Game freezes after ten minutes or so




Hello everyone.

A few days ago, I switched from an Ethernet-connected internet to a wireless one (got a new router). I did not have a wireless card, so I had to go out and buy one. Ever since then, whenever I play CoX, after ten minutes or so the game freezes so badly, I have to hard reboot my computer. No blue screen, nothing, just the frozen image of whatever I was looking at and about five seconds of looping sound.

It seems obvious to me: Get rid of the wireless card. That would stop me from freezing... but also remove my internet, which sort of defeats the purpose. So I went back to best buy and returned the card, got a new one. Same thing. Did this again, got a more expensive model. Still freezes. (Since then I returned it and got a cheap one from a friend. That doesn't work either, but at least it didn't cost $80.)

I have defragmented. I have deleted stuff off my computer. I updated all my drivers. I have reset my memory, my cache, and my page file. I cleaned out my computer and applied new thermal paste to my CPU. I performed virus and spyware scans.

I realize this is not directly related to City of Supers, but it does prevent a paying customer from fully enjoying the game. Would any kind soul like to help me out?

Oh, my specs are:
INTEL Core Duo, 2.8 GHz
GeForce 7800 GTX 512MB
SB Audigy 2 Audio
LinkSys wusb11 wireless adapter

If you need anything else, please tell me. Thanks in advance for your help!



mabie a conflict somewere... have you tryed another pci slot.. assumin its pci card your usin?

Kin Hell Fire
Slushy Kins
Nuria Dark



One of my computers had issues with wireless no matter what I did as well. It wasn't severe like your issue, but anytime I tried downloading the client or watching YouTube, it would disconnect me. What I did was simply put the router in THAT room, and connected to the router with a wire, then let the rest of the computers use wireless and everything is fine now.



Buzsaw: No, this is a USB-connected wireless adapter. It isn't a card. And yes, I tried the other USB ports.

Master-Blade: That would be lovely, but sadly, I don't have that option. (When the router was at this computer, people complained because they had bad signal in their rooms. So they moved the router and took out my ethernet card. XD)



Originally Posted by Leeksoup View Post
Buzsaw: No, this is a USB-connected wireless adapter. It isn't a card. And yes, I tried the other USB ports.

Master-Blade: That would be lovely, but sadly, I don't have that option. (When the router was at this computer, people complained because they had bad signal in their rooms. So they moved the router and took out my ethernet card. XD)
I'd tell them: Bad Signal > No Signal
lol j.k

Bad luck there. I hope you are able to tweak it to work. You mention that you took out the old Ethernet card.. were the drivers fully uninstalled correctly?