Any timescale on when the +1 lvl bug is fixed?




I still havent encountered any mission boss that werent +1 lvl after update 2 in door missions. Since my my blaster cant really solo a red boss and minions I wonder if there is a fix comming soon?

Its also becomming a problem with AVs. +1 lvl on an AV really hurts.



I was wondering the same. My blaster at 24th can take them out with patience, but my tanker at 11th cannot even with multiple dmg, acc inspirations, I cannot do enough damage than he can regen.



I would also like to know when this is going to be fixed, as well as the time-stopping geometry problems (mobs in walls and glowies covered by new art). The missions are becoming frustrating.

The bugs moreso than the level of the villians.



Actually i want them to keep them at +1.



I still havent encountered any mission boss that werent +1 lvl after update 2 in door missions. Since my my blaster cant really solo a red boss and minions I wonder if there is a fix comming soon?

Its also becomming a problem with AVs. +1 lvl on an AV really hurts.

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I feel your pain

But I think the answer to this one will probably be soon.



I am loving the +1 mobs - just not +1 fake nems and carnies bosses (and AV's) :\



I'm enjoying the +1 mobs, red bosses and all, but I'm playing a tank. I know plenty of defenders and controllers who are extremely frustrated (at the lower levels).

Personally, the geometry problems are almost frustrating enough to break the addiction of playing every night. Almost.



The bugs moreso than the level of the villians.

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Vehement agreement. I bugged a ton of stuck mob/bad geometry things on Test two weeks ago and I'm still seeing it on Live. Cryptic, get a move on fixing this stuff.

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ROFL, if your so damn good. You do it. These guys have a ton of stuff to work on. Everything in the CoH devs past have shown them working hard to put out a good product. Some things go wrong and it become a flamefest.

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)



No one is disputing the hard work & efforts of the dev team. At least, I'm not. The game is fabulous, the content is glorious, and nothing is bad enough to make me stop playing every day.

The bugs in the missions still make them nearly unplayable,e specially with the backlogged petitions. I know I'd be happier knowing an ETA on the fixes.



OK, so that this dosn't become a discusion/argument over who likes/dislikes the +1 mob bug, how 'bout we modify the question into a 2-parter:

1) What is the eta of the bug fix for us who are having problems, and
2) Can you give us an idea on when the mission difficulty slider bar will be implemented (ie, Issue 3, before issue 3, etc.), for those of us who want harder missions?



I didn't realize that this was a "bug". Was there some official word that it was? As of yesterday, I have been seeing (in indoor missions) villians at +1 and villians at my level intermixed in the mission. I'll run into +1's at the beginning, then +0's in the middle, then +1's, and so on.

Sounds like this whole bug(?) will be null and void once the mission difficulty slider comes out.



It is most definitely a bug. When they took out front-loaded missions (+1 at start, lower as you go further in) something got borked so about all missions load 50/50 white and +1 cons. Wouldn't be so bad, but it makes every "boss" ending mob a +1. The bug is kinda cool at high levels, but at low levels it's a pain in the butt.



I bugged a ton of stuck mob/bad geometry things on Test two weeks ago and I'm still seeing it on Live. Cryptic, get a move on fixing this stuff.

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ROFL, if your so damn good. You do it. These guys have a ton of stuff to work on.

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I don't argue with that - they do have tons of stuff going on.

Everything in the CoH devs past have shown them working hard to put out a good product.

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This I disagree with. Until Issue 2 went live, I might agree with you. But Issue 2 went live way too early. I personally bugged 4 stuck mob missions the weekend before it went live, and those bugs are still happening. Imagine how many bugs must be in the test database - if just one person got 4, then all the testers must have bugged hundreds, maybe thousands. And yet Issue 2 went live? Maybe the devs were working hard to meet a deadline, but they weren't working hard to put out a good product.

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Devs take note: some people love the increased difficulty. Some people hate (are screwed by) the increased difficulty. So.... make a difficulty control for missions and please everyone.



The +1 mob bug should be an easy fix and it should've been fixed already. The yellow mobs are fine and even a couple OJ LTs are OK but red bosses are bogus. I thought they bumped up the mission XP so people would do those instead of just street sweeping.

The stuck mobs are annoying but that is a much harder problem to fix. If you have AoE you can kill the mob anyway it is just painful and takes a long time.



I believe the fix to the number of +1 mobs is in a patch being tested. I do not know when that'll go live; it depends upon what we find in it.

Mission difficulty slider - I won't make any promises until I'm sure of a date, but I have stated I want this as soon as the schedule allows. Issue 3? I'd love it; but there's a TON of things to consider and I don't want to roll something out that isn't satisfactory.



Might I suggest something that is EQUALLY important as the difficulty slider: Reverse Side Kicking to do Task Forces and Trials.

RSKing for these things should have been included into the RSK feature. it's an obvious point that any player would have said once you mentioned the idea of RSKing. When can we expect this to happen? I sure hope we don't have to wait till Issue 3 for it.

Don't get me wrong, sliders are great; but right now you have a feature in the game that is really half as popular as it COULD be if it were allowed to work for TFs and Trials.



Yeah. The last thing we need is for the difficult slider to be rushed out, only to find that it just gives enemies more chain stuns.



So in other words, you're saying we definitely won't see the difficulty slider BEFORE issue 3? You might consider that a priority. Think of it this way: of all the changes you've considering making to the game, this one change is TOTALLY non-controversial. EVERYONE wants it. I haven't heard a single dissenting voice. It really solves a lot of the problems with different people preferring different levels of challenge.

Also, the +1 lvl mobs in missions. I am seeing this about 66% of the time. It thinks it's appropriate for post lvl-20, and I doubt many would disagree with that, though some might. Is there a way to change it for lower levels but leave it as is for higher levels?

- felicity



Actually i want them to keep them at +1.

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As do I. (Granted this is from a 30+ point of view though)

I do not know about the lower level.



So in other words, you're saying we definitely won't see the difficulty slider BEFORE issue 3?

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Heh. No matter how much I stess that I don't know a definite timeline, I'll always get quoted on a specific date.

I most certainly did NOT say that. I would love it before...but that doesn't mean that it'll happen. There's so many factors that go into any feature...It'd be foolish of me to promise anything more definitive than "soon."



So in other words, you're saying we definitely won't see the difficulty slider BEFORE issue 3? You might consider that a priority. Think of it this way: of all the changes you've considering making to the game, this one change is TOTALLY non-controversial. EVERYONE wants it. I haven't heard a single dissenting voice. It really solves a lot of the problems with different people preferring different levels of challenge.

Also, the +1 lvl mobs in missions. I am seeing this about 66% of the time. It thinks it's appropriate for post lvl-20, and I doubt many would disagree with that, though some might. Is there a way to change it for lower levels but leave it as is for higher levels?

- felicity

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What he's saying is, is that as much as everyone wants it and he wants to get it in there, its something that he doesent want to risk *really* f*cking things over. Plus, there are all sorts of design questions such as *how* it should make things more difficult.

Should it increase the mob level? Should it spawn MORE villians? Should it give them stronger powers/powers they normally wouldnt have? A combination? How should it affect experience? How hard/easy should it allow things to be made?



I'm currently not playing the game because of this bug!! Please fix this ASAP. The game is unplayable for many of my chars in its current state.



I really think the mission difficulty slider needs to go in ASAP. These silly easy missions are boring.

Should it increase the mob level? Should it spawn MORE villians?

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I'd like to see both those, but perhaps a little control over it. Maybe two sliders, one for mob level and one for mob density.

And then perhaps a button that says.... "Scare me!"