Indoor mission bug!




The first time happened yesterday. I did a "defeat all" mission. When I try to kill a Minon, it's disappear suddenly. It looked like someone teleport it to other space. I couldn't follow it. After 2 seconds, I lost the target from my target window. I tried go all over the map to find it, but I found nothing.

I went out and petition, after waited for 2 hours. Something happened. I got a disconnected map server mseeage, though it just stayded less than 1 second (about 0.5 second). The mission had been reset.

I tried to do the mission again. However, when I defeat all foes in map, mission can't be completed. I try to find if I lost something, but there is nothing could be found.

I logged out, restarted my computer. I tried to do the mission again. I thought and hope the problem was solved, but I were wrong. It still couldn't be completed again. I were so angry and decided to petition again.

However, after another 2 hours waiting, I was kicked out. System kicked me to login server as the loing connect situation.

I asked my roomates, they said that also happened to them. They can't do anything until the server down. After the system restart, they finish their missions. It means when you got a bug mission, then it would be always bugged until the server down or restart.

The following are problems we met,

1.)Bug mission is always a bug mission. The only way solve it is server down (or restart).

2.)I don't know if server will consider char as losing connect when they idle for a long time. But it happened to me twice. I've read those posts about GM. If, if offical members want us to wait online, they should fix it. If there is a problem to idle a long time, it should be fixed.

3.)There is something wrong about the petition system. After I were kicked to Login server, I went to check my mailbox. I found there were already a "you're not online" mail. I were online, and didn't use ALT+TAB to read other windows. However, I got the message.

4.)I know GMs are very busy. They work hard. I will wait for them to solve problems. But, if we can't stay online ( or be kicked), how could the bug or problem be solved? Wait for long time, and be kicked. Then the mission reset, the bug still exist. If the only way to solve this is log out, don't touch COH and prey for server restart as soon as possible.....?

Don't tell me it's the time to build other chars........!



It's a bug that happens a lot in cave missons and on occasion in other missions.

Most annoying bug in the game imo.



My roomates had this problem in office building map. There was ALWAYS a Clockwork stay "under" ground. You can't hear its noise but can't target it, can't see it, can't hurt it (even AOE powers)

Very Annoy....



I just tried them twice again.....

Why twice? 'Cause both of ttme can't be completed again and again.

OK, I quit, I give up.

And...don't curse me if the server down.

('cause I prey (curse?) for server down now)



I have this bug on the live server. Its an Orenbega map in the Envoy of Shadow story arc. I have tried to complete it 7 times over the past 3 days. I have petitioned a few tiems hoping that I might actually get a response. YEsterday I got a response from a GM. He asked if my issue had been resolved. I replied that No. it had not. HIs response to me was .. and I quote "ok- have a nice day"
I sent a couple more tells to him asking what he needed me to do. These went unanswered. I sent another tell.. "hello?" I got the message GMname does not exist or is not online at this time.

This was after waiting 4 and a half hours. I sent another petition following this... 5 hours later the server goes down.

*edit* I will also add that I tried the mission again when the server came up. It was not fixed. So your theory about the mission fixing when the server goes down is not true.



Did this happen on the Test Server? If so please do a /bug in game while still in the mission. This will provide us with the map that this error is occuring on. You will then also need to do a /petition in order to get the mission cleared for you.

If this is something you are running into on Live Servers, there should be a fix currently being tested on the Training Room that should fix most of these map problems, this is why it is highly improtant to /bug them if you find them in the Training Room.

Thank you,



I went out and petition, after waited for 2 hours. Something happened. I got a disconnected map server mseeage, though it just stayded less than 1 second (about 0.5 second). The mission had been reset.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're kidding. You got LCTMS for half a second, and the mission was reset????

Devs, this is a real problem. Missions shouldn't reset due to LCTMS. They should only reset if the player actively logs off, using a menu option or /quit. If there's issues with keeping up with mission info, keep the mission around for 5 minutes before resetting it. That'll give a player who got LCTMS'd a chance to log back on and pick up where they left off.



Problem is, Bug report system in game can't let me type so many words to describe what happen. That's why I post here. Is there another way to report bug?



I went out and petition, after waited for 2 hours. Something happened. I got a disconnected map server mseeage, though it just stayded less than 1 second (about 0.5 second). The mission had been reset.

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You're kidding. You got LCTMS for half a second, and the mission was reset????

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not kidding. It happened.

I just walk here and there to take some photos. Suddenly, I met a huge lag. Then LCTMS showed on screen. It left very soon. As I said, less than 1 second. But mission had been reseted.

If you want me count the time from lag to LCTMS leave, there was about 5~6 seconds.



Did this happen on the Test Server? If so please do a /bug in game while still in the mission. This will provide us with the map that this error is occuring on. You will then also need to do a /petition in order to get the mission cleared for you.
Thank you,

[/ QUOTE ]

I had this too yesterday, on Virtue, during an Oranbega mission--luckily not one where I had to defeat them all. I considered petitioning, but already had one unanswered petition going (glowy lost in geometry in another Orangbega mission).



Did this happen on the Test Server? If so please do a /bug in game while still in the mission. This will provide us with the map that this error is occuring on. You will then also need to do a /petition in order to get the mission cleared for you.

If this is something you are running into on Live Servers, there should be a fix currently being tested on the Training Room that should fix most of these map problems, this is why it is highly improtant to /bug them if you find them in the Training Room.

Thank you,

[/ QUOTE ]

My problem is on live server. If I have time i'll copy over to the test server to see if it has been fixed.



I went out and petition, after waited for 2 hours. Something happened. I got a disconnected map server mseeage, though it just stayded less than 1 second (about 0.5 second). The mission had been reset.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're kidding. You got LCTMS for half a second, and the mission was reset????

[/ QUOTE ]

Missions will reset if you've been outside of them for long enough. If you wait inside the mission, it'll stay around until you actually lose connection completely. The mission being reset is not because of the brief lost connection, it's due to a long idle time outside the mission.



Last night I was doing an Orenbega mission solo (34 ill/rad - Doc Phantom - Victory - ~2am EST). Got a mission complete but since I had 3 phantasms out and an unexplored area, I went to clear it out.

First duo of mobs I found, cast PA in front of them, each mob took one hit and faded out. My PA blinked out also. Same thing for all the mobs left in the area. I thought this might be a recent change to stop people from clearing out missions, so I exited after the 3rd set of mobs fading out on me.

Guess it was a bug after all.



Problem is, Bug report system in game can't let me type so many words to describe what happen. That's why I post here. Is there another way to report bug?

[/ QUOTE ]

When you type /bug also enter a brief description of the problem and type enter. Then a box will pop up on your screen where you can add more detail to the issue. You should be able to sum up most issues in this area. The /bug tells us what missions you are currently on and what map and location you are in so it is not neccesary to put that information in the summary.

Thank you,



Same issue, three times, same mission. Victory server in the Bonefire story, perez park cave; Battallion and the Skull Boss (can't remember the name) Last room, I hit the Boss, he goes creen and leaves a streak going sideways into a rock and he's gone.



Same thing was happening in our carnival outdoor mission. Mobs would suddenly warp about 100ft away. Since we're outside, we could actually see them warp.

This happened again in a CoT mission but not only were the mobs warping, our pets would warp too! I sent a /bug report on the exact spot that the mobs and pets warped to.



Thanks so much. I'll do it in game later )



Last night I was doing an Orenbega mission solo (34 ill/rad - Doc Phantom - Victory - ~2am EST). Got a mission complete but since I had 3 phantasms out and an unexplored area, I went to clear it out.

First duo of mobs I found, cast PA in front of them, each mob took one hit and faded out. My PA blinked out also. Same thing for all the mobs left in the area. I thought this might be a recent change to stop people from clearing out missions, so I exited after the 3rd set of mobs fading out on me.

Guess it was a bug after all.

[/ QUOTE ]

While this might be the way it's supposed to happen, it's not always the way it actually works.

Last week we were doing the first door mission of the Positron task force. 4 of us spent about 35-40 minutes working our way through, even killing the named boss.

Then, one played clicked on the blinky and all 4 of us got a LCTMS simulteanously. That could actually be a bug somewhere.

We all then IMMEDIATELY logged back in, and the mission was reset.

What's worse, we actually lost some of the experience we had earned, it was like it reset us back 15 or 20 minutes. I'm not sure how that was possible.

But I will confirm that the map resets if everyone on the map gets kicked off of it.




"Defeat all gang in Cave" ??? the final mission about Skull vs. Hellions.

Same mission, same server (victory), same zone (Perez park cave), and same problems...... :P



Just to clear this up: The warping/ disappearing villains bug is a Known Issue on LIVE servers and should be fixed in the build currently on the Trainning Room. So, please only post these issues in this forum if you are seeing them on the TEST server. This will let us know if the fix on the Training room truely solved the problem or not.

Thank you,



Problem is, Bug report system in game can't let me type so many words to describe what happen. That's why I post here. Is there another way to report bug?

[/ QUOTE ]

When you type /bug also enter a brief description of the problem and type enter. Then a box will pop up on your screen where you can add more detail to the issue. You should be able to sum up most issues in this area. The /bug tells us what missions you are currently on and what map and location you are in so it is not neccesary to put that information in the summary.

Thank you,

[/ QUOTE ]

For some problems, the amount you can type in the summary area is not near enough.



Vyvyanne, I'd just like to point at that the bug description box is *not* big enough to describe most problems. There have been many times that I spent several minutes trying to erase a character here and a word there so I could fit in one more sentence.

In a couple cases the game gave me an error message. When I tried to copy and paste the error message into the box, it wouldn't fit.

Other times I had steps to reproduce a bug, but I didn't bother writing a bug report at all because I knew it wouldn't come close to fitting in that tiny little box. So you guys aren't even getting all the bugs we see because that box is half the size that we need.

I'd really like to help when I can. Could you please let someone know that those boxes are just too small?



Problem is, Bug report system in game can't let me type so many words to describe what happen. That's why I post here. Is there another way to report bug?

[/ QUOTE ]

When you type /bug also enter a brief description of the problem and type enter. Then a box will pop up on your screen where you can add more detail to the issue. You should be able to sum up most issues in this area. The /bug tells us what missions you are currently on and what map and location you are in so it is not neccesary to put that information in the summary.

Thank you,

[/ QUOTE ]

For some problems, the amount you can type in the summary area is not near enough.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed. Just describing the problem itself fully (without the extraneous mission info that is automatically included) honestly just isn't always possible. If there was someway to increase the number of characters you're allowed to type, that would be very helpful to the playerbase. (imo)



Just a tip for players suffering this problem. I've been called in by my SG-mates a few times to help with this. If you have an idea about where the missing villians are (e.g. under these stairs), a Phantom Army can find them and move to their location. I've successfully helped someone finish their mission by casting PA near to the villians and letting the PA warp to the bad guys and finish them off.

So, make friends with a level 18+ illusionist!

Also, if villians get stuck in the ceiling and are out of melee range, you can time a jump and attack to hit them. Takes a bunch of tries, but it has worked for me.



Also, usually AOEs work on mobs stuck under stairs, etc. Also you can change your camera distance to -10 or -20 (/camdist -10) to "see" through the walls and see if you're doing damage.

We got rid of a group of Carnies to finish a mission this morning that way. You just have to jockey yourself into proper position where the AOEs or Cones can have an effect.