Live by the sword (Semi-open RP)
Son! The VIP guests should be arriving in a little over an hour, came a loud voice from the base of the humongous curved stair case of the hugely spacious house.
Yeah, I know! Im almost ready! Ian shouted from his room as he straightened the cuffs of his tuxedo.
In a flash of purple light, a man appeared in Ians room. What was that, I didnt hear you from down there, Ians father, William Allen Kelly, said with a proud smile on his face.
I said, Im almost ready.
Okay, well Ill be in the banquet hall preparing the last of the demonstrations. When youre done getting dressed, get over there really quick so I can explain the situation to you. Then youll be the first to greet our guests....I did try and invite some people that you know. After telling Ian his instructions, Will hit a button on a slightly oversized watch on his wrist and vanished again in the same purple light.
Stupid, rackafracen techmagicerraka, he grumbled as he examined himself in the mirror.
Soon, another man entered the room. He was also wearing a tuxedo. He seemed of Asian descent and in his mid fourties. His short black hair was slicked back and his posture seemed perfect. Come now, Ian. Youre running low on time, the man said as he straightened Ians bow tie.
Linn! Cut it out. It looks fine, Ian protested as Linn dusted off Ians already perfect outfit.
Okay then, lets get a move on, Linn replied as he scooted Ian toward the door.
((Quick overview:
Ian Kelly: now 16, still in a bit of an emotional transitional period.
William Kelly: Ians father, head of a tech corporation that provides components for other powerful tech companies. Also has been working on a tech/magic hybrid useable by the majority of the population for various applications. His past is mysterious before he met Sandra and married.
Sandra Kelly: Ians mother. A strong supporter in her husbands mystical studies. Having become quite knowledgeable herself, she has kept her husband from treading into any dangerous realms of magic.
Linn: Even more mysterious than Will. He is primarily Ians caregiver while his parents are away. Will and Linn have been friends for years even before Ian was born.))

((No one wants to play? Le sigh...))

((It's just slow 'cause of the holiday weekend. :P Give it a little bit into this week. I'm certainly planning on joining.))
Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace
((Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
I'm sorry! I had to! I had to! Ow, stop hitting me! Ow, dammit, ow, that hurts, stop it! Ow!))
((*Keeps throwing shoes, cups and phone books at Terminus*))

(("Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."))
A figure in black passed the slightly burnt invitation to another.
"Wha? I had ta light up, an' I was a lil' close."
The second shook his head, and read the invite.
"Hell, boss, it'd be good to get our hands on it."
"Looks like crap, to put it bluntly. This isn't worth my time."
"But, boss--"
"It is, however, worth Curtis'."
"Rassafrassasmassa..." The Gunslinger muttered as Alpha brought the Huey (A personal favorite of his) down to hover above the street in front of the mansion.
Curtis and two TacOps rapelled down, and as quick as he was there, Alpha was gone, leaving the three Maltans to trudge to the door.
As the maltans approached the main gate to the estate, a large sign could be seen hanging over it:
Due to unfortunate circumstances, the Magitech banquet and demonstration has been canceled. We apologize for the inconvenience.
[/ QUOTE ]
In the distance, a few cars could be seen parked at the main entrance of the impossibly large mansion although the lawn stretched over a half a mile to the front gate. At the gate, a few well dressed guests arrived early only to be met by an odd legless, faceless robot that seemed to simply defy gravity by hovering a couple of feet from the ground. They offered their invitations which the robot quickly scanned. Im sorry but currently only authorized guests and personnel are allowed to enter now that the Magitech event is canceled. I apologize for the inconvenience, the machine said in a monotone voice.
When the bot noticed the maltans, it hovered in front of them. Can I please see your invitation? the robot asked politely.

Curtis flicked out the slightly crispy paper from underneath his stetson, and the two TacOps eyed the robot nervously.
"Well, I'm no good at this sort of thing. I'm a man, and a scientist at that."
Dr. West sighed, shaking his head at the little android sitting in front of him petulantly with a hairbrush quite firmly tangled in her blonde locks.
"Honestly, I don't know what you want me to do." he said with a sigh. "Your hair isn't really long enough to do anything with, be truthful, I'm the last person who'd be able to even show you how to do a pigtail or whatever you call it."
"Jeez..." Essex said, stubbornly yanking the brush through again. "Well, I'll just get it myself. Don't worry."
"If you say so, sweetheart." Daniel said with an apologetic grin. "I have some work to do anyway. Just let me know if you need anything."
"Boys." Essex muttered as she went back to brushing.
Skimming to Ian's, Essex took a moment to admire the boy's house. "Wow..." she murmured. "I didn't know Ian's family was rich." She took a moment to dust off her dress - a cheery little orange chiffon child's formal dress, with a matching hair ribbon. She'd managed to pull most of her hair back, and the orange matched the pink of her audioreceptors and buster arms quite nicely.
Wearing little black patent shoes, she alighted on the ground and quickly ran over with a soft tapping to the sign at the gate. A bit intimidated, Essex looked around at all the large, adult people wearing tuxedoes...
"Oh dear..." she said, reading the sign with her signature tone of worry.
Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace
"Magitechnology? What the hell?" asked Toy Dispenser as he flung a piece of paper onto the table next to Archlich's chair.
"I told you," Archlich said, talking as though he had already explained it multiple times before, which he had. "I'm going to go there and find out exactly what it is."
"I should go with you then! Who better to understand the technology bit than a guy made of it?"
"You need to finalize the trials of those robots you've been developing," Archlich said as he watched the mastermind pace about the room. "I currently have no pressing engagements so it would be best for myself to go."
"But Archlich," Toy said, freezing in place and looking at the lich right in the eyes. "If you go, you're going to blow the whole place to smithireens."
With a flash, a silver armored figure appeared on the rooftop of a building facing the mansion, invitation in hand. The knight, with his visor flipped down, spent a long moment surveying the terrain. Finally, apparently satisfied, the knight jumped off the roof, disappeared in midair, and reappeared right behind Essex.
After adjusting his royal purple cloak and checking to see that the red runes woven into the edges were alright, the knight looked down at the little girl in front of him and froze.
Her, Archlich thought bitterly. Always her. Now I know this is going to get a lot more complicated.
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
Thank you. You may pass as your presence is still required, the robot said with a quick scan of Curtis invitation. The wide gate silently slid opened enough for a person to pass through. Right this way. Just follow the path as it leads right to the front door. If youd like I can print you a map of the estate to help you navigate more easily, the machine hummed in its helpful yet monotone voice. With a quick scan, it would say the same for Toy Dispenser and Essex to let them pass.
The path to the mansion was wide and paved over and was lined with tall, neatly trimmed trees just until you reached the circle driveway which had an odd crystalline statue in the center. At the double doors, a man with an emotionless face, Linn, would be keeping guard and waiting for the VIP guests to arrive.

With a flash of a hand signal, Curtis and the TacOps bodyguards started off.
They had walked all of eight steps before Curtis yawned, clicking his group teleporter and sending them screaming through an alternate dimension, landing in front of the crystal structure.
"I hate that place..." One of the TacOps sighed as the troopers walked up to the guard, trying to put on their best "Badass Soldier" attitudes.
((You know, I'd like to join, but Nightrayne and maybe Tam are the only ones I know of who've met Ian in SH101 and 24HV. :/ While nice, I can't exactly think of a way for either to get the invitation.))
When in danger, or in doubt; Run in circles, scream and shout.
((Well, it can be sent naturally(by mail or phone or whatever), by magic(whatever that is...) or tech(holograms and all that space satellite tech stuff thingies) without any problems. Perhaps a villain group heard of the prospects of magical technology and are planning to bust in on it or something. I dunno but if you can't join it's okay, the thread isn't going to close so you could join later if you want.))

"I think this is the place. . ." a disembodied voice muttered out of nowhere.
There was suddenly a loud rustling behind Essex, as though someone had just had a violent start, and a figure materialized out of nowhere. Hallucinogen, clouded in a green smoky haze, complete with gas mask, picked himself up off the ground, holding a crumpled invitation.
"Uh. . . Essex! Yes! Didn't know you were coming!"
"I need no directions," Archlich said after the robot offered.
He brushed past the mechanical device with a long engrained contempt that he normally kept muffled around Toy Dispenser and the others. He glanced back at Essex in time to see Hallucinogen pop up, causing the lich another fit of consternation. He had really wanted as few people to show up as possible, especially heroes, so that he could destroy this 'magitechnology' and then leave in relative peace.
"No rest for the wicked," Archlich muttered as he walked past Curtis and his Maltans up to the gate guard where he stood in front of the guard and crossed his arms impatiently.
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
Essex was still looking around wide-eyed when she was startled by a familiar voice from behind her. Turning around, she blinked.
"Hallucinogen?" she murmured, tilting her head to the side a little. "I didn't expect to see you here either. How are you?"
Skimming along with him into the driveway, she admired the landscape. "Ian's family is really well-to-do, aren't they?" she commented in admiration. "This place is really beautiful."
Then, she paused.
Curtis found himself promptly collided into by a skimming streak of orange chiffon.
"Sir Curtis!!"
Art - Theme 005 - Seeking Solace
"Whoah!" The Gunslinger exclaimed, but the TacOps brought their rifles around in less than a second. He held up a hand, letting them recognize the figure.
"Well howdy Essex!"
((WARNING: Cliche alert. But you know what? You freakin' ASKED for it.))
"Yes. . . beautiful. . ." Hal muttered, watching Essex run into Curtis. His mind was evidently on things other than the scenery. . .
The silver armored figure looked away from the gate guard and focused on the others, specifically the Maltans. His gauntleted hand strayed down to the sword sheathed at his side as Archlich tried to stay in character.
"And what, pray tell," the knight said, his voice echoing oddly from within his helm. "Would servants of the Malta Group be doing at a lawful convocation?"
Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.
Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.
NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.
"That's fer us ta know, pal." Curtis snarled, and the two TacOps lowered their rifles.
Welcome, Linn greeted the group as they approached the mansion entrance. His face looked completely blank, just like it always does, as he bowed his head slightly. Although your attendance is no longer needed, it wouldnt do to send you off without an explanation of the situation. Please, come in.
Linn pushed the door open and stepped aside so the group could enter. The towering foyer was brightly lit and groups men were walking about, examining the area closely and taking pictures. Ian was sitting on the fourth step up on the decadent stair well, his head drooping down. He seemed lost in thought.

Curtis motioned with his hand, and the two TacOps entered cautiously, the Gunslinger following idly.
"Y'all two act like somethin's gonna go wrong!"
"Something always does..."
((No one wants to play? Le sigh...))
[/ QUOTE ]
((Well, none of my characters know this Ian, so I'm disqualified.))
((Okay, I know Im setting myself up for failure here. For one, Im in....lets see, SH101, 24HV, CoT, MA, and GtoA 5 RP threads and Ive got school and work and when I finally get my PC Ill have CoX to play so.....
Anyway, thisll be my first thread that I GM so please dont disappoint me. Ill try to keep what Ive learned about GMing in mind while trying out some new stuff like loosely scripted fights(but not all of them will) and a bit of investigation. There shouldnt be any Godmodeing because some of the fights should be scripted(through PMs) and the other fights would be skirmishes that dont go on too long.
Okay, the stipulations. No more than two characters per poster(this doesnt apply to the game-related Master Mind characters though; those guys can only have one+minions). The character(s) must know Ian or know someone who knows Ian(probably tough because Ian hasnt met that many but I try my best damn it!). This means, Devious character(Pete) knows Ian so anyone that Pete knows can go(such as Reikoff or whatever) can go. Oh, did I mention this happens two years after SH101 so anything that happened in CoT or Millennium Arena(If youre not in that thread and you like to do a little RP fighting GET IN IT CAUSE ITS FUN!) doesnt count.
Just another semi-open/semi-closed RP you say? Well, perhaps but Im not going to close mine. If you can think of a way for a character to enter in that is logical then be my guest but if the entrance isnt then Ill toss the idea in the garbage because Im the GM!! Entrances will become harder and harder as the story progresses and I actually have and end to this so if we all work together we might finish in a few months...
Now, invitations will be sent out by Ians father which will sound something like this:
Be the first to experience Magitech, an astounding breakthrough to open up the world of magic and technology to the masses.
Your presence, <insert name>, has been requested at this prestigious banquet to unveil this new advancement to the world. You will be welcomed as a VIP and receive the first batch of prototypes as gifts for your attendance. Dont miss this life changing opportunity!
K-Tech enterprises
Enclosed would be the address to the mansion, the time(around 6:30pm) and a message saying:
<insert name>,
If you didnt buy into that spiel, then thats okay but youd be doing me a big favor in attending. Not only do I hate dads little parties but I sense something.....odd. Hope you decide to come.
Ian Kelly
or some such rubbish. You can change the additional message to flavor whoever hes asking. If youre a villain, it doesnt matter. He likes to fight heroes and villains so I dont see a reason why it would change anything. Even if it was some villain that decided to hold everyone hostage, hed get a kick out of trying to stop them. Thats kind of stupid isnt it? Also, if you're bringing an acquaintance of an acquaintance of Ian then the message should probably be relayed to them.
How would you receive the message? Well, his father owns a tech company so whatever you feel is cool.))