Real Life Pictures of the Devs Thread.
good luck...I think people have been asking Cuppa what she really looks like since she started here...I think she's a little too afraid of certain forum members to reveal her true identity (even in just a photo).
The others though...anyone tried a google search (I can't...rassum frassum firewall)? I mean they've made convention appearances right?
War Witch (the dev) has a personal website with a real pic.
No wonder all the guys say she's their favorite, she's a cutie. And here I thought it was all about her avatar.
Just to be fair here is Me
Nobody can accuse me of being a hypocrite.
This might be a little dated.
Edit: changed link to flickr since imagedump was giving some people problems
"We all lose in the end, that is the intention" --Emanuel Lasker
This might be a little dated.
[/ QUOTE ]
So scary.....
This space is intentionally left blank.
This might be a little dated.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh man, I think my eyes bled a little there.
But it was pretty cool anyways
This might be a little dated.
[/ QUOTE ]
Never mind the BMW's. Thanks for posting.
Positively anti-deluvian.
This might be a little dated.
[/ QUOTE ]
This site is blocked IAW AFI 33-129 Transmission of Information via the Internet.
Your IP address has been logged as:
The website requested has been categorized as: Sex
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I am SO clicking this link when I get home now...after I get in trouble...
Captain Mako I believe....
Anyone else notice the ad links that show up to the left of the picture?
Tina's Free Webcam
I'm 19 and I have a webcam in my bedroom. Look At Me!
I cruise the beach seeking beautiful girls to perform in my videos...
15 Minutes free
30k adult movies online. Free signup!
Watch Supermodel Estelle Reyna, world's most downloaded woman.
What kind of pictures has pohsyb been posting...
This might be a little dated.
[/ QUOTE ]
You cannot access the following Web address:
The site you requested is blocked under your organization's filtering policy. It fits into the following filtering category(ies) that your organization has chosen to block: Pornography
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Temporarily bypass filtering on this computer if you have an authorized override name and password. (Note that your administrator may be notified that you've bypassed filtering.)
Use your browser's Back button or enter a different Web address to continue.
Bah I say, bah
Arctic_Sun... yeah, he's the web guy, but he has a red name around here.
Just to be fair here is Me
Nobody can accuse me of being a hypocrite.
[/ QUOTE ]
You look just like your avatar
Just to be fair here is Me
Nobody can accuse me of being a hypocrite.
[/ QUOTE ]
You look just like your avatar
[/ QUOTE ]
The picture is of my secret identity... I am supposed to look goofy, otherwise everyone would know I was a super-villain!
This might be a little dated.
[/ QUOTE ]
You cannot access the following Web address:
The site you requested is blocked under your organization's filtering policy. It fits into the following filtering category(ies) that your organization has chosen to block: Pornography
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Temporarily bypass filtering on this computer if you have an authorized override name and password. (Note that your administrator may be notified that you've bypassed filtering.)
Use your browser's Back button or enter a different Web address to continue.
Bah I say, bah
[/ QUOTE ]
Bwa-ha-ha! Nothing like a dev "bringing the man down" on people who get their CoH/V fix at work.....
Serves y'all right!
*shakes fist*
[/jealous-rant-due-to-no-internet-@-work] =P
(If I could find a way to play CoH at work wouldn't go home for weeks!)
Anyone else notice the ad links that show up to the left of the picture?
Tina's Free Webcam
I'm 19 and I have a webcam in my bedroom. Look At Me!
I cruise the beach seeking beautiful girls to perform in my videos...
15 Minutes free
30k adult movies online. Free signup!
Watch Supermodel Estelle Reyna, world's most downloaded woman.
What kind of pictures has pohsyb been posting...
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh crap, I know Tina. Now, should I tell her folks or not?
Mr. Lithuania
Jessica to Nathan in bed: "I'm not really bad, Isaac just drew me that way."
I wonder if those "Moderators 1-1billion" would post here
Arctic_Sun... yeah, he's the web guy, but he has a red name around here.
[/ QUOTE ]
Eeek! I've been found out.
Actually, that pic is from my bio page on Guardians of Order - shame I've lost the original photo somewhere in the archives. I was standing next to a wicked wrought-iron sculpture in the pose of the thinker, with a bunny head, if memory serves. Somewhere in the D.C. area.
Drat! Now my Secret Identity has been compromised! What shall I do!?
Why are there so many Canadian Devs? I am Canadian, from Newfoundland, living in Houston Texas, so I am kinda curious. The marine industry brought about 30 of us to Houston but I never knew the gaming industry farmed in Canadians too?
Hey folks,

Anyone interested in what thier favorite dev looks like? We have all seen Jack aka "States" & Zeb aka "Recluse", but what about Posi, Manticore, Cuppa, etc?
I think the devs need to post thier real life pics!
I will post mine too... but you first!