Let's spread the love
I love this idea!
I have reference's in my sig, im more than happy for someone to love my toons.
I'd be happy to offer a sketch to the next person in the chain
CoH Pay it Forward? Hmmm...are folks just volunteering now or are you drawing something for Electagonist?
I nominate a fellow SG member for the drawing from Foo. He is turning 19 in RL this weekend and he has been saving money for college. He is intrigued by the art he finds in here, but doesn't want to spend the money when he is saving for something so important. We in the SG are all very proud of him as he has over come several challenges within himself over the past few months, thus is why I nominate him! his refs. shots are here
If mine is chosen, I have a double offer
1. I will help someone else redesign a character's outfit they are unhappy with
2. Providing they are on Pinnacle server I will help you get a toon to 50! Hero or Vill, doesn't matter. If you are not on Pinnacle I can help you unlock badges. The reason is I only have low level toons on other servers.
I must say I find this to be a wonderful idea Foo, and even if i am not chosen, I hope I can help someone out anyway!
CoH Pay it Forward? Hmmm...are folks just volunteering now or are you drawing something for Electagonist?
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Volunteering right now. I'll pick my victim in a day or two.
I guess I'm in. I'll do one of the following.
1) Costume Creation
2) Story
3) Quick Sketch Commission/Included in a future epic Bayani Commission
4) In-Game Teaming on Pinnacle, Victory, Virtue
5) Combo of 2 & 3
I nominate a fellow SG member for the drawing from Foo. He is turning 19 in RL this weekend and he has been saving money for college. He is intrigued by the art he finds in here, but doesn't want to spend the money when he is saving for something so important. We in the SG are all very proud of him as he has over come several challenges within himself over the past few months, thus is why I nominate him!
If mine is chosen, I have a double offer
1. I will help someone else redesign a character's outfit they are unhappy with
2. Providing they are on Pinnacle server I will help you get a toon to 50! Hero or Vill, doesn't matter. If you are not on Pinnacle I can help you unlock badges. The reason is I only have low level toons on other servers.
I must say I find this to be a wonderful idea Foo, and even if i am not chosen, I hope I can help someone out anyway!
[/ QUOTE ]
I vote for him too! if foo don't pick him I'll draw a picture for him anyway
Hmmm, sure I'll join the Love party.
The character I'm offering will be Gray Huntress, which you can find the link to her reference right over here somewhere...
And what do I have to offer...hmmm, let's see:
1) I'll offer a commission*
2) I'll write a short story**
3) I'll provide 30 days of character advice***
4) Some combination or all of the above?****
So this is the list of what I'll offer, want more details? Look at the footer
*I will purchase a commission featuring a character of your choosing. I'll compose a list of potential artists that work within a price range I find acceptable according to how I appraise the gift that was given to me. This means it could go from a $7-quick sketch to a full-blown, head-exploding Schuler masterpiece. If you have a specific artist request, let me know.
**I will write a short story adventure featuring a character, or more, of your choosing in the lead role. This story will be anywhere between 5,000 to 8,000 words.
***30 days of character advice. So for 30 days, I will aid you in character design (costume, biography, build), questions (confused with some game mechanic, some evasive lore, maybe a tutorial). Conditions apply: You must be able to send the request for my services through a PM, the college network connection I have at the moment is sort of sucky so I haven't been able to play in-game for the past week. I'll fix that as soon as I get my fin aid check.
****I might also provide a combination of any of the three choices; maybe you not only receive one commission, but two! Or perhaps you'll receive a commission and a short story. Maybe you'll receive a trilogy of short stories. Or maybe I'll tag on 30 days of game advice with any combo.
OH! OH! OH!!!! I can redo a costume for someone or draw them a pic of birds, horses or armor! All I enjoy doing!
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
Oh i can get in on this! Now i cant draw but i can do a few other things.
1) if your on infinity i can help you get an accolade hero or villain.
2) I can also offer my help to you for a month as well (to be more clear i can answer and questions you have in game for just about anything IOs, Badges, Super groups, Random bits of information that you pick up in 3 years of playing)
3) Or i can be a playing partner (on any server ) on a new toon. (also to be more clear if you have wanted to start a new toon but have not had any one to play it with due to not being able to find a team because of AE or what ever it is i love making new toons so will be more than willing to help you level. Im also pretty good at getting teams so we could do TFs aswell.)
Oh and incase i get picked here is my main Aquarian Draconum
I have a few other shots (side and back) they are right next to that one (also still on my front page.)
[url="http://teenage-kid.deviantart.com/"]My Da page![/url]
Ninja-Bee- 50 Ninja/Dark MM
Aqurian Draconum- 50 Archery/Fire Blaster
Korrawi- 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Tank Plus many others!
I have no talents to offer, other than to be sarcastic or snarky.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

I could always use a good toady.
Well Im a fish is that close enough to a toad?
Hmm let me see, I cant write nor draw. I cant bake either.
I could offer someone a name from a list of names that I might have tucked away.
Make sure and spread the word about this, too! The more people we get participating, the more the love gets spread!
Make sure and spread the word about this, too! The more people we get participating, the more the love gets spread!
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Isnt that how diseases get started?
Make sure and spread the word about this, too! The more people we get participating, the more the love gets spread!
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Isnt that how diseases get started?
[/ QUOTE ]
Then, since this is a Social experiment, wouldn't this become a Social Disease?
Just a Thought
Edit: It's a really great idea.
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.
I could always use a good toady.
[/ QUOTE ]
What's the pay like?
And more importantly, will there be boobies?

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

lets see...... I would offer to draw the person's character and possibly attempt to photoshop it, but I can't guarentee I can upload it right away, as I have no scanner atm. here is a link to my gallery to see my work. this is at least 3 or 4 months since I posted a new art thing, so my skill may have improved a bit. http://hochroter-drache.deviantart.com/
Let's get this little party van gets a rollin'!
i r guud with costumes i also tudoor english!
I have no talents to offer, other than to be sarcastic or snarky.
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't worry. I'm in the same boat. Even if I had any appreciable talent, I lack the wherewithal to use it.
"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.
Okay - I'll try.
Question: if mine gets chosen, then do I get to choose the person's toon (from this thread) that I would draw? Or does The_Foo choose it for me?
> I offer my drawing/digital painting skill
Here's my character: "Escapee Numer 537" (yes, its mispelled and I haven't corrected it yet)
Character Turnaround
Character Head shots
She's a Mutant - Controller - Plant Control/Thermal Radiation
Bio-Blurb: "I do not know who I am. I do not know how I came to be. I do not know why I am different.
What I do know is that, for so very long, I lived in a cold and dark place where my keepers were cruel to me. I know that I was rescued from that place by a glowing woman of green. I know that she set me free and treated me with kindness. I know what she told me - that I should help others as she had helped me.
I promised her I would. Then she left.
She never told me her name.
I don't even know what my own name is.
But I do know this: I made a promise to help others like she helped me, and thats exactly what I'm going to do."
I draw and am currently doing a but load of freebies when it dawn on I don't have anything for Surazzal. So if you could squeeze him in that would be cool.
C'mon, folks. More love!
I love you, Foo!!! (Like that?)
I love Foo's boobie(picture)s!

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

So here's the idea: I'm going to do a sketch for one person. Any person. In exchange, this person has to do something for someone else.
You don't have to draw for them; you just have to do be able to do something nice that you feel is of comparable value to what you'll be getting from me.
Then, that person has to do something for another person, and so on until we cause world peace.
Possible things you can do:
This is the plan. I call it: Firin' Love Rockets. Or something. I still have to come up with a cool name for it, but the plan is solid.
The penalty for failing to continue the love chain will be a hit to your karma and reputation in the eyes of the community. For shame!
If you are interested in being a part of this, post:
I'll choose someone from everyone that posts by... let's give it a day or so. When I pick the "winner", that person's offer goes on the block and people can take it from there, repeating ad infinitum.
I will be choosing based on the entirety of the post, including character, idea, and offer, so even if you can't offer much but have a great character, or if you have a horrible character named "Foo Sucks" and a great offer, you have a chance to win.