Can we get a hint on when patch 2 "may" come out?




I have heard so many people who "claim" to know when the patch is coming out, I'd just like to hear if it's true or not. Has the COH Dev team given any hints to speak of that I might have missed?

All I know is, that I have already downloaded the patch as prompted when you close the game. Which would indicate that this is a "release" version of the patch to me. But the anticipation is killing me ^_^ I'd would like to know if it's coming sooner than later. Perhaps Positron would give us an "encrypted" answer like that one in that other unrelated post? Or perhaps not, but I regress. Even if the offical word is "no word" that would be something. At least then people would stop trying to divine the answer



The best we've got so far is "when it's ready".



The patch you pre-downloaded is the artwork and other stable elements, not the release version of issue 2. They probably could've realeased that even earlier, but people seem to think it's the whole thing, so they didn't.



The offical word is 'when it's ready'. When they have a stable patch on the training server, it will probably go live shortly after that.

There are quite a few bugs and other things the devs are fixing. It's very, very doubtful that it will be out this week.

If I had to bet, I'd say next week it will go live.



They haven't and they won't. There's no upside for them. If they set a date either they make it or they won't. If they do, people would be "well it's about time" and if they should have to push the date, you'd hear nothing but screams.

Why would they put themselves through that?



Can we get a hint on when patch 2 "may" come out?

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No. A hint becomes "fact" and then when "fact" becomes a "late" patch, yelling starts.



I think it should not come out till the bugs are worked out. From what I have seen/heard, there are more than a few.

I say October 10 or so. 3-4 weeks from now might be enough time to get the kinks worked out. Personally, I don't care for buggy release, so the more stable the better even if it's November



I have heard so many people who "claim" to know when the patch is coming out, I'd just like to hear if it's true or not. Has the COH Dev team given any hints to speak of that I might have missed?

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Yes. It's on the CoH website as the September/October patch. Therefore one can safely say the hint is that update 2 will go live in September or October.

CoH exists because there's a little hero in all of us.
Ridolfo 50 DM DA.
& far too many alts



Hmm. I'd bet on within the week. the 3-4 weeks figure is WAAAY off base. Really, the only thing that's yet to be tested is the new chat system, which hasn't gotten past Q&A yet. Everything else is either an isolated issue, or fixed at this point, and more than likely these small issues are already fixed in an internal build. 'Course, they might hold it in test longer because of things like the pet changes to get more user feedback before going live.



I think it should not come out till the bugs are worked out. From what I have seen/heard, there are more than a few.

I say October 10 or so. 3-4 weeks from now might be enough time to get the kinks worked out. Personally, I don't care for buggy release, so the more stable the better even if it's November

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That's a little extreme, I think. The content on the test server is definitely not fit for release just yet, but I wouldn't give it more than a few weeks, tops.



Well, considering the furor over the respec trial. I suspect it will be 1-2 more weeks



"it's ready when it's ready" isn't blowing smoke - as soon as the majority of the bugs are worked out, we'll put it live. Opinions range here from later this week (v. optimistic) to a few weeks - the bugs are being fixed in large droves, but we'll see.

Those opinions are all overridden by the reality of "we'll prop it when the bugs are fixed".


Jeremy Gaffney
VP Product Development, NCsoft



"it's ready when it's ready" isn't blowing smoke - as soon as the majority of the bugs are worked out, we'll put it live. Opinions range here from later this week (v. optimistic) to a few weeks - the bugs are being fixed in large droves, but we'll see.

Those opinions are all overridden by the reality of "we'll prop it when the bugs are fixed".


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HA-HA! So get off their damn backs already!

LOL, that's your answer and it is exactly as we should have expected. Anyone in the workforce recognizes that publishing your own self-set deadlines is a bad idea.



If you guys would stop reading the boards maybe you could get some work done

Of Course if you don't read the boards how do you know what the problems are.

What a paradox.



If you guys would stop reading the boards maybe you could get some work done

Of Course if you don't read the boards how do you know what the problems are.

What a paradox.

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Except that the folks reading the boards aren't usually the ones doing the coding...



"it's ready when it's ready" isn't blowing smoke - as soon as the majority of the bugs are worked out, we'll put it live. Opinions range here from later this week (v. optimistic) to a few weeks - the bugs are being fixed in large droves, but we'll see.

Those opinions are all overridden by the reality of "we'll prop it when the bugs are fixed".


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HA-HA! So get off their damn backs already!

LOL, that's your answer and it is exactly as we should have expected. Anyone in the workforce recognizes that publishing your own self-set deadlines is a bad idea.

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Wow, that was rude.... wait I can't believe I just defended the devs

I do think they should release some things like BUG FIXES, like the World Wide Red and Heros Hero story arc not giving souviners, for exmaple



"it's ready when it's ready" isn't blowing smoke - as soon as the majority of the bugs are worked out, we'll put it live. Opinions range here from later this week (v. optimistic) to a few weeks - the bugs are being fixed in large droves, but we'll see.

Those opinions are all overridden by the reality of "we'll prop it when the bugs are fixed".


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Software is never finished, but merely abandoned at a suitable point.



3DRealms was scheduled to release the game Duke Nukem Forever back in December 1998. They redid the game using a new engine and kept pushing the game back more and more. It's still not out yet. Years ago, when asked when the game was coming out, they stood firm and unwavering with their answer, "When it's done." It is almost 6 years later and the game is vaporware.

I'm NOT saying that the City of Heroes developers are going along the same route, I just thought that the DNF story was a funny one

Champion Heroes: The Wu Jen Adept(50)/Major Madcap(50)/Panther Ice(43)/Nightshadow Dragon(42)
Champion Villains: Freezing Night(49)/Tactical Widow(44)/Umbral Servant(38)/Mister Mechanical(33)



Gaffer, take all the time you need to get it working right.

Do not put me through "We're releasing the patch when we said, even though it's going to crash the entire game. Cya after the weekend!" ala Anarchy Online.

If you can't wait, here's an idea, GO PLAY ON TEST. They need more people there anyway.



EQ was doing the patch to fix the previous patch long before AO decided to do that.

I like that the patches have been fairly bug free.

Take all the time you want. 4 weeks sounds good. I will be 50 by then and not effect by the patch as much as some other heros will be.



Gaffer, I don't understand why this has to all be done as one HUGE update. Let's say there is a list of 100 changes coming in this update. Certainly you don't have bugs in all of those things and some percentage is working fine on test. Now, I'm not talking about releasing new content prior to the patch, like the capes or new levels. But why can't you do a bug fix release in the meantime which addresses the existing known issues in the game that you have fixed? I know it's been considered because I've seen Geko and Poz allude to "trying to get something live before issue#2". Yet it hasn't happened for some reason. Why? It seems like when the game first shipped you did a lot of these interim releases, and now there are less and less. It's really frustrating to read the boards, know that things that are bugging you are fixed already, and then be told you have to wait weeks and weeks because you guys are play testing completely unrelated items.



Some people are acting like you’re in a bread line. And some or IMO MOST people could not care less in the least and are really enjoying the game right now.

Relax, they will have things done ASAP, Duh.

How can anyone realize when things can be done? Only after a couple of years will they have a good idea how long it takes to do these things.

There still doing waaaay better then most or the rest.

If some one is not sure then oh well that’s just how it is, no big deal.

I am paying $14.95 a month for what the game is now, if it was not worth it a would cancel and come back when it was, simple as that.

P.S. The Devs are not trying to keep any secrets, it is just reality sometimes that you may not know exactly when something can get done.

But if you want my opinion on it, I would say about the middle of October.



But why can't you do a bug fix release in the meantime which addresses the existing known issues in the game that you have fixed?

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That's easy, because it’s not good to go over that stuff twice, they are working on what the live game is now and changing it. It would not be good to change things in the n=middle and go backwards and forwards etc...



Anyone in the workforce recognizes that publishing your own self-set deadlines is a bad idea.

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As would they recognize bad ideas, and sticking to them, is the top bullet in a VP's job description!
*checks over shoulder*



You know, you could almost make a game of it. Give the Cryptic staff random names, and then post their projections on when the patches will be done, and revise them weekly. Watch as the Pavlovian responses kick in as the ones the community views as highly accurate guessers start getting into the near future! We can guess at the relative accuracy of our favorite Mystery Dev, tracking it over the months! Woo!

Okay, maybe not.