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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    If you're out of Supergroup mode, Bling isn't really much of an accomplishment, it's an inevitability.

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    But just barely. I got Bling at level 30 (no super group), just on the verge of outleveling Doc Buzzsaw.

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    I missed Doc Buzzsaw, only because I didn't know he existed until it was too late. The only one that I really WANTED to do was Crimson Revenant. Unfortunately, every time I have tried to get the Hammer Down badge, Scrapyard walks in front of an Arbiter Drone and gets zapped.

  2. [ QUOTE ]

    We also need to add more Contacts from levels 35-40.

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    One request: No more Infernal
    He annoys me more than my cat when she's hungry...
  3. I added a couple pics of me to my screenshot gallery (link below). It's under the Iraq Pictures link, since those are the most recent ones...
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg...

    *Bangs head on table*

    Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg...

    *Gouges eyes out*

    Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Seek out a cure for this condition, before it is too late...

    Yes, the upper 30s need more enemy groups in the upper 30s. And I say that even though my main villain has a Magic origin and has a good time beating on CoT.

    The 30s are where we need the newspaper the most, and that's where we have the least variety of enemies to fight.

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    Most of it is intentional as I'm trying to milk the contacts I have left. Unfortunattely I'm stuck with Johnny's Soul and Capture Lilithu missions, so I'm waiting to level before finishing those, and I KNOW I still have the Baphomet (sp??) mission waiting after that.

    Or, I could stop being anti-social and find a VG to join....NAHHHHH
  5. Warburg...

    Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg...

    *Bangs head on table*

    Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg...

    *Gouges eyes out*

    Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg, Warburg...
  6. Gangbuster Badge requires Marcone bosses. The best place I found was around the Marconeville area of Port Oakes. I think my count was near 150 when I finally got the badge.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    This might be a little dated.

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    This site is blocked IAW AFI 33-129 Transmission of Information via the Internet.

    Your IP address has been logged as:

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    If you have a mission related reason to access this site please email the NCC Help Desk.

    I am SO clicking this link when I get home now...after I get in trouble...

  8. The bad pick-ups lines on the dance floor in the Golden Giza casino are the greatest things ever:

    Murray: Excuse me, do you have any raisins? How about a date?

    *Note to self: use this line later*

    So I guess these lines don't work on War Witch
  9. We should rename this the "Villains love War Witch thread"...
  10. Thought this was pretty funny...

    I was leaping to a mission when I landed on a Rikti Drone, a Conscript, and a Headman Gunman hovering over a burning barrel:

    Headman Gunman: "Get your own barrel"
  11. Same for me too:

    Gamestop owes me a Ghost Widow!
  12. I like the Blood Widows (Arachnos LT's) that walk around Aeon City saying: "I wish I had reinforcements."

    Then *WHAM!!!!* Hehehehe....Hide is good!