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  1. Francessa

    More answers....

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    I think the best proposed solution to this was to have the 75 character limit become a 75 account limit. So if I have myself and 7 alts in the SG it only counts as one because the most I could have on is 1.

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    This would solve the problem the devs have with a max of 75 SG members being online together. Not sure why they want this limit, since SG alliances kinda put a dent in it, unless there is content that is SG locked.

    That aside, the potential problem with this is really simple. It is highly likely that heroes don't know what account they belong to. Think about it like this. They have two databases: one of accounts, and one of heroes. An account record is simply the account info itself (login, CC info, et al), along with a list of hero record numbers.

    As an example, in this model the character copy tool for test would work something like this. Grab the hero record in question. Duplicate it, lock stock and barrel on the test server, and note the new hero record number. Stuff that number in the account's list for heroes on the test server. Job done.

    Anyway, the account record knows what heroes belong to the account, but the hero does not have the record number for its corresponding account. Unless this were added to the hero records, it'd be close to impossible to do what we want.

    Could this be done? Probably. Will it be done? Probably not.
  2. Francessa

    More answers....

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    Yes, we'll put stores on the map.

    Yes, we'll look into timed missions counting while offline.

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    Major sweetness on both of these.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Unyielding stance?

    I didnt realize that it had a concern! For scrappers, it gives them their one major drawback (other than waiting till 28 to get their "main" power) and for tankers...well, they get Unstoppable at level 32.

    My main is a /invuln scrapper. I dont want him nerfed, but I think getting rid of the immob. WILL make him too powerful...

    Thats just my opinion.

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    Agreed. I have an inv tanker and an inv scrapper, and I believe that US is fine the way it is. It's a pretty serious defensive power, so it should come with a price, that being rooted.

    I do like the fact that I have an OPTION to overcome that limitation, but it costs me a power pool to do so. This is exactly as it should be. I have to decide whether I think it's worth it or not.

    Yes, you may say that I have to take a travel power, why not just use TP self as my L14 travel power? That just changes the problem, because I also want hasten, which gives me SS as a travel power effectively for free. In the scenario where TP self becomes my travel power, hasten now costs me the power pool. I can change the problem, I can't make it go away.

    What I'm about to suggest may be a lot of work, but here is how I would change the power. As it stands, it retains the full rooted. But if you slot one or more run speed enhancements into it, it gains a little movement, at the cost of resistances. More run speeds, faster movement.

    This way, the player has a choice. Maximum defence and no movement, vs movement, at the cost of reduced defence.

    That could when balanced properly prevent the power from becoming too uber. Because I don't think that anyone will argue that even 25% normal move speed with the current defence of US is way too uber.

    Just my two influence worth.....
  4. Francessa

    Badge Progress

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    There aren't status bars for the Halloween badges. I would imagine that this is because you would be stuck with them if you don't finish before the event is over.

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    Where's the Bingo Hall and what badge does it give? Is it "The Biddy?"


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    Dunno. But I can bet you that it's only open on Tuesday evenings.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Thank our producer & Positron for the "trick or treat"...

    Thank Manticore for the cool mythology....

    And the Coven are NOT Carnival of Shadows guys...they're something else altogether. Hmmmmm.

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    Props to all.

    According to Merriam Webster online, a Coven is either simply a grouping of people with similar interests, or more appropriately here, a collection of (usually 13) witches.

    Why do I have this nagging suspicion that Statesman is using the second definition here?
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    Does anyone ever wonder where these universities are going? All of a sudden these massive centers of learning sprout up through the ground. Maybe I should move to Rhode Island, there seems to be a lot of cool stuff happening down there now.

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    Piece of cake.

    RI is no distance at all from Boston, which has a tremendous number of colleges and universities.

    MIT, Harvard, BU, BC, to name just four, right off the top of my head. And there are others, lots of them. So I predict a portal to downtown Boston, from where we can jump on the "T", and take (for example) the red line to MIT, or whatever.

    Or we could see about linking the Paragon City Green line to the Boston Yellow Line. Shouldn't take too long if we get all those construction workers wandering round Talos on the job.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    IIRC, it's CGW's date that's wrong. If I'm recalling my thread-reading correctly when this first was mentioned, it was hoped to be in Issue 3 but is apparently proving too complex and being pushed back.

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    Gotcha. And <censored> that I have to wait three extra months for it.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    It looks very cool. I cannot wait to see the entire list of subfields and general descriptions. So can we expect this tech for update 4?


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    According to the CGW article, it's supposed to be part of Update 3.

    Statesman originally said:

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    The system ended up being a lot more involved than initially thought. And I didn't want to rush Skills out the door and jeopardize it's quality. So I pushed it off to a future expansion.

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    I read this as saying that it was originally planned to be in when the game went gold, but was more complex, and was pushed off from that point (last April) to now (update 3).

    Statesman, am I even remotely close to home with this analysis?
  9. Thanks for the heads up, Statesman. Much interesting information to be found in the article (edit, which I see someone has transcribed the relevbant bits).

    Reading just a tiny bit between the lines, it says "Skills are level-independant." Can I take this as meaning that our higher level characters can go back to school, and gain skills, just like a starting out character?

    Am I correct in thinking that calling them CoH's answer to crafting is more a reference to these skills being a non-combat activity, rather than a hint that there will be some produced asset that can be sold? In my extremely humble opinion, NOT having a tradeable asset would be a good thing, because it will help to keep down inflation, something that CoH is delightfully free of.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [quoteAlso, they share the same head. Still not the same person, though.

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    Well of course... Not many offices have private bathrooms for everyone.

    Sorry, just sticking with the nautical theme...


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    Congratulations. You have now successfully inducted me into the "Coffee on monitor society."
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    How about a title...

    Expansion 3: A Council of War

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    Just out of curiosioty .....

    Is that "A Council of War" or just "Council of War"? It might make a difference.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I could SO go on, but it's all your fault for referencing Lovecraft...

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    This is probably NOT the time to point out that DE Devoured have mouths that look just like Cthulhu.
  13. Some food for thought.

    Statesman notes the full title of Expansion #3 is A council of war. The indefinite article that starts this may be significant.

    The correct title of chapter 12 of Treasure Island is Council of war without the "A".

    On the other hand, chapter 14 of P.G. Wodehouse's Love among the Chickens is called A Council of War

    I don't know if this tiny little difference is significant, save for one thing. The title of Chapter 15 of Wodehouse's book is The Arrival of Nemesis.

    Go draw what conclusions from this lot that you may.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    I think that by "smoothly," Poz is saying that the enhancements aren't going to skip from 33% to 16% over a single level gap. The enhancements will probably provide a smooth progression, maybe SOs give a 20% boost as level 20, 25% at 21 and full at 22. Likewise, a smooth gradient from level 10 to 20 to go from training to DO to SO.

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    Conceptually, this is correct (though the numbers themselves are different). No Enhancement of that particular type needs to actually exist "naturally" at your Exemplar level.

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    Could you tell us the numbers?

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    That would be braking their "tease but don't give any real infromation" rule

    *hides from the devs*

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    They might as well. Since we get combat hit point values accurate to two decimal places, getting this all worked out is simply a matter of time.

    It'll just involve a ton of data collection.

    The easiest thing to do is to have a high lev ex down to a lowbie of the same type, e.g. claws scrapper with claws scrapper. They fight at equivalent CL, with the same attacks, you you can directly compare the numbers. Just remember to factor in the number of enhancement slots.

    All we need is:

    Combat level of exemplar, damage done by attacks of both exemplar and aspirant, and what damages everyone has slotted. The numbers will drop right out from this information.
  15. As always, the devs rock.

    This leads me to make another suggestion (I know, give me an inch, I'll take a mile ), which is to increase the number of missions available from contacts if it's possible.

    Right now, the most that can be offered by a contact is two. As more mission types become available (timed, multi person, part of a story arc, etc. etc.) it would be nice to have these options available.
  16. [ QUOTE ]

    Never fear - the time has come to begin revealing what Expansion 2: A Council of War is all about. Stay tuned. And be careful out there.

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    With all due respect, should that not be "Expansion 3 : A council of War."

    P.S. If I'm right, I'll buy you lunch. Seriously. I'm only about 20 mins from you guys at work.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    Problem is, Bug report system in game can't let me type so many words to describe what happen. That's why I post here. Is there another way to report bug?

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    When you type /bug also enter a brief description of the problem and type enter. Then a box will pop up on your screen where you can add more detail to the issue. You should be able to sum up most issues in this area. The /bug tells us what missions you are currently on and what map and location you are in so it is not neccesary to put that information in the summary.

    Thank you,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For some problems, the amount you can type in the summary area is not near enough.

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    Agreed. Just describing the problem itself fully (without the extraneous mission info that is automatically included) honestly just isn't always possible. If there was someway to increase the number of characters you're allowed to type, that would be very helpful to the playerbase. (imo)

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    May I respectfully add my voice to this chorus.

    In my experience, there is more space for data entry in the "/bug" line itself than in the detail box.

    As an interim workaround, at least for those of us that have the ability to do this, would you consider having us use an http URL in the details box that points to a web page with a better description of the problem. At the very least I can do this, and I'm certain that there are other users with the same ability.

    Until the details box size limit gets fixed, this could provide a workaround.

    But for the long term, can you ask about the possibility of increasing the size of that box.

  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Please, please, please, please, please make these monsters spawn more frequently. Tracking these things down for Badges is incredibly painful and there will be a LOT of competition for them in the short term. If not increasing the spawn rate, add a contact who hands out level-appropriate Monster-hunting missions (including exemplared people).

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    As of today (9/23) Kraken and Adamastor spawn at a pretty fast rate already. I've not had too much trouble finding them. Typically a ten to twenty minute search will track either one down.

    Devs, if you see this, the current spawn rate seems to be about right. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    It's really sad that people don't want this game to be challenging. I was ready to quit before the +1 "bug". Now the lower levels are actually more fun than the higher ones.

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    Here we have a prime example of one of the most common mistakes made by game players. The assumption that EVERYONE wants the game set to the difficulty level that they personally enjoy.

    I've worked in the games industry on and off for the past 12 years, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that different people have different preferences for what they want in terms of difficulty. Why do you think that games from top level designers (Doom/Quake from Carmack, Total Annihilation from Chris Taylor, Master of Orion from Steven Barcia to name a few) have difficulty setting options.

    So, you belong to that section of the populace that want the +1 mobs. I have no problem with that, more power to you. I want the same thing SOME OF THE TIME. However, after a hard day at work, I want to relax and take it easy, and most assuredly do not want to go toe-to-toe with a red con boss in a door mission.

    So for that reason, we have the slider coming. It's the only rational solution to this problem.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    I just wish you would get there too late and have to follow him through the portal...

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    I'd actually asked about that when I was writing it. Just too much new art and not enough time to get it done, unfortunately.

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    That would be so cool! Even if it was just a portal mission to the past.

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    Just check with EA, or whoever it is that owns the C&C Red alert franchise nowadays, for permission to mess with Nazi's and time portals. (Very big grin)

    Seriously, an extension to that Arc could be one of the coolest things ever to hit CoH.

    As people have said, the souvenir is a one of a kind. Hypodermic needles? Etched clockwork parts? Bandanas? Bleh - boring. Souvenir from Ubelmann? Creepy. Way good creepy.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    And that post why CoH has the best devs of all mmorpg's

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    No comment.

    Of course, I am extremely biased.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    On the other hand, OPTIONS are better than challenge, because options mean FUN...not to mention the ability for me to play the product.

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    Well no you're incorrect. Options does not mean fun.

    Fun is completely subjective and there is no way the developers can design something that everyone will concider "fun".

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    Umm. Not sure you're making sense here.

    We both agree that fun is subjective. What one person finds a nice challenge, another may find overwhelming, while a thind may find it so esy as to be boring.

    No problem so far.

    If we both agree on that, then by allowing a slider that lets each player determine the challenge level they are presented with, you allow more players to have fun.

    How exactly do you resolve this with the statement that "Options do not mean fun"?
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    No - we're not done with Super Reflexes. It's still "on the list" of ongoing issues, but it's sort of on a back burner right now.

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    This makes a huge difference to me.

    I realise that you can't talk specifics, mostly because I'll bet they haven't even been worked out yet. However, are you considering some way to mitigate the huge hit we take when that boss gets through our defences and then lands a critical.

    I can't find it now, but many moons ago, one of the devs posted a SR / Inv comparison that said in effect that SR (i.e. DEF) was better at holding off minions, while Inv (i.e. damage resistance) was better against bosses.

    For this reason, I was going to re-roll my Claws SR scrapper as Claws Inv, simply because my vision of her IS as the quintessential boss killer.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh and I bet GKI stock will plummet around issue 2. Then again they do say to stay in the market for the long haul.

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    Stock prices plummeting? Investing for the long haul? Could it be .....