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  1. Ever since they got put under NBC's umbrella, and a programming manager who publicly admitting to disliking Science Fiction, it's gone downhill. And their ratings have followed.

    It is generaly admitted that they are making a conscious (sp) move AWAY from science fiction/fantasy/horror, and with it distance themselves further and further from their core original audience.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    I can do this....... two questions:

    1. Is that really not normal? and...
    2. Is that BAD that I can do that?
    That depends Westley, whether you can really "turn off" your emotions, or whether you can set them aside and think and react rationally (in other words, the emotions are still there, not off, and you are simply adjusting your reactions with the understanding that your emotions may be affecting them.)

    If you can really just "turn off" your emotions, instead of just adjusting for them, then you may wish to seek some counseling (not from the Council, however, they have issues. I hear that the 5th Column Vampire Mesmerists have degrees in Psychology, but rely too much on Freud. There's a cute Carny fortuneteller I know with a PHD in abnormal psychology. . . .)
  3. No more news about Double XP / MA / Issue 15!! I want more on Going Rogue and I16.

  4. Is doublexp going to be the 39 month veteran reward, (crosses finger)
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    What I did was respond to Positron's post. I mentioned that I don't think it'd be as manpower intensive as Positron states. And I suggested a possible time frame for work to begin on this project. How exactly is this dOOOOm?

    I realize of course that my statements are just my opinion, and Positron is certainly in a better position to know just how manpower intensive a project would be than I am. That combined with my low post count and my lack of a level 50 character will certainly lead a number of people to discount my posts no matter how sensible they are. This isn't going to stop me from stating my opinion.

    It is my belief that the forum is here for all of us to state our opinions, not for all of us to simply agree with yours.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think he got confused because we so seldom see statesman on the forums.
  6. Tachyon_Fringe

    Cryptic coolness

    Quick and Dirty Solution to Power Customization:

    In new CoX box sets, include squares of tinted polypropelene (cut to fit, square, 22" on diagonal) and scotch tape.

    Pick the shade you wish, and tape it to your monitor. Voila!! Instant power color customization!!

    They even have printed polypropelene for patterned effects.
  7. Ex Libris:

    The Paragon City Detective Agency (Triumph Branch) is interviewing for an Archivist position. Interested Applicants Only.
  8. I disagree, i think the invention system SHOULD churl out loads of XP at the push of a button. But just for me. And Cheese-Puffs. Or Cheese-Puffs. At least Cheese-Puffs.
  9. Super Speed + Hurdle + Swift + GvE Jump Pack.
  10. A Cthulu MMO!!?? Sign me up!
  11. Friday the 13th , garbage, It should have been friday the todayteenth.
  12. I never thought Id play a mmorpg. Couldn't see spending the money, didn't have broadband or a decent gaming computer.

    I remember may 15th, 2004. My younger brother gave me CoH as a Birthday present and I said "Gosh, but you know how I feel about paying a monthly subscription to play a game."

    "Well, I've got the receipt, and you can exchange it if you want."

    "Ok." And I walked back to the kitchen. When I returned he had already broken the celophane and was busy reading the manual.

    "DA*N, I can't return it now."

    "Well, it says the first month is free."

    "Ok, let's load it up and play. At least I'll get to play it for a month."

    I've been playing ever since...............Bought him a copy two weeks later, bought my daughter a copy last year.
  13. Ok. Now I want to roll up an Archery defender again. Thank you. Argh. Can't escape the gravitational pull of the Lumiverse, must . . .. try . . . .
  14. So, I guess then that the "guys" have it?
  15. 36 pages? My goodness, we've beat this horse to death. Thankfully the thread growwth has slowed down!
  16. It ill behooves the more intelligent and mature minded side of this discussion to continue to argue the point with those who use the word tune .............................
  17. Shivans! How do you get the slime out of the carpet?
  18. I have an Ice/Storm Controller "char-toon" and ICE ROCKS!!

    Oh god, even using it in hyphenated form makes me nauseuos.
  19. How about this:

    We all promise to let this thread die if the dev's post a complete listing of the first 10 Veteran's rewards, in order, with descriptions, and afterwards to live in peace and Harmony, toons and chars, hand in hand in brotherhood?

    (Although with this group it'd be more like Cain and Abel.)
  20. Ok, let's schedule an Arena Battle Royale to determine this issue. All those in favor of "Character" vs. all those in favor of "Toon". At least we can then get back to playing the game instead of arguing over why TOON is wrong and Character is right. Geez. That's like arguing over the world being Flat or Round.................................
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    My heroes are just that HEROES. I will stop calling them Toons.....

    (Is gulity of the Toon thing. )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good for you!

    The uninitiated often use terms which are inappropriate/inaccurate. I know people who call their computer cases "hard drives" until someone opens up the case and point out the actual hard drive and explains to them the difference. "Toon" is a similar misnomer. It's reflective of the way in which some people were introduced to the concept of super-heroes. They have the idea in their head that the concept of the super-hero is rooted in cartoons and animation, without realizing or understanding the stronger canonical connection to early sci-fi and fantasy literature (true novels and literature) and comic books.

    Using the excuse that comic books or cartoons are the basis for the super hero genre reveals an ignorance of the history of the super hero. Doc Savage, the Shadow, Tarzan, John Carter of Mars, Zorro, Beowulf, Hercules, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Hugo Danner from Gladiator, and uncountable others formed the basic concept of super hero. All of these would be considered super heroes. None of these began as cartoons or drawings. They began as CHARACTERS in stories.

    The historical precedent for nomenclature has been set. CHARACTER is more accurate, both from an RPG standpoint and a literary history standpoint. TOON is derivative and simplistic, and reflects a certain level of naivete.
  22. The use of the word "Toon" to refer to a character in a role-playing game may infringe on copyrights held by Steve Jackson games in conjunction with the PnP role-playing game "TOON". I respectfully request that in order to avoid any legal issues we refrain from using this term in reference to CoH/CoV characters and reserver it for WoW and EverQuest characters.

  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Technically we are playing in an environment that is cartoonish. I don't see anything offensive about the term and since it seems pretty common, I think those who have issues with it need to get over themselves.

    PC stuff drives me crazy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yep, the environment does lend one to use the term "toon", especially those who have not had the pleasure of being introduced to pnp role-playing games.

    But it bothers me as much as when someone says they need to "heat up" a battery instead of "charge" it, or when someone says their car needs "coolagen" instead of "coolant". It's annoying. That's all. Annoying. I don't hate people who call their guys toons. I just look at the text and mentally replace "toon" with Alt or Character or Guy.

    "toon" is a shortening of the word "cartoon". In modern usage the word cartoon conveys connotations of satire and/or comedy, and many dictionaries include those words in the definition. Although there are occasional comedic interludes and references within CoX, it's tone is not primarly one of Comedy or Satire. Thus, use of the word Cartoon or Toon would be inappropriate.

    But, then again, comic book artists are often refered to as "cartoonists"! So the use of the word "toon" would be appropriate!

    Although originally a cartoon was a full size drawing made on paper for further study in the production of another work, be it a fresco, portrait, or statue, that definition is ill-applied to CoX as well. Thus, use of the word Cartoon or Toon would be inappropriate.

    However, cartoon is also used to refer to a sketch used in the production of an animated film! So use of the word "toon" is appropriate! (See Below)

    Because of the similarities between early animated shorts and comic strips, the term cartoon came to be associated with animation. Because the graphical nature of the game is very similar to animated film, the use of the word "toon" could be considered appropriate.

  24. Actually, the game DOES have a randomizing feature. Check the initial costume designer! You can randomize both the costume itself and the scaling grids. So Bleh!

    I have to admit, the "TOON" nomenclature bothers me quite a bit. However, I can see why some people would latch on to it. People who started with pnp games typically use Character, people who started with online games typically use toon. Me, I just refer to my guys as my guys!

    "Hey! I Started a new guy last night. Ice/Storm Controller. He really kicks Ice!"

    "Blleh, thats a FOTM toon if I ever saw one!"

    "Fine, step into the Arena."

  25. How gimped do you have to be? I used one of the free-specs once seriously crippled my rad/rad defender. (I chose ALL of the travel pool powers, leaving me, while very mobile, very gimped.) Survived terra volta AND contributed to the team (most of whom were as bad off as I)