73 -
Wow, that was really sweet. We love you too.
And now the Issues are getting smaller and even less frequent? Issue-7 was a lame duck that should come out of Crytic's pockets, not ours. Boasting an increase in subscription numbers while shrinking the Development team down to a skeleton crew while still charging the same price is unnacceptable. I think I've seen enough... I'm tired of getting screwed. This game's potential has finally decreased the the point that it fails to balance the monthly cost and time investment.
I'll be back when/if they ever come around and accept their share of the burden.
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Skeleton crew? Guys, let's not jump to conclusion here. First, Cryptic Studios hasn't layed anyone off. A quick glance shows we're hiring! Second, NCSoft announced cutbacks, but the announcement didn't specify where people were taken off. Remember, NCSoft is a leading MMORPG publisher. They have LOTS of stuff on the burners...Most of which never see the light of day.
A quick look at our release schedules show that only the first issue was released within two months. The second issue was 79 days later (as noted in this thread). Issue 3 then followed 110 days later, Issue 4 120 days, etc. We started trending more towards 3/year within a few Issues...mostly because we started learning about the production & QA cycle.
Bottom line: CoH remains a success in NCSoft's portfolio. They're continuing to financially support the product for a long time to come...Cryptic Studios loves the game. It's our baby. The game isn't going anywhere!
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(the caps were intentional) -
I remember when all my friends wondered what a Fire imp might look like.
I remember waiting for someone on Live to hit 32 and run back to IP so we could see Fire Imps before deciding if we should re-roll as a controller.
I remember we were tired of runners and not being able to attack them as scrappers. -
Agreed, Self heals really should count. I have had temp powers on my mains that have left me in the 2% range on the badge and it bugs the crap out of me.
Only when they appear in the world (outside of mission maps) do "Giant Monsters" count for badges. Basically: if it was meant to be taken down by more than 1 team, it gives the badge. Mission versions are scaled down versions that are more like AV's, thus able to be defeated by a single team, and thus do not give the badge.
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The CoH version of Baphomet appears only inside a mission, not as a Giant Monster. He's in one of the later Portal Corp missions, in an alternate world conquered by the Thorns. This is the only place to defeat him in City of Heroes, and the only way to receive a badge. If he was a Giant Monster in City of Heroes, I would never have questioned it. He is, however, an Archvillain there just like he's an Archvillain in CoV (scaled down to Elite Boss due to the latest patch, though you indicated that would make no difference).
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You're right... I fixed it so it works off both the CoH and CoV versions now (there are two different versions).
You may need to go back and defeat him again in CoV to get credit.
This will be in an upcoming patch.
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Positron, I hope you read this, please God don't make those of us who have done this several times, have to search endlessly for a lowbie with this mission to get this badge from. I have killed him sevel times and would really appreciate it if you data-mined that one. -
so what's the word on villains getting CapBuster from the Pocket D mission? It seems Snaptooth counts for that, but not the other Redcaps? I don't want to kill Snaptooth 333 times.
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There is a bug that is making the CapBuster badge tracker show up for Villains. We are tracking this down.
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Posi, before a *lot* of ppl waste a *lot* of time, can you confirm one way or the other as to whether or not Villains will/should be able to earn/keep the Cap Buster badge?
If we arent supposed to get it, then get rid of it now, before the jobless players have a chance to get it and the rest of us are left bending over. Otherwise, please fix it so all red caps count. Or at least assure us that you'll datamine down the road...
(All I know is that if I end up resetting a mish 333 times over the next 2 weeks - because I'm a sad little badge b*st*rd - for *nothing*, then NCSoft will have 1 less customer...)
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I PM'd Posi with this same question. I also would like to save myself and everyone else a lot of time if this is just a bug that will get fixed.
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If you want to get the badges in this limited window, go ahead.
Although keep in mind that the future may hold far easier ways to get the badges in question.
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Well how about making it so that all the kills count then?
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Because it wasnt ment for Villains to get OR Snap Tooth is the only one that counts
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*waves to Positron*
Will Snowbeast also be fixed?
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Yes. This is given to players who got the Toy Collector badge in December.
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Sweet! Thanks!!! -
I spent most of last night poking War_Witch...
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Also... we need more heroes to fight! I've taken out Back Alley Brawler, Infernal (Too much, actually), Aurora Borealis (Too much on that one as well), Mynx, and Sea Witch... where are the rest? I need to hurt Statesman, Manticore, Synapse, Positron, etc.
As far as villains... Just more cameos would be cool. I want to see them in-game - Mako somewhere on Sharkshead - even as just a contact somewhere hidden in a cave that when you talked to him, he sneers, "You're not ready. Now get out of here before some friends and I have you for dinner", and of course vicious sharks would be swimming around behind him.
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I think you'll like I7 then.
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Oh, that's just cool! -
CuppaJo is still on her vacation. Unless she's just hiding from me. Which would be hard because I'm such a rabid-fanboy-stalker.
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I went on vacation to hide from you A-Cat.
Yes - I was busy scaring myself half to death playing F.E.A.R. and The Movies for a week after the regular holiday. So if you sent a PM and haven't heard back yet - give me a few days.
Issue 7 - Tentative plan for releasing the "Feature Update" to the website is mid February - so you might as well settle in for about a month of waiting unless a dev decides to drop some hints.
Of course you already know I7 includes 40-50 content for CoV, and as with every update more art updates, missions, and quality of life features. The other items in I7 will be revealed when we get the Feature Update.
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All those things alone make me happy. -
To all you humbuggers out there, Free Stuff = Good. They didn't have to do anything at all.
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You wanted hats, they gave you hats. Here's to hats!!! Yeah!!! -
its up, contact ius in sharkehead he contacted me
I think they are not active yet... I think the devs like to watch us squirm.
I am also using ferries without any problems on protector
Why are there so many Canadian Devs? I am Canadian, from Newfoundland, living in Houston Texas, so I am kinda curious. The marine industry brought about 30 of us to Houston but I never knew the gaming industry farmed in Canadians too?
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Why are there so many Canadians in Texas? I'm from up North and now live in Austin. I'm not in the gaming industry but I feel so... farmed.
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I'm from the UP of Michigan (pretty damn near Canada) and I also live in Texas. What the hell is going on here. Texas is filled with Mexicans and Canadians. Haha
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We have a "Canadian Thanksgiving Party" in Houston, just in my immediate group of friends we usually have around 30 Canadians. I know of about 50 in my extended friends network here. Yep, I am pretty lucky, also we all play CoV. Our wifes have formed a CoV support group... the sit around get drunk and make out. -
Reged: 05/20/04
Posts: 684
Loc: Why! So you can kill me! Re: Real Life Pictures of the Devs Thread. [Re: Evil_CoH]
#4269417 - 12/08/05 03:14 PM Edit Reply Quote
Just to be fair here is Me
Nobody can accuse me of being a hypocrite.
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Are you single?????
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Ha-ha, nope. -
Hey, where did that horrifying picture go?
Can everyone who was scarred by it before it was taken off get a free badge or something?
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Ha-ha, Badge [censored]!
I must say this is a pretty good resource for Dev picks. We should put our money where our mouth is and add our pics too. That way the devs can recognize all the flamers and trolls in public and accost us if they ever bump into us. -
Why are there so many Canadian Devs? I am Canadian, from Newfoundland, living in Houston Texas, so I am kinda curious. The marine industry brought about 30 of us to Houston but I never knew the gaming industry farmed in Canadians too?
They are in Sharkhead too. Like level 20, near the containers by the port area.