Which Zone or Zones are the Worst?




For me...

Kings Row is the absolute most boring zone for CoH. If I get a character up to 6/7 I would GLADLY skip KR if I could. But -darnit- that stupid Radio guy is there... and if I want the raptor pack and badge I just *HAVE* to go there.
If that Radio guy was not there I would gladly level up in Perez Park or The Hollows. Wait! Can I now do Radio Missions in the Hollows? So I can skip KR all together?
The sky is always about to rain in KR. All the buildings are the same color. There is no depth to the zone. It's just monotoous. It's Super Boring. I have never read anyone say, "Omg I cant wait to get to Kings Row".

On the Flip Side, its Port Oaks. And for all the exact same reasons I dislike Kings Row. But wait! On villains there is no place else to go. You have have have to go to Port Oaks >.> Or get Power Leveled straight Past it.

For me it might have something to do with the 8-14 grind, that always seems slow as I anticipate an actual travel power.

Those 2 zones are responsible for atleast 100 characters being deleted from my account I just can not level in them anymore. They suck the life out of the game. *for me*

Which Zone or Zones do you just Hate?



Croatoa makes me cry in my sleep and when I'm awake.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



King's Row is one of my favorite hero zones.

I never go to Boomtown unless somebody makes me.
It's visually boring and full of generic enemies.

Mercy stinks. Dunno who's idea it was to seal off a bunch of the zone behind a giant wall before we get travel powers, but it wasn't the brightest one anybody ever had.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Croatoa makes me cry in my sleep and when I'm awake.

[/ QUOTE ]

I like Croatoa.

Boomtown is kind of disappointing, because it has a lot of potential, but doesn't use any of it. I'd like it to be next up for those sporatic hazard-zone revamps the devs have been doing.

I dislike Sharkhead Isle, at least with Masterminds. Freakin' Scrapyarders...

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Croatoa makes me cry in my sleep and when I'm awake.

[/ QUOTE ]

No way! I love Croatoa, I cry when I outlevel it!



Omg I can't wait to get to Kings Row!

For me personally, the first few villain zones are way too monotonous. It's not until I finally hit Nerva and St. Martial that I start enjoying CoV.

Also, I'm not a big fan of Skyway City, especially before travel powers. It's just big for the sake of being big.

...I forgot what experience means.



I would dearly love to see Baumtown revamped into a Council vs. 5th Column showdown/knockdown hazard zone. Let the booms be howitzers, I say.... with clockwork in the middle trying to avoid being blown into bits.
(sorry, just had an image of a little clockwork looking at the sky, oil tear running down the "face" as it sees howitzer shells criss-cross the skies...)
The Vaz could be seen dragging away bodies from the two facist sides fighting whilst the Lost look on, smoking hookahs.

Edit: Elements, Columns, everyone's there for the fight.

Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



But -darnit- that stupid Radio guy is there... and if I want the raptor pack and badge I just *HAVE* to go there.
If that Radio guy was not there I would gladly level up in Perez Park or The Hollows. Wait! Can I now do Radio Missions in the Hollows? So I can skip KR all together?

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you HAVE to get the radio from the KR detective or will just the first detective that you meet in any zone give it to you?

Meg Mason I believe is the equivalent to radio missions in the hollows. Once you get her phone number that is.



I can't stand King's Row, Independence Port or Boomtown and The Hollows are getting old...

I'd agree with King's but there is something about it stopping me from saying is stinks.

Oh and I don't really like any zone but St. Martial villains side, just too grim and dim, doom and gloom.



In Cov the worst zone is.....oh wait, we have quality over quanity in CoV and all the zones are great. Nevermind



Another vote for Boomtown from me. I don't mind King's Row because it's a zone with a grittier inner city feel.

Redside, I can't stand the Nerva Archipelago. Unless I'm going there to badge hunt or to play the Crimson Revenant arc, I stick to Sharkhead until I can go to St. Martial.

Learn modesty, if you desire knowledge. A highland would never be irrigated by river." (Kanz ol-Haghayegh)



Never much liked Croatoa.

"Okay, so I've saved the city from cybernetic gangsters, flying mercenaries, and evil wizards from the dawn of time! What's next?"
"Pumpkins, lawn gnomes, and bipedal mooses."
I want to rename it Goofy Halloween Land.

Villainside, it's Grandville. A pain in the butt to navigate, covered with turrets and bane spiders, and it looks goofy as hell to boot (yes, we get it, Recluse. You like spiders.) But keep the Fab, though. The Fab is cool.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Personally, I love Kings Row. It's easy to get around in, it's the most realistic-looking hero zone, and most of all, it really looks like a zone that needs heroes. It's my third-favorite hero zone, after Croatoa and the RWZ. But you didn't ask favorite, you asked for worst. These are my opinions only, clearly:

Hero: Skyway City. Hate the look of it, the stupid roads to nowhere. Hate the fact that if you're not flying, you spend ridiculous amounts of time backtracking. If you don't have mez protection, you better be flying, with all the Clockwork and Lost bosses waiting to insta-mez you as you bounce or teleport by. Hate that it's stupidly huge, almost as big as Independence Port despite starting at level 10, which at least used to be pre-travel-powers. Hate stepping out of the train station, every 20th or so time, at level 10 and finding all the exits swarmed by dozens of level 14 Supa Troll lieutenants. Hate that almost all of the store entrances have permanent spawn points outside. (Used to hate it even worse, before it got the second train station.)

Villain: Sharkhead Isle. Hate the ugly look of it. Hate the fact that the default sight distance is halved because of the pollution, making it even uglier. Hate the fact that I suddenly feel like I'm back in Darwin's Landing again, because after helping defeat a demon capable of destroying all life on Earth I'm getting beaten up by ordinary human beings throwing rocks. Hate all of the buggy and/or stupidly difficult level 20-25 missions, like getting sent at level 20 to fight team-sized level 26 Council spawns. And most of all, hate that there is no alternative, that like or or not, there just plain isn't anywhere else to go to get missions from level 20-25, the only 5-level range in all of CoV where everybody has to be in the same zone. (Well, not counting Darwin's Landing, of course.)

Ironically, the single worst villain zone comes right after the absolute best villain zone, Cap au Diable, which gets right all of the stuff that Sharkhead gets wrong.



The Hollows. What a mean zone for lowbies with no travel power. Defeat Frostfire!!! (12334565 yards away through baddies that are +6 to you)
OK, now it makes me laugh but when I first started I was like...ummm is the whole game like this?



Dark Astoria

I can't tell you how many times I've faceplanted into the side of a building, trying to fly through it, or god forbid X'ing down for an Oro Flashback, where I lose my fly, and have to spend forever an 10 years trying to get to where i'm going, only to be met, face to face, with Adamaster, who unceremoniously smashes me into the ground.

God, I hate that place.

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.

Freedom, Virtue, Exalted



Come on Kings row is great! its the only zone with a Bar across the street from a shooting range! Heck sometimes I go there and sit in the street watching the NPC's stagger out and gun each other down outside "OK Corral" style.

On a serious note.........after spending the weekend doing a glitch filled TF in the shard....I'd have to put the Shadow Shard as the worst zone. Yes it looks amazing, but getting around in it sucks big time. Yes they gave us the ability to but raptor packs but getting from 1 door to the next is ponderous man, ponderous. Unless you have fly 6 slotted its a giant PItA to get around. Its too bad to, its a visually stunning zone.



I hate more 'parts' of zones than actual zones. For example, The Pit in Sharkhead. It's a giant hole that I *always* fall in and *always* struggle to get out of.

But for zones that I really do hate, I'd have to say Boomtown and Dark Astoria, but only because they both have *so* much undeveloped potential. I'd love to see them both get a Faultline-esque redo, because Boomtown has a ton of potential for Rikti, Freedom Phalanx, and 5th/Council stories and DA has Banished Pantheon story opportunities.



I like Boomtown as a hazard zone. We used to take groups of 6-8 and street sweep for xp. There is also the chance to meet the lucky Babbage on our menu.

I agree the zone is underused and could use a revamp much in the line of Faultline, but if you ever have the craving to smack down a lot of fascist Italians all at one time, Boomtown is for you.

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Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Friggin' Perez Park is just depressing now. Back pre-ED there would be groups of Fire Blasters and Emps street sweeping like crazy. Now, barely a soul.

Also, call me what you will, PI is annoying. Nothing but farming. Blah.

Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.

You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.



Which have the greatest potential? Mercy and Boom.



I'd have to say that Heroside the "Worst Zones" are Indy port and Boomtown. I agree fully that Boomtown should be revamped into a runing gunfight between the Column and the Council. There's really nothing that can be done about Indy port, it's just -too- big! Though I'd -love- to see the Devs expand it further. Downward. Once swimming is in the game I'd love to have a downward zone-expansion into the bay to fight Lusca underwater and try to stop Corallax invasions.

Villainside? Grandville. I love Nerva's wild-jungle feel as you head to the northern islands with waterfalls and forests standing high on rocky cliff-faces. In St. Martial I love the bright and shiny casino districts surrounded by tenements. Sharkhead's got the great feel of a huge labor-intensive mining operation and oppression that I can't help but want to stop (so I fight Cage, all the time!). Mercy's not that good in my opinion.... Poakes has nice scenery in Marconeville. Cap Au has the Gremlins and Aeon. Those two things alone make it win.

So yeah. Boomtown and Indy. Mercy and Grandville.





Well, many zones are pretty avoidable. I go to Boomtown like... twice per character, so it's not enough time for me to even mildly dislike it. I simply feel apathetic towards its existence.

Dark Astoria, however, became a hate-zone in the first twenty seconds. With teleportation as your travel power, you will often find yourself teleporting right in front of a building and become extremely disoriented. It might be a nice zone without the fog of war, but I can't even see my own hand when I'm opening a mission door!

Lastly, there's Independence Port, if only because it's a long line, which makes some missions a pain to get to.


I don't mind Mercy Island, actually. I do hate the Nerva Archipelago, though. Imagine Talos Island. Now imagine every second mission on Talos Island taking place on the northern-most, tiny island. This is why I loathe Nerva. Agincourt is actually quite interesting, but in the end, it's always just a stepping stone to get to Primerva or Thorn Isle. Nerva is the redside Independence Port.