Sooo I have some free time.




Anyone want anything done? I do my stuff in sketching form. I just found my good pencil and my scanner is working. Might be good for some way for me to blow off time. I've already spent some of this time on the following sketches =)

So what ya' want? Shoot concepts and characters or what ever my way =D

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I'm heading to bed. I'll keep this thread around for anyone that wants a drawing done. I'll go through them first come first serve basis, if they ever come at all, heh.

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I'll bite. my reference is in my sig

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



Originally Posted by JGHopkins View Post
I'll bite. my reference is in my sig
And the winner is!
[click for full view]

I got a little daring and went for a real "depth" picture, but I'm not sure if it turned out right, think I got a little proportion pwned. I just chose a more complex pose than I probably should have, but at least it gives me some practice with stuff I'm not too used to. Getting your clothing and cape pattern to sync up well with the pose was a hassle but I got it done.
Incase you're wondering, he's grabbing a ground transformer and focusing its power into his hand.

Anyways, sleep time, I just really wanted this done =O

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Okay, back. Anyone else? No?
Also, is there anyways I can change a thread title? I tried editing, but it only changes my post title, not that of the thread.

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Originally Posted by LtZerge View Post
And the winner is!
[click for full view]

I got a little daring and went for a real "depth" picture, but I'm not sure if it turned out right, think I got a little proportion pwned. I just chose a more complex pose than I probably should have, but at least it gives me some practice with stuff I'm not too used to. Getting your clothing and cape pattern to sync up well with the pose was a hassle but I got it done.
Incase you're wondering, he's grabbing a ground transformer and focusing its power into his hand.

Anyways, sleep time, I just really wanted this done =O

I like it

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



Originally Posted by artic1337 View Post
Cobalt Kid

have at him!
Might be snazzier if I knew about his powers and abilities, but since I don't:
Cobalt Kid [click for full view]

It's funny how you only see certain issues once it's done :/ (I have forged a new respect for the thorns pattern. It's actually made of complex intersecting triangles, neato)oh well, here it is. Now onto that PB.

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Originally Posted by LtZerge View Post
Might be snazzier if I knew about his powers and abilities, but since I don't:
Cobalt Kid [click for full view]

It's funny how you only see certain issues once it's done :/ (I have forged a new respect for the thorns pattern. It's actually made of complex intersecting triangles, neato)oh well, here it is. Now onto that PB.
doh! I linked to his ref shots instead of his bio page (which also has link to ref shots as well as info).

No biggy though, what you did is great!



If your still doing this it'd be awesome if you could do Hubba Bubbles

@Red Firefox
Red Firefox, Marenie, Hubba Bubbles, Radiant Aurora, Radiation Red, Fatale Flame, Animation



Originally Posted by Maynia View Post
The more the better =D

Alrighty, as promised in this thread, your character will be sketched to my whim. And this is the magic that occurred =P
I'm having some fun with these poses too. Starting to find ones that really work. ( Or I think I'm better at women? ...)No finicky clothing patterns or textures and having a high level PB gives me an advantage as to how it look. Anyways
Lumi [click for full view]

Now on to Hubba =O

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Originally Posted by RedFirefox View Post
If your still doing this it'd be awesome if you could do Hubba Bubbles
Alrighty, I'm having fun coming up with poses! Though, do note, no power sets = no gimmicks.. But I suppose gimmicks get in the way of the actual picture sometimes... screw it, invisible object gimmick away! Very nice costume BTW =) oh well, here XD
Hubba Bubbles [click for full view]

I have some stuff to do, so I'll get to Dr's soon.

Edit: Fixed that damn leg!

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Very nice job LtZerge! Hubba is actually a force field/sonic defender, so she blows bubbles at people.

Thank you very much for the sketch and the costume compliment. Can't wait to see the rest of your work!

@Red Firefox
Red Firefox, Marenie, Hubba Bubbles, Radiant Aurora, Radiation Red, Fatale Flame, Animation



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
Wanta go at mine if u still doing them
I'm back now!

Hmm, interesting concept. Cyborg demon? Cool pose there though.
Here's what it seems I could do with that.
EndNewt [click for full view]

I might do another one with Hubba using the bubble thing later, it could be a fun concept, and I'll work on Kheldarn's stuff. Might be trendy and go for a Savannah piece.

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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Nice work all around!

If you want more to sketch, feel free to click the image in my sig!
Man, posing is fun. I'm glad I started this thread, it's giving me good practice. Lord knows I've never bothered taking an artclass so this works wonders, and some of them turn out fairly well.

Well, anywhos, Order up!

Savannah Nightwolf [click for full view]

Anyone else? I'm keeping this thread up. I couldn't figure out how to change the title to reflect that a little better. Anyways, pitch em' if you want em'.

Edit: I took it into FWMX and did some manipulating in some semi-successful attempt to get those proportions to something that looks a little better...

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Feel free to use my character Crestent.

Also if you could draw him with a spear that would be cool. I'd give you a design reference but I don't have one(atleast no designs I'm to fond of) so I guess you could draw it as an energy spear... or just forget about the spear all together.

Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller



Originally Posted by Crestent View Post
Feel free to use my character Crestent.

Also if you could draw him with a spear that would be cool. I'd give you a design reference but I don't have one(atleast no designs I'm to fond of) so I guess you could draw it as an energy spear... or just forget about the spear all together.
You got it buddy! Energy spear thing, and a snazy white look. Big muskels and assuming mucho skill. Alright... now just add the mandatory cool pose. I didn't do anything super fancy, thus it turned out fine, heh. I kind of... invented my own spear thingy, it looks neat.

Crestent [click for full view]

And that sleepy time has arrived yet again. Feel free to drop off more characters or concepts you want me to have a crack at, and I'll get to them in the morn'.

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Nice work on these
Go ahead and see what you can do with

Chloe Macomber

click any of the thumbnails for a bigger image
Chloe is a Darkness/Radiation Defender and Xllusya is a Illusion/Emapathy Controller (that usually has lightning on her body and coming out of her staff)

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by LtZerge View Post
I'm back now!

Hmm, interesting concept. Cyborg demon? Cool pose there though.
Here's what it seems I could do with that.
EndNewt [click for full view]

I might do another one with Hubba using the bubble thing later, it could be a fun concept, and I'll work on Kheldarn's stuff. Might be trendy and go for a Savannah piece.
haha sweet pic

its theme is reaper of lucifer brought back into a part living part cyborg body



Originally Posted by LtZerge
Man, posing is fun. I'm glad I started this thread, it's giving me good practice. Lord knows I've never bothered taking an artclass so this works wonders, and some of them turn out fairly well.

Well, anywhos, Order up!

Savannah Nightwolf [click for full view]

Edit: I took it into FWMX and did some manipulating in some semi-successful attempt to get those proportions to something that looks a little better...
Mmm... free, awesome art! I loves it! Thank you very much!

Also: You seem to have Gorillaz in your sig...

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
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