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  1. Wow I'm kinda jealous lol, I just resubbed last night...would have loved to snag these...hopefully they will come around again
  2. haven't played in nearly a year, but recently decided to start up again....but I'm really behind

    I'm looking for a RP group, although it's been almost 2 years since I've rped it sounds like fun

    I'm hoping for a group with a mentoring type program or something along those lines to give me a hand catching up...

    the style of group I like is something along the lines of the avengers or young justice (except with adults lol)

    I have a new character I'm going to be using named aport....or I can transfer my old lvl 50 in from justice (Volt Sentinel)

    if you want background info on me or the character lemme know...would be nice to get into a group again
  3. wow I totally meant to post this is virtue lol :P
  4. I haven't played in nearly a year, but recently decided to start up again....but I'm really behind

    I'm looking for a RP group, although it's been almost 2 years since I've rped it sounds like fun

    I'm hoping for a group with a mentoring type program or something along those lines to give me a hand catching up...

    the style of group I like is something along the lines of the avengers or young justice (except with adults lol)

    I have a new character I'm going to be using named aport....or I can transfer my old lvl 50 in from justice (Volt Sentinel)

    if you want background info on me or the character lemme know...would be nice to get into a group again
  5. Awhile ago I got banned (someone got a hold of my account info :P)
    so I gave up on the game for a bit and started playing SWTOR

    Well I like SWTOR but the game gets kinda old FAST

    so I decided to pop on and see whats been going on, everything looks pretty good and I am unbanned now so I decided to try my hand at the hero game again.

    I was actually one of the first posters on exalted lol

    1.How much has changed since issue 20

    2.How is exalted as a server

    Hoping to become part of the community again...
  6. character select or character creation?

    cause character creation it's at the bottom...with a magnifying glass symbol
  7. This is the listing for the Exalted Servers Villain groups.

    please fill out the list as much as possible and post if there are any changes

    the format is as follows

    Group Name:

    Group Theme:

    Website (if applicable):

    Group Focus (rp/pvp/etc.):

    Contact Info:


    Other information:
  8. This is the listing for the Exalted Servers Hero groups.

    please fill out the list as much as possible and post if there are any changes

    the format is as follows

    Group Name:

    Group Theme:

    Website (if applicable):

    Group Focus (rp/pvp/etc.):

    Contact Info:


    Other information:
  9. JGHopkins

    Exalted Intros

    My name is Justin I've been playing City of heroes on and off since issue 4 (I remember when they introduced bows/Kheldians and Crotoa)

    I've been gone for over a year and got interested again when I saw that some stuff was getting revamped

    I'm in school for limited XRay tech.

    I usually play in the afternoon and plan on starting an SG for RPers, Medium lvl.

    My main character is a classic Strength/INvulnerbality Flight character, he's named after the meaning of my first and middle names Justice Guardian
  10. JGHopkins

    Exalted Intros

    For those of us who have been gone awhile. Or for those of us that have been around awhile.

    Introduce yourself. Whether you plan on making Exalted your home (like myself) or just popping in part time
  11. I got the 2 names I REALLLLLY wanted which was Aport and Justice Guardian (not sure which will be my main)
  12. I'm a medium lvl RPer I'm hoping this server caters to RPing since virtue is getting kinda new and this server will aloow for some fresh characters
  13. yeah hopefully they fix it soon lol
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpikyShane View Post
    Turns out I wouldn't be able to play on the Exalted server even if I wanted to. I just loaded the game up (love the new music and stuff) and Exalted is at the bottom of my server list. When I scroll down to the bottom, it shoots straight back to the top. So I can't click any of the bottom servers on the list.
    generally it seems if you click random servers eventually it moves up :P
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red_X2 View Post
    If all goes well. Hopefully there wont be any issues. Well besides the fact that I cant click on the VIP server. Lets hope thats just temporary.
    lol there are always issues :P
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
    Well that leaves me some time to take car eof some things then.

    And for the lazy among us.


    according to this we have 20mins left
  17. all I did was keep clicking random serves till it moved up the list :P
  18. same here...it was ok. than it wasn't :P
  19. I use to play on Justice, but I logged in after resubbing my account and it felt funny :P

    maybe cause I was gone so long. lol

    also cause all the names I wan are taken lol :P
  20. So..is anyone making this thier new home server.

    I've been gone from the game for over a year cause at the time it was feeling stale. but this new system looks like it'll breath some fresh life into the game. SO I'll be starting over from scratch on Exalted as a new home.

    Anyone plan on doing the same?
  21. At this point I'd just be happy if they unlocked exalted forum lol.

    edit: bad spelling ftw :P
  22. this new setup drew me back into the game after beiong gone for over a year :P

    I can't wait to log onto exalted . That's def. goona be my new home server
  23. That's horrible news . I haven't been on the game in a long time, but I remember alot of the regular forumgoers. I had a couple really good conversation with him.

    The forums gonna be a little sadder without him.
  24. anywhere to watch this online...just cancelled my cable so no more BBC :P