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  1. I have a handful of themed self-altitis super groups. The main one I'd like to extend an invitation to any interested, and will list a second one as an alternative. Currently with a coalition (with the two largest of my groups), there are eight teleporters (three are yet to be beaconized).

    Contact Info for either group:
    @Better With Pirates

    Main Super Group

    Group Name:

    Group Theme:
    Heavy cemetery theme (graves, tombs, Vahzilok creations, etc). Could likely be extended into things Halloween like.

    Group Base:
    Small, with 4 porters (2 yet to be beaconized), designed with a tomb theme in mind. Salvage storage, inspiration storage, and eventually enhancement storage will be available.

    Group Focus (rp/pvp/etc.):
    Having fun. RP friendly (while not required, those that choose to RP have a friendly environment to do so).

    Lead by a previous victim of the Vahzilok, Gravediggers seeks to keep others from the grasp of the Vahzilok and worse. Make it shallow, or bury them deep. In the grave, our enemies, we'll keep.

    Other information:
    Will help with missions when possible. Usually on most evenings and weekends. Looking to grow and expand to the point where SG team missions can be run, along with RP events.


    Secondary Super Group

    Group Name:
    The Outfit

    Group Theme:
    Technical theme, mercenaries seeking to provide the supply for nearly any demand. Sort of a 'if you need it, we'll get it' kind of RP idea.

    Group Base:
    Small, with 4 porters (1 yet to be beaconized), designed with a technological theme. Crafting table, with storage eventually to be added as the group grows.

    Group Focus (rp/pvp/etc.):
    Having fun. RP friendly (while not required, those that choose to RP have a friendly environment to do so).

    There's always a demand for something, The Outfit seeks to be the supply.

    Last bit of information:
    Since this is not my main SG, it doesn't have storage ability yet. Through the coalition, can still communicate and still willing to help out with missions when possible. Occasionally I may get the itch to run a level 50 mission or two, but there is not going to be 'power leveling' in the true sense of the phrase. Both groups are for my fun and enjoyment of the game, simple as that.

    Thank you!
  2. I have a few names on Pinnacle that I am not currently playing and likely don't plan on it. Save maybe one if a good enough concept hits me.

    If you are interested in one of the names below, please send me a private message through the boards. I'd like to see a name request actually include your character concept as I'd love to see the names go to a good home.

    Ramming Speed
    Blue Flux