Any timescale on when the +1 lvl bug is fixed?




I really think the mission difficulty slider needs to go in ASAP. These silly easy missions are boring.

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It does. But something as important as it *needs* to be properly tested and worked on, to insure that it wont really screw things up.



It does. But something as important as it *needs* to be properly tested and worked on, to insure that it wont really screw things up.

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Not to mentioned farmed. Give someone controlle of the game environment they will find ways to exploit it.



Actually i want them to keep them at +1.

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As do I. (Granted this is from a 30+ point of view though)

I do not know about the lower level.

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My 20 Katana/SR scrapper LOVES the +1 "bug". So much so that she's now level 22 (and a half). I've paired up with a good defender, and we've been tearing through these missions.

And kudos to the tile set changes!



I really think the mission difficulty slider needs to go in ASAP. These silly easy missions are boring.

Should it increase the mob level? Should it spawn MORE villians?

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I'd like to see both those, but perhaps a little control over it. Maybe two sliders, one for mob level and one for mob density.

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*Nods* And then of course there is how much is too much. And what about timed missions or story arcs? Should you be able to change each mission in the story arc individually? Or should you only be able to change it at the very first mission? And if thats the case, what happens if you make it TOO difficult? And what about timed missions? Should it increase the timer? Add extra objectives?

I mean, it just keeps going. Its not something that should be taken lightly. And thankfully, Statesman is not stupid and realizes that.



I've done a few +1 Level Bosses with my Defender solo... It took all my Insp.s in most cases and required a level of strategy (hit and runs, praying I had enough time to get out before getting pasted, etc.). But named Skull Bosses with Dark Melee are still basically unkillable at the lower levels without at least three people... My wife and I tried duoing Bonebreaker and after 3 deaths apiece he was still at 1/2 health... NO FAIR. Dark Melee Bosses have always been tough but now... Sheesh!!

Thanks for keeping us informed, Statesman!



It sucks at lower levels, and, from what I hear, at higher levels with support ATs (defs/controllers).

I'd say that the way to go is this:

1.) Get a quick patch or hotfix out to remove the +1 difficulty in missions. Get a patch out to remove some of the added effects that you've said is a bug and fix the low level mobs.

2.) Meanwhile, work on the difficulty slider.

What this will do is create a fix where you've got a balance of happy vs. content as opposed to the current unhappy vs. happy balance with mission difficulty. That can eventually be restored to happy vs. happy with the difficulty slider, but right now, better to get everyone back to at LEAST being content and not frustrated and pissed. In the short term, the people who are happy with the +1 difficulty will be a little disappointed, but at least able to do their missions, while the people who are currently screwed with these changes will be happy. in the long run, once the difficulty slider is out, EVERYONE will be happy.



I believe the fix to the number of +1 mobs is in a patch being tested. I do not know when that'll go live; it depends upon what we find in it.

Mission difficulty slider - I won't make any promises until I'm sure of a date, but I have stated I want this as soon as the schedule allows. Issue 3? I'd love it; but there's a TON of things to consider and I don't want to roll something out that isn't satisfactory.

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If the +1 MOB patch is being tested, it is not on the Training Room server. I just checked as I wanted to recopy my L17 Energy Blaster over and try a mission there he is currently holding. The Training Room version number and the current live version number are the same.

For clarification are you saying that any adjustments such as a difficulty slider will have to wait for update #3?

My personal observation is that if it is going to take another three months to provide some kind of relief for casual players in the +22 group, then many will probably leave for WoW and/or EQ2. The remaining folks in my SG have already stated as much.

I have a L33 Electricity Blaster that I no longer like to play because of the xp grind, severity of mission difficulty and lack of substantive rewards. Most of my alts are approaching the L22 threshhold and when playing them ceases to be fun then I will be gone.

I have really enjoyed the CoH experience up to the UD#2 changes that seem to have been gauged for the power gamers without any consideration for the casual gamers. One of the attractions for me for CoH was the casual gamer friendliness of the game. UD#2 seems to have put quite a damper on that aspect. I love a fun challenge, but I do not like a gruelling gaming experience that is almost impossible to do even with tactics.

Trying not to be negative and just my 2 influence on the situation.



Still confused...

Is the upcoming change only going to effect under level 20 missions? (please let that be the case!)

Or all missions?

Also, please hurry up with the difficulty slider!



If the +1 MOB patch is being tested, it is not on the Training Room server.

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I didn't say it was on the Training Server. It's being tested internally.

As for Update 2 being for "power gamers", I can honestly say that there was absolutely NO attempt to increase the game's difficulty. The conglomeration of bugs/mistakes have created this impression (beginning with the +1 mobs everywhere).




And PLEASEEEEEEE dont take away the +1 minions/mob in missions! Omg I love it so much! I can fianlly solo my controller reliably through the early levels, and god knows I might be able to stomach doing missions post lvl 20 on other characters!

I dont want to be the guy who says "omg you suxxorz" because you cant complete current missions but....c'mon guys. If your tank cant handle a few +1 minions solo, something's wrong, and it's not with the missions.

Sorry for the rant




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Did you just ignore the three or four posts made by Statesman already?




Also, please hurry up with the difficulty slider!

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And what happens if they DO "Hurry Up" with the difficulty slider and it ends up causing alot of problems? Let me guess, you'll be one of the first people on here lambasting the devs for hurrying it out the door and not taking their time with it.

You people don't get it both ways. You can't sit here and complain that they need to hurry up with something, and THEN complain that they didn't take their time with it. Its one or the other, folks.



total newbie here who just started playin last week. Only got 14 Sun nite by the hardest after dyin numerous times tryin to figure out how to beat a red bos.

I'm a blaster an the +1 stuff is fine EXCEPT when its the boss.

What I ened up doin this weekend was to get what? 3 missions max clear them out cept for the bosses an that was usually put me close to level. Id then just go roamin the citys til I leveled then go back an finish the missions with a nice even orange boss who still was not a pushover.

Figured I'd throw a real newbies view out there. I started a scrapper but hes only lvl5 so thats not a good judge of whats goin on.



It's really sad that people don't want this game to be challenging. I was ready to quit before the +1 "bug". Now the lower levels are actually more fun than the higher ones.



Actually i want them to keep them at +1.

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As do I. (Granted this is from a 30+ point of view though)

I do not know about the lower level.

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I agree as well. Post 30 the +1 mobs are a godsend. They make missions moderatley challenging (though still pretty easy imo). Plus, they make the in-mission xp a lot better. A mission with all +1s and the higher completion rewards makes doing missions somewhat close to outdoor hunting (though outdoor hunting is still clearly superior).

After leave 30, +1 should be the minimum mob you get in a mission (including bosses). There should also be a healthy amount of +2s as well.

In any case Statesman, when you fix the +1 "bug", please make sure you only do it for the sub 21 levels. Leave the 22-30 levels as they are. I would even say you should make the post 30 level missions even harder (at least until the difficulty slider goes in).



It's really sad that people don't want this game to be challenging. I was ready to quit before the +1 "bug". Now the lower levels are actually more fun than the higher ones.

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Different people find different things challenging and fun. I accept the fact that *you* find the game challenging. However, it's not for a lot of us.

For a lot of people, including me, the +1s make the early game tedious. I can handle the missions, but the tactics that I have to use are so defense oriented that it sucks the fun out of the game.

So it's not just a matter of "those people dislike challenge". For them, the game is less fun. Once we get a dificulty slider, things will be better for everyone.



I didn't say it was on the Training Server. It's being tested internally.

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Horses? We are getting horses?! Yay!

Wait...I just made that up. Reading is a skill some have glanced over it seems.



After leave 30, +1 should be the minimum mob you get in a mission (including bosses). There should also be a healthy amount of +2s as well.

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God no! Some AT/builds never get the uber ability of the elite builds even at high lvl.

My energy / energy blaster cannot kill higher con mobs at lvl 45 that I could at lvl 20!


Because my relative hits compared to the mobs has dropped to a fraction of what it used to be and energy/energy never get any ranged status effects or debuff powers to take the edge of enemies. But mobs get more and more exotic powers to make my life difficult.

I really fear the difficulty increase comming since the difficulty right now makes it really tough to play an energy / energy blaster at high lvl.



I think you'll find that the majority of people who don't like the bug are playing characters pre-SOs, and DOs to a lesser extent. My 27 blaster loves the +1 missions (she's ice, so small groups of higher level stuff is great). My level 6 tanker, who got her [censored] handed to her several times by about 6 yellow minions and 2 orange lieutenants that refused to split-pull (clocks + skulls for the Negotiator badge, if anyone cares), on the other hand, does *not* like it at all. Once she has a few more powers under her belt and DOs in her powers, those might be a little more doable. My biggest concern is that it *seems* in my experience as though, instead of front-loaded missions, what we often get now are missions with a similar number of villains at the back (where there used to be a fairly large number of grey/green cons) but they're now +1 instead of -2 or -3. That's a problem in the low levels, as I found out, much to my dismay, this afternoon.

That being said, my tanker is still plugging through at the missions despite the difficulty, since debt really isn't that big of a deal at this level. I feel certain that a fix will go through soon, and even if my blaster is a little disappointed, I'm equally certain that more mid/late-game difficulty will come soon too. I guess all I can really say is that, as always, we just have to be patient and try not to lose faith at the first sign of difficulty. CoH is still lightyears ahead of the other MMOs out there, but growing pains and speedbumps have to be expected; after all, what's a hero without *some* form of conflict?



It's really sad that people don't want this game to be challenging. I was ready to quit before the +1 "bug". Now the lower levels are actually more fun than the higher ones.

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I'm enjoying the +1 mob missions with my level 30 tank (still too easy, but better), and with my level 10 gravity controller -- not exactly a build that's a killing machine -- that I created after update 2 went live. But from what I'm hearing, it's a stretch in the 10-20 levels that may be overly tough.



After leave 30, +1 should be the minimum mob you get in a mission (including bosses). There should also be a healthy amount of +2s as well.

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Once difficulty sliders are in, they should allow difficulty to go down to -2 for slow soloers.

Actually what would be nice would be a level slider (-2 to +3, with every 2 players in your team allowing the slider to go +1 more or something like that) AS WELL AS a "tactics" slider of "easy" "normal" "hard". Whether tactics means lots of stuns and holds or not, or a higher percentage of bosses or LTs, I can't say.

But it seems to me that difficulty is different enough from build to build that level increases may be relatively meaningless to one build but having lots of bosses or mez powers might be hell. To a different build it might be the opposite.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



This seems to be a problem only for the *squishy* people. I LOVE the +! mobs with my tanker. Since we defeat thugs so much slower than a blaster, its nice to get decent XP for the time a mission takes us. When its all white con mobs my experience doesn't really move at all. I really hope they put the difficulty slider in soon. I'd crank everything up to +2 or more.



So in other words, you're saying we definitely won't see the difficulty slider BEFORE issue 3?

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Heh. No matter how much I stess that I don't know a definite timeline, I'll always get quoted on a specific date.

I most certainly did NOT say that. I would love it before...but that doesn't mean that it'll happen. There's so many factors that go into any feature...It'd be foolish of me to promise anything more definitive than "soon."

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States won't say it, but I will:
[Mr. T] I pity the fool that don't know how to read!
Now shut up and game, chump! [/Mr. T]



So in other words, you're saying we definitely won't see the difficulty slider BEFORE issue 3?

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Heh. No matter how much I stess that I don't know a definite timeline, I'll always get quoted on a specific date.

I most certainly did NOT say that. I would love it before...but that doesn't mean that it'll happen. There's so many factors that go into any feature...It'd be foolish of me to promise anything more definitive than "soon."

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So you are stating, with absolutely no ponderance of doubt, that there is no way we won't not be not having any more non-positive experiences that non-negate the issuance of Update 3?





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Did you just ignore the three or four posts made by Statesman already?

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In fairness, he wants the Devs to read the whole thing; he never promised to do the same himself (even at the cost of looking like an absolute dumbkopf).