Indoor mission bug!




I would still think that's a good idea to /bug and then send an email or a PM or post it here. That way they can find it specifically on your character. No one ever said more info is bad. Just give them the capability to get all the info they might need.



Also, usually AOEs work on mobs stuck under stairs, etc. Also you can change your camera distance to -10 or -20 (/camdist -10) to "see" through the walls and see if you're doing damage.

We got rid of a group of Carnies to finish a mission this morning that way. You just have to jockey yourself into proper position where the AOEs or Cones can have an effect.

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Yep, AOEs will kill them as well... We had this happen last night in a ruined office door mission in the Positrin TF, and 4 of the baddies ended up under some stairs. Weirdly enough, they could (and did) shoot as US from behind them. Solution: our Fire Controller got as close as possible to them and popped Rain of Fire and Fire Circle Sword over and over till we nickle-and-dimed them to death... At least we finished the misison, because I knew a /petition would go unanswered...



Missions will reset if you've been outside of them for long enough. If you wait inside the mission, it'll stay around until you actually lose connection completely. The mission being reset is not because of the brief lost connection, it's due to a long idle time outside the mission.

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Missions will also reset if you exit the current mission, and then select a different mission. Or have they changed that?



Problem is, Bug report system in game can't let me type so many words to describe what happen. That's why I post here. Is there another way to report bug?

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When you type /bug also enter a brief description of the problem and type enter. Then a box will pop up on your screen where you can add more detail to the issue. You should be able to sum up most issues in this area. The /bug tells us what missions you are currently on and what map and location you are in so it is not neccesary to put that information in the summary.

Thank you,

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For some problems, the amount you can type in the summary area is not near enough.

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Agreed. Just describing the problem itself fully (without the extraneous mission info that is automatically included) honestly just isn't always possible. If there was someway to increase the number of characters you're allowed to type, that would be very helpful to the playerbase. (imo)

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May I respectfully add my voice to this chorus.

In my experience, there is more space for data entry in the "/bug" line itself than in the detail box.

As an interim workaround, at least for those of us that have the ability to do this, would you consider having us use an http URL in the details box that points to a web page with a better description of the problem. At the very least I can do this, and I'm certain that there are other users with the same ability.

Until the details box size limit gets fixed, this could provide a workaround.

But for the long term, can you ask about the possibility of increasing the size of that box.




I would suggest modify the bug/petition form to have spaces for Questions prompts above each space for things lke "What was your contact's name?" or "what was the name of your mission?". Finally leave the comments box the same length. It is just enough to convey the problem if thats the only thing that needs to be typed into it.



This happened to me with CoT ghost things during the Positron TF. The second someone in my group tried to hit one, it would teleport into the ceiling. This three times in the same mission.



You can wait for them to come out!

(tee hee)

Currently listening to Blue Oyster Cult's a Long Day's Night

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
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