Archvillains: Not working as planned.




In the 40's you get alot of missions with a Archvillain to arrest.

Of course this is impossible for a single Hero to do. Most times the pick up group can't do it either.

What is happening on a regular basis is people are clearing their mission except for the Archvillain then exiting and recruiting a bore lv 50 to quickly come and dispatch of the AV.

This will become the norm as more people hit 50.

So, tell me what the point of having a super high villain that is impossible to solo as a mission objective?

Its just becoming a slight annoyance not a neat game feature.

Get rid of AV's from mission that are attempted by a solo player.




It is possible to solo some AVs, I've done it once befoe, and it is certainly not impossible for a group to defeat them, I've done this with every other AV I've met. If you have the right team, AVs are easy to defeat.

Besides, Archvillains are supposed to be difficult.



Go solo Bobcat. Yeah right, people solo AV's all the time. Sheesh, you think I don't know how to play my AT?

Yes, AV's are suppose to be hard.........Thats why they should be kept in trials and Tf's.
Not solo players normal missions.

This game is steering away from being the casual, solo player type game it was touted as.

Why oh why do we still have to equate Hard with Fun?

Yes a challenge is always good. But not to the point where you feel the need to by-pass it.

Getting a lv 50 to finish off your mission will be the normal way in the future, mark my words.

What kind of fun is that?



Three people can do an archvillian even con.

Cons can hold them in issue 2.

Also the missions containing archs warn you to bring friends.

So bring a con and defender or a tank.



I have never, ever got a AV that was even con. Always purple con, +2 or +3.

Ok, so you're saying just leave the mission and level a couple of times and go back and do the AV?

Isn't that also by-passing it and waitting till you can handle it easily?
So again, whats the point of a super hard AV in a normal mission?

The next time you get a mission and it has a equal con AV, give me a tell, I want to see this.



I'd give my right arm to fight another Archvillain, so bite your tongue.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Yeah right, people solo AV's all the time.

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When did I ever say that? I said it was possible, not "it happens all the time". And it is possible.
You used the absolute "impossible" which was incorrect, I was correcting you. I did not say it was easy, I said it was possible.

And as for saying "this game is steering away from being casual", could that be due to the fact that you're getting to a higher level? A casual player will probably have lots of low level characters, and wil likely never encounter an AV, the harcore players are those who reach Level 50 on multiple characters, and those are the people who are encountering AVs.



Have you even read the description for the AV class?

It specifically states that a single AV is the equivilent to a 3-4 hero team.
So don't act surprised when Bobcat hands your *** to you.

Yes, they are working as intended.



You have defeated a AV that you fought the same level you received the mission?

Or are you talking about people waitting till they level 2 or 3 times then go and take on the big bad AV?

I really want to know if there is a AT that can take down a +2 or +3 AV solo...

Sorry, I just have a hard time believing that.



Read my post again. I never said they WEREN't working as intended.
I'm saying that that is a wrong approach to missions that people do solo.

I know the Dev's think the AV's in a normal mission is fun.
I don't.
Are AV's working the way the Dev's intended? Yep, more than likely.
But thats where my beef is. I think that the AV's in a normal mission are just going to be by-passed by recruiting a bored lv 50 to kill them for you.

Watch and see.

Also the Dev's feel that Blizzard(my 32 ice power) is working as intended.
Now ask the Ice blaster what they think of that.



Terra, the Devoured Earth AV, she wasn't as strong as some of the others, and it took a long time, but it's certainly possible.



With the new changes being done to game play in the higher lvls you will want to bring 8 people on those av missions after the next update and expect to have about 2-3 deaths per. The end game has been determined to be to "easy" so its being made harder so if ya had a hard time before with a av your gonna love it now



I'd give my right arm to fight another Archvillain, so bite your tongue.

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As would I..sadly though I'm only up to 32...but if theres an archvillain in alot of their missions I'll be working tons harder to get to them!



Wait till you finally reach 40+. We'll see what you're saying then.



Our team took out 2 of them in one mission last night, 6 people. Not easy, but only 1 death. Certainly managable.

And I had only played with half of them before this mission.



I did my 18th Av fight last night. (Actually duo'd 6 of them and solo'd 1)

I manage to solo Nemesis, bobcat, anitmatter, and Nosfar all of which were 44 and I was 49. But that was luck more than anything.

Add to that the 3 I was able to avoid, and then 15 more I still have to do I'm looking at about 40 av fight, thats a hell of alot of AVs.

I had 2 level 44 AV missions for the last month, before I finally clear them.

Thats the part I hate. I don;t mind a challenge but
A) We are limited to 2 arc at one time
B) we can't cancell mission

So once you get an AV mission they can be there for a while.

I'd like to see the ability to team up/group up and EVERYONE gets the mission completed at the same time. Rather than having to get a team and do it over and over.



Its just becoming a slight annoyance not a neat game feature.

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That's your opinion. My opinion is the opposite.

Get rid of AV's from mission that are attempted by a solo player.

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I think a better solution would be to have an alternate, AV-less mission to choose whenever an AV mission comes up, like what they are doing with the new "do x and y at the same time" group missions in issue 2. Then people who like to have lots of AV battles will not be affected while solo players can skip them.



I solo'ed Dr. Vahz last night and didn't need more than one CAB inspiration.

I mean, sure, there was another 7 Heroes there with me, but I got the killing blow in! ME! HA! Take those 14 pts of damage Doc! Take 'em to jail with you!! HA!

Yay me!

*does the "there is no 'we' in team either" happy dance*



Get you a lvl 40+ scrapper if you need help fighting an AV. Fighting the Clock King, my team got wiped because they didn't listen to me and stay back during the first 2000+ damage attack. I had four purples running, so he missed me, and I proceded to finish him off. BTW he was lvl 41 and I am a lvl 40 DM/Regen scrapper. Any good tank and most well built scrappers can survive the damage output of AVs.



Are the Archvillains kicking your ***? If so, then they ARE working as planned.

I love AVs because they are a challenge. Apparently, I am not the only person to think so because everytime I broadcast a "I need help with an Archvillain!" request, i get several responses from heroes eager to help out.



TheConfessor has posted several times about scrapper power at higher levels, and has posted a video of him soloing a +2 (I believe it was) AV. Didn't even look like the fight much phased him.

His point was that certain AT are a bit on the overpowered side, but my point is that soloing those things is doable right now if you have the right build, and if you don't, they should be more than manageable in a group or three or more.

If you want to recruit a level 50 every time you run one of those missions, so be it. I have friends that are reasonably close to my level, and if they aren't on, there's always the pick-up option. I'd rather have a good fight that I can say I was a part of than be the short, loud-mouthed kid from high school who would go get his large friend or big brother whenever he got in trouble (we all remember this kid, I'm sure).

- J



I'd rather have a good fight that I can say I was a part of than be the short, loud-mouthed kid from high school who would go get his large friend or big brother whenever he got in trouble (we all remember this kid, I'm sure).

- J

[/ QUOTE ]

I heard that Osprey called you a chump. And said some unflattering things about [INSERT LOVED ONE'S NAME].

*wrings hands in a short loud-mouthed kid like manner*



Archvillains are supposed to be a team effort per the developers.

That being said, I solo'd all but 3 of the AVs in the game in the level 40+ missions. The only ones that gave me trouble were Infernal and Diabolique. I brought some friends in for the final fight with Tyrant just so they could see him, but could have solo'd him as well judging from his performance in the combat.

Most of the AVs in the Praetorian arcs were at least +3 AVs to me (I was 45, they were 48 PLUS the AV bonus of +5.)

Now I recognize that Fire Imps are getting toned down in the patch, but I've tested them out on TestServer and the improvements in accuracy and more than doubling their HPs just makes them that much better for AV fights. Now they won't die to single shots anymore.

As for defeating Bobcat, the key is to get her to use her Moment of Glory/Unstoppable (whichever one it is, I don't recall) then run. Run like a little girl until it times out. Then she's as easy as a kitten to box up and send to the Zig.

EDIT: changed title of post.

Official Bureaucrat of Freedom
Ignis-Daemon-Lvl50 Fire/Rad
Red Singularity-Lvl50 Inv/EM
Lady of Ice-Lvl50 Ice/Ice
Mihoshi Sato-Lvl50 Katana/SR
Cyborg Warrior-Level 40 Robots/Poison
X Syndicate Officer



I think it would be better if the Archvillians HP and Damage scaled by how many people took the mission.



Not everything in the game is meant to be soloed. Soloing in the game is not some sort of God-given right that you are entitled to experience from level 1 - 50.

These archvillains gave me a tough time too, and still do, but with a great team, they can be taken down. I don't recommend waiting until you over-level the archvillain, though. First of all, all the minions will be several levels below you. Second of all, I've still seen archvillains like Anti-Matter and Infernal one-shot players that were a few levels higher than them.

Some of the archvillains are even con, like Nemesis. Most of the praetorians will be a few levels above you. Some of them can be avoided altogether, like Bile, Nemesis Rex, and the first few Envoy of Shadows encounters. Personally, I feel it makes sense that the Praetorian bosses should be tough - they are, after all, the equivalent of the heroes in the game. It would be lame to find out that Positron, Mynx, Bastion and the like were really pushovers.

Anyways, just go to Peregrine and hit the broadcast channel. I've always been able to find people to help.