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  1. I know it's going to sound weird, but Issue 3 was my favorite issue.

    They finally removed the root from Unyielding Stance, and allowed my characters to run around and be invincible.

    I hated Issue 5's GDN, but at this point, I'm probably more unkillable than I was then.
  2. Bug:
    There doesn't appear to be a hard cap on regeneration. In-game, the highest total I can get (with HP and regen at their caps) is about 368 hp/s, but Mid's is showing over 740 hp/s. I know Mid's has the HP cap built in, but it looks like it's showing 5000% regen, which isn't possible.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
    By the way how do you defeat Marauder if you don't use the grenades?
    Agree with everything else you said, but I've been wondering this for a week. When we didn't use grenades, he was taking 1 or 0 damage. That's a lot of HP to plow through without 'nades.
  4. I would explain it as "unnecessarily complicated, but ultimately cool once you get the hang of it."
  5. I have not had a problem putting together a non-WST team on Champion.
  6. wouldn't you need to find 12 gothamites who would render a guilty verdict? not to mention, bruce's legal team would be pretty top-notch.
  7. i really like all the new animations.

    to me, the jab, punch, and haymaker animations are the best-- not because they are coolest looking (that honor goes to ground punch), but because the original animations for those powers (particularly punch, ugh) were so horrible. now my SS can actually jab, punch, and haymaker someone without looking stupid.

    i think that the coolest KO blow animation can be found in *that other game*, but i can't link to it for another few weeks

    ps: acemace, accept my friend request over there, if you're still playing
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Right now we have an alternate animation for Jab, Punch, Haymaker, Foot Stomp, and Knockout Blow that are intended for players who want to play a more 'heroic' super strength character (compared to the somewhat smashy super strength that we have now). Most of those are completely new animations.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i love you guys so much right now. i have always wanted footstomp to be a "ground pound" type of animation, so add my name to the list of those who would like to see that!
  9. here might be a way to do it:

    set it up so that the player HAS TO recover the girdle of hera before rescuing ms. liberty, but making the ms. liberty rescue have a pre-requisite. that way, you can just rescue her as a combat ally.
  10. The_Altruist

    Soloing myself

    if you solo yourself too much, you can go blind...
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Katie: Unlike every other TF/SF with an AV, this one has its at the start. While its a great AV fight, once its done, TF is a cakewalk and done in ten minutes. Adding an AV at the very end couldn't hurt. Like when you get Katy's soul to lead her out, suddenly Jack in Irons ambushes you at the entrance.

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    i'm not sure how this would fit into the current story behind the KHTF, but man, this would be awesome!
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    ASCII mode FTP is used to transfer text files - the FTP client will automatically covert line feeds from Windows to Unix format. However, if a binary file is sent via ASCII mode, this will cause a corruption of the file.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i just tried to re-download the link from, but i received the same error.
  13. this almost completely mirrors my experiences with other MMOs, and is the reason why, even though i only have 5-10 hours per week to play cox now, i'll continue to subscribe until it goes under.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Early on i would slot for some endurance reducs because when it crashes it takes some endurance, once you have Quick Recovery and Fitness you're fine.

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    slotting rage with endurance reductions does not affect the crash, it only reduces the very small amount of endurance used when you initially click it.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    A lot of the complaints about the lack of a self heal are a little bit silly. To compensate for this, Elec Armor has a higher resistance than ANY OTHER BRUTE SET.

    It's just under 27% from the main shield to Lethal, Smashing AND ENERGRY. On other sets like Fire Armor, you get 22% to Lethal and Smashing and then 15% to Fire. The 2nd shield adds an additional 27% resistance to Energy. Yah, that's right, an elect armor, unenhanced at level 4, has a ~53% resistance to energy damage. I think with SO's, the resistance on this set is going to be insane. So: No self heal other than Heal Self is pretty acceptable. Were they to nerf the armor some, it'd be a different story. But right now, /Elec has more resistance than any other brute or scrapper but still less than a Tanker.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    invul gets higher smashing/lethal resistance, dark gets higher negative energy resistance and higher psionic resistance, fire gets higher fire resistance, and stone (granite) gets higher s/l/f/c/n/t resistance. so when you say "elec gets the highest resistance" what you really mean is "elec gets the highest energy resistance".
  16. [ QUOTE ]

    ...on my 50th I can EASILY earn about a million influence by selling at the right stores and not playing in SG mode in an evening/day, by not playing solo. Without even pushing myself.

    I know, because I used to do it whenever I'd drop below 10 million influence.

    Assuming a character will earn about a million or two naturally before the Prestige/Inf cutoff, that means that with a little work you can earn the needed 20 million in under a month of playtime.

    As the content will never expire--it's a 50th contact--whats bad with this?

    On my main 40th villain I alternated VG/out of VG mode every other level after the cutoff and will continue to do so. I'll probably be able to open the TV not too far after I ding 50th.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    selling enhancements does not count toward influence badges. you only recieve the badge for influence earned, which is significantly less than what you can get from selling (one mission complete bonus is equal to selling one even-level SO).
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Can't advise you on the Brute version - all the Blaster attacks do knockBACK against any level, but it has been shown that the Brute attacks tend to do knockDOWN unless against lower level critters.

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    nah, handclap does knockBACK even against +1s.
  18. i would like to encourage those who think the holes are fine to test a build without the leaping, medicine, or fighting pools. i am personally testing a build with just fitness and flight, because those are my two favorite pools.

    i understand this will be very frustrating, but i think that's what the test server is for: we need to find out how this set performs WITHOUT a bunch of pool powers covering its holes.

    i for one do not much mind the lack of a self-heal. i think if the resists are boosted slightly, we could do fine. i'm especially upset at yet another set being pigeonholed into the leaping pool.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Well if it's 40% then I'm pretty happy about that. Plus tough and you got 57% S/L which is nice. Slightly higher than /Dark has with tough.

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    dark armor also gets immobilize protection, an aoe disorient, and aoe fear, a stealth power, and one of the best pve heals in the game. all electricity does defense-wise is resistance, so it needs to be really good at resistance. it's not.
  20. just tested the smashing/lethal resistance on my elec/elec brute:

    longbow brawl, no shield: 2.42 damage
    longbow brawl, w/ shield: 1.78 damage

    shield base resist: 26%
    shield max (3 SOs) resist: 40%

    color me unimpressed. we get no immobilize protection, no knockback protection, and no self heal, and still fall about 10% short of invulnerability to the most prevalent damage types?

    i'm going to go test conductive shield as soon as i get back on test (just got dc'ed).
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    And I did see a Brute with a pet now (an Arachnos blaster spider, I believe.)

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    brutes don't get access to their patron pets until 47, so i doubt this was the case. either someone found an amazing bug that allows you to level to 47 in a matter of hours (while the test server crashes repeatedly around you), or it's some kind of temp power from the zone.
  22. i'm sure this is already a "known issue", but dark melee's version of build up has a different-colored icon from the rest of the set.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    P.S. I don't consider the Kheldian EAT two seperate EATs

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    i don't think the devs do either, but they had to be made into 2 separate ATs because they have different inherent powers (warshades get different bonuses from their link than peacebringers do). i believe there is a coding issue in that all powersets from an AT have to use the same inherent.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Anyway, most of the mayhem missions will be in Oranbega...


    JUST KIDDING! please don't hurt me...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    actually, letting me destroy orenbega with my brute would be very cathartic.
  25. i think most of us were referring to maurauder, the praetorian version of back alley brawler, who is able to hit a 100+% resistance to smashing/lethal when he activates unstoppable. this was true as recently as issue 5 (the last time i fought him).