23 -
I've posted this idea on other threads, for what it's worth: Consider adding contaminated thugs to the Terra Volta respec trial. The reactor serves as a logical source of contamination, the contaminated enemies can be scaled up in difficulty accordingly, and it's not a give-away (you have to do the respec trial, which takes effort).
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Actually the type of contamination isn't applicable to Terra Volta. It would make sense to see this type of contaminated in an area like Boomtown or Faultline for lower levels and maybe Crey's Folley or Eden for higher lvls. I haven't seen any of the lvl 40+ zones to know if any would be applicable. -
How about letting Hero Supergroups and Villain Supergroups coalition? I can't imagine any kind of exploit there that isn't already available through global chat.
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They can "coalition" by making a channel and having everyone who wants to communicate join it. -
Night Widows are probably my favorite creations, with the possible exception of Jack in Irons. geko designed them, and I built their powers. (Jack was a big team effort, I just love the way he looks.)
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I saw the Jack In Irons fighting another big baddie and it was really cool. I have a screen shot as my wallpaper. -
Whirlwind has always done knock up, now it is doing knockback. I did not see any patch notes on this change. I do recall some discussion about the changes being made to the way knockdown works because of ragdoll physics but understand it was suppose to be reversed. Is this an unnoted patch change or a bug?
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Yes, the change was done purposefully. No, a patch note was not generated -- my fault, sorry! I simply forgot to note the change down.
Why? There was a PVE exploit involved with it, and this fix takes care of 90% of the issue.
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For those of you complaining about the seriousness of this crime you really need to take a chill pill and relax. I'm sure every instance of missed patch notes has been an oversight that the Devs regret. I'm sure none of you have forgotten anything at work ESPECIALLY when it involved the work of several people culminating results. The effort these guys go to making patch notes available has been very impressive to me (much better than some other unmentioned MMORPGs). I applaud them. I REALLY applaud the fact they fess up to their mistakes and apologize; they're almost human o.O -
Just a question:
A) Is it okay to write about villains as well as heroes?
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This was clarified in the original post.... yes. -
My biggest hurdle is having to pick powers that don't fit my character. I HAVE to choose a power from what is provided but if none of them are what my toon would have I pick something and then bury it and not use it. Biggest challenge is having a NATURAL and wanting a travel power. Thats kind of hard to get around.
Or having a completely logical power for a NATURAL but when I turn it on I glow? -
Now I know that Virtue is the unofficial RP server, I've gone through the forums and found that much out.
I'm new to this game, its still patching as I speak (Some dumb glitch), anyways, what I would like to know is this: Welcome
Is Virtue the least populated server?
No it it one of the most populate - my observation is that Pinnacle is less populated than most of the others.
Do the villians side have alot of RPers?
just as many villain RPers than Hero RPers would be my guess
Is it wise to put that Im an RPer in my description?
If you want RPer response then it is VERY wise to add it
And Whats the best Villian SG with an abundance of RPers in it?
Can't help you there
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Let me just add that you will find RPers on any server. And you can always be the RPer that starts a trend among non-RPers. I RP with my main on Triumph all the time and many people get a kick out of it. Some just get confused and ignore me. Some join in and we have a blast. Stick to your guns and do what you need to do to have fun whether others participate / appreciate or not. -
I would really like to find others who would be interested in building a Hero or Villain TEAM. At this point I'm not particular to hero or villain. I would like it to be very RP oriented which is why I am choosing Virtue to be the server the team resides. It would require some planning ahead of time to devise a single origin/background for all participants. Not to say that toons couldn't have different designated "origins", i.e. science, natural, tech, mutant. But the background story would have all the toons starting together and these differences would be added into the background. I have already thought of a couple ways this could be done. It would also be prevalent to have a theme followed in costume design. Names could be ralated but that would be stretching it.
If this interests you please send me an ingame tell @suntydt. Leave me a private message here, or send me an email - superteam@suntydt.com will do.
I will acquire a Ventrilo or Team Speak server for the team to utilize if desired.
I figure the team can work out a once a week schedule for a regularly scheduled entire team play time and different members can group at other times during the week to play if desired.
Post any questions or concerns for everyone's benefit in this thread. -
All these reasons are why they are worth more XP than normal.
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Sounds like its time to implement a new power that everyone has and almost no one knows how to (or cares to) use.
STRATEGY : Mind Power- end cost = 0, recharge = slow, damage = extreme if used properly, dependents = all team members (biggest DeBuff here) -
Just to be fair here is Me
Nobody can accuse me of being a hypocrite.
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You look just like your avatar -
Found some discussion about this in the Super Group area so my question may be moot.
I am interested in finding out whcih server is the "role playing" server for CoH. I have seen many people post about their server being the RP server in the past but I cant find any of those posts now. So... any commentary is welcome.
So, are you wanting this Bio posted or are you just sharing? If you want it posted do you want a toon picture on the page (and do you have one).
For anyone interested in posting BIOs of their hero or even short stories covering their toons origin I will make a simple offer.
JusticeMachine will host Bios for anyone interested free of charge on the JusticeMachine website.
For an idea of what I am offering take a look here .
I can post any picture of the character at the top of the page it does not have to be the ingame ID screen as shown here.
Reply in this thread or post in the public area of the JusticeMachine forums.
JusticeMachine hosts for TRIUMPH super groups but will host Bios for toons on any server.
If you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask. -
Couple of changes we're making in I5:
2) XP debt will be halved on mission maps (that includes outdoor mission maps, too).
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This was obviously put in to help blasters. This, combined with the new defiance system, will turn this game into CITY OF BLASTERS!
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Shut yer cakehole. Bloody every person wants the game their own special way. Ya know, being a blaster = being in perpetual debt. We've adjusted to that reality, so a tinnie-tiny bone (Defiance ain't no great shakes, nor is that pitance of a health increase) thrown our way won't rock your world.
Sheesh. Freakin' tanks and scrappers...what, bummed you're no longer standing alone at the top as King of the Hill?
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I'm sorry...I can't help it...but I swear I heard something about blasters and their..well...you know what hy say about men who drive sports cars..some sort of thing about compensation....Such an angry guy, almost, dare I say, defiant?!?
I do agree with you though, rarely have I seen defiance be the blessing it was advertised to be (as evidenced by the constant donating of Awaken's, Bounce Back's, etc. during the Manticore TF we ran a few nights ago). A novel idea is to just learn to adapt and have fun....It's a GAME.....
And how are peoples builds "ruined." If you are so nerfed that your character is unplayable, I suggest you look at how you were playing. I had to do this, and become more strategic (See my previous post) to compensate for I5. And their "entire character creation suddenly tainted because a healer can shoot a bow and arrow? Should no other hero get medicine? Should no pre I5 Controller take boxing? If you don't like the new sets, don't use them...If you can't adapt to the changes, then maybe (and if you weren't lighting your matches yet, this will cause spontaneous combustion) you are not that good at the game, but just good at exploiting the game itself!!! And now that you have to work harder its not as fun!!! Well go PL then...WOO-HOO.. Good night heroes!
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(appluase applause) -
Gawd you people cry about anything--at least make your gripes about stealth or something significant...c'mon, whining about debt badges? You serious?
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Chickpea I applaude you (applause applause) so very well said.
Yeah, I fail to see what all the fuss is about. My biggest complaint is the numerous crashes I have to endure now, not the fact my debt is halved, or people don't get debt until LVl 10. Who cares? Oh, and why at LVL 43 does someone not have a travel power? How in the world have you made it through countless hours playing up to lvl 43 without one? It must have taken 3 years if you have limited time and it takes 9 minutes to get...AHHHHHHH....
Was that a blaster nose-diving? Or me screaming. Does anything make sense? Oh, another thing worthy of complaints..the scores of people running around in witches hats....That, my friends, is simply SICK. Ok, not really, but it looks silly.
So, to summarize I5: I hate the word nerf, its excessive usage makes me feel queasy, then upon seeing some toon wearing his/her new hat, upchuck on my keyboard, causing me much saddness. Crotoa is kinda lame in my opinion, witches and pumpkinheads...just a lame group of villlians if you ask me and really, no one really did so sorry. It's that opinion thing.
I for one still love my Scrapper, even if I died my very first fight because suddenly 3 purps actually kicked my butt because I was n..e..r...nooo, brought back down to earth by the evil supervillian group known only as... the DEVS...Seriously, my scrapper at lvl 34 was whipping large groups of reds, with a nice combo of drk melee/invuln. Should I be upset that now if I'm soloing I take more care because my defensive set is softened up a bit? Nah. I actually applaud...yes, flamers light your matches....the I5 changes in one way...at the very least, the DEVS, in my opinion, are trying to lvl the field a bit and bring more strategy (if unfamiliar with that word, well, I suggest going out and reading Sun Tzu's Art of War or something) into the game. So what cont holds aren't as long lasting? What fun is it to hit some stupid pumpkinhead held in a block of ice over and over, without him taking a single swing at me?
Anyway..everyone's insane...WOO-HOO....Now then, where did I put my Debt badge calculator?
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Dont have time to cover other two characters well but I can quickly say The Goblin King was a super hero I made for Champions so his bio was pretty solid. I just wrote a couple pages describing his entrance to Paragon but I'm not done so it won't be posted yet. Pheonix Arcanum is my healer which I made because I like playing supporting characters and healers seemed to be in high demand. His back ground came as he was created.
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Finished My Gobln King intro for anyone interested.. check it out here . -
Heck, reading X_Sunray_X post was like reading my own story but with only a few modifications... so that said.. go to the top of the page and read about him so you know me and come back
Second character was Agent Hooper, no previous planning just kind of went with the flow of what sounded good or didnt as I made the character. Being new to the system I didn't want to get caught not being able to make what I wanted. My favorite character of all time I could never make in CoH because of the limitation on teleport - I will never be able to reproduce his powers. Anyway, I went with natural because the descriptions of all the other types didnt set with me right. I kind of had a Mafia mentality when I put him together (and this was before I knew about the Family). It did take much to build up a "natural" back ground for him which I have only modified once to cover the speed running which I only picked so I could get around better.
Dont have time to cover other two characters well but I can quickly say The Goblin King was a super hero I made for Champions so his bio was pretty solid. I just wrote a couple pages describing his entrance to Paragon but I'm not done so it won't be posted yet. Pheonix Arcanum is my healer which I made because I like playing supporting characters and healers seemed to be in high demand. His back ground came as he was created. -
Couple technical adds here.
If you cant get Photoshop get Paint Shop Pro @ www.jasc.com
(I think its easier than Photoshop)
I noticed print screen doesn't always get the ID page (for some alts of mine it did but for some it did not) - try SnagIT which does the same kind of thing and is fairly easy to use.
When double checking size of the Avatar you may be able to put your cursor over the image (in your editor of choice) and it will show you the image dimensions in the bottom right corner. -
And just to add some side info that I thought was interesting -
There are large structures that are essential to the functionality of the medivac teleportation; one of them is in the South West side of Skyway City. I dont know where others are.
In a Hollows mission against the Circle of Thorn the devices didnt work; when you selected to go to the hospital you ended up in a holding cell (interestingly enough you were healed). -
If you rolled a character before you know that when you reach lvl 5 you will be sent to the Hollows and that means through Atlas Park at that lvl. So to reduce long travels (= more action faster XP) you start in Atlas.
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Yeah what is it with that. It looks like the Hollows is the first and only zone that contacts send you to. I am so sick of the Hollows I do without contacts now and just team up for other peoples missions. I deliberately went Galaxy with my latest character with the hope that I would get sent to Kings Row or Sky or ANYWHERE besides the Hollows.
Thats the first real negative I have seen with CoH so far (only been playing 4 weeks now).
My other complaint is the end cost of fly compared to toe super speed run. You can run all over creation and hardly burn a bit of endurance but you start flying and your doing good if you can cross a map. Whats up with that? And don't say it is a balancing factor because with fly you can avoid all the random encounters; with SS you can run past most of those just as successfully as flying over and sometimes even more successfully. And my initial observation is running is faster initially (with no enhancments) than Fly.
Sorry, had to speak my mind. -
I wish I could keep these server names straight.. wrong area.. sorry.
Okay.. this thread is long so I hope my ideas are somewhat fresh..
1) brush dust off shoulder with a smirk
2) Lean shoulder forward and point at it (Go ahead.. knock it off.. if you can.
3) pick a piece of dust off shoulder and flick it away with disgust
4) spit on ground/hero
5) fist to front below chin and clnch REAL tight with knuckle cracking sound (add clenching teeth for added effect)
6) toe down to ground.. twist back and forth like having stepped ona bug
7) playing a violin (watch Paradox City burn)
8) turn head slightly and yawn patting mouth with hand (not foot.. too painful)
9) beard/chin stroke
10) arms cross but with one hand to chin in contemplation with a cold stair to the distance
my 2 cents worth
Oh yeah.. and this would just be funny but an emote to pull out a manual to check on how to do something.. the manual can be something like Petre's Evil Overlord Manual (and if you haven't heard of this you villain wannabes.. do a Google on it and prepair yourself properly for COV).