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  1. Cynical_Daria_M

    Forum Girl Vote!

    I!.... dont nominate myself but I will hit everyone in this thread with my car.
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    Why is the infinity server still down , and when is it expected to be up again?

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    Posting the same message 4 different times, in different forums is bad... m'kay?

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    Quantity over quality ....
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    My main is a Fire/Fire/Energy Tank She was going to be F/F/F but I didn't like the Fire ancillary pool as much as I had hoped I would.

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    Go fire tanks... we were good!.. once..
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    CuppaJo has a CuppaHusband?!

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    Yep called CuppaHubba
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    Did you still have that old freeky avatar when you posted? 'Cause that was, well, freeky.

    /e hopes it wasn't a RL pic

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    Funny you mention that. The avatar I had for the longest time was this (though much smaller), and I would often get PMs from, well, let us say, "lonely people". This despite the fact that my user page clearly says my name is Brad. Of all the names for girls, "Brad" is not one of them.

    I might bring back ol' Innuendo Girl there...actually, I think I will. The untold plushy Cthulhu joke is getting stale.

    Umm, I suppose I should at least attempt to make this post on-topic. Let's see...I know! Let's have a (labeled) pic of ALL the devs, or at least as many as can be gathered in one place. Males, females, question marks...whatever. That's the one Christmas present I want. Come on Cryptic devs and NCSoft support people! Somebody get a camera and get a group photo!

    EDIT: Hey, what the heck have they done to the avatars? That picture looked just fine when I had it before, and now it looks all blurred and stretched-out. Don't tell me they resize to 80x80 no matter what!

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    Pish damn school blocked me from accessing that site.
  6. I wonder if those "Moderators 1-1billion" would post here
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    The mental image of a stalker fleeing from the three very irritated Longbow Wardens and their dozen or so Eagle backups should bring a warm feeling to anyone's heart.

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    But as they run by you with their mob stalker AS's you.
  8. Bah my b/f wont even touch CoH with a 10 foot pole.. he rather tinker with his import... its still slow
  9. Cynical_Daria_M

    Exemplar Aggro

    As of now the exemplar works well the only thing i do not like is how i am booted if i lose connection or if my partner loses connection i know its only to stop people from abusing it but find a better way cause i lose connection alot