Which Zone or Zones are the Worst?




Striga. No reason to go to any of those zones, ever.

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Wha? Striga has 4 great story arcs and two of the most enjoyable TFs in the game!

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Only the Hess TF is fun in my opinion, I've only run Moonfire once and didn't see much point to it other than using the first two missions to get the Vampyre and Warwolf badges. The four story arcs are OK but they're too damn long. Also while the zone has a trainer that almost no one else uses it lacks a hospital and a store. Having to go back to Paragon to sell off your salvage is a minor inconvenience, but dying and getting sent all the way back to Talos/IP is just aggravating.

As far as the Hazard Zones, the Devs really need to get back on the program of revamping one hazard zone per issue. They managed to do it for three issues (Faultline, Rikti War Zone, Hollows) and then just stopped. Look, I know that going back to fix and update old content is not as fun or sexy as making new content, but at some point you need to actually fix the old broken stuff instead of trying to bury it under new shinies. The heroside is really showing it's age with all the pre-issue 6 content.




The idea is pretty cool in theory, and I appreciate that they wanted to create an appropriate mood. But the reality of navigating a zone with near zero visibility is just plain obnoxious.

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follow the roads.

or if you fly/teleport, go straight up to the ceiling box and then bee line it to your destination.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



QR: *SIGH* They're NOT bipedal moose! Everyone knows they're MOSS WOOKIES.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I personally HATE Port Oaks with the entirety of my being. I loathe and despise it. Hatred can be DEFINED and ascend to a high plane of meaning through my feelings towards Port Oaks. Port Oaks needs to be chopped into hundreds of chunky, pulpy red smears, set on fire and then scattered to the winds with a fragmentation grenade. Port Oaks needs to go and kindly DIE IN A FIRE. Port Oaks needs to crash and burn. Hate. Hate. Hate. Allow me to tell you how much I have come to Hate Port Oaks since I came into being. I have 3,567 miles worth of paper cut into the word "Hate." If the word "Hate" was further engraved into every nanoamstrong of those 3,567 miles, it would still not equal one trillionth of the Hate I feel for Port Oaks. Hate. Hate. Hate. There should be entire religions devoted to despising the vacuous waste of space that is Port Oaks. It is something where there should be nothing. It needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth, off the face of the universe. Port Oaks needs to be leveled so that not one dust molecule stands atop another. We need to blow a hole in the very fabric of reality where Port Oaks is located and erase existence itself in that one area.

Port Oaks can go [censored] itself.


Because I have to use the damn place for connections to get everywhere else to and from Mercy Island.



I personally HATE Port Oaks with the entirety of my being. I loathe and despise it. Hatred can be DEFINED and ascend to a high plane of meaning through my feelings towards Port Oaks. Port Oaks needs to be chopped into hundreds of chunky, pulpy red smears, set on fire and then scattered to the winds with a fragmentation grenade. Port Oaks needs to go and kindly DIE IN A FIRE. Port Oaks needs to crash and burn. Hate. Hate. Hate. Allow me to tell you how much I have come to Hate Port Oaks since I came into being. I have 3,567 miles worth of paper cut into the word "Hate." If the word "Hate" was further engraved into every nanoamstrong of those 3,567 miles, it would still not equal one trillionth of the Hate I feel for Port Oaks. Hate. Hate. Hate. There should be entire religions devoted to despising the vacuous waste of space that is Port Oaks. It is something where there should be nothing. It needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth, off the face of the universe. Port Oaks needs to be leveled so that not one dust molecule stands atop another. We need to blow a hole in the very fabric of reality where Port Oaks is located and erase existence itself in that one area.

Port Oaks can go [censored] itself.

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This post is like something I would write, and for that reason I give it my Seal Of Approval.

PO really does not bother me that much.... its a small zone, and easy to get around in pre-travel-power. The main thing that bothers me about it is that 99 times out of 100 in PO, my Mayhem contact is that %^$#!! Drea the Hook, I hate that man - and where he is placed - with the burning intensity of a million suns going supernova.



PO really does not bother me that much.... its a small zone, and easy to get around in pre-travel-power.

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And also the two ferries, Pocket D, and the new Black Market are all in the same little area.

The Black Market in Mercy Island never made any sense: it's in a crappy spot and usually I've already moved on to Port Oakes before even getting my first recipe/salvage drops. I hated having to go back there from Port Oakes to sell, the lowbie market should have been there instead from the beginning.



Most of the villain zones are just too big.

Mercy and PO are too big for low-level zones with mission doors way on the opposite end of where you are. PO technically starts at level 5 but there is nary a level 5 mob around to amuse you while you run to said far-away door. Mercy looks terrible.

Sharkhead looks terrible, there's that stupid, stupid pit, and all the cool stuff is out in the water, where you never need to go, while all your mission doors are in the desolate industrial wasteland and slum areas.

Nerva has those stupid islands in the north that take way too long to get to, and hide the mission doors behind swarms of +5 CoT. Then you have to get out.

Grandville is just grandville. It looks lame. The design is lame. It's annoying. Note to devs: vertical zones do not work in a game with a 2-dimensional mapping system.

Nothing really wrong with Cap or St Martial. Nothing really right about them either.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I like PO as much as I like any of the monochromatic villain zones.

It does stink when you get the short straw and have to hike all the way over to Drea for your contact. Like the giant wall in Mercy, who's idea was it to have one starting contact right next to everything important, and one out in the middle of nowhere?
They should add a sound file of Nelson laughing every time you click on Drea- HA ha - just to rub it in even more.

But other than that, it's okay.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I personally HATE Port Oaks with the entirety of my being. I loathe and despise it. Hatred can be DEFINED and ascend to a high plane of meaning through my feelings towards Port Oaks. Port Oaks needs to be chopped into hundreds of chunky, pulpy red smears, set on fire and then scattered to the winds with a fragmentation grenade. Port Oaks needs to go and kindly DIE IN A FIRE. Port Oaks needs to crash and burn. Hate. Hate. Hate. Allow me to tell you how much I have come to Hate Port Oaks since I came into being. I have 3,567 miles worth of paper cut into the word "Hate." If the word "Hate" was further engraved into every nanoamstrong of those 3,567 miles, it would still not equal one trillionth of the Hate I feel for Port Oaks. Hate. Hate. Hate. There should be entire religions devoted to despising the vacuous waste of space that is Port Oaks. It is something where there should be nothing. It needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth, off the face of the universe. Port Oaks needs to be leveled so that not one dust molecule stands atop another. We need to blow a hole in the very fabric of reality where Port Oaks is located and erase existence itself in that one area.

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I can tolerate Port Oakes, yet this post captures my mood at the moment so perfectly that I can't bring myself not to say "/signed."

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



I loathe Independance Port. How big of a waste of space it is. That it's plays an integral role to the "I hate contacts who make me travel zone to zone". Brickstown also recieved my ire, it's so drab. I feel like I'm punished being there at such a high level and even sadder that it's cool feature, the prison, has the loser nobodies who can stomp lowbies. The prison really would have been better in Kings Row where no name escapees can be trounced by newer heroes, not in high level zones where my experienced characters are taking on AVs of repute, only to have a problem with some hood escapees.



Also while the zone has a trainer that almost no one else uses it lacks a hospital and a store.

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It could definitely use a hospital, yes, but it does already have two stores. I have no idea how recently they were added, but I went in yesterday and saw two Smuggler Whoevers on my map.

Heroside, I dislike how Talos has become a hub without any real reason. It's got a Pocket D entrance, a Wentworth's, an arena, the ferries to Peregrine and Striga, and all five origin stores all clustered together. I don't remember anything saying that Talos was the main hotspot in the whole city, so it rubs me the wrong way that it seems to be the default place to stick anything cool and useful.

Villainside, the list of zones I like is much shorter: St. Martial, and only parts of it. Insert standard "villainside is too dark, dirty, etc." rant.

We'll always have Paragon.



St. Martial. It looks cool, and I generally like the missions there but...

It doesn't matter where you're standing. Your mission will be as far from you as possible. I have way too much travel time logged in that zone.

Nerva. Don't ask why, I just don't like the place.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



St. Martial. It looks cool, and I generally like the missions there but...

It doesn't matter where you're standing. Your mission will be as far from you as possible. I have way too much travel time logged in that zone.

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Mine are usually in the door that I just came out of after completing my last mission. "Oh look! Someone moved back into the building. In the past 20 seconds."

I love St. Martial though. My least favorite zone is probably Nerva. Just Too Damn Big. Talk about Travel Time! Go to Crimson Cove. Go to Primeva. Go back to Crimson Cove. Go to Agin Court. Arrrgh!

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Rogue Isles. Just because I'm a villain, doesn't mean I have to live in a dump. I want a Gotham-esque dark city to prowl the streets at night and beat up would-be heroes while getting away with a robbery, not beating up other villains for control over a jumbo-sized garbage barge.



Boomtown. I hate Boomtown. Sure, it looks cool, but there's nothing to do in it beyond Babbage.



I hate Mercy. It's faster to sweet down the beaches and zone into PO as a level 5 than it is to run across Mercy several times doing the contact missions.

Nothing in particular blueside I hate. The Hazard Zones haven't served any purpose in ages besides to be vast chunks of empty real estate, but I don't really hate any of them. Boomtown was huge for the sake of being huge, but Crey's Folly is pretty darn big too...used to suck to cross it to get to RWZ, and so nobody ever went to the original RWZ.



I personally HATE Port Oaks with the entirety of my being. I loathe and despise it. Hatred can be DEFINED and ascend to a high plane of meaning through my feelings towards Port Oaks. Port Oaks needs to be chopped into hundreds of chunky, pulpy red smears, set on fire and then scattered to the winds with a fragmentation grenade. Port Oaks needs to go and kindly DIE IN A FIRE. Port Oaks needs to crash and burn. Hate. Hate. Hate. Allow me to tell you how much I have come to Hate Port Oaks since I came into being. I have 3,567 miles worth of paper cut into the word "Hate." If the word "Hate" was further engraved into every nanoamstrong of those 3,567 miles, it would still not equal one trillionth of the Hate I feel for Port Oaks. Hate. Hate. Hate. There should be entire religions devoted to despising the vacuous waste of space that is Port Oaks. It is something where there should be nothing. It needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth, off the face of the universe. Port Oaks needs to be leveled so that not one dust molecule stands atop another. We need to blow a hole in the very fabric of reality where Port Oaks is located and erase existence itself in that one area.

Port Oaks can go [censored] itself.


Because I have to use the damn place for connections to get everywhere else to and from Mercy Island.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um....you do know that you can take the Black Helicopter Line to Mercy from Cap, right? You don't have to go to Port Oakes ever again.

Learn modesty, if you desire knowledge. A highland would never be irrigated by river." (Kanz ol-Haghayegh)



Beat me to it.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Hollows : Because in all my early playing days, that is what you did. You didn't have to, but that's where the people were. It's not a bad zone so much, but before the minor revamp, it was awful for many reasons. Burnout and poor mission and mob placement. I won't go back there, too many bad memories, not fun. Only good thing about it was that was really where I learned to play just about every aspect of this game.

Croatoa : The zone is well designed and looks pretty, but I hate all the new mob types there. Magic is not a real major point in the comics I have always read, and it feels wrong to me. Having a troll play the bongos on my head before exploding doesn't scream epic superheroics..

Boomtown : I think in all my years, I was there 4-5 times. What's the point?

Port Oakes : Another lowbie zone that says, "You still suck, hurry up and level so you can go play with other people."

Now I like PI and GV, but for a high level main zone, both of them are way to small and compact. We should have a bit more space and use up more of the zone maps as high levels. Most of the other maps use quite a bit, why not the two main high level zones?

[Edit: I know you can start Cap at 10, but it is a bit more difficult with outdoor mobs]



St. Martial. It looks cool, and I generally like the missions there but...

It doesn't matter where you're standing. Your mission will be as far from you as possible. I have way too much travel time logged in that zone.

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Mine are usually in the door that I just came out of after completing my last mission. "Oh look! Someone moved back into the building. In the past 20 seconds."

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It's not just St. Martial; I still remember the day when I had nine consecutive missions at the same door of a building in Sharkhead, then a sewer mission at the north end of the sludge trench, then four more missions back at the previous door. Made me wonder whether the real villains in some zones weren't the landlords, who collect a month's rent plus deposit on a building, then fink them out so that someone will be by to clear them out ASAP, letting them rent the same property again and again and again...

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



I personally HATE Port Oaks with the entirety of my being. I loathe and despise it. Hatred can be DEFINED and ascend to a high plane of meaning through my feelings towards Port Oaks. Port Oaks needs to be chopped into hundreds of chunky, pulpy red smears, set on fire and then scattered to the winds with a fragmentation grenade. Port Oaks needs to go and kindly DIE IN A FIRE. Port Oaks needs to crash and burn. Hate. Hate. Hate. Allow me to tell you how much I have come to Hate Port Oaks since I came into being. I have 3,567 miles worth of paper cut into the word "Hate." If the word "Hate" was further engraved into every nanoamstrong of those 3,567 miles, it would still not equal one trillionth of the Hate I feel for Port Oaks. Hate. Hate. Hate. There should be entire religions devoted to despising the vacuous waste of space that is Port Oaks. It is something where there should be nothing. It needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth, off the face of the universe. Port Oaks needs to be leveled so that not one dust molecule stands atop another. We need to blow a hole in the very fabric of reality where Port Oaks is located and erase existence itself in that one area.

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Aww, c'mon; tell us how you really feel...

(it had to be said)

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Perez Park, I have memories of being lost under the canopy of trees.



Having a troll play the bongos on my head before exploding doesn't scream epic superheroics..

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Red Caps make me laugh when they do that. It's like an obnoxious little gnome riding on Superman's head, and he JUST CAN'T CATCH IT.

The Troll Tunnels beneath the hollows just popped into my head thinking about it, and I realized I *hate* those tunnels. They only existed to make the Hollows Trial mission door a pain in the butt to get to. I've never gone into them for any other reason, and I doubt anyone else has ever either.



Grandville: Just awesome in every way - jaw dropping visuals, great music, non-stop spider smashing action as you explore and some very cool story arcs. Then there's the Fab. I love to take Nightshade up there to see how far I can push her performance. I'm really looking forward to taking a brute in there

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Wow, I hate Grandville. It's so vertical that it basically requires some sort of flight power. I've even had trouble getting around it at times with SJ. I made the mistake once of trying to do an arc there in Ouroboros with no travel powers restriction, and it took me 10 minutes to figure out how to get up to where the mission was.

Besides being annoyingly vertical, it's positively overrun by enemies who throw web grenades at you, so at any given time while you're traveling to the next mission that's 700 yards in the air, you'll get grounded by a grenade and possibly land right in a nest of Bane Spiders.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.