25 -
SS-SD ( softcapped of course ) can do Nem. farm no problem, the trick is to beat on the Bosses FIRST then AoE the rest....That way, the minions go down , then the Lts...nothing left to Vengeance
You know, i could have voted for any of the options provided, but i voted for story line. Believe me, i do get sick of the same missions over and over, but every once in a while, i get to a mission, or story arc that i have'nt done or done in quite some time and i really get into it.
I agree with Dysmal, had there been a PvE combat option, i prolly would've selected that instead. -
Very helpfull guide and i must say, entertaining as well
I think once i7 goes live i'll be rolling a Claws/SR Scrapper so i can get me some face stabbing action too! -
I tried taking a screenshot but for some reason it wont "take", went to live server and had np there. I'm not all that savvy with links and stuff but if anyone has any tips i'll do my best to get some screenies for y'all
After MUCH grinding, i finally made it to 38, and i gotta tell you one thing, the Dev's are consistant in making the final power in each of the elec sets extremely cool looking. I activated Power Surge the minute i got out of the power selection screen and an ear to ear grin spread accross my face.
First, it starts with the Psychic Shockwave scream/animation, then to my amazement i turned into what can only be described as a Cap Au Diable Gremlin (retaining my 'toons height and dimensions). At this i almost broke out laughing, it was so cool looking, but thats not the best part, when PS wore off i exploded in an EM pulse (Blaster version) and did the Unstoppable +HP then -HP (brought me down to prolly 10-20% hp, i'll verify that later) and when that was finished, i stood there with sparks shooting out of my head and smoke rising from my body. All in all, a very cool looking power.
So now i'll try and test out the effectiveness of the EM pulse and resists. Just had to share the joy : ) -
i guess elec really does underperform
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TY Captain Obvious!. Anyone who has followed this thread, or even skimmed through some of the posts without even TRYING Elec/ , knows that ELM is on the weak side. Your sarcasm is not needed nor is it warranted
The point of my post (which you obviously missed) is that 60 or 70 secs downtime with LR is a heck of a lot better than 180 secs.
it took you 12 minutes to do a newspaper mish?
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??? at 70 secs of downtime between uses, that adds up to a little under 5 mins.(4 LR uses). Now i dont know about you but, i dont stand around waiting for my powers to recharge when i have others i can use. I jump into a group, fight (y'know, with my other powers?) and build up some fury, move to next group, open up with LR finish them off with other powers--repeat. 8-10 mins yes.
my ss/inv steamrolls through them in ~5 minutes at most, not even at lv 32 yet
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Awesome!! GJ!! you 'da man!!
While this may be possible, i'd like to call bull [censored] on that one, but hey if i'm wrong, then good for you man.
I play on Relentless with my Brutes and my toughest is a Stone/Invuln lvl 34 and he would have a difficult time getting down to 5 mins per mish the end usage alone is enough to slow me down. Yes i know i can fill my tray with blues and just keep going (sometimes that's what ends up happening) but there are times where i just cruise from mish. to mish. and hope for some drops. If i get them i get them, if i don't then i rest when needed.
Nobody is forcing you to roll an ele/ Brute when this goes live. I'm just trying to test out a new power-set and report my findings. -
I think compared to all the other Brute top-tier powers it falls solidly into the "Sucks Real Bad" range.
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Nothing like looking at the glass half empty
It's a helluva lot better than three mins, and i would rather have LR than Midnight Grasp, Greater Fire Sword, Tremor (all decent powers). I was regularly kicking butt with LR last night and had it available to me 3-4 times in a newspaper mish, which *i* don't think "sucks real bad" considering it does more AoE damage than other Brute 32 powers IIRC (nrg transfer aside) -
Was playing around with Lightning Rod tonight and got the recharge down to 60 secs 3 slotted for reduced recharge with Hasten and Lightning Reflexes; 70 secs with 2 redrech slotted and hasten/LR. Not too bad but not great for a lvl 32 power.
I do agree that this set seems somewhat lackluster in terms of single target damage, but i do think LR is a great power (hella long recharge aside). Think about it this way: Brutes have an 800% damage cap with full fury ( hard but not impossible to get there ), and they have a Blasterish nuke available pretty much every time that fury bar gets into "oh yeah baby!" range. The potential for some really disgusting damage is right there.
And for the record, after testing it out numerous times, LR is almost all KnockDOWN, combine that with Thunder Strike and you have a 1-2 punch that rivals Stone Melee in Knockdown and by far surpasses any Brute set in AoE damage. -
OK i just logged onto the test server and within 2 mins a "...shutting down for maintence..." message appeared so i was unable to test LR further, but after my post last night, i DID try it a few more times and on higher level mobs, it did do KnockDOWN on most that were in range.
Damage on this power seems to be all over the place (again, further testing is needed). Fighting Freaks, (+2's)sometimes LR would do very nice damage, and others, the damage would be meh. It seems to determine damage similar to Blaster nukes, that is, there is smashing damage, energy damage, and a chance for further smashing and or energy damage. The combat log stated that all damage was smashing though (prolly a bug) so when i get back into TRaining Room i will confirm this and bug it if thats the case. Also i read in the description of this power on the i7 feature update page that LR was'nt affected by fury although i'm not sure that's the case. Seems to me that when any fury was built up, the damage inflicted by LR was better. Now this could be due to the % chance of extra damage ala Blaster nukes, but i'll try and cofirm this when the test server is up and running again -
Just hit 32 tonight and all i can say is Lightning Rod is hands down the coolest (looking) power evr to come out of CoX.
The animation starts with the MoG fist pump follwed by the teleportation, and finishes with the Nova/Inferno animation, all in a fairly short span of time. Now since i only just got the power and have only acc. slotted, i can't say exactly how the damage will be, but it's not all that bad un-slotted (hit an even level minion for 123 damage w/o BU). also has decent KnockBACK (wish it were KnockDOWN but meh, whaddya gonna do?) -
Wow, it's good you're here to tell us what we're supposed to like or dislike about new powersets. Without that guidance, we'd all be lost.
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And it's good YOU'RE here to contibute to this thread in a constructive and helpfull manner, you know, sharing your insights or experiences relating to ELA, what ever would we do without you?
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I'm still working my way up to the levels where the issues I'm concerned about come into play. And of course it's perfectly constructive to post "shut up about this topic that bothers me."
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So why not wait until then and make a post that is relevant to the discussion instead of skimming through the posts until you find one that hits a nerve with you and replying to said post in a snyde and non-constructive manner?
What "I" think Sun_Ruan_ER was trying to get accross is that evry page of this thread has something about KB protection (or the lack thereof) in the EL Armor set, and that what it boils down to is that (a) it is unlikely to be changed before going live, and (b) there are ways to fill the KB hole, like it or lump it. He/She is right, this KB discussion could go on forever, and what's the point in bringing the same points up over and over? It's a little tiresome, but hey, people are passionate about this game (myself included) and they want to see new features/content/powersets done right the first time. That i can totally understand. -
Wow, it's good you're here to tell us what we're supposed to like or dislike about new powersets. Without that guidance, we'd all be lost.
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And it's good YOU'RE here to contibute to this thread in a constructive and helpfull manner, you know, sharing your insights or experiences relating to ELA, what ever would we do without you?
Anyway, on the topic of ELA/ , IMO i think this set will perform quite well, it's got pretty good s/l resists and anything that helps with end drain is absolutely worth the trade-off of not having a self-heal. Endurance is key to maintaining a good pace to keep Fury up ( and it also keeps your toggles up and running).Nothing worse than have those 4-5 Mu Strikers drain you to the point where your toggles drop and then having that Fortuna Mistress mezz you to death.
I know that i'll be looking to team with any Corruptor (heck, any AT) out there when i come across a particularly tough mish, de-buffs or heals plus the added damage will go along way to covering up the lack of a self-heal. -
Since getting SO's i've really started to like these sets. At first i did'nt care much for the sounds of the attacks (save for Thunder Strike) but with all the "bzzzt's" and "crackles" i DO feel like an electric Brute and they are growing on me. Hitting a group of baddies with TS sounds SMASHtacular.
Not only that, but imagine what a one or two high level brutes will do to your xp as they zip thru a mission killing everything in their path.
It will easily speed up the process, especially when you throw in the occasional mayhem mission.
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Very true -
While what you say is true, it's alot easier and faster for someone with all their powers to go to the end of a mish. and defeat a Boss (IMO) than it is to do it on your own. Plus it's even better if you have someone (a bridge) LK you to within a couple lvl's of mobs
How the hell are people level 40 already? ITS ONLY BEEN OUT 3 DAYS!
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Heh, thats the power of hi-level friends and newspaper mish's :P
*note to self: Get new friends*
Or go to Nerva and say Hi to the Brute who keeps yelling SHAZAM and hitting lightning rod.
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OMG!!!! you have Lightning Rod!?! I.....MUST.....SEE.....SCREENSHOTS!!!!! -
I've noticed that there is less xp awarded from mobs that have been hit by Chain Induction's "arc". That is, after the initial attack, there is an arc that jumps from foe to foe. These foes all are awarding less xp, kind of the same as when a mob that has been confused and does damage to other mobs. I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this, and i hope this is not by design.
Other than that, the power is great and the damage output is nice, especially when the arc jumps around multiple times. Was doing (and dont quote me on these #'s, it was 4am :P) approx 20/30 smashing/NRG damage, and the arc was doing 30 per target it hit, all with 1 acc in the base slot and about 25% fury (arc is unaffected by fury) -
I agree, AS animation, needs serious changing, perhaps some style, like Claws or Spines, then shows you ripping out soulish dark energy out of the target. Instead the Secret Fisting, offered by EM/MA, Like we need a 3rd set, where our animation is based of some guy named Mr. Slippyfist.
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Thanks, i needed that -
I just have to say that the instant I turned my electric armor on I had a total joygasm
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LMAO...heh, i had a similar experience :P
I've been waiting since release to roll an Elec/Elec anything, since my first (and favorite 'toon ) was my elec/elec Blaster. Heck i would've been happy with an elec/elec Dominator (heh thankfully it's an AT with alittle more SMASH :P) -
Post deleted by Canuckl_Head
I recently rolled a Stone/Invuln Brute and lvl'd him to 15 in 2 days...not out of the ordinaryby any means, but i gotta say, for fun factor....Stone kicks serious butt. When fury builds to about half (maybe a bit more) its one-shot city, and the sound effects REALLY make it fun. I slot both my mallet attacks with 2 acc, 1 dam, 2 end red., and a recharge and use hasten situationaly, i imagine when i can use SO's i may drop an acc for a damage but for now things are great.
testing 1..2...3...
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