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  1. Group Name: Disciples of The Fallen

    Group focus: fun teaming and events

    Website: surrently in progress

    Group Focus: PvP, 1v1's mainly some zone but not much

    Contact Info: (ingame) @I am BattleField

    Description: Active top 50 SG currently seeking members of all levels and archtypes anyone wanting to join please send tell or ingame email at @I am BattleField or @The Challenger thanks!

    Other information: loves Farming often but cant stand beggers, please ask for farms but only once

    -based off a group from the server Freedom
    -looking to grow enough to host weekly events such as COP's and MSR's
    -6 year veteran leadership
    -if not running TF's or teaming were farming
    -currently #37 on the Exalted server