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  1. Thanks Circeus. I hadn't read that report....never even saw it truth be told. Thanks again.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    wait, I4 goes live tomorrow? since when?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Extra extended maintenance hours tomorrow morning. A birdie also hinted that tonight would be a good night to complete the Calvin Scott TF if you haven't already.


    Arch, I hear you. As of tomorrow EA will be a thrice nerfed power: 5 mobs max, Taunt effect lessened because less mobs affected, End Drain made completely unreliable.

    Massive != Powerful. geko needs to understand that better.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    geko believes very strongly in his skills and it takes a LOT of screaming by a lot of players to get him to listen to anything. Anyone else remember the war he had with the Invul tankers about whether or not boxing was more powerful than jab? Took a lot of tankers a long time to prove he was him. He just wouldn't listen.

    Jeez.... just think back about how long it took just to get an acknowledgement from geko about the earlier problems we had with Ice. Meh.


    What about the Calvin Scott TF? How is that going to be affected....I missed the relevance to that TF and I4. Little help?
  3. Wow, Archimedes, I can't believe you and Circeus are still fighting this out. I gave up Icehawg for dead at level 33 when it became obvious that the devs don't understand their own game very well(and their close-minded "vision" of how *I* want to have fun won't allow any lee-way) and how they won't listen to the smaller player base Ice has over(or should I say "under"?) say Regen scrappers or Energy blasters.

    We can't yell loud enough because there isn't enough Ice tanks and there won't be more coming because of yet another artificial "fix" to a problem that didn't even exist.

    Good luck, Cicerus/Archimedes. You will need it and I hope you prevail but I don't see me getting "50" with Icehawg ever now....which is a shame since he was my first and I put a lot of hours into him(hundreds just to get to level 33).

    Oh well, back to playing my Kat/Regen until I4/5 borks that too. He is already level 21 and just 45 hours in. Sweet.
  4. Icehawg


    [ QUOTE ]
    Dragon Con - no.
    GDC - kinda. I'll be there for a panel talk, but that's about it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am going to find the closest one to my house and attend. Just so I can get Statesman to answer our goshdanged question about "something comic booky". We aren't crying for it. We aren't whining for it. We just wanna know what it was.

    So which of these CON's is closest to the Canada? (aka America Junior)
  5. En Français:

    1) Allez.
    2) Chasse.
    3) Mise à mort Skuls.
  6. Icehawg

    More answers....

    [ QUOTE ]
    1. We're going to be re-evaluating ALL the armor sets - not just changing their art. So EVERY issue involved with Ice, Dark, Stone, etc. is going to be looked at.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you. Thank you very much for the response.
  7. What if all tanker attacks could just take TAUNT enhancements? That way you could decide IF you want to have aggro from an attack, and which ones you wanted it on.

    And to prevent using up an ACC or DAM slot with a TAUNT enhancement, allow DAM slots to do double duty with TAUNT enhancements. So if you have six slots, and they are filled with 5 DAMAGE and 1 ACC you could drop up to 5 TAUNT enhancements in that attack as well. (1 TAUNT for each DAMAGE)

    ? (am I overlooking something?)
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    1. DA, Ice Armor, Stone Armor - the f/x are going throug a redo and the powers will be made stackable. I'll tell you when as soon as the schedule is solid.

    6. I do know that Unyielding Stance and its immobility is an issue. I'm going to be thinking about that a lot in the coming week.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stackable armors is NOT, repeat NOT, what the Ice tanker line needs. Check the Tanker forums : all 4 of us Ice tankers have started threads at some point explaining AT LENGTH the problem with Ice tankers : no mez protection. NONE. The Archetype is plain UNPLAYABLE and CAN be out-tanked by just about every type of scrapper and some controllers.

    WHY would you look at a problem(point #6) that has work-arounds available to it before you would address the enormous problem Ice tankers face in having NO WAY of mitigating the continued problems of not being able to contribute to a team and not being able to play solo?

    Don't get me wrong : I am happy for my Invulnerable bretherns and that the UYS problem is being addressed but they can teleport around to make their type playable and mitigate the "rooted" factor. What can the Ice tankers do besides team with a defender that can keep slapping Clear Mind on us? There is no way to "fix" our problem on our own. Ice tankers are not tankers. They are weak damage output scrappers with a bit more smashing defense....until they reach 32. Then we aren't needed, or necessary, on a team and we can't play solo since the effect is usually : sleep, toggle, dead.

    PLEASE, Statesman, take two minutes and find out the problem with us Ice tankers(again the tanker forums have the info) before you give us a fix we Just. Don't. Need.


    Some links, to save you time :
    Ice Tankers Need Love : September 9th
    Fix Ice armor, k? : November 3rd
    Tanker Primaries Guide v0.1 : November 4th
    Statesman Insulting Ice Tankers? : November 9th

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And if you can't find time to read the many threads on it, here are some of the main suggestions :

    Permafrost : Almost useless power. Chosen by very few ice tankers. Remove the fire protection and add some +RES to mez/sleep attacks.

    Glacial Armor : Very good....once in a while. For the most part it is passed over for more promising powers and Wet Ice/Frozen Armor is used instead. Add a +RES to mez/sleep attacks as well.

    Both these options would make two nigh-useless powers very viable options and prevents the whole "uber" tanker thing which, I've been told, is the reason all Ice tankers suffer from narcolepsy.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    1. DA, Ice Armor, Stone Armor - the f/x are going throug a redo and the powers will be made stackable. I'll tell you when as soon as the schedule is solid.

    6. I do know that Unyielding Stance and its immobility is an issue. I'm going to be thinking about that a lot in the coming week.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Stackable armors is NOT, repeat NOT, what the Ice tanker line needs. Check the Tanker forums : all 4 of us Ice tankers have started threads at some point explaining AT LENGTH the problem with Ice tankers : no mez protection. NONE. The Archetype is plain UNPLAYABLE and CAN be out-tanked by just about every type of scrapper and some controllers.

    WHY would you look at a problem(point #6) that has work-arounds available to it before you would address the enormous problem Ice tankers face in having NO WAY of mitigating the continued problems of not being able to contribute to a team and not being able to play solo?

    Don't get me wrong : I am happy for my Invulnerable bretherns and that the UYS problem is being addressed but they can teleport around to make their type playable and mitigate the "rooted" factor. What can the Ice tankers do besides team with a defender that can keep slapping Clear Mind on us? There is no way to "fix" our problem on our own. Ice tankers are not tankers. They are weak damage output scrappers with a bit more smashing defense....until they reach 32. Then we aren't needed, or necessary, on a team and we can't play solo since the effect is usually : sleep, toggle, dead.

    PLEASE, Statesman, take two minutes and find out the problem with us Ice tankers(again the tanker forums have the info) before you give us a fix we Just. Don't. Need.


    Some links, to save you time :
    Ice Tankers Need Love : September 9th
    Fix Ice armor, k? : November 3rd
    Tanker Primaries Guide v0.1 : November 4th
    Statesman Insulting Ice Tankers? : November 9th
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So in other words, you're saying we definitely won't see the difficulty slider BEFORE issue 3?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh. No matter how much I stess that I don't know a definite timeline, I'll always get quoted on a specific date.

    I most certainly did NOT say that. I would love it before...but that doesn't mean that it'll happen. There's so many factors that go into any feature...It'd be foolish of me to promise anything more definitive than "soon."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So you are stating, with absolutely no ponderance of doubt, that there is no way we won't not be not having any more non-positive experiences that non-negate the issuance of Update 3?

  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I am checking the energy readings... I've got interdimensional energy spikes all across the board, and although it looks like it is levelling off, I don't see them falling anytime soon. If anything they are growing in magnitude.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Out of character, and in all seriousness, does this mean that those of us who are trapped at work will still be able to join in the fun when we get home from the daily grind? Will this invasion continue well into the evening?

    And, more importantly, might I suggest that next time you launch an invasion closer to the end of the work day so that more paying customers can enjoy the entire invasion rather than just the tail end (assuming the invasion is just a day-long event).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good idea. So that way the bugs can sit there over night, screwing up everyones games, while the devs go home and sleep and eat and stuff.

    I am GLAD they released it early into THEIR WORK DAY. That way they can squash any bugs before I play it tonight.
  12. Icehawg

    Tanker Update

    Statesman = dreamy.

  13. Can ya feel it? Can ya feel it coming? I sure do. Here it comes!


    The Tall Cool One will be ready and waiting for whatever ne'er-do-well's that threaten our metropolis!

  14. *shakes fist*

    You dirty so and so! I knew I shoulda trademarked that *swoon* thing!

    *grumble grumble*
  15. The Statesman has stated, recently, that everything in CoH should be soloable for every AT. (no matter how long it could take)

    So the OP has a good point.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Can we get a hint on when patch 2 "may" come out?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No. A hint becomes "fact" and then when "fact" becomes a "late" patch, yelling starts.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    And 1% will cheer no matter how poorly they are treated.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Patent = dreamy. *swoon*
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I'd rather have a good fight that I can say I was a part of than be the short, loud-mouthed kid from high school who would go get his large friend or big brother whenever he got in trouble (we all remember this kid, I'm sure).

    - J

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I heard that Osprey called you a chump. And said some unflattering things about [INSERT LOVED ONE'S NAME].

    *wrings hands in a short loud-mouthed kid like manner*
  19. heh...sorry Malk. Hope you still have a job. Silver lining if you got fired? More free time to be a hero!
  20. I solo'ed Dr. Vahz last night and didn't need more than one CAB inspiration.

    I mean, sure, there was another 7 Heroes there with me, but I got the killing blow in! ME! HA! Take those 14 pts of damage Doc! Take 'em to jail with you!! HA!

    Yay me!

    *does the "there is no 'we' in team either" happy dance*
  21. /signed