Sooo I have some free time.




Back I am. Did that new Hubba piece for my own selfish amusement =P
Hubba-Bubbles Contest[click for full view]

Kids just got served...

Anyways, now I'll get working on yours, CR, I'll probably do Xllusya =)

Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Mmm... free, awesome art! I loves it! Thank you very much!

Also: You seem to have Gorillaz in your sig...
No problem, I enjoy doing this. And yes, I made this sig to go with my avatar, part of my Clint Eastwood theme, hehe =D

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Well I still have the reference pics up so if you want another model to practice on, here's Naga Obscura.



Link to Viv is in my sig, if you want to try her out.



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post

Nice work on these
Go ahead and see what you can do with

Lightning coated, staff wielding Xllusya piece coming up, (need to work on my wings a fair bit, lol, everyone so far has had capes)! Sorry for the delay, but real life does exist. I get to these when I can.
Xllusya [click for full view]

I'm-a give a go at Naga now, and etc in order when I have the time to do so =)

Celtech Main Site
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Originally Posted by LtZerge View Post
Back I am. Did that new Hubba piece for my own selfish amusement =P
Hubba-Bubbles Contest[click for full view]

Kids just got served...

That is too funny Lt!

@Red Firefox
Red Firefox, Marenie, Hubba Bubbles, Radiant Aurora, Radiation Red, Fatale Flame, Animation

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