Say farewell to SGU.
I gave up on syfy when wrestling started airing,I'm still waiting for someone to explain how that is considered "sci-fi".
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
I can't say that I'm particularly surprised. I've found SGU to be poorly written and filled with a cast of unlikeable characters.
"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot
The whole brand shift from Sci-Fi to SyFy was specifically to acknowledge that they wanted to do more than Sci-Fi content. Which, to be fair, they already did - they already showed a lot of fantasy and (usually bad) horror too.
I too am completely nonplussed at the addition of "professional" wrestling to their lineup. I've never been able to stand the stuff.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Thats unfortunate, I guess thats pretty much the deathnell to the franchise now that the troubled MMO relaunch fizzled out as well.
I guess SyFy has got the new series of 'V' in their favour (which seems to be forever delayed), but I've got to agree... Its been a long long time since I've looked at Syfy's UK programming and thought "Wow, oh hell yeah, can't wait !".
Good bye SGU, i wont miss you. I dropped SGU about 3/4 through season one and was surprised it even got a second season. I watched and loved all Stargate series prior to this one but SGU was such a massive departure from the previous series that it left me nothing to connect with. It was dark, heavy, not fun and not funny. I really wanted to like the series as I wanted more Stargate in my life but I just hated it. Perhaps now we will get a good Stargate, unless of course SGU has killed the franchise....
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer but this series was such an incredible disappointment for me, I just can't help it.
I can't say that I'm particularly surprised. I've found SGU to be poorly written and filled with a cast of unlikeable characters.
It was Stargate's version of Voyager, even down to the unlikeable roster. Even though Stargate went through an 'original movie,' a 'next version,' and a 'spinoff centered around a distant base,' I've got to guess that emulating Voyager wasn't intentional.
The producers cancelled Atlantis because they thought Universe would appeal to a wider audience, essentially ignoring the existing fanbase and killing the franchise. They deserve much more of the blame than SyFy.
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
I gave up on syfy when wrestling started airing,I'm still waiting for someone to explain how that is considered "sci-fi".
Someone needs to mercifully shoot Syfy directly in the head.
It's a shame really, it used to be a solid stop during surfing.

Hopefully MGM realizes what they have and pulls what they did with SG-1 which is go sell it to somewhere else... Or just do the whole movie route with SG-1 and expand into SGU and SGA
COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster
Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier
By the way, Syfy's professionalism shows as apparently they didn't tell the cast or crew about the cancellation. They all had to find out via twitter with everyone else. Edit: At least some of the crew was notified via email shortly before the announcement on twitter. |
What really killed the show for me was the unnecessary shakey cam. Nothing like watching a conversation between two characters and watching the cam jumping around like a cricket on crack (very very noticeable when you only light the characters faces but have a dark background). I could deal with the characters and whatnot, but getting motion sickness (something that only extremely rarely happens to me) from a tv show is a massive turnoff.
That, and the writers continual ******** on Eli. It was like some kind of passive-aggressive hatred of the fans that made SG-1 and SGA into successful shows, IMO. The only halfways likeable character and they made him into the punching bag.
Good news with that release though? More Eureka, Warehouse 13, and Haven. Hopefully more Sanctuary too, as I enjoy that show. Though given it's death slot on Friday after wrestling...
But putting on wrestling? ugh. They should enter the vault and dig up reruns of shows they've run in the past like Forever Knight or Highlander or Star Trek or even Lost in Space to fill the timeslots needed.
I lost all trust in Syfy when they changed SciFi to Syfy. At least I have Space: the Imagination Station. The only shows that doesn't fit with Science Fiction, Fantasy, or Supernatural is Nikita and Chuck, but that is only because they aren't pure Science Fiction.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Their lineup even before that was already showing signs of deteriorating.
Syfy's one good reason to watch ended when BSG called it quits.
Like I said it should be put out of its misery.

SGU is people wanting to make SG like BSG when it's nothing like BSG v.v
Bingo. I didn't even get through the first 2-parter.
It was Stargate's version of Voyager, even down to the unlikeable roster. Even though Stargate went through an 'original movie,' a 'next version,' and a 'spinoff centered around a distant base,' I've got to guess that emulating Voyager wasn't intentional. The producers cancelled Atlantis because they thought Universe would appeal to a wider audience, essentially ignoring the existing fanbase and killing the franchise. They deserve much more of the blame than SyFy. |
- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.
Are there any shows with spaceships on left on TV?

Well Chloe was going to turn into hot alien hybrid chick, so things may have been looking up along the lines of 7 of 9.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Cries. Nooo. But then again I have missed most of season 2 not out of choice. And the fact that I love stargate and don't nitpick much.
Now just trying to think what is worse the stargate franchise dieing or when star trek enterprise got canceled. Actually I guess there all tied right there with Starship troopers Roughneck chronicles getting canceled right at the last few episodes of the show.
I guess I will have to find some way to finish watching the show. Then again I don't have to worry about missing any of the show when I am going to be gone for 2 years soon. LoL.
PS: Warden, no not really. There is a few good anime being made out there but most of it not starship style shows. And the only stuff that gets brought over here is crap. The stuff on Cartoon Network right now is so bad it hurts.
How long do you think Star Wars the Clone Wars is going to last. It keeps giving me the vibe that it won't last much longer.
Word just got out that Syfy is not renewing Stargate Universe for a third season. Press release will be released soon. My faith in Syfy is now completely gone aside from eureka and Warehouse 13. Friday has been their night of hit shows for a long time and they decided to replace it with 2 hours of wrestling. They argued that the move should help the shows seeing how well Eureka and Warehouse 13 have done on Tuesdays during the summer. Ratings were low for SGU on tuesday yet they were about the same as last season in Canada where the program was aired during it's original time showing that the audience was still there but they just didn't make the move. With no plans for a film to finish the show, it is unlikely that we will ever see the planned outcome to the show.
From the Syfy twitter:
Edit: At least some of the crew was notified via email shortly before the announcement on twitter.