17 -
Does a lit OSA have a fear/terror component ala Burn?
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Pretty sure it does.
Tossing an oil slick out and mobs will either start closing (trying) with you..or stand (try) and fire their ranged attacks.
Light it up and the groups movement will start becoming pretty disjointed...they definitely are trying to get out of it.
I say trying..because with the slow component and the knockdown...most mobs arent going much of anywhere.
Mobs that resist slow or knockdowns can escape, but little else.
Least thats been my experience with it. -
Heh, glad to see I'm not the only lucky one!
I got into a fray with a mook/family boss, his lt and a wandering-past Wolf Spider in OilSpill. I ran way up into the hills and still had these sob's chasing me.
Finally zoned into a mission door near the arena area to lose them.
All I could think at the time was..'Man..these guys are really really pissed at me!'. -
that giant looked AWESOME!
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Just what the game needs.
More Giant Monsters....that nobody bothers to fight. -
oh man, too much fun to care bout the progress bars!
If the new mobs arent going to be back next Halloween, I agree they really need to to have their own lil graveplot somewhere around in Paragon. -
ummm..yep..nothing old-school about this.
D&D badguys powers and skills were all about "what level the opponent was". (Unless theres something older, dont think chainmail counts..)
Seems like I've played a lot o games that were fairly successful that didn't use this particular game-balancing technique, so I dont really buy the argument that its a MUST else the mobs dont have a chance.
But, COH is still.....groovy. -
Anybody see this yet?
Recently Added To The Training Room: 9/24/04:
<stuff not relevant to current thread deleted>
Boomtown: the Monster Babbage is now spawning correctly in this zone.
Off to the test server to hunt Babbage!
(I dont call him THE Babbage anymore, we know each other well enough that we address each other informally now) -
Thats a bummer Ariel1.
You didnt do ANY damage to Babbage during the fight?
Not sure thats a bug, seems to follow a lot of the rules for badges, if you're grouped and you touch a plaque you dont both get the credit for fulfilling that requirement. (Not commenting on right or wrong, just an observation)
I guess on a lower level team a healer could be kept pretty busy keeping an inexperienced group alive, but sneak in a shot once in awhile would be my advice. -
Please, just give us a slider now, so those who want to employ tactics in a battle and those who want who want a simple push buttons/guarentee outcome experience can go their separate ways.
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oh come on FF, you can do better than that!
Thats akin to someone saying ..please give me a slider now so I can powerlevel faster and the low level controllers can stop complaining that they cant solo their door missions..
Not really a fair statement now is it.
I can tell you have a real lust for this slider-thing, but dont let it make you start talkin smack.
As for whether the devs are leaning this way or what way. Who knows. But as outrageous as it may be, the increased diff was a bug. Supposedly. So if we take Statesman at his word, then this isnt what his vision of the game was supposed to be.
Cripes, how did some of you guys EVER play this game prior to i2? -
Use a woman; there's no known defense. Once you think you have one figured out... WHAM!!!
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Yep, even if you have combat jump and acrobatics, they can respec at will and get a stun power....arggh!
Great to see some official word on this.
One of my toons spent at least 5 levels in Boomtown and never ran into him. I just thought I was unlucky.
I've encountered him a mess o times doing the Clockwork King TF, and its always cool to see him coming. Shame on anyone above 21 that never did this TF! (Course, if they did the Positron one..its understandable if they were reluctant to get involved in another TF) -
2 Defeats to complete a mission and you are telling someone ELSE to learn to play better!
(not really, the BTiLC thread is actually...) -
Who's to say that its NOT their priority right now, though?
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Right. It's a priority.
Rank it. Thats whatcha do when you have multiple priorities.
Which, I'm sure of, the COH dev team has bunches of.
FF ranked it as a 2. You... um...didnt really say anything.
Silly question anyways. Statesman I suppose is the one 'Who's to say'.
Something as important as difficulty sliders, which have a larger chance of unbalancing or screwing up the game needs to be well thought out and thouroghly tested.
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Umm..larger than what? Larger than say...I2?,I3? -
I noticed the missions were harder, but I was still able to solo them, so again I thought it was intentional and so never bugged it.
Signed one embarrassed (volunteer and amateur) tester
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I spent hours playing with my then-retired 20th level martial arts scrapper on the test server. Then even did my timed auction mission (chock full of outcasts).
All I could think was...so you outcasts got new tricks? Yeah well check out mine! I think I was so pleased with his new speed and storm kick I didnt even think twice about the extra mobs. They were just more wheat for the whirlwind.
(never thought once..hmm...what if this was my emp/psi defender in here???) -
it's being changed - they why, how, shoulda's, coulda's etc. do not matter one bit.
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Sure they do. You cant do it better next time if you dont pay attention to what went wrong this time.
personally, i think you're wrong. It's everyone's responsibility to test
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And I think you're wrong. Its not my JOB to test. I dont get paid to test, I PAY to play.
perhaps it was tried out, and accidently got left in, but i doubt it was intentional. look - the rikti chiefs were one-slicing people to death. are you saying that was intentional too?
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This was pointed out on the test server. Wierdbeard commented recently that bugs are prioritized. Guess this just wasnt a priority until the live population got smoked on night one.
but claiming that this is state's evil plan seems ridiculous.
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Not really. Lower level mobs having access to bunches of stuns/mezs/holds was classified as a DESIGN bug. LOL.
What the heck did the Designer (Not developer) think this was going to to go? -
And some people find a big challenge to be fun.
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No argument here.
(just as some people enjoy climbing Mt Everest, something I doubt you could manage anyways).
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yeah, thats relevant I guess to the issue at hand.
I didnt say big challenges could'nt be fun.
The problem is a door mission solo'd (dont tell me not to solo, ok?) by a fire/dev blaster that
isnt challenging could be VERY challenging for a emp/psi defender. Might be fun for the defender. Maybe.
Now thats a fact of this game. Same Mission.
Making ALL missions harder isnt the way to FIX the game.
Now, the Good Statesman has said thats going to change.
So everyone that LOVES the way the game is right now, guess thats bad news to you.
But dont think I want a do-it-in-my-sleep-game. I stopped playing my fire/dev at 30 for just that reason.
(Course now, he might be a bit more interesting to play...)
I just think that introducing different mission types as something available from contacts would be easier
to implement than these "sliders".
Depending on which is more time-consuming and
resource intensive
1) Sliders - coding and testing time required.
2) Alternate mission levels - writing and testing
Shoot, who knows, maybe using whatever in-house tool they use to develop content might be cheaper and easier to devote resources to than the coding that a sliding difficulty level might bring. Two choices might cover enough common ground.
And personally, I think if you get 'defeated' in a mission...then the mission should complete ...with failure.
(You got beat...right?) -
Difficulty sliders? [Censored]
How inane is that. I dont even wanna think about the mess that will cause.
Ok, love a challenge? Go take on a gang of purples on the street. (Pre-I2)
Delete a few enchancements from a few key powers.
Let the first mob in a mission kick the crap out o you for awhile, then start fighting.
Lots o ways to find a challenge in the game. Oh, but you want EVERYBODY to have a challenge. ALL THE TIME. Interesting playstyle. Screw fun, its the challenge that counts.
Well not for me. I want a challenge, I'll go climb Mt.Everest.
I play vids for FUN.
Might I humbly point out an alternative to these mythical 'sliders;.
How bout your contacts give two class of missions.
1) Normal. (Green highlit maybe)
2) Suicide (Red highlit)
There ya go. No particular great amount o coding.
Me, I'm not really playing at all now, waiting for a patch before I even think bout playing again. Cuz overall, as it stands, I really am not having fun anymore. -
Man, this is a job for IceStar!!
I am SO getting sick at work...starting NOW!!