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  1. I am. I can't help it. I really want a tanker- I love the idea of wading in, taking hits while my teammates pick things off of me. But every time I roll a new tanker, right around level 12-18 I just can't stand it. It seems like I don't have enough damage output to kill even an LT before I run out of end, but my armor is wimpy and I can't really tank anything either. Oh, sure, I'm better than a Blaster, definitely. But I can't take many hits, still, and I don't understand why not.

    I've tried Inv/SS, Fire/SS, Fire/Fire, WP/BS, and now I'm trying DA/DB. I've run into the same problem with all of them- low damage + low defense + "you're a tanker n00b go and tank" = permadeath, lack of fun.

    Is there some trick I'm missing, some little detail that makes tanking fun? I know if I ever manage to get a tanker to 40+ it'll be good, but how can I get there? Thanks.
  2. Buzsaw: No, this is a USB-connected wireless adapter. It isn't a card. And yes, I tried the other USB ports.

    Master-Blade: That would be lovely, but sadly, I don't have that option. (When the router was at this computer, people complained because they had bad signal in their rooms. So they moved the router and took out my ethernet card. XD)
  3. Hello everyone.

    A few days ago, I switched from an Ethernet-connected internet to a wireless one (got a new router). I did not have a wireless card, so I had to go out and buy one. Ever since then, whenever I play CoX, after ten minutes or so the game freezes so badly, I have to hard reboot my computer. No blue screen, nothing, just the frozen image of whatever I was looking at and about five seconds of looping sound.

    It seems obvious to me: Get rid of the wireless card. That would stop me from freezing... but also remove my internet, which sort of defeats the purpose. So I went back to best buy and returned the card, got a new one. Same thing. Did this again, got a more expensive model. Still freezes. (Since then I returned it and got a cheap one from a friend. That doesn't work either, but at least it didn't cost $80.)

    I have defragmented. I have deleted stuff off my computer. I updated all my drivers. I have reset my memory, my cache, and my page file. I cleaned out my computer and applied new thermal paste to my CPU. I performed virus and spyware scans.

    I realize this is not directly related to City of Supers, but it does prevent a paying customer from fully enjoying the game. Would any kind soul like to help me out?

    Oh, my specs are:
    INTEL Core Duo, 2.8 GHz
    GeForce 7800 GTX 512MB
    SB Audigy 2 Audio
    LinkSys wusb11 wireless adapter

    If you need anything else, please tell me. Thanks in advance for your help!
  4. Leeksoup


    I'm loving my Mercs/TA. It has an odd synergy- several of /TA's powers are "stay away from me" powers. Ice Arrow is a straight-up Hold, Glue Arrow is a powerful Slow, Oil Slick Arrow is a slow that can also do ungodly damage if you light it on fire (which the Commando can do for you).

    The reason /TA works better with Mercs than with any other set is, actually, because of Oil Slick Arrow. There's a bug that has pets uncontrollably run away when they're in it and it gets set on fire. It doesn't actually hurt them, so it's a bug. Luckily for you, Mercs are 100% ranged pets, and therefore have no need to step on the burning oil. It's one of the most evil things you can do. Think about it- if you've fully debuffed them, the enemies are:
    -Being burned by acid
    -Choking on toxic gas
    -Arms glued to their sides
    -Being repeatedly concussed
    -Covered in oil that happens to be ON FIRE
    -And being shot by mercenaries

    ...Yeah. It's awesome.

    The only bad thing I'll say about TA is that it has no healing arrow. Again, luckily for you, you've got a Medic in those Soldiers of yours. He isn't that great, really, so you may want to pick up Aid Other. Or not. If you team a lot, it won't matter so much.
  5. ((Wow. I forgot about this thread. :X))
  6. A Bots/TA MM.
    "OMG we kill all teh bots and theyre back!!!"
    "OMG that arrow exploded and now I cant attack!"
    ""WTH my armor dissolved!"

    Ah, the fun I'd have.
  7. Varius jumped to his feet and straightened his helmet, which had been knocked askew. "Urban, why don't you warn me about these things..." he muttered under his breath. ((Remember, speaking Latin! Unless your character understands Latin, you have no idea what he said!)) He pushed through the crowd of zombies, who were obligingly letting him be, towards UD. "I'm here, what do you want me to do?"

    UD was in too much pain to be annoyed, but he still tried. "Dammit Varius, I'm blinded right now! Take Despair ((the name of the bodyguard zombie)) with you and kill some heroes!" UD tentatively opened his eyes. His vision was slowly restoring, but he still had a serious case of tunnelvision. He looked up, wincing, just in time to see the zombie he had put explosives on earlier detonate, taking two civilians and most of the wall separating City of Gyros and Paragon Pizza with him, in addition to making a big crater in the ground. Despite the torment that was his eyes, UD grinned gleefully at the destruction.

    Varuis had taken Despair and headed over to Tricolore. He signalled Despair to fire a blast of negative energy at her before jumping over and aiming a backhanded blow to her head with his heavy gauntleted fist, hoping to stun her in time for the big geyser of nastiness to hit her.
  8. Suddenly, it is as if time has frozen, with no one moving or talking at all.

    ((Don't forget about this thread!))
  9. ((Okay, so, I wrote a really long post in which UD remakes his dead zombies, but stronger, making him an EB instead of a Boss. Then he straps some C4 to a zombie, gets blinded, and sends it off in a random direction. Then Varius finally arrives, says some cool stuff in Latin (which I am never ever ever taking the time again to figure out, so just assume he's always speaking in latin), then trips on UD's tripmine and goes flying towards Moonscribe. Of course, once I hit "Enter Post" my browser crashes.))
  10. ((By the way, UD threw a Seeker Drone at Guapo. Did it miss? Is he stunned now? Is he just really fast, so it hasn't approched yet?))
  11. Meanwhile, Varius' cell phone beeped with the GPS coordinates of.. something. It didn't say what. What was clear was that UD needed his help at that location. He put the phone back into a slot in his armor that probably wasn't designed for such a use.

    As soon as the sub pulled up to Talos Island, Varius paid the captain and hopped out onto some nearby rocks. He focused for a moment, drawing on the battle charges of a hundred Roman soldiers at once. A fury built inside him, and he drew his gladius, held it in the air and charged. Althoguh it seemed to be a normal running rate to him, he sped through Talos Island extremely quickly and soon arrived at the coordinates. He looked warily around, to see if anyone had noticed him any more than they would notice a man in Roman armor running down a busy street, then climbed down into the tunnel. Varius pulled out his phone and held it in front of him, its screen dimly lighting his way. I really hope Urban didn't plug this tunnel, he thought.
  12. "Yes, I was robbing a fast food place on purpose, to put them off guard," UD replied sarcastically. "In any case, I can't do that. what I can do is strap C4 to them and detonate them, but if you didn't notice I am surrounded by heroes and cut off from them. If one of them would get off his lazy [censored] and actually kill someone, I could make one over here, but in the meantime, you go ahead."
  13. ((Gah! Heavy traffic right now!))
  14. UD glaced around at all the heroes surrounding him. He had to admit it, he was beginning to worry a little bit. Even with the addition of this badly-dressed purple man, he wasn't completely sure he could hold out until Varius arrived. The manner in which Moonscribe fell didn't help, either.

    UD concentrated on his remaining zombies and sent power to them ((like a mass Enchant Undead)), then had them stop causing random havoc and form a second semicircle around the heroes' semicircle around him and the purple guy.

    UD turned and whispered hastilyin the purple guy's ear. "Look, if we retreat to that back room, I put a trip mine in the hallway. It'll catch one of them, and we'll have a defensible position." He tapped the slot on his back again and three more small disks came out. He raised his voice to be heard and said, "It's good to see that I have such resistance. I see that my reputation has preceded me. In case any of you don't know, I am Urban Dead, and I will be your executioner." He paused and smiled, turning his eyes to the floor. He suddenly shouted, "Think fast!" and threw the three disks at Tricolore, El Guapo Grande and Ainurauco. ((By the way, I believe that the seeker drones, which are what the disks are, blow up when they get close, giving a chance of stun.)) While they were distracted, UD quickly transmitted the GPS coordinates of his tunnel to Varius' cell phone. I'm sorry I clogged it, now, but I had to, he thought grimly.
  15. ((Okay, seeing as it's me (and soon Varius) against like all the heroes in a 5 mile radius, can I buff myself or something? I don't want to godmod, but this is rediculous!))

    ((EDIT: Hal posted since I typed this. He's fast. I'll be doing better now.))
  16. ((Gah! Soo... many... heroes! And Hal is on the way!

    Someone else bring a villain! Quick!))
  17. UD quickly spun to the side, dodging most of the caltrops, and what he didn't dodge glanced off his hauberk. As it happened, their force impaled one of his zombies to the wall.
    "You're very good," UD said. "I wasn't expecting professional heroic interference for some time." The compliment in his words was somewhat offset by the beam of dark energy he send flying next, to cover pushing his a button on his leg.
    UD tapped a disk on his back, activating an almost invisible bubble of a force field, then grabbed two smaller disks out of a slot on the larger disk. He then tossed one disk like a frisbee towards Moonscribe's face ((seeker drone)) and casually tossed the other into the hallway leading to that old room ((trip mine. And when I say casually, I mean he was trying to get Moonscribe to not notice)).


    Back in Cap Au Diable, a signal corresponding to UD's leg-button went off inside a small apartment. A shortish man looked up from reading the paper, sighed, and went into a back room. He came out a few minutes later wearing a full suit of expensive Roman armor. He wrote a quick note, signed it Varius, then walked out the door and drove to the docks.
    A short while later, a sub was seen departing for Paragon City.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    "Now, now, Pharaoh, do you really think no one knows you are here? I probably should mention at some point that I am the hero Moonscribe, but honestly, my identity is of no importance."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The man faltered at the sudden appearance of this oddly calm man, but regained his composure quickly. "Actually, I am very surprised I got this far unnoticed. I made a lot of noise getting in." He smiled wth the memory. "I'm not sure why you called me Pharaoh, but in the interest of being polite, you can call me Urban Dead. Now, it's been nice meeting you, Moonscribe." With that, Urban Dead ((UD for future reference)) raised his right hand, index and middle fingers together, and pointed at Moonscribe.

    His zombies responded immediately. All 19 of them jumped out of the shadows onto Moonscribe. Well, this will probably attract more attention, UD thought, but it's not like I really have an option.

    UD reached into his pocket as his zombies leaped and threw small spiked objects onto the ground all around Moonscribe ((caltrops)). Lastly, as the zombies were almost upon his enemy, he reached into yet another pocket and began throwing a sticky grenade, to keep Moonscribe from moving.

    ((This all happened in the time the zombies are still leaping, to allow Hal's response. Also, explanation. UD is a /Traps MM, but he doesn't have Acid Mortar or Poison Trap and instead has Shadow Fall from /Dark.))
  19. Meanwhile, about 6 feet beneath the mall, a tunnel was being dug. The air was very hot and close inside, and it reeked of decaying flesh.
    "Dig faster, you dogs," a dark figure said. Of course, it being a tunnel, all figures were dark, but this was a special kind of dark. It was not the absence of light, it was the color black made manifest.
    Near the leading end of the tunnel were 7 or 8 zombies, mindlessly digging at the earth. Behind them, a steady line of more zombies were working on keeping the tunnel walls from collapsing. The air was dimly illuminated by their radioactuve green breath.
    We should be under the mall by now, if this map and my measurements are correct, the figure thought. He was looking at a small map in his phone. The light could not be seen from outside the wall of black, but it was bright enough. The man flipped it closed and slipped it into a pocket. "All right, that's enough digging out. Start digging up. If there's a cave-in, all your spirits will rue the day you got reanimated," he ordered the zombies. They paused, then started digging up a few feet from the end of the tunnel. "Put the dirt into that end, and if that isn't enough, all of you cram in and put it on the other side. We won't be needing this tunnel again."

    After about an hour more of digging, finally the zombies reached concrete. The man dissolved his cloud of black to see better. You couldn't see much in the dark, but it was clear that the man's face was horribly disfigured by scars, and was too pale at that. He wore tightly fitting rags, stitched together in layers, as clothing. They had been ripped and repatched many times, and under them he wore an ancient steel hauberk, greaves and shinguards. You couldn't be too careful, after all. The rags were arranged so that, even though they appeared to be tight, they hid any hint of armor. He found it helpful if enemies thought they could dispatch him with one blow; it threw them off when he lived. He had long, greasy brown hair held back by a headband, and chains wrapped around his knuckles (all the better to punch you with, my dear).
    He examined the concrete and found it to be very old. He could scratch it and it would flake. That's surprising, he thought. I thought this mall was only 20 years old, yet this concrete looks to be 80 or 90 years old. Well, whatever. I'll still blow it up, I'm sick of this tunnel. He reached into a pouch on his leg and pulled out some C4 attacked to a shoulder belt. He strapped it to one of the zombies, had the zombie cling to the ceiling as best it could, then activated the detonator.

    30 seconds later, the C4 exploded, taking the zombie and the concrete with it. The other zombies and the man had taken cover elsewhere in the tunnel, which almost collapsed with the blow. He summoned his shroud of black once more and lept out of the tunnel. Quickly looking around, he appeared to be in the cellar of something. It appeared largely unused; there were some footprints in the dust leading to and from a small refrigerator, but was otherwise abandoned. He called his remaining zombies up, 19 in number, and had them keep watch on the single door while he pulled some old bones out of yet another pocket ((He has very thick rags on, he has many pockets)). He threw them on the ground and sent a grey cloud at them. The figure of an undead warrior appeared from the bones, armor and all. Okay, if people haven't heard the explosion, it'll help, but if they have, they clearly haven't sent anyone. In any case, I'm sick of waiting. He walked to the refrigerator, got a soda, drank it in one gulp, tossed the can away, went to the door and kicked it open.

    He found himself behind the counter at the restaurant City of Gyros. He was amazed at how lifeless and oblivious the staff seemed; first he blew something up, then he kicked a door open, and still no one noticed? Or cared? He created more clouds of black to hide his zombies, then had everyone hide in ambush. A fast food place wasn't the best place to start a heist, but whatever.

    ((EDIT: Quick explanation. My character, Urban Dead, has lots of zombies, as you might notice. BUT, they are all very weak. They only have 50 HP each, in game terms, and only do about 20 per attack. Unless they are completely dismembered, he can resummon them, but he can only have 20 under his control at once, not counting the warrior. He can also turn civies they kill into new zombies. The warrior is a special case, he has 800 HP and does 100 damage per attack, but there's only one of him and UD can't get him back if he's completely gone, so he is used mostly as a bodyguard.))
  20. "Uh... okay. I think I have a lead, but I'll go down there and get the thing anyway. It can't hurt." Andrew started turning away, then turned back. "Oh, Linn!" He had to shout, as Linn was a distance away now. "Any suggestions on how to get something of theirs? They attacked me earlier, so I'm sure a shard of sword broke off ((Swords often dent and chip after a battle, especially against armor)), but I really don't want to go digging in my wires."

    ((That last question is invalidated if Andrew still has that bag. Of course, Andrew doesn't know that bag is theirs, so he'd still ask the question. Still, I can't remember if they took the bag or just its contents.))
  21. Andrew sighed at being ignored. "Yes Andrew, that's a brilliant idea. Let's all go do it," he muttered. He began speaking louder. "Well, I think I had a good ieda, so I'm gonna go try and find the portal. Use this to follow me, if you like," he said, and pulled a small triangle-shaped piece of his thigh off and put it on a nearby table.
    "Push the button on the back and wave it around, it'll beep if it's pointed in my direction." With that, Andrew walked back outside ((We are inside, right?)), switched on his jets and lept over to the lab.

    Several jumps later, he landed in front of the entrance to the lab and found Linn there. "Hey Linn, everything okay?" he asked.
  22. Andrew watched the video in silence. "Now that's interesting," he remarked. "If the video goes back 2 seconds and something else happened, that means there are two time streams leading from that moment. Clearly, we are in the time stream leading to Ian's parents' deaths." He paused for a moment. "I think we need to know more about this thing, what it does. And yet, no one knows anything about it. That is, in our own time stream." Andrew looked up towards the ceiling. "I know where this thing is. I can trace it. And if it does what I think it does, one of us can go back in time and ask Ian's dad more about this thing, and why those demons attacked us." Andrew walked a couple steps away. "Of course, I could be wrong and finding it would accomplish nothing. I could be wrong and we could find something completely different. I could be wrong and when one of us goes into the portal it will kill him. And of course, we need Ian's permission. They are his parents, after all." Andrew turned back to the group and clapped his hands with a metallic sound. "So! Opinions?"

    ((Khell! Come back! I... I love you! :P

    Also, this may be godmodding and Leo will shortly have Andrew assassinated. I don't RP much, I have no idea.

    Also also, I kida liked the mystery/DETHNINJA plot. ))
  23. ((I'm so confused. Where am I? Am I with Essex, Hal and Naga, wherever that might be? Am I with Archlich and Linn? Am I sitting in the guest house reading a book?))
  24. ((I'm back! Everyone do the wave!

    Or not. Y'know, whatever.))
  25. Andrew heard the voices from outside. "Stay here, I'll go up to take a look."
    He went out into the rubble once more and jumped, firing the rockets on his ankles in fuel-dump mode at the same time, propelling him upwards briefly. He grabbed the lip of the hole and heaved himself onto it, then ducked into the room with the large magical crystal core in it. He backed flat to the wall near the door and listened.

    ((Okay, I'll listen but not speak from here on out. I'll email Leo if I have anything to say. Talk to you in a couple weeks!
    EDIT: That wasn't clear. I mean, I won't be posting, but I'll be reading. I wasn't talking about Andrew, who will still be doing things. Much clearer now ))