who runs what now!?
Scirocco's got Nerva and Cap au Diable last I checked was Scorpion territory.
Scirocco's got Nerva and Cap au Diable last I checked was Scorpion territory.
[/ QUOTE ]
it would be nice to actually, oh I don't know... see the signature villains once in a while.
I LOVED Seer Marino's arc that introduced everyone to Ghost Widow; it blew my mind away with sheer awesomeness, and I played through the rest of CoV just begging to see more of the villains.
It never happened.
I can understand saving the strongest punch for the last 10 levels, but about the most epic thing in CoV is ssaving Ghost Widow, and that happens in the first 20 levels.
Also... we need more heroes to fight! I've taken out Back Alley Brawler, Infernal (Too much, actually), Aurora Borealis (Too much on that one as well), Mynx, and Sea Witch... where are the rest? I need to hurt Statesman, Manticore, Synapse, Positron, etc.
As far as villains... Just more cameos would be cool. I want to see them in-game - Mako somewhere on Sharkshead - even as just a contact somewhere hidden in a cave that when you talked to him, he sneers, "You're not ready. Now get out of here before some friends and I have you for dinner", and of course vicious sharks would be swimming around behind him.
Also... I need more Coralax! Less CoT! One is a new and unique enemy-type, the other dominates about 80 levels-worth of content between CoH and CoV.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

Also... we need more heroes to fight! I've taken out Back Alley Brawler, Infernal (Too much, actually), Aurora Borealis (Too much on that one as well), Mynx, and Sea Witch... where are the rest? I need to hurt Statesman, Manticore, Synapse, Positron, etc.
[/ QUOTE ]
The ones you mentioned will probably be 40-50 content, though Arbiter Leery wouldn't mind offering Indigo to you as a consolation prize.
Mmm... beating the snot out of Indigo...
Also... we need more heroes to fight! I've taken out Back Alley Brawler, Infernal (Too much, actually), Aurora Borealis (Too much on that one as well), Mynx, and Sea Witch... where are the rest? I need to hurt Statesman, Manticore, Synapse, Positron, etc.
[/ QUOTE ]
The ones you mentioned will probably be 40-50 content, though Arbiter Leery wouldn't mind offering Indigo to you as a consolation prize.
Mmm... beating the snot out of Indigo...
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah... I've missed out Leery 3 times now... darn Respec bug thing.
Also - love your Earthbound Warshade!
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

Scirocco's got Nerva and Cap au Diable last I checked was Scorpion territory.
[/ QUOTE ]
I thought Dr Aeon was in charge of Cap au Diable?
Scirocco's got Nerva and Cap au Diable last I checked was Scorpion territory.
[/ QUOTE ]
I thought Dr Aeon was in charge of Cap au Diable?
[/ QUOTE ]
Black Scorpion is all about tech, who makes the most up to date tech on the Isle? Dr. Aeon. I imagine Black Scorpion decided to get a discount by buying his tech wholesale.
Black Scorpion controls Nerva and commands the Tarantulas and other mechs.
Ghostwidow has Mercy and commands the Blood Widows and such.
Mako control Sharkhead Isle and is in charge of the Crabspider SWAT guys.
Scirrocco controls Nerva and runs the Mu Mystics.
Lord Recluse runs everything and has his HQ in Grandville.
and the Cartel rules all

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
and the Cartel rules all
[/ QUOTE ]
You're almost there. =P
Gost Widow rules Mercy.
She has her tower there and I'm fairly certain that there has been a few other mentions of her being set to watch over the "destinied ones" (source: uncertain).
Mako rules Sharkhead, no dispute. It was given to him as his personal domain in exchange for his loyalty to arachnos (Source: mentioned several times both on this site and in the game)
Port Oakes is disputed. On one side we have Emil Marconi and on the other side Guido "the mooch" Verandi. (Source: Mentioned in the game on several occasions as well as on the site).
Dr.Aeon rules as Civilian govenor of Cap Au Diable, with Marshal Brass as his military advisor/commander (Source: Marshal Brass story arc).
Black Scorpion?
I havn't found any sources that either of them is in charge of any specific domain. In the Seer Marino arc we get confirmation that Scirocco is indeed in charge of the Mu mystics.
We also have mentions that Black scorpion is in charge of the Arachnos scientific divisions (Source: CoV site).
To assume that both of them are in charge of a domain just because Mako is (and to an extent Ghost widow) isn't exactly a logical conclusion. Recluse isn't exactly consistant (and in that being true to his fascist roots).
In the old zone previous on the CoV it mentioned that Nerva is the closest island to the mainland which is why its such a contested zone. Black Scorpion was said be on the frontline in Nerva holding back Longbow and maintaining control over the zone.
Sciccoro is clearly in charge of Nerva even though its not openly mentioned, the Giza casino is said to be owned by him although managed by Johnny Sontana. You also find Ice Mistrell in the Giza again showing his connection to the zone.
In the old zone previous on the CoV it mentioned that Nerva is the closest island to the mainland which is why its such a contested zone. Black Scorpion was said be on the frontline in Nerva holding back Longbow and maintaining control over the zone.
Sciccoro is clearly in charge of Nerva even though its not openly mentioned, the Giza casino is said to be owned by him although managed by Johnny Sontana. You also find Ice Mistrell in the Giza again showing his connection to the zone.
[/ QUOTE ]
Isnt' the Giza in St. Mart? or am I having an early morning brain fart?
so wouldnt Sciccoro be "in-charge" of St. Mart?
In the old zone previous on the CoV it mentioned that Nerva is the closest island to the mainland which is why its such a contested zone. Black Scorpion was said be on the frontline in Nerva holding back Longbow and maintaining control over the zone.
Sciccoro is clearly in charge of Nerva even though its not openly mentioned, the Giza casino is said to be owned by him although managed by Johnny Sontana. You also find Ice Mistrell in the Giza again showing his connection to the zone.
[/ QUOTE ]
That makes alot of sense except for two things:
1. The Giza is actually in St Martial
2. Nerva is actually the farthest island from the "mainland" of Paragon city.
In the old zone previous on the CoV it mentioned that Nerva is the closest island to the mainland which is why its such a contested zone. Black Scorpion was said be on the frontline in Nerva holding back Longbow and maintaining control over the zone.
Sciccoro is clearly in charge of Nerva even though its not openly mentioned, the Giza casino is said to be owned by him although managed by Johnny Sontana. You also find Ice Mistrell in the Giza again showing his connection to the zone.
[/ QUOTE ]
That makes alot of sense except for two things:
1. The Giza is actually in St Martial
2. Nerva is actually the farthest island from the "mainland" of Paragon city.
[/ QUOTE ]
Auntie Entity runs Bartertown, by the way.
PERC Supporter
La Pucelle (BS/SR)
Miseria Bella (Sonic/Dark)
Wrangler Annie (SS/Elec)
Coldsmoke (Ice/Dark)
Saber Maid (BS/Regen)
and others...
Tal_N, you are confusing me.
Black Scorpion controls Nerva and commands the Tarantulas and other mechs.
Scirrocco controls Nerva and runs the Mu Mystics.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sciccoro is clearly in charge of Nerva even though its not openly mentioned, the Giza casino is said to be owned by him although managed by Johnny Sontana. You also find Ice Mistrell in the Giza again showing his connection to the zone.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you meant to say St Martial for Scirocco. Correct?
The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki
Auntie Entity runs Bartertown, by the way.
[/ QUOTE ]
Pfffttt!!!! Master/Blaster runs Bartertown....
yeah sorry, didn't catch the typo. Was posting from work and trying not to get the supervisor catch me lol
I still stand by Nerva being the cloest to Paragon City though, thats why Longbow has such alot of strength there and its the furthest island from Grandville. It doesn't make sense for it to be the furthest because that would make Lord Recluse's base of operations very vulnerable.
Sciccoro is clearly in charge of Nerva even though its not openly mentioned, the Giza casino is said to be owned by him although managed by Johnny Sontana.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't remember the contact, but one mission states that the Family owns the Giza in name. (They have to submit TPS reports to the real owner though...)
yeah sorry, didn't catch the typo. Was posting from work and trying not to get the supervisor catch me lol
I still stand by Nerva being the cloest to Paragon City though, thats why Longbow has such alot of strength there and its the furthest island from Grandville. It doesn't make sense for it to be the furthest because that would make Lord Recluse's base of operations very vulnerable.
[/ QUOTE ]
I remember reading something dura beta that Nerva was the zone closest to Paragon City, which is part of the reason Longbow has a presence there.
However, the map inclused with COV shows Nerva to be the westernmost zone. I can only assume that the map is not to scale and Nerva is actually more to the north west of the Rogue Islands.
Also... we need more heroes to fight! I've taken out Back Alley Brawler, Infernal (Too much, actually), Aurora Borealis (Too much on that one as well), Mynx, and Sea Witch... where are the rest? I need to hurt Statesman, Manticore, Synapse, Positron, etc.
As far as villains... Just more cameos would be cool. I want to see them in-game - Mako somewhere on Sharkshead - even as just a contact somewhere hidden in a cave that when you talked to him, he sneers, "You're not ready. Now get out of here before some friends and I have you for dinner", and of course vicious sharks would be swimming around behind him.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you'll like I7 then.
/em foreshadow
yeah sorry, didn't catch the typo. Was posting from work and trying not to get the supervisor catch me lol
I still stand by Nerva being the cloest to Paragon City though, thats why Longbow has such alot of strength there and its the furthest island from Grandville. It doesn't make sense for it to be the furthest because that would make Lord Recluse's base of operations very vulnerable.
[/ QUOTE ]
I remember reading something dura beta that Nerva was the zone closest to Paragon City, which is part of the reason Longbow has a presence there.
However, the map inclused with COV shows Nerva to be the westernmost zone. I can only assume that the map is not to scale and Nerva is actually more to the north west of the Rogue Islands.
[/ QUOTE ]
The map is what I was basing my statements on. It pretty clearly shows Nerva as being the farthest eastern zone from the mainland (you said western, typo I assume). Of the non-pvp zones Sharkhead is the closest to Paragon according to the map that comes with the game. If you include the pvp zones, then all three of them are closer which seems to make more sense I would think. Plus the maps shows the helicopter routes heading to Paragon coming from the West Side of the map, so unless they just like taking the long way around.... I dont see any way for the map to be correct and for Nerva to be the "closest" zone. Unless of course the map is both strangely oriented and is not in any way to scale.
Also... we need more heroes to fight! I've taken out Back Alley Brawler, Infernal (Too much, actually), Aurora Borealis (Too much on that one as well), Mynx, and Sea Witch... where are the rest? I need to hurt Statesman, Manticore, Synapse, Positron, etc.
As far as villains... Just more cameos would be cool. I want to see them in-game - Mako somewhere on Sharkshead - even as just a contact somewhere hidden in a cave that when you talked to him, he sneers, "You're not ready. Now get out of here before some friends and I have you for dinner", and of course vicious sharks would be swimming around behind him.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you'll like I7 then.
[/ QUOTE ]
That was kind of a given from the start. Its funny that people think the devs wouldnt give us memorable missions from 40-50 liket hey did for CoH.
This space is intentionally left blank.
this is more a story thing but it seems like each of the arachnos LT's (ghost widow and the like) have a personal island.
I know that Mercy belongs to Widow and Sharkshead belongs to Mako, But I'm wondering who controls the others.
By the catapillars hooka you WILL smile!