39 -
Thanks for the build.
I am playing a bunny girl. So, She need to leap.
I am going to work on a build based on the suggestion. -
I don't PvP alot. I have over Heroes that I would PvP with first.
Getting to AV Territory, Right now I would say fast killing.
I did check the Brute guides trying to flip powers was a headache. Brute does not play like a tanker. Some of the selections are more suited to brutes.
I started this tank when WP came out. I have not played it do to not having any idea what to do with it. -
I am about to IO my WP/DM I can find anything on the guides. I did go through all the post and did not see anything for this build.
Can I get some help? -
If you can play at difficulty Level 5, you should be able to solo an AV.
I have a blaster at difficultly level 5. -
I fought a standard 5th Column Wolf-pack robot. It was doing 350 each hit. To me this seem a bit higher than it was. The change may have effected more that just custome mobs.
Guide to Strong and Pretty
Bash weak power no need
Taunt no need talk need bash
Aim wait till you hit no good
Get everything else
Need everything to be pretty
No need to hide till things are as strong as pretty
Me like leap, Fly good, running around is silly
Fitness need for strong and pretty
Heal good, Leadership good, ultra powers good get 3 picks
All I need is for someone to fill in the details. -
I made a WM/EA Brute today.
She is Pretty and Strong.
I was going to make one sooner, I forgot Brutes got weapons. -
Is there any good resources for what map contains items?
I have gone through a ton of Warehouse maps and can't find the one with fire. I need this for my new story arc. -
For anyone running in SG mode from 1 to 50, I would suggest not running it at 30 or at least look at your awards once in a while.
Orbroso portal temp power can go away and only comes back after doing special mission or maybe with a full moon. Not many people are aware of this.
Need to remember not everyone has a 50. Need to remember that a number of players like myself are on more than one server. Any new server a perons starts on they won't have a 50 on. Trading influance/Infamy between servers is not recommended.
I would like the Devs to do something. -
I am not interested in a statue.
Most of the time, I end up being a negotiator, the thing in my posts are examples of things player have gotten in game by proving to the Devs they were needed.
Also need to remember, I was fighting some of the same name to get a Store implement to sell stuff before live; I was not the only voice. It was something I was quite passionate about and I am sure my post reflected that.
I am here to help and to find out what needs to be fixed, (I agree the market by itself maybe find) and suggest a way to fix it. I tend to try to post solution rather than whine. (If say why do I think I can fix things, the answer is I have been doing this for a longtime).
I have been whining. It's more do to a group of people that are more interested in protecting status quo rather than looking at constructive way to help the market. Nethergoat, Last I checked you were not 100% happy with the market.
I am at the point, where I would rather have the Caramell Dance in game over a fixing to the market. -
I am a person that has faith.
Heard the same thing when fighting for the IO system. Especially after it was not implemented after ED.
That it was never going to happen or the fix to Def.
Also heard similar things from Statesman (Jack Emmert), I had to fight him on the boards to get respecs in the game, He did say at one point respecs would be in the game over his dead body. I convinced him that respecs were needed, I did have help. When I was in a one on one battle with him, I was sure that he was going to ban me at any minute. Respecs are now in the game.
If were list everything I had done for the game the list would be pretty long.
I think if a good idea was thought up and it would solve problem the Devs would jump on it. Some bad ideas that would solve problem the Devs have jumped on like ED.
Nethergoat, I hate to say this, for the most part I think we are in agreement on most issue on the market. I am pushing for a market merger, if the Devs say it is never going to happen for some reason, I don't believe them. -
Mean Auction House vs. Consignment House?
I am looking for a third option due to not being able to get items in the Random Drop system or the Consignment house. -
After the influacne nerf in I7? Anyone starting the game from strach would never be able to earn enough for DO/SO, aussming never buy TO.
It is worse now, If the person does not use the market, due to the last nerf on enhanment drops and that recipes and salvage don't sell to the vendor for much.
To answer the question, No, I don't use as much salvage as I get, It seem the salvage I can't use no one can use this salvage either, I don't get all the salvage I need either from drop no matter how careful my planning is.
I think recipes are more a problem than salvage. If the recipes are fixed, salvage could become a problem. -
I almost wish they would sub-divide Pool C into two pools:
One for the "Junk" recipes awards at the end of Story Arcs and Ouroboros "TFs".
The other containing the high-end recipes people want after running a TF/SF.
The drop rates should get a little boost and it should allow everyone on the team to receive a drop so there's no penalty to teaming.
[/ QUOTE ]
I suggest this several times.
I would include the D pool junk and costumes.
Removing costumes would help the A pool problem allot.
There are enough costumes for sale in the market to last CoH lifespan. -
B) Salvage this seems to be in short supply especially for arcane and especially in the tier 1 and tier 2 range but tier 3 seems to have a glut except for rares. XP smoothing seems to have exacerbated this problem since players now spend less time in these tiers which reduces the number of drops received in tier 1 and tier 2 but increases the amount of tier 3 salvage on the market.
Solution change the drop rates for salvage and make the changes higher in the low level bands. Currently the drop rates are identical in all tiers with the drop rates as following
Minion - 8%
Lieutenant/Sniper 10.64
Boss 25%
I propose the following changes
Level 4 -19 (tier 1 salvage only)
Minion - 12%
Lieutenant/Sniper 17.5%
Boss 40%
Level 20 25 (mix of tier 1 and tier 2)
Minion - 10%
Lieutenant/Sniper 15%
Boss 35%
Level 26 34 (tier 2 only)
Minion - 9%
Lieutenant/Sniper 12%
Boss 30%
Level 35 39 (mix of tier 2 and 3)
Minion - 8%
Lieutenant/Sniper 10.64
Boss 25%
Level 40 + (tier 3 only)
Minion - 6%
Lieutenant/Sniper 8%
Boss 17%
This could do much to solve the lack of supply in these levels. These numbers are examples only I recommend data mining to determine appropriate changes.
Pros Gives back a certain number of drops that were taken away by the introduction of XP smoothing and debt reduction. Players that do not use the market will have a little more influence to buy TOs and DOs in the level ranges where they tend to be cash strapped. Slightly reduces the glut of tier 3 salvage.
Cons XP smoothing may not be the only source of this shortage. Farming, Power Leveling and Side kicking/Lackeying may be large contributors to this problem that would not be remedied by this proposal.
C) Pool A and B recipes. Same problem as salvage. I recommend the same solution with an increase in the lower tiers and a slight decrease in tier 3. Data mine for appropriate figures.
Pros Gives back a certain number of drops that were taken away by the introduction of XP smoothing and debt reduction. Players that do not use the market will have a little more influence to buy TOs and DOs in the level ranges where they tend to be cash strapped. Slightly reduces the glut of tier 3 salvage.
Cons XP smoothing may not be the only source of this shortage. Farming, Power Leveling and Side kicking/Lackeying may be large contributors to this problem that would not be remedied by this proposal.
D) Pool C and D recipes These are a problem because the drop rate is nearly impossible to change as it is 100% each TF/SF. Quick TF/SFs like Katie Hannon and Virgil Tarikoss are run to rapidly gain a recipe while excessive TFs like Dr. Quarterfield give an identical reward giving rise to complaints of risk vs. reward. Since time is the real currency in CoX this is a valid complaint. There is also what is perceived to be a large amount of junk in Pool C that makes this time balance even worse. Some players believe that the Pool should be weighted to take into account the number of powers that use each set but I believe that I have a better idea that would solve or reduce several problems at once.
Solution Task force tokens. These would be salvage. They could be tradable like candy canes or non-tradable like vanguard merits. I believe that there could be possible problems with them being tradable but I believe that it is minimal. At the end of a SF/TF when the reward table comes up a set number of TF tokens would also be awarded. This number would be a permanent number that would be based on the data mined average amount of time it takes to run the TF in question (approximately 1 token per 30 minutes) and not the actual time of each individual TF (because it could be gamed) other factors could also be weighed in or taken into account when awarding TF tokens. Katie Hannon is a preferred TF on the blue side not only because it is one of the shortest TFs in the game but also because all the enemies drop arcane salvage in tiers 2 and 3 with out facing arcane mobs that mez.
As an example the Katie Hannon TF may drop no TF tokens. The Virgil Tarikoss SF and Ernesto Hess TF would each drop 1 token the Dr. Quarterfield TF would drop 16 tokens all of this in addition to the regular reward from the drop table at the end of the TF.
Once received, TF tokens could be redeemed by speaking to Statesman on the Blue side and Lord Recluse on the Red side. A certain number of tokens would get you a random roll on the TF rewards pool exactly as if you had clicked on rare recipe at the end of the TF/SF. As an example 3 tokens would give you a random roll with the level of the recipe also being random between 10 and 30 from the recipes available in that pool. 4 tokens would get you a random roll with the level of the recipe being random between 31 and 40 from the recipes available in that pool and 5 tokens would get you a random roll with the level of the recipe being random between 41 and 50 from the recipes available in that pool.
The same system could be used with Pool D (which has supply shortages on both sides) though I would recommend that the 2 salvages be different and non-interchangeable.
Pros supplies more recipes in Pool C and D and supplies a greater proportion of them at lower level since it takes fewer tokens to get a recipe in the lower tiers. This will somewhat balance the out leveling of desirable recipes due to XP smoothing. It also makes lower level Pool C recipes available through drops to players that have out leveled that tier. Some what balances out the disparities in time require to receive a reward that exists between blue side and red side with out requiring the addition of a great deal of new content. Eliminates the need to weight the drop tables since getting crap for a long TF is one of the perceived problems of the current system and this solution allows more rolls for completing longer TFs.
Cons none that I can foresee.
[/ QUOTE ]
The drop rates should have been increase to:
Minion - 9.2
Lt/ Sniper - 12.24
Boss - 28.75
Section C) Con: No reward for Katie, still need to get 1 token.
There is an issue C and B could become like costume prices. Re-Run long TFs. The same possibility exists for getting garbage.
The problem with C and D is that player need to do TF and Trail, while A and B the person need to play the game, since the TF don't change that much (they have revamped them a bit), eventually even with a reward players at some point will be tire of running an re-running. I do know someone that says they will never get tired of this; sometime there is no hope for the insane.
I have my own token system, Have a character set-up that takes recipes (not common recipes) and give back a token which is the vendor cost/1,000 rounded down.
I am not sure which way of spending the token would be better: Have a list of C and D recipe available for a certain amount of tokens.
Pro: Player get what they want.
They will not longer need to do TF or Trails.
This makes all the values recipes valuable, since they can be traded for a desired recipe.
Con: This is a store, It may hurt the market by competition.
The junk in the market place will cost more.
2nd option, Is to randomly give out recipes, but from all pools: 15 tokens for (A) 30 tokens (B) 60 token (C) and 100 tokens (D)
This is enough tokens that buy from the market or doing TFs are a most likely a better options.
Pro: Players are no longer feel force to do TF and Trails.
This make the junk on the market more value, since it can be made into tokens to get a chance at a better recipe.
Con: Players may not get what they want.
Junk on the market will be more expensive. -
I would like Coca-cola bill board.
I would settle for Pesi one.
This would add to realism. -
Thank you for response Snow Globe.
I apologize for the gender mix-up.
I did not mean I was looking for Level 20 PPs, I ment looking for PPs when I had less than 20 to hunt. I doubt that less than a level 35 can be found in Bricks.
I agree from experiance that soloing badges in not fun, but sometimes it is the only alteranive. After Manticor group breaks up, since your in bricks, not a bad place to finish that little sliver.
I look foward to the next article. -
He mention Founder Falls and correctly identified that it is not good place to hunt due to the spawns being scattered.
In Brickstown they are a bit more grouped together; just mentioning an oversight in the article.
I read the article few times. I does not mention why this is a good bagde to get, not sure it was due to editting. I know why I would want this badge.
I can say that when I was really close to getting the badge, I would go to Brickstown to finish it, I would be looking for under 20 PPs.
The article written by Snow Globe was proffesional and informative. I look foward to reading more of them. -
Go Hunt. Get Badge.
Missing the best place Street Huting palce for Paragon Protector: Brickstown -
3 Groups of Tech on the villain side one is available at all level of the game and One group of Tech on the Hero Side Clock work. After 20, there are no clock work missions, till one mission in the 40's.
Looking at the auction house tech items are high demand tier 2 item. One item as a wait list of 250+ poeple looking for a common salvage item.
The basic issue is trying to get the tech salvage item neeed for recipes between 25-40 is at best halved due to fight groups that drop both magic and tech. The drop rate would seem worse for a player running Carnival, Devouring Earth and CoT missions in addition to fight other groups. If they fought Carvinal, Devouring Earth and CoT, The drop rate would be zero.
The impact of this is long queues for the tech item at Wentworth. The tech item being sold for insane prices. The very good possibilty that a hero can collect 20+ peiced of savlage on not be able to make 1 item that the hero can use. (I have test this hunted the mixed groups and had this happen four of five time, one hero was able to make an IO, after that I started filling the salvage inventory and deleting recipes)
As a player, I have two options, Get the 1 clockwork mission in the 40's to farm for tech salvage or not fight Circle of Thorns, Devouring Earth or Carnival to keep my salvage even.
My suggestion to the developer to fix this is to bring some balace, either all groups drop everthying or even out the tech only and magic only groups such as making the Council and Nememsis and Ritiki tech only.
It has been stated that the queses will go away after a couple of week on live; this is not true. I am Manufacturing Engineer. My degree is in studying and understanding queues. Everything. As it can be seen on test, a number of items have an increase queues for buyers. Considering the salvage issue, It is entire palsable this will be the sitution on live. I understand that adjustments need to be made. All I ask is the that the queues are taking seriously. Not looking at the queues as 250 players that did not get an item; it is 250 customer that are unhappy with the new system. Scaling up does not improve this, all that will happen is take the issue multiply be the scaling factor that will be as bad as it gets. On live it will not be 250 player it will be 250 players X 10. Please reconsider the system, I thik the system is good, just need some small adjustments. -
Umm. Swipe one two punch is the barrage animation.
Strike is new animation, since my hero is short it could be called Eviscerate little low for a gut punch on most villains
I like the swipe old animation and still think it should replace the current Eviscerate animation.
I like the change to claws. -
Does anyone have good advice on the upper level powers?
I was going body mastery.
Shockwave is much better than spin. Spin requires that you get to the center of mob, not a good idea, if avoidng argo.
Shockwave is power that is there at good time, post 32+ you run to a ton of low hitpoint creatures DE and Ritiki. Also, serves for a way to knock down a group as an opener during soloing. 1 Mob down is good a whole group on their back is better. I found that shockwave worked better with group AoE since it is easier to position. I don't see how a knock down build does not contail this power. PvP shock wave is great; Roll up on a group a villain and it easy to find the ones without knock protection. -
The sounds were louder than /DM brute.
I thought it was funny we are suppose to be a silent sneaky villain that goes around making very loud noises.
On cloak of shadows, It might be easier to make it a long clickly like Practice Brawler, 1 sec activation have it tick twice, it would be up for 3 sec, recharge of 4 sec. Otherwise I was trying to figure some complex scheme of macros to turn it on and off as I hit certain poewr. It work nice when I was able to toggle on/off, otherwise it was a pain to use.
Murk Dweller, its perma garbadge power, the defense seemed to be meaningless in RV. I doubt an endurance free no toggle power would have any significant defense. If I want Knock Back protection, I need to get acrobatics and I would get CJ over Jump kick. Do I need triple immobilization protection? I don't think so. Even double immoblization protection is doubtful. -
I made a /dark this morning.
I noticed obisidina shield character creation description shows it as protecting from immobalization. Is this a bug? Dweller gives the same status protection. I have never seen two powers in the same status protection in a set. If we need to gain one as a replacement, I would preffer confuse over KB. -
"Old" swipe animation put it into Eviscerate. I do know the animation is slightly longer. If the DPS was kept the same, then it may do enough damage burst damage to be an attactive power agian as an opener/finisher over spin and shockwave.