Official Thread for Brutes: Electric Shields
No chance we can talk you guys into KB protection? Probably not with everything else this has huh?
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
No chance we can talk you guys into KB protection? Probably not with everything else this has huh?
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I'll second this. As with Fire Armor, this is making it really hard to be sold on the set. Lack of KB would be acceptable in a Stalker or a Scrapper, but it still bugs the heck out of me that ANY powerset that's expected to take the brunt of a spawn's attention, damage, mezzes, has to go to a third-teir pool power to get fairly essential and basic protection. Which isn't available for 20 levels. I'd be a lot happier if either Fire and Electric were given the protections they *need*, or if the needed effects were available earlier in the pool powers. I could live with being locked into Combat Jumping, for instance, but Acrobatics is painful on endurance, painful on build-planning, and painful on ten levels worth of a status protection gap relative to other sets,--and Hover has too many drawbacks to be really suitable as an option for most people(( IE: about a million times too slow )). Granted, it may make Elec Armor overpowered in some fashion to include this somewhere. I personally doubt it-- I think it'd put it about on the level of Energy Aura, which is a nicely-balanced set, IMO.
Well, at least if you're making an Elec/Elec Brute, Acrobatics won't be so bad since all the Elec Melee attacks have End drain, right?
I just have to say that the instant I turned my electric armor on I had a total joygasm. It is everything I could have dreamed in every way. The look, the sound...god it just makes me happy to be alive!
Elec/Elec is the reason I came back to CoH/CoV. I saw it coming in I7 and reactivated immediatly and I'm not going to be regretting that decision.
My only saddness is that my partner in crime cannot be an elec/elec corruptor with me
I just have to say that the instant I turned my electric armor on I had a total joygasm
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LMAO...heh, i had a similar experience :P
I've been waiting since release to roll an Elec/Elec anything, since my first (and favorite 'toon ) was my elec/elec Blaster. Heck i would've been happy with an elec/elec Dominator (heh thankfully it's an AT with alittle more SMASH :P)
I just have to say that the instant I turned my electric armor on I had a total joygasm
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LMAO...heh, i had a similar experience :P
I've been waiting since release to roll an Elec/Elec anything, since my first (and favorite 'toon ) was my elec/elec Blaster. Heck i would've been happy with an elec/elec Dominator (heh thankfully it's an AT with alittle more SMASH :P)
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I'm in the same boat. My first hero was an Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster and I really wanted to roll up an evil alternate Earth version of him for COV.
I'm guessing an Elec/Elec brute will be a opposite as I can get of an Elec/Elec blaster
just tested the smashing/lethal resistance on my elec/elec brute:
longbow brawl, no shield: 2.42 damage
longbow brawl, w/ shield: 1.78 damage
shield base resist: 26%
shield max (3 SOs) resist: 40%
color me unimpressed. we get no immobilize protection, no knockback protection, and no self heal, and still fall about 10% short of invulnerability to the most prevalent damage types?
i'm going to go test conductive shield as soon as i get back on test (just got dc'ed).
Proud captain of BOSS
The Altruist, Lvl 50 (+3) INVUL/SS Tanker
Omega Centauri, Lvl 50 SS/INVUL Brute
Well if it's 40% then I'm pretty happy about that. Plus tough and you got 57% S/L which is nice. Slightly higher than /Dark has with tough.
I would imagine that the energy resist shield 3 slotted would have 55-60%. I'm hoping 60%, but 55% would still be pretty nice.
Overall looking at the powers, it looks like its a nice miss-mash of other sets. Decent damage resistance, dark armor-ish status protection shield, super reflexes passive recharge reduction power, end drain/restore and a decent looking final power.
Base is actually 26.25%, not much higher but every little bit helps.
Well if it's 40% then I'm pretty happy about that. Plus tough and you got 57% S/L which is nice. Slightly higher than /Dark has with tough.
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dark armor also gets immobilize protection, an aoe disorient, and aoe fear, a stealth power, and one of the best pve heals in the game. all electricity does defense-wise is resistance, so it needs to be really good at resistance. it's not.
Proud captain of BOSS
The Altruist, Lvl 50 (+3) INVUL/SS Tanker
Omega Centauri, Lvl 50 SS/INVUL Brute
Well if it's 40% then I'm pretty happy about that. Plus tough and you got 57% S/L which is nice. Slightly higher than /Dark has with tough.
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dark armor also gets immobilize protection, an aoe disorient, and aoe fear, a stealth power, and one of the best pve heals in the game. all electricity does defense-wise is resistance, so it needs to be really good at resistance. it's not.
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QFT! I was expecting at least 30% resistance base for something with so many holes and ONLY resistance.
I don't think it's acceptable to take away damage mitigation because the set has a few utilities like TP resistance and recovery debuff resistance. Sure those are nice to have, but the set has ONLY resistance, and in order to survive it needs to have plenty of it.
40% slotted resistance is roughly less mitigation than /EA gets just from its slotted defense, but then /EA also has the resistance passives and has a much easier time making use of Aid Self, if we want to include pool powers into the equation.
Sure the level 38 power looks really good, but IMO that's no excuse for making the rest of the set subpar.
I'll second the complaints. Needs immobilization or knockback.
The only reason to get this over EA is maybe the auto-Quickness clone Lightning Reflexes.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Well, at least if you're making an Elec/Elec Brute, Acrobatics won't be so bad since all the Elec Melee attacks have End drain, right?
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I'm not concerned with the toggle cost. I'm concerned with how much you hve to hop outside the primary and invest heavily into pool powers.
3 powers for Acro, plus your travel pool dictated to you.
Probably 3 powers eaten up by stamina, as I'm not entirely expecting PowerSink + Attacks to be enough to keep end up. ((ED in Energy Aura can replace Stamina fine, but it cycles twice as fast as PS does)).
2 powers eaten up if you decide you need a self heal.
3 more if you want Tough/Weave, 2 for just tough(because the base resists are a bit low).
Invuln only needs to eat up three slots plus two for travel to cover gaps, for instance. Fire needs 6 for stamina and Acro, argably, but tht's still less. I don't know DA well enough to comment there. EA only really needs 2 for heals, maybe some resistance from Tough if you want.
Electric Armor gets some *sweet* stuff-- the Quickness power is gonna be NICE for Fury-- but I don't think it's enough to make up for the gaps as it currently stands. Need a higher resists, or (preferably, IMO), wider status protection to really make it worthwhile. It looks good, sure, and it's got some sweet powers, but it's lacking in fundamental areas from what I've seen so far.
Also, the power icons are all blue. But the electricity isn't. Maybe it should be swapped to red?
Here's an idea.... .If you don't like the power.... "DONT TAKE IT!!" LOL.. give me a break.. you have a lot of other things to take.
...maybe you didn't read the title of this topic before you replied?
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

all electricity does defense-wise is resistance, so it needs to be really good at resistance. it's not.
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A lot of sets dont have resist to slow, end drain and recovery debuff, along with tp foe (if you PvP). This set also has powers to let you skip stamina AND hasten, plus an awesome tier 9.
Im guessing its going to be near /da in terms of resist. If you want uber resist, play a invuln.
Resistances so far
Charged Armor 26.25% all around
Conductive Shield 26.25% for all except 15% for negative energy.
Ok, so a couple people are saying that charged armor and conductive shield are offering about 26.5% resistance each.
I just looked at a description of the powers on a couple different websites. Both are supposed to have energy protection. So maxed with 3 SO's each is offering 40% resistance to energy? Or is like charged armor offering around 15% and conductive shield is offering 40%?
And grounded with 3 SO's will provide what? Like 8% or so energy resistance?
So am I correct in guessing a maximum energy resistance level, not counting Power Surge of around 88% which seems too much or a more reasonable level like 40+15+8=63% which is right around what I was hoping for energy resistance.
With tough I'm guessing the numbers are looking:
Psi=? 40-50%?
Neg=? 25%?
That looks like the highest overall level of resistance for any brute or scrapper set when you add in tough. Add in Aid Self and I don't see any problems. I run relentless missions in warburg with my INV and he has less resistance than those numbers by a quite abit since I didn't take the passives and with 3 slotted health I "rarely" need to actually use Dull Pain.
I don't think getting Aid Self off will be an issue because I had it on an INV brute and it was no harder to get off than on my /EA brute. It's all timing.
Ya, it's kinda lame you gotta take all of the leaping pool, Aid Self, AND tough to really make the set shine, but once you do you've got from what I can see a VERY capable pve brute and an outstanding pvp brute.
You have slow resist and +recharge in one passive, tp protection, psionic resist, end drain resist, -recovery resist, power sink, conserve power, a kick butt lvl 38 power, the highest energy resistance and good all around resistance.
I know the holes are harsh, but once you fill them you got a SUPER sweet set imho.
I just hope I'm right about energy resist being about 63%.
all electricity does defense-wise is resistance, so it needs to be really good at resistance. it's not.
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A lot of sets dont have resist to slow, end drain and recovery debuff, along with tp foe (if you PvP). This set also has powers to let you skip stamina AND hasten, plus an awesome tier 9.
Im guessing its going to be near /da in terms of resist. If you want uber resist, play a invuln.
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All of that would be well and good if end drain and -recovery were actually something worth fearing in PvE. Outside of Carnies and Longbow Spec-Ops (which are easily displaced by one Dominator), it's virtually non-existant. Knockback and Immob on the other hand...
The only "secondary" form of damage mitigation this set has is end drain, which is crap unless it's accompanied by -recovery, which the set lacks. DA is 'balanced' by it's AoE control powers, Fire by it's potential damage output. Both of which are relevant in most situations.
If we're supposed to use our end drain to help mitigate damage, then it better be REALLY friggin good. Something tells me that ain't happenin'.
The resists on this set are way, way too low. It will get eaten alive. Resistance to a bunch of highly specialized and rare (or non-existant) status effects in PvE (slow, end drain, -recovery, tp foe) just don't make up for what it offers. Sorry, but it doesn't.
Ya, it's kinda lame you gotta take all of the leaping pool, Aid Self, AND tough to really make the set shine, but once you do you've got from what I can see a VERY capable pve brute and an outstanding pvp brute.
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Yay for diversity, eh? [censored]
From reading the power desriptions I'm pretty sure Static Shield has resistance to -recovery debuff in it.
I know I'll like having end drain resistance and -recovery debuff resistance because it's basically what allowed a very good dm/regen to manhandle me today and caused a fight with an Ice/Ice tanker to go one forever with MANY close calls on my part and much kiting. In fact, +recharge on powers and slow resist woulda helped alot there too.
Guess it depends on perspective.
Mediocrity in PvE for viability in PvP. Sad, really.
I don't see any mediocrity for pve. I see a set that does outstanding in pve and pvp so long as you fill the holes.
Like I said before, running missions with my INV brute on relelentless in war "rarely" causes me to need Dull Pain. I use Dull Pain mainly in pvp and AV's on teams.
I hardly think this set wil lbe mediocre at best. Everyone is totally focusing on the holes and completing ignoring the pluses this set will have. "WITH" the holes filled this appears to be the most handy, best all around set from what I can see.
I don't see any mediocrity for pve. I see a set that does outstanding in pve and pvp so long as you fill the holes.
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As much as I hate repeating myself over and over again, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you weren't a part of the last Electric Brute 'debate' thread.
You see, it's the holes that are the problem. There are too many of them. This set was balanced around power pools. You know, those "optional" things that we're not supposed to be required to take in order to "do our job."
Will an Electric Brute be able to do it's job without the three hole-filling PPs you mentioned? Sorta. Sure, I guess. Will it be [censored] annoying as all hell? Subjective, but you'll get a healthy Yes from me. I don't want to take Leaping. I don't want to take Aid Self. I really don't want to take Fighting.
I want to take Flight, SS and Stamina. That's it. Why should I be penalized so much for not filling these arbitrary and unoriginal holes?
Why are we focused on the holes? Because they don't balance with the benefits. I'm not ignoring them. I'm well aware that they're there. However, I don't think they're enough. Situational mezz protection does not a well-rounded set make.
This thread is solely for discussions regarding Brute Electric Shields (Secondary Set). From the Issue 7 Training Room patch notes:
New Power Sets
Brute Secondary Electric Shields
All off topic posts will be removed. Please do not post bugs/feedback/balance issues before testing this content. All bugs/feedback/balance issues should be posted AFTER playing a Brute Electric Shields character.