13 -
For me, in order:
1. Story lines
2. Costumes
3. Quality of Unique Villian Groups
4. Badges
18. Bases
1,543,690. PvP
-Tsoo -
This is the quintessential (yes, I had to look up the spelling but it's the only word that fits.) TMS post:
38% of it made me laugh,
57% of it registered an error on my universal translator,
16% of it gave me a glimpse into a larger, brighter universe.
I have not, as yet, spawned a Storm Offender nor do I plan on it at this time. I have no idea if your guide is either useful or accurate. To be honest, I invested the time in reading it based purely on your past history of posting.
That all sounds very goo-goo-crushy-fanboi-y and slightly creepy-crawly-stalker-y. Not to worry, I don't play any stalkers either. Let's just say that I thoroughly enjoy your posts and leave it at that.
Please don't let any of this go to your head because [deadpan]your total lack of ego or vanity is part of what makes your posts enjoyable[/deadpan][/sarcasm]...
Oh, I forget to insert the ([sarcasm]) box..well I'm sure you can figure out where it was supposed to go.
Anyway, thanks for the 20 minutes of smiles...
No-one else had to keep stopping and re-reading the last two paragraphs??.. sh-aa..
-Tsoo -
It isn't an ultra rare occurance for individual people to be awarded badges incorrectly...further adding to the confusion. Buggy counters happen. =)
I also want to chime in on the "watching my bar" method mentioned a few posts ago. The bars are just a rough estimate of your current % complete, and a pretty darn sloppy/buggy one at that! First, (assuming they work at all!) they often lag way behind your actual progress (I have received a badge with about 1/5 of a bar left to go) and sometimes even jump out ahead of where you truely are. (I just had to defeat 37 more Marcone bosses to get the badge after my bar filled.) IMO, now that the Devs are starting to waiver on the whole "NO HARD NUMBERS!!11!" thing they really need to replace the bars with a fraction with your running total over the amount needed. (heh, can you imagine the old Rikti monkeys set up like this: 7 of 10000..or worse, the current "epic" badges 5,234,567 of 1,000,000,000!
The only accurate way to test "counts" toward a badge that I know of is:
<ul type="square">[*]start with a character known to have ZERO counts toward a given badge.[*]Select a target to generate 'counts' and stick to just that target. (e.g. ONLY minions of type X if you want to nail down a kill count and don't want to get into any "ramping credit" debate--more on that later) [*]Keep as accurate a count as you can of how many of these you have killed. Reviewing your chat logs and using a 3rd parts program like HeroStat helps greatly. Also, if you are manually keeping track, write it down! Also keep in mind that sometimes bugs happen and a kill or two may not register a count, I tink it's safe to assume that the badge #s are some even # like 200 not 206.[/list][*]If you want to take on the whole minion/leut/boss scale debate the thing to do would be to:
<ul type="square">[*] Make two copies of a 'zeroed' character on test.[*]Run one through the badge only defeating minions. [*]Run the second through defeating a mix of all. (Note: there may be cases where defeating a mix of enemy class would skew your #s. For example: If bosses counted 2 for badge X but leuts (for some reason) didn't count at all that would be hard to track so you may want to go with 'all bosses' or 'all leuts' for the second pass.)[*]See if there is a singificant reduction in the amount of kills it takes to get the badge.[/list]If there is a difference and you kept track of minions v leuts v bosses you may also be able to make an accurate guess as to the ratio. I suspect, however, that using this method will disprove the theory.
-Tsoo -
Debt for an Accolade? oh yeah, that hurts. paying off debt isn't much of an achievement. It's not something you can specifically work at - it's just a byproduct of whatever you're doing at your time. This is not the same as hunting a specific group or doing a particular mission. You may as well make the levle 40 badge (whatever it's called) a requirement - and that would be a pretty lame requirement, IMHO.
[/ QUOTE ]
That is why we should impliment these and tie an acolade to not getting them by a certain lvl:
new badge tree: track team wipes
lvl 1- Rez plz.................."Bad things happen to good people..."
lvl 2- Lol, my bad!..........."Pulling is an art not a science and you have trouble drawing straws.."
lvl 3- BioHazard..............."The Surgeon General has declared close proximity to you to be a health hazard."
lvl 4- Deadhead..............."Lately it occurs to you, what a long strange trip it's been."
lvl 5- On a Pale Horse......."Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds..."
I'm having trouble deciding on the numbers though...
The first should be one that everyone has but not right away. Say 3? 5 maybe?
The second should be easy but avoidable if you are really cautious..say 10? maybe 15 over the course of 50 levels?
The rest should make it obvious that you are trying to get them (or just that bad =P )
...and maybe require a team of at least 4 to count...hmmm... this sounds really fun!
[/ QUOTE ]
/shameless (and off topic) plug....please continue
-Tsoo -
Hi Inversion,
You evidently put alot of work into this, but I'm missing something here.
This keybind system is optimized so that while in combat your left hand never leaves the left side of the keyboard, and your right hand never leaves the mouse.
[/ QUOTE ]
When does YOUR left hand leave the keyboard using the default configuration ?
The only real difference I use from the default setup is that I have the "z" Target_Enemy_Near and I never lift my left hand from the keyboard during combat.
Again, I mean to[sic] offence, I'm just not seeing where the "problem" exists that you've spent all this time perfecting a fix for.
[/ QUOTE ]
Under the default settings, at some point you will have to move either your left hand off of the movement keys (and surrounding utility keys) or your right hand off of the mouse in order to hit num7-num0 or f6-f10. (or have very large hands)
---To the OP---
The first think that jumps out at me when simply running through the configuration with my hands is the awkwardness of AltZ, especially if used in a string with AltX through AltB.
The most comfortable way for my hand to press AltZ is: (thumb)Alt/(pinky or ring)Z. If I continue down the row to activate a string of powers I end up either overlapping my thumb to hit AltV and AltB or switching my hand configuration, both of which are awkward.
I would probably solve this by moving down the keyboard one slot and using AltX through AltN allowing my pinky to stay on Alt without creating too big a stretch for my index finger to hit N. (at least on my pretty medium sized hands.)
Other than that (very minor) tweak I will probably try this out today or tomorrow and let you know how I like it. (I have been looking for an alternate board set-up for a little while)
Best of luck
-Tsoo -
Welcome to MMO PVP. Whoever screams "WE SUCK" the loudest gets to be next months kings of pvp. It's basically one giant slow-motion ping pong tourney.
-Tsoo -
Also, in regards to the females in silver...I hadn't thought of how the new "moon gravity physics effect" would be applied to the jigglies...There'd be alot of auto-logouts due to afk...
*drools at slo-mo jigglies* -
Imagine Knockback on the Moon....
[/ QUOTE ]
Aye, you'd need to at least double the knockback distance and then apply it to both the target and the targetter!! (If your going to put in the time and effort to make a Moon zone do it right and make it freak'n unforgettable!)
-Tsoo -
I want to KO Blow you pesky Heroes back to Earth! =)
-Tsoo -
Lower Gravity Everyone has a temporary power that allows you to jump much higher than on the earth.
[/ QUOTE ]
YES! But, all movement is slowed and you have a tendency to "coast". (Think Frostfire or Oilslicks)
Also, the higher you travel vertically the less you are effected by gravity. (I can see the broadcast spams now: "LFT w/ Recall Friend....I'm stuck on the map ceiling and can't get down! PPPST!")
-Tsoo -
Fine. No beards and flat chested isn't plausible?
How does this grab you. The circle of thorns specialized long ago in diverse magics, but it was found that men had a talent for manipulating minds and the elements, while women had a talent for possessing spirits and summoning demons. Today, when a hero ventures into Orenbega nad confronts a Behemoth, he is confronting a female CoT member.
This explains the lack of external genitalia on the Behemoths.
[/ QUOTE ]Dude, I'd hit it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do I work with you?
-Tsoo -
This might be a little dated.
[/ QUOTE ]
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Temporarily bypass filtering on this computer if you have an authorized override name and password. (Note that your administrator may be notified that you've bypassed filtering.)
Use your browser's Back button or enter a different Web address to continue.
Bah I say, bah
[/ QUOTE ]
Bwa-ha-ha! Nothing like a dev "bringing the man down" on people who get their CoH/V fix at work.....
Serves y'all right!
*shakes fist*
[/jealous-rant-due-to-no-internet-@-work] =P
(If I could find a way to play CoH at work wouldn't go home for weeks!) -
Here's one for ya. I've seen Fake Nemisis saying "Another visitor." and "Stay awhile. Stay forever!" These are quotes from an Epyx game called Impossible Mission (not Mission: Impossible) that I've played for the C=64 (That's Commodore 64 for you youngin's out there). These same words were uttered (one of the few games back then that had actual speech in the game) by the main villain in the game as soon as it starts. I'm still waiting for one to say "Destroy him my robots." That's about the only thing left from the game for them to say.
[/ QUOTE ]
..Not True!!! They also didn't put in the "AHHHHHahhhhaAHHHHAahhhAHHH" That my guy made about every minute and a half 8^P ! (I was about 6 at the time)