Exalted Hero Group listing
Group Name: Friends of Old Kings Row
Group Theme: Old School Heroes
Website (if applicable): N/A
Group Focus (rp/pvp/etc.): General Teaming/TFs/Trials/Badges/AE Stories
Contact Info: @Backfire
Description: A casual SG for players who like to "play the game."
The Friends of Old Kings Row has been my personal SG for years. I have a branch on every server and am opening it up to the public for the first time on Exalted. While Exalted is not my "home server," I will (hopefully) be running weekly teams/events there.
Teaming is centered around running story arcs, TFs, Trials, and other canon content. No farming, exploits, or powerleveling. AE story arcs are encouraged!
There are no SG uniform requirements, vets & newbies are welcome to join.
Other information:
We believe Kings Row is more than just a zone; it's an attitude. A attitude that hard work is it's own reward. An attitude of respect for the city's history. And an attitude of being a positive force for growth & the future.
There was a time when heroes abandoned Kings Row for the Hollows, chasing the new shiny. Kings Row was desolate and forgotten. It was at this time the Friends of Old Kings Row were born as a force for promoting what is unique & fun about Kings Row and fostering an appreciation for the original lore.
A lot has changed since then...stores were added, Pocket D opened a portal, shiny Wentworth's and Architect Entertainment buildings were built...and we've seen the heroes come back. Kings Row has become a hub of activity once again; from where you get your first Raptor Pack, to where incarnates go to sell drops between trials in the D. The Friends of Old Kings Row have grown with these changes & embraced them, yet will always look back at the old days with fond memories.
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
Obsidian Operations was founded in early 2005 by @5th Ace and @Geo GLo.Project/Rogue Obsidian Operations
Project: Obsidian Operations is a joint venture of the military and academia. It's primary mission is to seek out other heroes that wish to master their powers over time and train together to save Paragon City. Project: Obsidian Operations is the perfect combination of brains and brawn without the useless middle men. Project Obsidian Operations is a mature active super group in search of quality individuals. Both founders started this group in response to the number of poorly built super groups. The main problem with most super groups is that they blind recruit and this can result in tons of Dirt.... By hand choosing our new members, the Super Group can focus on tactics rather than internal conflicts. Our motto is simple, know your powers and know your role. The popularity of this Super Group has incased since its founding. Thank you to all the active participants in Obsidian Operations.
The word "Project/Rogue" allows for a learning environment.
We have been teaming for 6+ years now and still going strong. We are constantly running daily SG events. We have expanded over 6+ servers and now have a total of 15+ SGs.
Not so interested yet?
Short List of accomplishments.
- Play on over 6+ servers -Each server has 3+bases with 1 in the top 100!
- Completed all Master of badges - Completed all TFs(besides Shard TFs) in one night under 18hours.
- Completed all Master of badges - Completed all SFs in about 10hours.
- Was number 1 SG on 3servers at once back in 2006/07.
- We have had so much interest in our weekly teams that we are restarting the hero team and running two full teams at once.
- We have badgers ranked 25 and up overrall.
- SG-Only MSR(30member)run
- SG-Only Cathedral of Pain
We are looking for either skilled team-oriented players or players willing to learn. These individuals also need to maintain a positive attitude in the face of defeat and they must never abandon a team in the middle of a mission. We never send out random invitations to our super group.
Let us know when your birthday week has arrived . We would love to do a TF, SF, or Trial of your choosing. You get to choose the event, the time, and the date.
There isn't a uniform requirement nor is there a plan to create one. You have taken the time to create your costume so who are we to tell you what to wear. You can wear the team colors and symbol if you want but you may not force it on another. Special Teams do wear uniforms but it is because the entire team unanimously decides to make a team uniform. (Don't need too)
There is no requirement. You're free to come and go as you please. You have the right to not use this webpage, ventrilo, or message board if you choose. You have the right to group with other people outside the super group or solo if you choose. We do request that you never disgrace our super group.
You have the right to refuse to farm, herd or stealth and mission. If you plan on farming, herding, or stealthing missions, you should inform your team mates. We know that playing with higher level teammates can mean great exp; however, please be prepared to be side kicked if necessary. A team mate's life should never be sacrificed for higher experence.
Our public SG channel is the OOCIC Channel. You can join it by typing /Chanjoin OOCIC
OOCIC stands for Obsidian Operatons Combat Intel. Center
This is a wonderful tool that can prevent debt. We would like as many people to use it as possible. It is a chat program that removes the need for typing. Even if you don't have a mic, you will still be able to hear what the team is planning and warnings during the mission.
Powerleveling is defined by getting experience and not serving a useful role. There will never be a super group sponsored powerleveling event. We would prefer that no one in the super group power levels but if you do, please become proficient with your new powers in order to minimize deaths.
Website is: www.obsidianops.proboards.com
Exalted Faction:
- Project Obsidian Operations
- Project Obsidian Operations - Section 31
- Project Obsidian Operations - Dominion
- Obsidian Operations Combat Systems
- Rogue Obsidian Operations

Group Name: "The Convent of Steel"
Group Theme:N/A
Website (if applicable):N/A
Group Focus (rp/pvp/etc.): Lots of Teaming and having a good time PvE all around is welcome
Contact Info:@Ghost-Angel
Description:We are Known by many names, but our goal has always been the same to protect and serve. For we are the galactic peacekeepers, and we call ourselves "The Covenant of Steel", a title that encompasses wholly everything that was as soldiers of right consider to be the heart of the order. Our us sacred charge bestowed upon us by the Council of Twelve and the free peoples of the Universe. For this honor, we shall not falter nor shall we surrender or abandon them when called to duty. Long live the Fighters!!!
Other information:We Have Ventrilo ^_^
Work in progress and I'll update as soon as I can. These are SGs I run so feel free to private message me here or send me a whisper in-game @Teege They're primarily themed RP (though perhaps not a requirement) with secondary features being missions, TFs, etc and all will have bases. Each one will have a different set up and varied requirements and they'll all need management positions to help run them!
<Gaymers> (LGBT themed/friendly)
<Paragon Police Department> (Officers, SWAT, detectives, etc)
<Heaven> (Angel/faith/etc theme)
<United States Armed Forces> (military theme)
<American Heroes> (classic spandex red white & blue heroes)
<Federal Bureau of Investigation> (self explanatory)
<Central Intelligence Agency> (self explanatory)
<Paragon City> (civilians, city workers, etc)
<PARAGON TV> (paragon's #1 rated news source)
<The Mafia> (mobster theme goodness)
<Exalted School for the Gifted> (where young heroes can feel welcome)
<Paragon Psychology Clinic> (Mental health services)
More to come so again I'll update more later, PM or global whisper if you want to help make RP magic.
We do not have a theme per se.
http://jhexalted.guildportal.com/Gui...&TabID=3678405 (still a work in progress)
Group Focus:
Our focus is primarily on creating a fun environment to play in. It doesn't matter if you're a role-player or farmer, pvper or casual gamer, everyone is welcome. Eventually when we get big enough we'll start focusing on scheduling trials/tf's and other events, that's not to say that we'll close out the public but just choose from our own ranks first then coalition then public.
Contact Info:
Anyone within the SG can recruit, just shout out in the request channel. If you have specific questions prior to joining you can reach me specifically at @Norlon.
]Other Info:
Just Heroes originally started on Guardian, through a series of events that were very unfortunate indeed the Guardian branch ended up dwindling. A few of us decided to move to Freedom but none of us wanted to actively recruit to avoid what happened on Guardian so Just Heroes Freedom went nowhere fast (I was also still pretty new and wasn't as sure of myself at the time). Now several years later, the newest iteration of Just Heroes is born and with solid leadership and patience this will be the best.
Find me ingame @Norlon
Winter ST
SG/VG Name: Jagged Legion / Chaos Legion
Public relations: www.jaggedlegion.com
Peak teaming hours: 12pm EST - 3am EST
Amount of PvP: Some to very little
Amount of Powerleveling: Yes, but don't expect it.
Amount of Drama: None, drama queens need not apply.
Size of Base: Medium (Porters leading to all Zones)
Requirements: Jagged Legion will recruit you as a person/player and not specific characters. As a member, we request that everyone play in SG Mode. This is a way for all members to contribute to the group as a whole. Also, you are to reserve one costume slot for the SG Uniform which is to be worn at all times while teaming and during public events. Please read before applying to Jagged Legion and be sure to read our Code of Conduct for more details.
Guild Description: Jagged Legion is well known for our great and many accomplishments throughout City of Heroes. We're primarily a Hero SG, but we do play Villains on many occasions. We participate in all aspects of the game, but mainly focused on high end (50+) content. We're always looking for skilled, talented and mature players that are willing to be part of a great family. We’re number crunchers at heart, constantly talking about character builds and trying to better ourselves. So if you feel we may be what you're looking for, please don't hesitate to visit our website and apply today!
@Beef Cake
@Dyre Knight
@Naughty Medic
@James Donner
Voice Chat: We currently use Ventrilo as our communication with the SG Members. So please plan on using this as your communication with the group.
"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner
Group Name: Shadow Organization
Group Theme: Dark and mysterious group
Website (if applicable):N/A
Group Focus (rp/pvp/etc.): PvE/Minor RP/Minor PvP
Contact Info: @Just Shadow
Description:The mysterious "Shadow Organization" is a group player with special gifts from Elemental powers, to weapon Skills, Healing Abilities,and Pet Control. All classes are welcome to join us. Looking forward in seein you all.
Other information: Greetings the "Shadow Organization" is looking for active veteran players. We have a ventrilo (Its a talk server), All levels are welcome. And is looking to grow to something bigger. Pst for invite Thank you Shadow.
I have a handful of themed self-altitis super groups. The main one I'd like to extend an invitation to any interested, and will list a second one as an alternative. Currently with a coalition (with the two largest of my groups), there are eight teleporters (three are yet to be beaconized).
Contact Info for either group:
@Better With Pirates
Main Super Group
Group Name:
Group Theme:
Heavy cemetery theme (graves, tombs, Vahzilok creations, etc). Could likely be extended into things Halloween like.
Group Base:
Small, with 4 porters (2 yet to be beaconized), designed with a tomb theme in mind. Salvage storage, inspiration storage, and eventually enhancement storage will be available.
Group Focus (rp/pvp/etc.):
Having fun. RP friendly (while not required, those that choose to RP have a friendly environment to do so).
Lead by a previous victim of the Vahzilok, Gravediggers seeks to keep others from the grasp of the Vahzilok and worse. Make it shallow, or bury them deep. In the grave, our enemies, we'll keep.
Other information:
Will help with missions when possible. Usually on most evenings and weekends. Looking to grow and expand to the point where SG team missions can be run, along with RP events.
Secondary Super Group
Group Name:
The Outfit
Group Theme:
Technical theme, mercenaries seeking to provide the supply for nearly any demand. Sort of a 'if you need it, we'll get it' kind of RP idea.
Group Base:
Small, with 4 porters (1 yet to be beaconized), designed with a technological theme. Crafting table, with storage eventually to be added as the group grows.
Group Focus (rp/pvp/etc.):
Having fun. RP friendly (while not required, those that choose to RP have a friendly environment to do so).
There's always a demand for something, The Outfit seeks to be the supply.
Last bit of information:
Since this is not my main SG, it doesn't have storage ability yet. Through the coalition, can still communicate and still willing to help out with missions when possible. Occasionally I may get the itch to run a level 50 mission or two, but there is not going to be 'power leveling' in the true sense of the phrase. Both groups are for my fun and enjoyment of the game, simple as that.
Thank you!
Group Name: United States Super Soldier Program
Group Theme: Young, Dumb and Ugly by Weird Al
Website (if applicable): NA
Group Focus: A place to dump my stuff.
Contact Info: @Hyperstrike1
Description: Essentially this is a one-man SG. A couple alts in there.
Other information: I'm pretty much open to anyone who needs an SG, even temporarily. I don't give a darn about prestige. I've got billions of Inf and I'm my own prestige bot. Base is a bit...sparse right now. But if that's a problem I'll toss a couple hundred million at Inf conversion.
Sticky please. Are there any Mods around with superglue today? We need this superglue'd to the ceiling of our Page 1!!!
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
I think theyre busy with the new issue.. i sent Avatea and Z a pm about this last week.

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.
Group Name: Disciples of The Fallen
Group focus: fun teaming and events
Website: surrently in progress
Group Focus: PvP, 1v1's mainly some zone but not much
Contact Info: (ingame) @I am BattleField
Description: Active top 50 SG currently seeking members of all levels and archtypes anyone wanting to join please send tell or ingame email at @I am BattleField or @The Challenger thanks!
Other information: loves Farming often but cant stand beggers, please ask for farms but only once
-based off a group from the server Freedom
-looking to grow enough to host weekly events such as COP's and MSR's
-6 year veteran leadership
-if not running TF's or teaming were farming
-currently #37 on the Exalted server
Group Name: Obsidian Syndicate
Group Theme: A friendly, but disciplined group, made up around a core of players from Freedom and Virtue...
Website (if applicable): http://theobsidiansyndicate.guildlaunch.com/
Group Focus (rp/pvp/etc.): Having Fun, PVE
Contact Info: @Obsidian Light, @Liberties,
Description: We are a group of players located across 3 servers on the MMO City of Heroes,
Other information: Located on Freedom, Virtue and Exalted, we have a fully functional base, are consistently in the top 30 of Exalted SG, prestige wise... and are starting up a schedule of regular team events, such as Task Forces, and I-Trials. We were founded on Day 1 of Exalted's Launch, Sept. 14, 2011, and have worked for all our prestige, landing us at 20th currently on the server.
We are not a Farming SG
and just so there is no confusion, PLEASE do note, Project Obsidian Operations are not associated with us in any way.
"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...

and just so there is no confusion, PLEASE do note, Project Obsidian Operations are not associated with us in any way.

Dragonian Legends
Dragonians theme was originaly spun as a race exiled from their Homeworld by the Rikti. Those surviving escaped to Paragon, and assembling to fight against the further invasion of Rikti into Paragon. Dragonian Homeworld is much like that of a combination of Celtic, Roman times tho with technology. Some would say the Dragonians were Technological Barbarians. As time has elasped, heros and villians of Paragon have joined the ranks of the Dragonian descendants. Hence the theme continualy has twist and turns, and history grows richer. Many have seen the Dragonian name, but few have seen the admiration the each Dragonian extends to each other. Tight family structure, "Joining of Opposing Forces" and "Show Them No Mercy" have been the Battle cries thru the past 6 years of Dragonian existence in Paragon.
Our primary focus is just simply playing the game with enjoyment. Over the past 6 years with the twist and turns of the game, one thing always remains the same. A group of people that enjoy having fun, and never forgets "its just a game". Always willing help each other out is primary goal. Teaming together from street sweeping for badges, arcs, radios, SF/TF, even PvP.
@Jasper Pain
Dragonians was originaly founded/created on Infinity server. We have bases for both factions on Infinity, Freedom, Virtue, Triumph and now "Exalted". We have dedicated channel "Dragonians" (Private) using this tool to talk cross servers and factions. Looking forward to enjoying the "Exalted" server and meeting new folks. Til we cross paths, Good Hunting.
"Show Them No Mercy!!"
Founder/Creator of Dragonians Dynasty
Retired First Seargeant (Vet)
I've been blindly recruited to 'The Incarnates" Super Group couple times within the past couple days. It is getting annoying. No I wont join.
Heads up to everyone else, they like to send blind SG invites. Not many SGs turn to be good with bunch of pugs. If you want a good teaming group, many are posted on this thread.
i remember the Dragonians when they first formed on Infinity, I think the leader was Dragonblaster?
Awesome people.
Good times.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
This is the listing for the Exalted Servers Hero groups.

please fill out the list as much as possible and post if there are any changes
the format is as follows
Group Name:
Group Theme:
Website (if applicable):
Group Focus (rp/pvp/etc.):
Contact Info:
Other information:
Volt Sentinel Reference
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.