Any timescale on when the +1 lvl bug is fixed?




wow, a "new guy" that doesnt feel ***** by the "plethora of +1s in missions bug".

guess the whiners will have to find a different justification than "But, the new people wont know how to handle it!"



I stand behind my statement that a difficulty slider appears to be non-controversial, at least compared to any other change I've seen proposed. Right now the biggest controversy is among those who want different levels of difficulty in the game, and this concept will go a long way toward solving it. The devs are clearly trying to strike a balance between both interests now, and in issue 2 they did it with trial and some error (no, I do NOT believe that ALL the increased difficulty was a bug). The simplist solution is to allow configurability for the difficulty of door missions. You already have that to some degree with street sweeping, where you can choose your zone, area and mob type. It needs to happen with missions. Whether it is with a slider, or by giving the various missions options difficulty lables, I don't care. But something needs to be done to give players more control over difficulty. And yes, TF's and Trials are milestones that should remain fixed in terms of difficulty. We're talking standard door missions here.

I agree it should not be hurried out before it's done. What I do think is that the devs should consider this a priority, because the major discontent in this game right now, as underscored by the release of Issue 2, is among the players who think the game is either too hard/too easy.

Lastly, Statesmen's original remark was that he'd like to see it for Issue 3, but couldn't say definitively if it would make Issue 3 because of the complications involved. I rightly gleaned from his remark that the probability of seeing it SOONER than Issue 3 was marginal at best. If he thinks its a "maybe" for Issue 3, that certainly means it is nowhere near imminent. It's their call and their game, but if I were on the dev team, I would look at the climate of feedback and discussion among players right now, and consider it the number 2 priority, after fixing the problems with Issue 2.

- felicity



It's their call and their game, but if I were on the dev team, I would look at the climate of feedback and discussion among players right now, and consider it the number 2 priority, after fixing the problems with Issue 2.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who's to say that its NOT their priority right now, though? Something as important as difficulty sliders, which have a larger chance of unbalancing or screwing up the game needs to be well thought out and thouroghly tested. Just because it may take a few months to work it out doesen't mean its not a priority. It's just using common sense.



Who's to say that its NOT their priority right now, though?

[/ QUOTE ]

Right. It's a priority.
Rank it. Thats whatcha do when you have multiple priorities.
Which, I'm sure of, the COH dev team has bunches of.
FF ranked it as a 2. You... um...didnt really say anything.

Silly question anyways. Statesman I suppose is the one 'Who's to say'.

Something as important as difficulty sliders, which have a larger chance of unbalancing or screwing up the game needs to be well thought out and thouroghly tested.

[/ QUOTE ]

Umm..larger than what? Larger than say...I2?,I3?



It's their call and their game, but if I were on the dev team, I would look at the climate of feedback and discussion among players right now, and consider it the number 2 priority, after fixing the problems with Issue 2.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who's to say that its NOT their priority right now, though? Something as important as difficulty sliders, which have a larger chance of unbalancing or screwing up the game needs to be well thought out and thouroghly tested. Just because it may take a few months to work it out doesen't mean its not a priority. It's just using common sense.

[/ QUOTE ]

My present prediction is the abuse/exploit of the difficulty slider to turn normal missions into "Portal Mission" type pharm-fests...



You guys are going to flame me for this. But I too like this bug and thought it was a new feature. I really like it on my defender, but hurting a little on controller. I don't solo, but the added challenge is welcome, esp with the debt clearing facilities of the rsk.

Leave it in perhaps? States? Geko?



Before level 20
everything is the same lvl as yourself.
At 20 and after
+1, with +1 Lieutenant
At 30 and after
+2, +1 bosses, or two +1 Lieutenant
At 40 and after
suprise me.



Before level 20
everything is the same lvl as yourself.
At 20 and after
+1, with +1 Lieutenant
At 30 and after
+2, +1 bosses, or two +1 Lieutenant
At 40 and after
suprise me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is this your experience or are you posting your suggestion? Or are you asking me what it spawns at lvl 40? If the latter, i can't tell you offhand. I usually go by colours first, then the lvl..



Before level 20
everything is the same lvl as yourself.
At 20 and after
+1, with +1 Lieutenant
At 30 and after
+2, +1 bosses, or two +1 Lieutenant
At 40 and after
suprise me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is this your experience or are you posting your suggestion? Or are you asking me what it spawns at lvl 40? If the latter, i can't tell you offhand. I usually go by colours first, then the lvl..

[/ QUOTE ]

Just my suggestion



The level difficulties in the missions is a very pleasant change. However, as someone else mentioned, it seems to be limited to the higher level missions.


Seems the low level folks are complaining about the change while the high level guys are enjoying the change.

I really hope they take that into consideration with any changes they make. I can handle losing a lot of things but now they gave us the harder missions, it will be hard to go back... back to boredom and simple and easy and blah and yawn....




Before level 20
everything is the same lvl as yourself.
At 20 and after
+1, with +1 Lieutenant
At 30 and after
+2, +1 bosses, or two +1 Lieutenant
At 40 and after
suprise me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is this your experience or are you posting your suggestion? Or are you asking me what it spawns at lvl 40? If the latter, i can't tell you offhand. I usually go by colours first, then the lvl..

[/ QUOTE ]

Just my suggestion

[/ QUOTE ]

I like it!



People should expect that the XP mission bonus should be tied to the difficulty slider.

In other words, the harder the mission the higher the reward.



It's their call and their game, but if I were on the dev team, I would look at the climate of feedback and discussion among players right now, and consider it the number 2 priority, after fixing the problems with Issue 2.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who's to say that its NOT their priority right now, though? Something as important as difficulty sliders, which have a larger chance of unbalancing or screwing up the game needs to be well thought out and thouroghly tested. Just because it may take a few months to work it out doesen't mean its not a priority. It's just using common sense.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't say it WASN'T a high priority, I just don't KNOW that it is. When I have the developer's ear, I am going to express my opinion. If you have a contrary opinion (i.e. that is should be of low or medium priority), express it. But what you're really suggesting is that I don't express mine. Sorry, but the developers should know how important any given change is to their customers. And personally, if I were to consider any of 20 different proposed changes to this game, I'd rank the slider right at the very top.

Carefully considered and tested? Yes it must be. But how they prioritize it vis-a-vis other changes WILL materially affect when it actually rolls out. If they were to begin working on this after they fix the Update 2 bugs, and do NOTHING else but this until it is done, meaning we have it in say 2-4 weeks, I would consider that a coup. Statemen's words suggested (not stated) to me that we are looking at a considerably longer timeframe then that. That to me is somewhat disappointing, though I will reserve final judgment until I know for sure.

- felicity



People should expect that the XP mission bonus should be tied to the difficulty slider.

In other words, the harder the mission the higher the reward.

[/ QUOTE ]

Absolutely do NOT agree with this.

If you play a controller and can only face -1 opponents, you'll get less xp for the mobs - should you get less xp for the mission too? No way!

Let everyone pick the waythey want to earn xp:

* Tough missions - lots of mob xp, but a long time to earn mission xp

* Easy missions: More mission xpper time spent, but less mob xp



As for Update 2 being for "power gamers", I can honestly say that there was absolutely NO attempt to increase the game's difficulty. The conglomeration of bugs/mistakes have created this impression (beginning with the +1 mobs everywhere).

[/ QUOTE ]

This doesn't say much about your internal game test procedures. I honestly think you guys don't make a char at level 1 and level them to 15. Making artificially high chars for testing purposes in their 30s and 40s is all and well, but if anyone in your QA department had made a char from scratch, the 'conglomeration of bugs/mistakes' would have been starkly apparent.



So let me get this straight, the +1 mission are being fixed, but the slider is still going to probably take time? So they will be coming out at different times? Sorry to say but your going to have a lot of people dropping the game if that happens. I understand if its a bug, but when half the people like it, you should please both parties not just one. As for myself, I cant see myself going back to the same old missions, with no challenge.



Keep the difficulty option please, I love the fact that missions aren't so easy now. Makes the game more fun. Teams are useful, some tactics actually need to be applied. Please don't convert it back to City of Blasters and Boredom. If a mission difficulty slider is introduced great, but don't just neuter the missions again without it.



Agreed. What many people who are complaining about the post-Update difficulty have missed is 1) over 50 powers were upgraded while only 3-4 were nerfed, and 2) respecing characters makes them much more effective. These two factors pretty much outweigh most of the increased difficulty we are seeing, to varying degrees for different toons. If the difficulty is returned to pre-Update, the game will actually be much easier than it was, at least for many people. They are going to have introduce some kind of difficulty slider, or come up with their solution to post level-25 difficulty soon, or the people who prefer some challenge in the game will quickly grow bored. My team finished respec last night, then did a door mission to test our new builds. It was mostly +1 mobs, and we could have done it on our sleep. It was a joke. And that's with +1's. Had it been even cons, it would have been even more ridiculous.

My fear is that all these complaints about the difficult post Update 2 are going to make the developers very hesitant to do anything to increase the difficulty of any aspect of the game, even where it is clearly needed.

For the moment at least, I really wish they would only "fix" this mission bug for pre-lvl 20, and leave it as is for the mid to high levels.

- felicity



Was mission diffculty stealth fixed? Or am I just getting used to the harder missions, so I no longer notice? I haven't played any low-level alt in the last few days, but my 30-ish characters haven't see nearly as many yellow minions or red bosses as before.

There has been no anouncement. Anyone in the know?



Been a week, been a patch pushed to the live servers, and still this issue remains both unfixed, and even worse, unaddressed.

--edit-- Just FYI, this is from the under-22 point of view. My lvl 27 tanker has no problems with orange LTs and red bosses. My lvl 10 scrapper who dies in 2-3 hits from a red boss on the other hand ....



They fixed the "+1 bug" in the patch this morning. I have not seen a single red boss in any missions since the patch this morn - and I was seeing them in nearly every mission before the patch.

BTW, the devs have stated the "+1 bug" refers to minions/lieus/bosses in the 'end room' being +1. You will still see +1 minions/lieus throughout the mish - just not at the end.



Well I saw purple bosses this morning... it sure doesn't seem fixed. It was one of the hollows cave troll missions.



I think it's been fixed.

(Necro ftw!)



I think it's been fixed.

(Necro ftw!)

[/ QUOTE ]

Not always me.