going while she vociferated curses at him, he had to get off the streets. Counting to three again, he knew the next bullet was coming, and couldnt find another shelter.
So he dove through a store window, he didnt have time to notice what store it was, but he felt the burn of the bullet going through his right arm, ripping apart some flesh and muscle. He also felt a piece of glass tear through his cheek as he rolled onto the store floor, it went deep enough that he bit down and broke it with his teeth. He stood up and pulled it out of his face running towards the back store. He heard a woman scream from behind the counter, but didnt care for it. He reached a door and slammed it open, to find an old lady in her underwear. She had entered the dressing booth a few minutes earlier to try on a nightgown, and she was now screaming for mercy for him not to hurt her. Frank stopped and screamed at anyone to tell him where the back door was, but didnt wait for an answer, he ran straight for another door which he tackled opened.
He landed outside, in the back alley washed by sunlight, and rolled himself to an upward position. Behind him, from inside the store, he heard screams again and someone in there used the word gun. He was followed by his assailants. Instead of running again, he went to stand next to the exit and waited a few seconds, breath heavy he could feel warm blood flowing down his injured arm, the bitter taste of it in his mouth. A man in a suit came running out, and Frank Winter jumped him from behind, with one hand he grabbed the wrist holding the pistol, while his other grabbed the man by the back hair. They fell to the ground, with Frank on top of him. Twice, he smashed the mans head against the pavement with all the strength he could find, the second impact brought about a wet noise from the skull. His follower was dressed in a brown suit, white shirt and tie, and went limp from the assault he had just sustained. Chromium Man grabbed the pistol from the mans hand and stood up. His eyes immediately centered on the sniper, she was standing fifty yards away in the back alley, aiming straight for him. He raised his weapon and fire loudly in her direction, she fired silently at him at the same time. The snipers head snapped back and a red mist exploded from the back of her skull, her sunglasses flew straight up in the air before hitting the ground.
Frank Winter felt an impact also, and was sent flying through the air backwards, he landed a few feet away with the air knocked out of him. A numbing pain made its way across his chest. His vision blurred, he started to crawl away from the fight scene. With a last ditch effort, as he felt consciousness was about to fail him, he raised a sewer grate and let his body fall limply into the murky waters below. Helanded in a splash under Atlas Park, where a slow current began to move him away. All was quiet but for the sound of the water dripping from the pipes, he faded out thinking that this was no the way he wanted to die.
At the Paragon University, Control was confident that in time, they would contain the situation, and left the fighting outside in the capable hands of Pacem, who had just arrived a few minutes ago. As he walked through the deserted halls of the university, lights from the ceiling flickering on and off, he looked more a villain than a hero in the gloom. When he reached area where the Academy of Arcane Magic and Studies was located, his senses were on alert and he was surprised by an emotion he had not felt in a long time, fear. With careful steps he walked towards the door leading into the laboratory, and wasnt surprised to find it trashed and vandalized. A small fire had blackened the concrete wall in a corner, neon lights were broken and some were still trying to light room while hanging by the electrical cord from the ceiling. Control looked around silently, detailing the room with piercing eyes, trying to understand what had taken place here.
A hole in the wall big enough for a human to go through, the telltale sign that a sharp object had sliced through some of the furniture, blood spattered on the floor. His eyes searched for the Ghost Sword, then stopped at the corner of a work table, where on the ground, two boots bearing the colors of Apocalypse could be seen. Walking swiftly, he circled the table and knelt beside the body there, and his cape and uniform were soaking in blood. Using two fingers, he felt for a pulse, there was none.
Nether. He spoke softly, resting the mans head in his left hand. A great sadness came over Control then, a friend had died alone, without help or assistance. Judging from the scene, he had put up quite a fight before the end. Where was the justice in this? Where was the greater glory? A heros life rarely granted rewards per say, recognition at times, a medal on occasion. Would Nether Spirit be remembered in a year from now, when more heroes would still be out there, fighting crime and defending the city? Control felt the absolute hypocrisy of it all, the laughable futility of hoping for a better end for himself or others. For the city, heroes were almost nothing more than cannon fodder against a threat they dared not face. To be thrown at the lions, for public pleasure and instant gratification.
Nether. He spoke again, a tremor in his voice.
Control reached for the hand of the man lying dead, and freed a piece of crumbled paper from it. It mustve been important, since Nether had been holding it. Clearing his blurred vision, he unwrinkled the thing, to reveal an old picture taken maybe twenty years ago.
Bane? Jenkins? He whispered aloud, looking down on a picture of a younger Voyager and Mary Jenkins along with a baby in her arms. They were both smiling to the camera, the perfect image of the happy family. But it was the background of the picture that caught his attention, a place he had been to only once, but that he would never forget. Orebanga.
Reaching for his belt communicator, he called central dispatch, requesting the coroners presence at the University. After which, on the Apocalypse channel, Control relayed the news to everyone.
Hero down. -
Dangerous or crazy, both or not
Twenty feet underground, and Ive never gotten a better signal. Spoke with some derision Moon Psyche, as he answered yet another call. Listening for the other person talking, his eyebrows creased.
Yes Pacem, Im well, how are you?
Im fine thank you. I dont have much time, Im still in my lab. I will be joining the efforts at the University shortly dont worry. Hope you guys are doing ok, the news reports say its pretty bad. Pacem was talking quickly, Moon could hear his footsteps, then the bell signalling the opening of elevator doors.
What can I do for you Pacem? There was no point explaining to Pacem that he was not where he was supposed to be, alongside the other Leaders of Apocalypse, directing operations and battling this new city wide emergency.
Nothing. I just wanted to report something I found out a few minutes ago. The tissue sample from Voyager, I analyzed them. Moons eyes squinted and they riveted themselves on the back of the head of the old controller, walking ahead with Jade Rade and Cavalier. Metal Core was also looking at the controller that way, but for different reasons. I see, anything I should know?
Using the sample we kept stored from last year, the one I used to determine the extent of damage Crey Industries had done on him, I compared them together this morning. That super-serum they injected him with works Moon. My first analysis had shown a major chemical imbalance throughout his system, and now a year later, everything is stable and in check. Pacems voice had started to rise towards the end of his explanation, he had reached the rooftop and the wind blowing there made it difficult to hear well.
Pacem, Im loosing you, can you repeat please? Moon had stopped to let the group get ahead of him, so he could listen alone to what Pacem was saying.
The Crey Super Serum works, Moon. The incubation period must have been longer than they anticipated. Voyager is not, I repeat is not crazy. Hes a walking time bomb. My analysis will show that he needs, no not need, that in order to survive he has to use his powers to the full extent of its multiplied capacities, like a pressure valve. My best advice, get him out of this building, out of the city. Firebase Zulu is best suited for this problem, they can keep him away from us. All my data will
The communication ended abruptly, the phone emitting two small beeps before shutting itself off, the battery was dead. Moon looked at the phone, wanting to smash the thing against a close by sewer pipe. Icy Heart could call in and complain about her breasts, he could talk money with his banker with no issues. But, the one conversation he needs to truly listen to, and it dies. Up ahead, from around the bend of the tunnel, two fiery eyes appeared from the darkness.
Are you coming? Asked Voyager to Moon Psyche, who looked once more at his phone before thinking to himself: What were you about to tell me Pacem?
Hello, this is Frank. Spoke softly the man standing in line at Burgersn Fries in Atlas Park. Well dressed, well groomed, he didnt look like the average Joe waiting to order his trio from the teenage cashier, dressed in a gaudy olive green and ochre yellow uniform, smiling to all customers with so much effort, it was painful to understand the philosophy behind this. He knew well enough that company policies had to be upheld, and that running a fast food restaurant chain involved customer service from the front line troops. But he felt for these young adults here, trying to earn a living at minimum wages, while profits were measured monthly by the million, and quarterly by the tens of million.
Chromium, this is Icy, Im sorry to call on your private line, but it seems your office wasnt answering and neither was WinterTech. I really need your help. The womans voice was apologetic over the line, and although Frank Winter shouldve given the third degree than hung up, he decided otherwise. He liked Icy Heart, desired her enough to allow the conversation to continue.
I need to borrow fifteen million credits from you, today. She spoke, hope resounding in her voice, over the phone.
Only fifteen? Frank spoke the words with some amusement, everybody thought he carried money to solve all of the worlds problems in one check account. But the truth was and remained that all of it came from WinterTech, the family business. He had to bring back receipt for everything, and was sometimes scolded by his father for spending too much on frivolous things and his lack of control when it came down to showing women a good time was well known in the city. Frank Winter was rich beyond belief, but he was also accountable for it. Ill have the number three, no pickles, a cola and some hot salsa for the fries please. Then talking again on the phone. What makes you think I can get that amount this fast. You are aware that I have to justify everything I do right?
Thatll be twelve credits, sir, would you like a dessert with that?
No dessert, thank you. He replied to the cashier, who spoke more like an automaton that a human being. Probably the effect of having that smile stapled in place, since she began her shift this morning, and having said the exact same phrase for the thousandth time so far. Frank Winter pulled out his bank card and handed it over to the cashier, who slid it into the cash register.
Moon Psyche had promised to cover the fee for my plastic surgery today, and at the last possible moment, he backed out. I need the money Chromium, and youre the only one I can think of that has that much. Please, I will pay you back as soon as I can. Famous last words, there was no way Icy Heart could ever pay back that much money. She was asking for a donation, and Frank Winter had been asked often enough about personal loans and free donations to know this.
Transaction refused Sir. Spoke the cashier, but Frank did not listen to the cashier. He grabbed his tray and started to walk towards a table, to sit down and eat. The cashier spoke to him again from behind the counter, and this time he heard what she said. He stopped and turned, aware that everyone was looking at him.
Hold on Icy. He then put the phone on his chest, to muffle the sounds. Refused?
Frank walked back to the counter, putting the tray back onto it and handed his plastic card over to the cashier. Try again dear, maybe theres a problem with your machine. The cashier smiled uncertainly, and slid the card once more. Winter put the phone back on his ear and started to talk to Icy Heart again, explaining to her the situation, quite amused by it.
Refused. Spoke the cashier once more. Icy, let me call you back, it looks like Im the one that needs to borrow money. And with that Frank Winter hung up his cell phone. Over the next few minutes, he would attempt payment with all the cards he was carrying, until it dawn on him, that somehow, all his money had been frozen at the source. He left Burgersn Fries embarrassed by the event, knowing people were looking at him as he walked away. Some knew who he was, and whispers and chuckles were heard. Outside, he speed dialled his fathers number several times, never getting an answer. A few attempts later, he dialled Robert Ferraras number, the Head of Public Relations for WinterTech Industries and personal friend.
Robert, any reasons why my accounts are frozen this morning?
Frank, I was just trying to reach you. You have to come to the office right away. Theres a board meeting going on, your father is there right now, the company has been bought out in a hostile takeover an hour ago. Ferrara spoke quietly, as if afraid of being heard by someone.
Hostile takeover? Who? Frank Winter swallowed hard as he looked around himself, to passing cars and people walking by, indifferent to what was going on.
Crey Industries bought sixty percent of the shares, every minor share holder we had has sold it to them. Ferraras voice sounded shocked, stunned by the event.
What? My father would have never allowed that, he would have doubled whatever amount Crey had put up. This cant be. Frank passed a hand through his hair, unable to fathom how the company had suddenly become the property of Crey Industries.
Hold on Frank, your fathers walking out of the board room. Silence followed for a few seconds, and Frank heard Robert Ferrara speak to his father, in the background he heard his old man say:
I have been fired. -
Ice Cold Fire
At the Steel canyon hospital, Icy Heart was flipping through a breast implant magazine, trying to decide herself on which pair to have installed. There were so many options, it was quite difficult to make a final decision. Small and perky, big and round, medium sized yet firm, bouncy and natural, permanently erect nipples option or not. Too many options, she thought to herself, and the implants themselves came in a wide variety too, from celebrity endorsed, porn stars endorsed to doctor recommended, she just didn't know enough about the subject to make a well informed decision. Doctor Wilson had assured her that she would receive the best treatment available from his staff, all expenses covered by Moon Psyche, but these... things were so expensive. Looking again at the image for the "Natural Choice for Celebrity 3000 package", the most expensive set she could find, she made her mind up. When in doubt, think rich and famous. Five million credits werent too much for her peace of mind, and not to mention, her pleasure and that of others.
"Nurse?" She said to the fat lady sitting behind the station, bent over paperwork and charts, eyebrows creased and concentrating on some task.
"Tell Doctor Wilson I will have the Natural Choice for Celebrity 3000 package." She said with a smile, to which the nurse nodded.
"I will let Doctor Wilson know you are ready." The nurse stood up and walked away, towards the back of the plastic surgery department. Icy Heart stood up and paced about the waiting room, looking here and there at the empty chairs, heart thumping in her chest. A door from one of the private consulting opened, and Icy watched a man dressed in a trench coat with a fedora hat pushed down, almost over his eyes, exit. Of muscular stature, Icy took a second or three to dress him down, and evaluate him. At the sight of her, he stopped and stalled, as if surprised to find her here. He then proceeded to walk passed her, mumbling something about being in the wrong place. But that voice, she had heard before, and she spoke to him with puzzlement when she asked:
"Super Canadian, what are you doing here?" The walking away figure rooted himself by the exit, and looked at her from over his shoulder.
"You must be mistaken ma'am." He then spoke, trying to make his voice sound rougher than it should be. But Icy wasn't fooled at all. She walked over, and grabbed him by the arm, while her hand removed the hat, to reveal a handsome man, in his early twenties, face red from embarrassment.
"Miss Heart, we're ready for you now. Oh, hello Mr. Y, I hope your treatment was satisfactory?." Said the nurse standing outside Dr. Wilsons office door, motioning Icy Heart to come and join her..
"Mister Y?" Softly said Icy Heart to Super Canadian. "Treatment?"
Super Canadian's face turned crimson red at that, and he looked like he wanted to escape through the nearest window. He laughed nervously, scratched his head with his left hand, and then passed it on his face in a sign of resignation.
All right, all right . But I swear you tell anyone about this, Im gonna track you down and kill you. Replied the Canadian blaster. Im loosing my hair.
Icy bit down on her bottom lip, trying hard not to burst out laughing, while also attempting to look serious, the result of which made for a funny expression on her face. Super Canadian had grabbed back his hat from her hand, and pushed it back down on his face, hiding once more his features. What are you here for? He then asked her.
Puppies, Im here for puppies. She replied while turning away and swaying her hips, walking towards the doctors office.
Puppies? Softly spoke Super Canadian. Lady, are you ever in the wrong place.
Icy stepped into Doctor Wilsons small consulting office, and sat herself down onto a comfortable leather chair. She looked around the office, at the small bookshelf filled with medical references books, more than likely put there for show, and thought this was exactly what a medical office should look like. The sterile air, the lack of dust, the thorough cleanliness, the impression that everything had a place. Wilson himself, was a small man, medical smock over a blue shirt and black tie, he was scribbling and scratching on a paper, notes about his next patient. He looked at her silently, bent down again to add a few more notes.
Miss Heart, I am afraid the clinic cannot help you. He spoke crisply, in a detached mannerism, while putting down the pen he had been using. The funds provided earlier have been withdrawn from the provider. Icys eyes went round and wide, her fists clenched and her teeth grinded. Your insurance plan provides replacement for one breast, for no more than fifteen thousand credits, which barely covers my consulting fee. I can refer you to an Atlas Park Doctor that can do the work for that amount.
Funds, withdrawn By whom?
The financial institution didnt say, but given the circumstances and until that can be resolved, I am sorry, but I cant help you. The doctor rose from his chair and stepped around the desk, extending a hand to help her up. His face was apologetic, compassion somewhat present in his feature. Icy Heart rose, baffled by the moment, she felt her temper go from cool and composed, to annoyed and angry in a flash. Accepting the doctors helping hand to stand up, she smiled gently at him, and then froze his right hand solid in hers. The mans eyes expressed puzzlement and pain almost simultaneously, and he tried to pry it free to no avail.
Quiet doctor, or I will rip it away. Icy wasnt sure what she was doing, but this was too much to swallow. First she gets burnt to a crisp in a fight, she then gets promised the best treatment available, hope rises that she will still be able to look at herself in the mirror before a shower once more, that her life will go on when this is completed. Now, all of her hopes are crushed, and she should simply accept it, fall back on the insufficient coverage the insurance provides, and accept her losses? Rage, thats what it was, it was rage, pure and simple, that she felt. She pushed the doctor against the wall, next to the window, and put her free hand over his mouth, to muffle his attempt to scream for help. Infusing cold on the mans face, she removed her hand to uncover blue lips meshed together. Raising a finger to her lips, Icy heart made the motion for him to remain silent. She then reached for her cell phone, and used the speed dial to call Moon Psyche.
It is done. Spoke Moon Psyche as he pressed the button and ended his conversation with his financial consultant. All that was mine is now yours Sun, just in case, you know.
Dont say that, you will live. Sun heat replied, her hand softly touching Moons cheek.
Since we are getting married anyways, might as well turn it all into one account, your mother told me you had expensive expectation for the ceremony a long time ago. Replied Moon, gently smiling to the woman he loved. Cavalier threw a quick look over to Voyager, sorrow and anguish could be read there. But the old controller simply shook his head once, letting the famous scrapper know that Moons fate was sealed already. Moons phone rang, he looked at that callers name and answered.
Icy, whats going on girl?
He stayed silent a few moments, listening to what she was saying, then looked up at the sewers ceiling and shook his head.
Im sorry about that, I have just transferred all my stocks and securities into Sun Heats account, were getting married soon. I totally forgot about your medical bill. He spoke, smiling ruefully while looking at Sun Heat.
A few more seconds of listening, then :
Theres not much I can do about it at the moment, seventy-hours from now, the funds will be unfrozen from the accounts, and Sun will be able to clear the transaction. Truly sorry, as I said. In the meantime, can you report to Creys Folley, we could use your help out there. Meet us at the entrance? He listened again to her reply.
Thank you, well see you soon. Moon Psyche closed his phone and looked at Cavalier.
Shall we?
You are lucky doctor, that I dont dare cross the thin line between being a hero or a criminal. Icy Heart let go of the doctor, who stumbled away from her to the nearest corner of his office. He had never been so afraid before, the numbing cold was dissipating from his face and hand, but nonetheless, he threw up on the floor as Icy Heart left his office, gently closing the door behind her. A few seconds later, Doctor Wilson dialled for the police. -
Thanks Mint.
I was pleasantly surprised by the result.
Well done! -
Choices and sacrifice
Meanwhile, on the rooftop, Control was directing operations. No one in the Supergroup was yet aware that the emergency they were responding to was directly related to Nether Spirits death at the university. All that was known was that an abnormal amount of magical activity had suddenly occurred, so much so, that it generated an all out alert across the city. Any and all hero able and willing to assist in the containment of the threat had been called upon by the city authorities.
Word had quickly traveled about Cavaliers demotion, throughout the ranks of recruits and heroes. Control was now holding position as a leader, and was dispatching the teams efficiently. A fine strategist and proven fighter, his name carried respect, even amongst the criminal element. No one could match his approach to a battle, his insights into a situation made him a foe of superior mettle, and holding the title of arena champion confirmed that.
While this was going on above the HQ, another situation was developing underneath the surface. Moon Psyche had felt the change, the difference in a thought pattern he had learn to recognize and understand well enough. Chaotic thought patterns were washing over him, flooding him with images of battle stress and weariness. He knew well enough that such things always occurred before a mission, and given the fact that all available personnel had been called upon, had made that effect ten times stronger. But, in the middle of all that chaos, one thought pattern suddenly emerged clear, true and unyielding. A mind he knew well, that he trusted far above all others, had just shifted itself. He felt dizzy from the sensation, and had to lean against the elevator wall, while a trembling hand reached for the stop button.
Whats going on? Inquired Sun Heat, gently putting her hand on Moon Psyches arm.
Cavalier Im not sure what, but he just did something Something wrong Moon pushed the third basement button, and the elevator motioned downward.
What do you mean? She then asked him.
I dont know. He replied tensely, an overwhelming sensation of dread tightened in the pit of his stomach. We have to stop him.
Sun Heat looked into Moons eyes and saw fear in them. She couldnt recall when was the last time Moon had exhibited fear, or at least let it show. She looked up at the decreasing numbers of the floors, and began to feel pressed for time, mostly due to Moons impatience next to her, encouraging the elevator to go faster and faster. She saw Moon Psyches face turn pale, and he said:
Make ready for battle Sun, the basement guards are all down. He whispered to her as the elevator went passed the lobby level. He freed them all, Jade Rade, Metal Core, Voyager and Bear Cat, they are trying to escape. Sun Heat looked at Moon in disbelief. Cavalier had done the unthinkable, had betrayed all of them. She couldnt fathom why he had done so, couldnt bring herself to understand what made him do it.
Maybe they overpowered him, took him hostage?
No, it was a clear thought, a cold decision he made. He is leading them out right now, they just entered the sub basement, and I can feel him. We will catch them in the sewers. Moon answered this while he pulled out his cell phone and dialed for backup. The doors opened to let them out into the holding cells area of the base. Sun exited first, playing her role as meat shield for the controller. They both proceeded carefully in the corridor, stopping here and there to verify that guards were still alive. They had all been knocked unconscious by physical means, no trace of powers.
They walked carefully towards the far end of the corridor, to the open hatch that lead below the building, into the foundation system. Using a ladder, they climbed down into the darkened area, where fresh footsteps left in the dust indicated the direction Cavalier and the criminals had taken. Moon was scanning ahead with his mind, and found what he was looking for, too close for comfort. He motioned for Sun to stop and hold position.
I know youre out there Cavalier, best that you surrender now.
The squared jaw scrapper came walking out of the shadows, ten meters in front of them. His sword was sheathed, and he stood alone.
I cant let you stop me, old friend, this is far too important now. He replied while standing squarely between them and the entrance to the sewers system.
Nothing can be that important that you would betray all of us, turn your back on everything you have worked for. If its about your demotion, surely we can rectify this, and bring new light to the situation? Sun took a tentative step towards the scrapper as Moon spoke.
You hold your ground Sun Heat, or I swear we will have words of the strongest kind this day. Spoke Cavalier while drawing the long blade from its scabbard. Moon felt angry at that, felt the danger emanating from the resolute mind of the scrapper.
Cavalier, you know us, we are friends and colleagues, dont make us hurt you. Spoke Sun Heat through clenched teeth.
Why are you dong this, help us understand? Asked Moon Psyche.
Because if he doesnt, life as we know it will stop, and become something else, something wicked. Two fiery red eyes appeared from the shadows, and then Voyager made his entrance. We couldve run from here, but I asked Cavalier to wait for you.
Moon Psyche and Sun Heat exchanged a confused look. Moon didnt feel any threats coming from the fire controller, but knew that could change in the blink of an eye.
Voyager can explain it best, but suffice it to say, nothing happens without a reason. Spoke on Cavalier. We are heading for Creys Folley, to destroy, once and for all, the laboratory where Turbo Starr and Voyager were held a year ago. Once that is done, something will happen, something that will force our hand into committing the unthinkable. Cavalier then looked at Voyager and nodded for him to continue.
When that happens, heroes will be unable to do what is needed, what has to be done, to save the city. Only we can accomplish this, and we will need your help as well. The scrapper and the controller stood next to each other now, allies and friends of old, reunited. Let me be clear Moon, I dont see the future, nor do I know its outcome, I see possibilities as she lets me see them, nothing more. No matter what you decide this moment, know that Sun Heat will come with us, regardless of your decision, because she feels the need to help us. But be aware Moon, that if you come with us, you will die, but if you dont, Sun Heat, and the child she carries, will perish in your place. Anger was on the old controllers face as he spoke these words. He did not like to reveal to them the fact that one would die, but the truth had to be spoken. What we are missing now, is the last piece of this puzzle, she should be along shortly.
Moon Psyche looked into his lovers eyes, the woman he wanted to marry, to spend his life with, and considered living without her, and knew there and then how easy a choice love made things. Thinking of going on while his presence could prevent her death, could avoid him pain for the remainder of his days, made it an easy choice indeed. She frowned as he looked at her, she knew he would give up his life, but she didnt want it to happen.
Then I guess, we will not go at all. Moon finally replied.
Truth be told Moon, we dont need you along, we need her. If she doesnt come, the mission will fail miserably and reality will bend in such a way that no one will survive. She comes alone, she dies, she comes with you, she lives, and you dont. Its a choice. Replied coldly Voyager. -
Yes, I am back.
RL keeping me busy a lot, I have to make time and write the end of this thingy here.
Thank you guys for the support and comments, they mean a lot. -
The nature of the sword
The Paragon University offered its population a curriculum both specific and adapted to its growing population. Center stage, in a city known for super natural occurrences of various genres, its academia was sought after all around the world, as far as break through discoveries were concerned. One of its departments, the academy of arcane magic and studies, became famous in the last few months through a major find concerning the historical dating of Orebanga. At the head of that said department, sat Professor Mary Jenkins, one of the most well versed figure on magical knowledge and its practical applications.
Since early morning, her team of specialists had been analysing the sword left behind by the now infamous leader of the Ghost army, Ghost Starr, after his disappearance a little before the dawn that followed the massacre of Kings Row. Nether Spirit had been sent along with the sword, on a reluctant guard duty. He had been watching them debate and analyse the nature of the sword for quite some time now, and found their argument quite redundant.
A swords nature is to draw blood, it brings pain to the one wielding it, the one at the receiving end of it, and to the families of the ones fighting. He said with exasperation in the voice. The academicians all raised their heads and looked at him perplexed to find cold and merciless eyes staring back at them. Nether knew of death, pain and suffering, in an intimate way. This body he was occupying was nothing but a shell. His essence, his very presence came from beyond the grave, from the realm through which the river Styx flowed.
Earlier today, when he had walked into Jenkinss laboratory, magic crystals had begun to glow fiercely all across the shelves cluttered with various artefacts. Jenkins, taken aback in finding out that Nether Spirit was indeed a magic manifestation on earths plane, had asked him to remain seated in the corner of the study. She had then proceeded to scatter blue ashes around his position, as a safety ward, to prevent any accidents during their evaluation of the mystic blade. Annoyed, but compliant, Nether had been sitting on a stool, in the corner of the room, for five hours straight. When they broke for lunch, he remained there still, rarely feeling the need to ingest food or drink, he maintained his guard duty over the sword.
While Jenkins and her team were gone, he decided that it was time to snoop around a little, get a feel for the place. The first thing he noticed, as he stepped across the blue ash line, was a tingling sensation all across his hosts body. Intrigued, but not disturbed, he started to walk around the room, looking here and there at some odd things and animals in jars, intricate charms and items cluttering shelves. Some symbols he recognized easily, others were unknown, and of course, some had a familiar look to them. Nothing out of the ordinary was here, for such a place.
Walking up to the table where the sword was resting, he took a moment to look at it more closely, and admire the beauty and simplicity of it. The magic energy emanating from it, gave him a basking sensation of dark and forgotten realms, where even one such as he, had never set foot into. What a strange sensation it was, mingled with fear and desire, to feel it pulsate so close to him. With a hand, he softly touched the hilt, sliding his fingers along the blade, like he would along a womans spine. The sounds of a thousand painful screams bolted across his mind as he did so, and he jerked back from the sword. Indeed, a very powerful blade it was, a soul drinker. Jarred by this event, he looked around the room, letting his animal instincts reassure him that all was well. A picture on a desk got his attention, but why he couldnt tell. Mary Jenkins, and a man with dark skin, were holding a baby and smiling to the camera. Something about it was familiar, but what he couldnt tell, but his eyes remained glued to it for a few seconds. What was it that was familiar about this picture?
When he heard Jenkinss team laughing and walking in the corridor, coming back from lunch, he walked back to the corner of the room, stepping across the blue dust once more, he resumed his position. The six scientists entered the room, threw a look over at Nether Spirit, nodding to him in silence, and went back to their duty. Mary Jenkins followed in, a few minutes later, and stopped as soon as she was in the room, looking at him. Shaking her head in disapproval, she said:
Could I see you in my office please.
She then turned her back to him, and walked towards a side door, where her name was written on the glass frame in bold letters. She opened the door, waiting for Nether Spirit to stand and come to her. He did so, but was unable to walk another step passed the blue dust on the floor.
As I suspected, you moved from the ward while we were gone. She then said
What trick is this, Professor Jenkins? Asked Nether Spirit, unable to identify the nature of the spell that was holding him back.
Since you are of a magical nature, I had to make sure your presence didnt trigger any of the artefacts present here. The blue ashes I had put there, were to prevent you from leaving. Somehow, you have managed to step across them and return to your seat, but the damage is done. One, or many or the relics here, became aware of your presence and are now seeking to know more about you. The blue ashes are protecting you from them. As she spoke those words, she walked slowly towards him, her eyes carving deep into his.
So, in other words, I am trapped until you remove these items from the room? He asked her, remembering well that she was a trustee of Apocalypse and as such presented no threat to him. In a funny way, she carried the blessing of Turbo Starr with her, allowing her free passage in the most sensitive areas of the Academy of Heroism, where she thought students about the arcane.
I have invited a friend to come over, and help us. She replied, instead of answering his question. He should arrive shortly. Do not be alarmed by his presence, he is Different.
You did not answer my question, am I trapped in here?
Until sun down, you are. She smiled warmly to him, inspiring trust right away. Grumbling, he sat back on the stool and watched them work for two hours, without a word. Then he felt it, creeping up his spine, an old, very old sensation. One his essence hadnt felt in millennia, a kindred and yet not, almost the same as he and yet not. Jenkins went on:
The ward itself will dissipate when the moon rises, and I am certain that until then, I will find out which of these artefacts is trying to consume you.
The door opened, but the person remained at the entrance. Dressed in a black cloak, hiding his features under a hood, his presence nevertheless told of powerful shoulders and a muscular build.
You may enter. Spoke solemnly Jenkins, bowing her head in unison with her students.
The dark figure stepped into the study, searching the room with hidden eyes, it came to rest upon Nether Spirit.
You. The dark shape spoke.
Nether Spirit was visited by a vision, flashing at the speed of light in his minds eye. A picture of dark deeds, of long forgotten rituals and of times well before humanity came to be. He saw the images of the Nameless Ones and of the Spirit People, the countless battles between them and the price his kin paid for it. He saw the dark river, at the bottomless pit of hell, where this being came from, saw the vision of innocents wailing in despair, trapped in it. All this, he saw in the fraction of a second, all this and much more. Such images, that his hosts body couldnt help but throw up there and then. The dark figure stood there motionless, eyes beginning to blaze as he looked at this ancient enemy, from the times before time. Then, it removed its hood, and showed its face to Nether Spirit, he spoke in a tongue only a handful few could understand on earth.
My name is Ghost Starr to these people, what be yours? -
Made the mistake of rereading myself too much...
Voyager - Hell's Bells by AC/DC
Debt Seeker - Kickstart my heart by Motley Crue
Akritar Bane - Kashmir by Led Zeppelin
Kyoku Shinkai - Allegria by Cirque du Soleil
Fallon Star - Jupiter by Holst(The planets) -
life's been busy, like always, no complains, work is work. Aside from that, wrote so much to end up deleting all of it, it ain't funny.
But all in all, all's well and good in the northern reaches of the world we call Canada. -
Only one thing came to mind, when thinking about Lord Recluse and what he would never say... It's gruesome, and dirty, and litteraly uneducated, but, here goes ....
Lord recluse : "OoOooOOOoOh, dumplings!"