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  1. well, that explains that.

    thanks man.
  2. I've done it once before (ages ago) but can't remember how I did it.

    Can anyone refresh my memory? It really drives me crazy when I can't remember how I once did something before.
  3. freaking awesome, Bayani.

    This is 1000 times cooler than what I was expecting for playing your MA.

    win/win for me!
  4. artic1337

    I15 broke the

    I had the same problem, but then I just
  5. I'm a long time lurker of this board (was always my fave CoH forum section). I came out of hiding once I had something to show off (errr, i mean "share" . . . see my sig).

    Now I prowl for free arts to fill up my DeviantArt page.
  6. Carousel Action Bio (link to ref shots in comments)

    . . . or any other character from my sig link if you'd rather, thanks.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LtZerge View Post
    Might be snazzier if I knew about his powers and abilities, but since I don't:
    Cobalt Kid [click for full view]

    It's funny how you only see certain issues once it's done :/ (I have forged a new respect for the thorns pattern. It's actually made of complex intersecting triangles, neato)oh well, here it is. Now onto that PB.
    doh! I linked to his ref shots instead of his bio page (which also has link to ref shots as well as info).

    No biggy though, what you did is great!
  8. I didn't play half as much as I planned this weekend . . . combat lag on Pinnacle (for me) was so bad I couldn't keep track of what was going on with my cooldowns.
  9. artic1337

    Was this dumb?

    Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
    Would it be dumb to slot it in the Super Strength power "Rage"?

    And does it have a chance to go off only when the power is activated, or at regular intervals during the Rage's duration?

    If you put it in Rage, then yes, it would only have a chance to proc when you activated Rage.
  10. artic1337

    Was this dumb?

    Does the proc have a visual cue?
  11. artic1337

    Was this dumb?

    I slotted a [Gaussian's Synchronized Fire Control: Chance for Build Up] IO in Invincibility

    Was that dumb?

    I haven't noticed it going off, yet. Does the proc have a chance to go off periodically, or only when I first fire up the toggle?
  12. oh boy . . . i can't wait to see the other two!

  13. artic1337

    AE Stories.


  14. MA made me King of Galaxy City!

    *raises arms in victory*
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Alright I has deflowered someone else. I present to you Watch Dog. I think I need to do a female next. I been spending to much time looking crouches and rippling muslce. I need to change the view.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I freaking love it!

    btw, is it ok that i did this ?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Well people here is X-Zero I had mad problems with the hands and I couldn't fix it so sorry.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is the most awesome finger I ever seen!
  17. I could do an Action Bio for someone (if provided screenshots).

    I've been AFK for a couple days . . . have I been picked? Am I on the list? Can I play, too, guys?

    I also tutor english.
  18. Boomtown does have the coolest soundtrack, however.
  19. woo hoo!

    ya, Watchdog is fine . . . but feel free to choose any other of my guys if you want.

    I'm easy!
  20. artic1337

    Hey Bayani . . .

    I got a PM from ya, sent a reply but the site didn't give me a confirmation of "sent message" . . . did ya get it?

    i is a noob or something!