sorry, but the low end (1-20) is NOT fun now.




I like the IDEAS behind making missions stronger, but between the fact that there are alot more baddies in missions, that the low end mob got a great boos in powers (nothing like a lvl 8 baddy with lvl 18-36 powers, and crowd control befor you even get a defense for it) that minions are harder to hit now just makes lvls 1-20 feel like WORK not play. Things need to be looked at. With no pvp, no economy, litle to no items, no bases to build starting a new character was mostly my only way to escape the grind of my high lvl character. Now thats not fun either.



Agree, I made a scrapper (my first) and I get my butt handed to me in every door mission.



Statesman has announced that this is a bug. A build that fixes this bug is in internal testing, so it'll be fixed before too long.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Went from doing quite well on my lvl 19 tank to being a chew toy with the indoor missions of the new patch. Back to my grind on my high lvl avatars since all I get now is a 'Phenomenal Debt' badge with my lower characters. Yes, I know, I'm whining..



They have said the difficulty currently in the game is a bug.
The missions will go back to a lower difficulty after the fix is finished.



I'm sorry, but according to Statesman this is more "fun".



Hehe, a bug?

You mean like, "Hey, lets make things more dificult so people have to play longer so they stick with the game longer" then "Uh Oh, they didn't like that, boy did we screw the pooch on that one", kind of bug?



Statesman has announced that this is a bug. A build that fixes this bug is in internal testing, so it'll be fixed before too long.

[/ QUOTE ]

Call me a cynic but I call Shenanigans on the "bug" explanation.

When you have a mob such as Outcasts or Trolls, that are ONLY low lvl mobs, what "bug" would give them more powers.

They made these mobs with these powers and I don't think they really put much thought into how it would affect the masses.

Now we hear they are working on it. I would think every mob has a pool of powers it is programmed to be able to use. Take those powers away and the "bug" is solved.

The presence of +1 and +2 mobs may be a bug, but the powers the low levels mobs are using had to be planned.

Again just my opinion and no, I won't be taking off my tin foil hat.



Patch #2 has many great features but is obviously not working as intended. Whole AT's changed poorly, play = work not fun. no server stability.
Time to back out patch#2 until it works correctly



Eh, I dunno. I re-made my dark defender yesterday, and got him to level 7 in roughly an hour and a half. The +1 mobs in my missions were pretty welcome. Didnt face any red bosses though. I just saved my inspirations for the orange lts. Challenging yet fun. This may change when I get to the hollows, we'll see.




Pre post issue 2, if you went into a mission (at least from my experience) the moment you got it at the lowest level you could get it, it was common to run into +1 minions and LT, and a +1 to +2 boss (note singular boss).

What members of our SG and I have been finding out is that now (for all levels – at least to level 29 – highest level of our SG) is that all missions now have anywhere from +0 to +2 minions and LT’s, but the largest change is the number of LT and bosses.

I truly love the content changes in issue 2, and the graphic / sound enhancements are awesome.

But, the addition of more bosses and LT’s, are making leveling go from “it is already a grind at times” to “it is now insane” to have fun and level.

Thank you.



Too many agreements with the OP here. I'm gonna do my best to keep things more along with the spirit of these boards by saying the OP is completely wrong and doesn't know what he's talking about (even though I secretly agree with much of what he's said).



They have said the difficulty currently in the game is a bug.
The missions will go back to a lower difficulty after the fix is finished.

[/ QUOTE ]
since this is a bug, they won't be adjusting mission xp again then correct?



Statesman has announced that this is a bug. A build that fixes this bug is in internal testing, so it'll be fixed before too long.

[/ QUOTE ]

Call me a cynic but I call Shenanigans on the "bug" explanation.

When you have a mob such as Outcasts or Trolls, that are ONLY low lvl mobs, what "bug" would give them more powers.

They made these mobs with these powers and I don't think they really put much thought into how it would affect the masses.

Now we hear they are working on it. I would think every mob has a pool of powers it is programmed to be able to use. Take those powers away and the "bug" is solved.

The presence of +1 and +2 mobs may be a bug, but the powers the low levels mobs are using had to be planned.

Again just my opinion and no, I won't be taking off my tin foil hat.

[/ QUOTE ]
for the most part i enjoy this game, but i agree with your assessment of this mistake or oversight not being a bug.



They have said the difficulty currently in the game is a bug.
The missions will go back to a lower difficulty after the fix is finished.

[/ QUOTE ]
since this is a bug, they won't be adjusting mission xp again then correct?

[/ QUOTE ]

correct. Mission XP was supposed to go up. Difificulty at the lower levels was not.



Well they are addressing the stun/mez's and the +1 mobs.

However, my level 6 encountered a boss in the Hollows, "Electric Eel" who used Thunder Strike (lvl 18 power) and cast Lightning storm (lvl 32 power) and was surrounded by minions with Ice Blast and heal other. Talk about difficult. Even in a group he was hard because he was surround by more minions and Lts, all with special powers!

There is a fine line between being challenged and being frustrated/angered.



not take long = 15 weeks or more by most gaming company standards lol well thats been my experience with daoc eq uo horizons earth and beyond and swg lol. by the time they fix it they will have lost a good portion of business whether people beleive it or not i can count out like 50 people or more on posts that are going or planning on quitting prolly more that don't even post lol sorry for bringing the truth but it is as like i said the truth thank you



I'm sorry I have to agree.. I have characters ranging all over in the pre-20's and (granted it is much harder) it is a lot more fun. Do you people actually use your inspirations.. do you people know how to mitigate your endurance usage or what to take on or what not to take on. I'm simply not seeing what's so wrong, I do agree that the holds must be fixed but for the most part - all is well.

Ie: Lvl 8 Ice/Mace tanker (myself) and Lvl 7 FF/Nrg def went hunting in the Hollows to see just how hard it is. Due to all the complaining I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I can easily say we cleared every group of outcasts or trolls mostly 7's with a few Lt's that were even. We decided to push ourselves a little bit more, we tried groups of 8's with some Lt's being +1 on us. Still no problems, granted we had one close call (due to the fact all my toggles shut off when diso'd) but we still managed to kill them all.

I've tried playing my 19 Stone/Stone tanker just to see the end of the spectrum and still.. challenging and fun, but not impossible. Put some thought into your play style, i'd really like to group with some of these people to see what they are doing wrong. The game as it stands is playable, yes a bit too hard and will be fixed, but does everyone else just suck? I don't want to sound close-minded but I was very open to trying all my characters..

Tried my 13 Storm/Rad Def.. can solo just as fine (if not better vs Outcasts now with Steamy Mist) and in groups I excell.

What is up?



I'm sorry I have to agree.. I have characters ranging all over in the pre-20's and (granted it is much harder) it is a lot more fun. Do you people actually use your inspirations.. do you people know how to mitigate your endurance usage or what to take on or what not to take on. I'm simply not seeing what's so wrong, I do agree that the holds must be fixed but for the most part - all is well.

Ie: Lvl 8 Ice/Mace tanker (myself) and Lvl 7 FF/Nrg def went hunting in the Hollows to see just how hard it is. Due to all the complaining I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I can easily say we cleared every group of outcasts or trolls mostly 7's with a few Lt's that were even. We decided to push ourselves a little bit more, we tried groups of 8's with some Lt's being +1 on us. Still no problems, granted we had one close call (due to the fact all my toggles shut off when diso'd) but we still managed to kill them all.

I've tried playing my 19 Stone/Stone tanker just to see the end of the spectrum and still.. challenging and fun, but not impossible. Put some thought into your play style, i'd really like to group with some of these people to see what they are doing wrong. The game as it stands is playable, yes a bit too hard and will be fixed, but does everyone else just suck? I don't want to sound close-minded but I was very open to trying all my characters..

Tried my 13 Storm/Rad Def.. can solo just as fine (if not better vs Outcasts now with Steamy Mist) and in groups I excell.

What is up?

[/ QUOTE ]

Please...don't be patronizing.

I have a 36 controller, 32 blaster, 24 scrapper, 22 blaster, 17 defender, 13 defender, 13 scrapper, and 7 scrapper, and many more deleted.

I play very well and know how to play. There is not much you can do when you are held or continually stunned no matter how many "tactics" you plan to use. Add in heals to the mix that some of the outcasts now use, and it becomes horrid.

This is not just a matter of people whining. The +1 and +2 are fine, but not much can be done with the stuns, etc.



I made a scrapper on patch day, did my noob missions for the lady at city hall and got sent to hollows, beeing having a balst ever since.



all i can say is thanlk god i have a high lvl toon to help transfer infl. to take on a small group of baddies my own lvl with my new scrapper (the solo king, pfff) i need to use 8 insp's EVERY fight. most of the time im not even killing them all. Ive been playing scrappers since beta also, so its not like i dont know what im doing.



Time to back out patch#2 until it works correctly

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry my friend ... but you have no idea what you are asking. It is easier to fix what is not working than roll back at this point.

Server stability is annoying ... but should be fixed soon ... I'm sure they are going crazy over this.

As for the toughness now ... well it is still very playable ... you might just have to think a little (ouch that could hurt ) but there is always the possibility of having fun. If you see this as work ... it s because you choose to.

If your mission is too hard ... leave! ... Do others ... get another level and come back ... anyway .. I'm still having fun and I have no chars over 22 ...

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



Wasn't patronizing.. I said the holds are a huge problem, and the amount of higher levels in missions are too much. I also agree that they should not be able to use powers their levels don't allow for. Lightening storm at level 8.. insane! Like someone else said.. this is City of Heroes, it doesn't feel that way when every John Doe has your powers, has them at earlier levels, uses them better, and woops your [censored] with your own powers. You sit there and say.. "What?" That's when somethings gone horribly wrong.. I'm not even sure why they implemented half of the stuff they did when no one was asking for it.



all i can say is thanlk god i have a high lvl toon to help transfer infl. to take on a small group of baddies my own lvl with my new scrapper (the solo king, pfff) i need to use 8 insp's EVERY fight. most of the time im not even killing them all. Ive been playing scrappers since beta also, so its not like i dont know what im doing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well my GF is as much a newbie as can be and we created a DM/Invul scrapper for her yesterday and she is out there kicking the butts of groups like 4 yellow 1 oranges with minimal use of insp ... (1 maybe 2 ... not 8) ... so I have no idea what to say ... except ... she's having a blast!

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



I'm not even sure why they implemented half of the stuff they did when no one was asking for it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you telling me that you don't like what they did to a group like the Outcasts? Well I for one love it ... they were telling us that that group was using the forces of nature to fight and all you had was one lil shocker and a stone boss once in a while ... now ... the changes where minions fight with Ice, fire lightning, stone ... that is nature! I really like it ... gives a DA scrapper a reason for having stupidly taken murky cloud way too early!

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt