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  1. BrokenSaint

    Mac Open Beta

    So far I've noticed that CoX runs considerably smoother on my Mac than it ever did on my PC....and I'm working with 2 GB less ram on my Mac so I can't really explain it.

    I run it at the top setting and rez and it all looks beautiful.
  2. BrokenSaint

    Mac Open Beta

    Just be patient Monkeycat...took me a little over a day. There are lots of people downloading right now. But things are sliky smooth in-game

    On another note...anyone know if I can copy one of my old characters from Infinity over into the Mac Beta training room?

  3. BrokenSaint

    Mac Open Beta

    Thanks for the reply literally just made my day
  4. BrokenSaint

    Mac Open Beta

    I am curious's been about a year since I had to leave CoH/CoV...

    I had several high level characters and a lot of time invested. Will my characters still be available? Do they auto-delete after a certain amount of time?

  5. BrokenSaint

    Mac Open Beta

    The updater suddenly started flying for me. At this rate I should be done in an hour or less.

    I guess I just had to wait my turn :P
  6. BrokenSaint

    Mac Open Beta

    I'd be more than happy to transfer my old characters to play with you...if the damn client ever finishes downloading haha

    I mean it's literally going at 68 B/sec

    That's right...B....not K...
  7. BrokenSaint

    Mac Open Beta

    Gah! After 16 hours of slow downloading...I'm now greeted with "connecting attempt #32" when I was oh so close to finishing...

    Why do the internet gods dislike me so?
  8. BrokenSaint

    Mac Open Beta

    It's most likely the result from large numbers of people trying to download it right now.

    Before leaving CoH/CoV I never had any slowdown issues that were server side. Don't worry, this is one company that actually knows what they are doing
  9. BrokenSaint

    Mac Open Beta about a slow download.

    Started downloading 8 hours ago and still have 14 hours to go...oh well

    I can wait for a return to greatness :P
  10. BrokenSaint

    Mac Open Beta

    Oh man...I've waited over a year for this day to come!

    The only regret I had when leaving behind the world of Windows was that I wouldn't be able to play my beloved CoH/CoV anymore.

    But I'm downloading the client and I can't WAIT to get back int he game!
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    FYI: Electric Shields' Grounding Power will have Immobilize and Knockback Protection added. The set will still not have a Heal power or HP Buff power.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Any chance of Fiery Aura and Dark Armor getting an adjustment like this as well?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you give a mouse a cookie....
  12. I got nothing to add that hasnt already been said....a few times

    so here are some stars

    +1 Bee Arrr Bee
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Just as an initial observation on the set, and having recently played an EA brute. I have several thoughts.

    1) Conserve Power and Power Sink in the same set are redundant.

    2) Conserve power with it's 90 sec up ~500 sec recharge isn't to useful except against long fights against single foes.

    3) Unless this set has far more resists then fire, it will underperform without a heal.

    4) Replace Conserve power with either a Reconstruction clone, Dull Pain power, an AoE foe based heal or add a +regen to one of the other toggels.

    With a self heal this set will have recieved compensation for it's status resist holes.

    Also how many other defensive sets don't have a heal? Two and they are both defensive, SR and EA. (Stone gets +regen and +hp). While I like the differences between powersets I also think you should ask why the other sets work or don't work and learn from that. But those are just my initial observations I haven't had time to get past lvl 3.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just a quick jump in...but I completely agree with this. mainly number 4 - it's EXACTLY what I was thinking personally.

    anyways, caarry-on
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    In the old zone previous on the CoV it mentioned that Nerva is the closest island to the mainland which is why its such a contested zone. Black Scorpion was said be on the frontline in Nerva holding back Longbow and maintaining control over the zone.

    Sciccoro is clearly in charge of Nerva even though its not openly mentioned, the Giza casino is said to be owned by him although managed by Johnny Sontana. You also find Ice Mistrell in the Giza again showing his connection to the zone.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Isnt' the Giza in St. Mart? or am I having an early morning brain fart?

    so wouldnt Sciccoro be "in-charge" of St. Mart?
  15. My personal favs so far come from the Whailer Kings...

    Now these lil daemon looking punks....are very corny and sarcastic...and I love it lol

    "Hail to the King baby!"
    "Not that same old song and dance again" (upon attacking him)
    "Let's play"
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Yes, Ghost of Scrapyard and the other Giant Monsters of CoV are currently not working right. They are not auto-scaling their damage taken/received to your level.

    We have a fix for this in the pipe.

    Thanks for your feedback on this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I swear...Positron is like the ninja Dev....just flips in out of nowhere...says what needs to be said...and poof GONE lol

    I love it!
  17. I know there are a couple of people on Infinity that CLAIM they beat him and recieved the badge etc.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I was running to my cape mission the othe night, looked to my left and saw a big group of scrapyarder enemies...I was like "[censored]" then I saw a big blue I clicked on him, low and behold it was the Ghost of Scrapyard giant monster. I thought to myself that he shouldn't be that hard since his damaged is scaled to what lvl I am. Well...I was DEAD wrong. I formed a team of 8 people, ranging from 20-26. I'd thought we'd be good, once again.....DEAD wrong. After much debt and several minions later, we finally got the [censored] alone. Well lets just say things didn't get any better. I tried to debuff him and what do I get? A nice big smack w/ his spectral hammer for a delicious 700+ HP of damage, so I was basically one shotted by this guy.

    I understand that he's a lvl 30 giant monster...but damn, should he actually be doing this much damage for being scaled down to my lvl??? Matters didn't get any better cause NO MATTER how many minions/lieutenants we killed, MORE would just keep coming. I tried to form another team w/ no luck. I was told that 2 teams would be needed, but I'm doubting that even now...

    Pride hurt and several hospital trips...I walk away w/ almost 7000 debt and move on to help w/ the Sea Witch Hero mission and ended up dieing a couple times in that one @_@

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was part of that Sea Witch mission with you...her regen is crazy lol.

    But I saw you guys beforehand trying to take down Scrapyard...10 green names rush in....then I see yellow-orange names pop up every second or two lol

    then I told myself....I think I'm better off watching cause nobody can touch this guy.