Sooo I have some free time.




Originally Posted by Ramen View Post
Very nice pieces you have going. Here's my references if you still got the time
And time I eventually got =O
I hope you don't mind I decided to try something new: a little more "stylized" caricature type piece this time. I've never really tried this before, but it turned out pretty well ?
Anatolia [click for full view]

Thanks for the Feedback, shadowghost
I did notice many of the issues you pointed out there. Any and all criticism you give is useful, and I Thank you for it. Gotta' Strive to improve =D

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I kind of went and did this one for the lolz. Used my namesake and fused it with the current theme of my av/sig and style... this is what emerged.

LtZerge-GorillazStyle [click for full view]

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Originally Posted by LtZerge View Post
Back to work =D

Mmm. Not 'too' sure if I got your concept right, but here it is. I'm surprisingly happy with the way the stance turned out and it was great symmetry training, though no rocket boot gimmick was implemented =p
Gray Huntress [click for full view]
Hehe, the pose is great! I love your sketch And no worries about the rocket boots, as she spends more time on the ground than the air



More comments on the pieces...
Got to the end of page one (with my presents) and thought that'd be a good point to post up

Cobalt Kid
the firs thing that I noticed (after the empty goggles) are the forearms. They look too large and long. The arms in general look too long for the body.
The torso also looks too long in comparison to the legs, but that might just be because he's a kid, might be that the paper wasn't tall enough
Again a nice level of detail, especially the thorn patern being blanc while the rest of the trousers are rougher.
I'd like to see some reflection lines on the goggles, though...

I find the pose to be a bit odd... but then, I do find that with the ingame version as well!
The right arm seems odd, the angle from shoulder to the elbow.. I don't really see how she's holding her arm, is the upper arm to the side with the forearm forward?
What's with the clawed hand? I also think that the legs are a bit too short compared to the torso. I think you could use some more practice with the female body
I do like how the eyeglow goes over the hair but isn't solid, but the hair lines under it are the less obvious, as it should be.
And as always, I do like the balance in detail and texture!

Hubba Bubbles
Great piece, good natural pose and the proportions are good too.
The legs seem a tad short, but I just realised that I might be a bit influenced by Manga style's long legs.
The skirt does bend a bit weirdly, but I guess it's a 'super modesty skirt'
The 'Afro' part of the hair looks like a halo of sorts at first glance, to me at least.

Cool pose, cool composition
Shame the framing cuts off just a little of one leg and a bit of the wings, makes it look like "oh darn, the paper's too small", cropping a bit more off could make it look like it's intentional. Cropping less at the bottom would be better, imo (assuming it's cropped at all)
The arms are long, both of them, making it look like it's the way it should be, well done!
Like the Cybersaurus you make it look like metal and it looks good.
Great wings too, btw.

Savannah Nightwolf
cool pose again
Though the kicking leg is a bit odd. Not the boot, that's fine.. but the leg behind it... I'm not sure how that works or fits.
Great framing too.

Legs look a little short..
It looks a bit bland for once, actually, not having seen the original pic, I just assume it's a lot of white? Could do with a bit more shape shading.
Otherwise the pick is cool! nice framing again. Him facing to the left leaving more space to the left is good, give him some room to look at or move to, should he start to spontaniously animate

Hubba-Bubbles Contest
Just: Sweet!
No points of improvement.
Nice use of scenery

Nice composition, good fhraming (though I'd leave more room under her feet). Nice wings and staff too! The legs seem the right length too!
As for practicing wings, take a look at batwings, the leathery ones, you get a feel for the bone structure of the wings and that they're basically hands with very long fingers.. then dress them with feathers. (no, I can't draw, but I heard this at the Draw The World Together stand, Katt Nicolson said it)

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Also... I'm not one to pass up free art
Some references there (I do love me my understatements)

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Looking good LtZ!! Keep 'em coming!!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



If you are still looking for people here is my main Aquarian Draconum. there are some more shots of the side and back if you need them they are right next to that one. OH by the way shes archer/fire.

[url=""]My Da page![/url]
Ninja-Bee- 50 Ninja/Dark MM
Aqurian Draconum- 50 Archery/Fire Blaster
Korrawi- 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Tank Plus many others!



Originally Posted by shadowghost_EU View Post
Also... I'm not one to pass up free art
Some references there (I do love me my understatements)
Lol, fair enough. Thanks again for your feedback.
as for the 'short legs' issue, having looked at actual people on a daily basis CoH has reeeeealy long legs for the bodies, especially females. I few did seem too short even with that in mind, and I went into FWMX to extend them a bit, I should do them same for more it seems.
The endnewt thing was literally a case of 'not enough paper' heh.
Otherwise I have no excuses, must practice more =O I'm inventing these poses as I go along and seeing if I can get them to work for me, there really isn't a one in here I've tried before so they tend to a look a little "noob-y". Thanks for the advice all around, I'll try that thing with the wings too, hopefully it helps.

anyways, after browsing through the site trying to find CoH characters (I assume that's want you wanted?) I found Grav Mistress's stuff.
I'll get cracking on these pieces soon. I'll post them when they're done, but I have stuff to do first.

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True, but then, other than Home, Screenshots and Avatar, all the other pages contain CoH characters
And yes, most of them are of Grav Mistress.
She's a mage, so feel free to go wild on powers and such.
Also feel free to put her in more traditional magica outfits if you wish to practice them.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Originally Posted by LtZerge View Post
And time I eventually got =O
I hope you don't mind I decided to try something new: a little more "stylized" caricature type piece this time. I've never really tried this before, but it turned out pretty well ?
Anatolia [click for full view]

Thanks for the Feedback, shadowghost
I did notice many of the issues you pointed out there. Any and all criticism you give is useful, and I Thank you for it. Gotta' Strive to improve =D
Ooh. Nice. That pose actually captures her character personalility quite well. You're not in my head, reading my mind are you?

First character art I ever received so it's extra special

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