sorry, but the low end (1-20) is NOT fun now.




I've learned to 'deal' with the bug (as they called it) but one thing still cheeses me. I got another mission yesterday that required me to be grouped to complete it. Once again I state to the Devs, take that out please! Us solo players do want to be forced to group. Make new contacts for group missions or a new link on old contacts for group missions. Just stop making it required to group!



Until you get access to the inner sanctums of Cryptic Studios and NCSoft, don't talk as if you *know*.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fortunately, I do happen to know exactly how this type of
product is tested and I do happen to know that the features
of this update were fully understood prior to implementation.

The stability issues I can believe were actual "bugs"...

The feature issues I cannot believe were actual "bugs"...



I put up with posts like these from other MMORPGs, lets at least try to be constructive than believing every Gaming Company out there has some deep hatred for it's gamers to purposily ruin the games they play (all except for SOE, they are the devil!!)

[/ QUOTE ]

I do not believe anythng of the kind.

But, caveat time, I have watched this game since beta and I
have seen what the power gamers did to Statesman's ego
and I firmly believe he is still hurting and wants nothing more
than to slow the game down.

Lil' States came out quite a while ago..

And not without reason.



Ok lets go off of precedence and see how the Devs handles the difference between "bugs" and "features". When the Hasten Nerf was put in, it was not a "bug" and the Dev's never said it was. They overshoot the nerf and it was later fixed but they never said "Oops, the long recharge time for Hasten is a bug" , in fact quite the opposite. Second point was for the "Purple Patch", again they never said this was a bug and they overshot that nerf as well and yet again they fixed that. So why in the world would they try to "cover up" this issue and claim it was a bug when their other "mistakes" were intended and were stated as being intended minus the aftermath effect. This whole conspiracy theory is silly.



You make the point for me.

They learned from those two previous situations.

And they overshot both times why again ??

Oh, that's because Statesman couldn't handle the speed with
which the power gamers cruised through his game.

/edited for retardation



I have programed features that resulted in bugs... In my business we call it Unintended Consequence.

I am not arguing about the various low level villains with high level powers. They are making agjustments to those, but I have yet to see where they called that a bug. The +1 issue they are calling a bug. and the earliest post about it was 9/11 and seemed a bit burried with other comments. As for people /bugging it in game... well, only they would know.

The nice thing is that I am not seeing -1 and -2 villains, which is what they were trying to fix from what I've read.

Still, despite your fortune, you have yet to actually be where it counts.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



you have yet to actually be where it counts.

[/ QUOTE ]

And brother, I can safely say I'm glad I'm not there this week..

Bet they are having fun..



...what was really funny was a comment by Statesman or one of the other Devs in which they expressed surprise that so FEW people were at level 40 when Issue 1 went out. I think they attributed most of that to the Altitis some people (myself included) suffer from. But, the Purple Pach, version 1 and 2, certainly slowed things down. I never hunted Purples on purpose, but when you have to fight them, it is annoying to miss them.

However, all that is another topic in and of itself since lower levels level faster than higher levels - debt or not.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



And brother, I can safely say I'm glad I'm not there this week..

Bet they are having fun..

[/ QUOTE ]

I think we both agree there.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



I put up with posts like these from other MMORPGs, lets at least try to be constructive than believing every Gaming Company out there has some deep hatred for it's gamers to purposily ruin the games they play (all except for SOE, they are the devil!!)

[/ QUOTE ]

I do not believe anythng of the kind.

But, caveat time, I have watched this game since beta and I
have seen what the power gamers did to Statesman's ego
and I firmly believe he is still hurting and wants nothing more
than to slow the game down.

Lil' States came out quite a while ago..

And not without reason.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok so if they are purposily slowing the game down who are you to say that it will have a negative effect on everybody. Obviously some people are not being effected by this Issue, some apparently are. So who's right then? No one and it never will be for "every"one. This game will appeal to some while it is a chore to others.

I love Final Fantasy games but playing FFXI is a chore for me. I don't want to camp, I don't want to farm, and I don't want to wait around for hours waiting on a party. The reason I play COH is because the Devs of FFXI don't see those issues as being problems and therefore have no intention on changing the game, at least not for awhile.

The Devs of COH when presented with issues are taking the proper steps to fix them and so far they are fixing things they will still keep me playing. If they intended on bringing up the difficulty and then claim this is a feature and they will not be changing it...well then perhaps if I found the game too difficult I will go elsewhere which is understandable.

What I dislike about these posts and why I'm still arguing is because I can't stand arrogant-pessimistic-ruin everyone's fun-posters who try to trash a game because they are mad at the world and the Devs didn't hug them enough when they were young. I know I'm exaggerating but that's the attitude that comes across.



what was really funny was a comment by Statesman or one of the other Devs in which they expressed surprise that so FEW people were at level 40 when Issue 1 went out.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gaffer said that, and don't you remember how many people
screamed "BS", because the nerfs were specifically to slow
people from getting to 40 ??

Just for one second, take the perspective of these guys when
they are trying to control the spin.

They will say just about anything, which is pretty much natural.

Not necessarily excusable, but it is natural for humans.



What I dislike about these posts and why I'm still arguing is because I can't stand arrogant-pessimistic-ruin everyone's fun-posters who try to trash a game because they are mad at the world and the Devs didn't hug them enough when they were young. I know I'm exaggerating but that's the attitude that comes across.

[/ QUOTE ]

You see that's exactly the problem.

Statesman is my ******* father, and he left me and Caliban to
grow up as angry trolls in Skyway.

Where are the hugs, dad ??



I have programed features that resulted in bugs... In my business we call it Unintended Consequence.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am in tech support. When development does this, I call it job security.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



What I dislike about these posts and why I'm still arguing is because I can't stand arrogant-pessimistic-ruin everyone's fun-posters who try to trash a game because they are mad at the world and the Devs didn't hug them enough when they were young. I know I'm exaggerating but that's the attitude that comes across.

[/ QUOTE ]

You see that's exactly the problem.

Statesman is my ******* father, and he left me and Caliban to
grow up as angry trolls in Skyway.

Where are the hugs, dad ??

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL! Well there you have it then...we need to Nerf the Dad!



Veg what is your point?

it's being changed - they why, how, shoulda's, coulda's etc. do not matter one bit.

personally, i think you're wrong. It's everyone's responsibility to test - as it's impossible for the folks at cryptic to check everything. And I know personally, i only went on test during the issue2 preview to play with capes + respec, I didn't go toying around w/ level 5 mobs. maybe if I and a number of other folks had, and pointed it out, it never woulda made it in live.

should this stuff have slipped through - no. were there a lot of complaints about it? i don't know. but - judging from the fact that they came out a LOT faster than i expected saying that it would be fixed, i assume it was not an intentional change. perhaps it was tried out, and accidently got left in, but i doubt it was intentional. look - the rikti chiefs were one-slicing people to death. are you saying that was intentional too? as soon as it was pointed out, they acknowledged it as an error and it was fixed. why would i sit around now and waste any thought on why it was like that in the first place, unless i were just a generally negative-minded trouble-making [censored]?

shut up

if you want to complain that issue two went live prematurely - hey i'd agree. but claiming that this is state's evil plan seems ridiculous.



Veg what is your point?

it's being changed - they why, how, shoulda's, coulda's etc. do not matter one bit.

personally, i think you're wrong. It's everyone's responsibility to test - as it's impossible for the folks at cryptic to check everything. And I know personally, i only went on test during the issue2 preview to play with capes + respec, I didn't go toying around w/ level 5 mobs. maybe if I and a number of other folks had, and pointed it out, it never woulda made it in live.

should this stuff have slipped through - no. were there a lot of complaints about it? i don't know. but - judging from the fact that they came out a LOT faster than i expected saying that it would be fixed, i assume it was not an intentional change. perhaps it was tried out, and accidently got left in, but i doubt it was intentional. look - the rikti chiefs were one-slicing people to death. are you saying that was intentional too? as soon as it was pointed out, they acknowledged it as an error and it was fixed. why would i sit around now and waste any thought on why it was like that in the first place, unless i were just a generally negative-minded trouble-making [censored]?

shut up

if you want to complain that issue two went live prematurely - hey i'd agree. but claiming that this is state's evil plan seems ridiculous.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, you are totally right and have given me reason for a 100%
attitude reversal...


You believe what you want, I believe what I want and we both
pay to be able to express it here.



I can't stand arrogant-pessimistic-ruin everyone's fun-posters who try to trash a game because they are mad at the world and the Devs didn't hug them enough when they were young. I know I'm exaggerating but that's the attitude that comes across.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree completely.

Posting mock pictures of Statesman doesn't necessarily lend you credibility. And it doesn't it make you seem funnier to the rest of just makes you look petty.

What self-important, pompous drivel. The 'Oliver Stone' of MMO gaming. Ridiculous.



Posting mock pictures of Statesman doesn't necessarily lend you credibility. And it doesn't it make you seem funnier to the rest of us...

[/ QUOTE ]


Lots of people have told me that pic is funny.

And just who are "you", again ?

Save your "rest of us" commentary for when you get elected to
speak for someone besides yourself.



Posting mock pictures of Statesman doesn't necessarily lend you credibility. And it doesn't it make you seem funnier to the rest of us...

[/ QUOTE ]


Lots of people have told me that pic is funny.

And just who are "you", again ?

Save your "rest of us" commentary for when you get elected to
speak for someone besides yourself.

[/ QUOTE ]

Funny isn't that the same thing that's been said about your posts?



I never speak for anyone but myself.

Try again.



I just recall thinking the comment was, in and of itself, funny given slow down in leveling and the tendancy to try various alts. Spin? Sure, why not. Most try to make the best of a bad situation.

Anyways, that still is another topic... tho it is conveinent to talk about it here since it was brought up and not entirely unrelated. The leveling speed does drop off noticably after level 12. I've noticed many of those in my Super Group who do not have dedicated Mains tend to jump to a new alt between level 12 and 14. The pleasure of seeing "LEVEL UP" and the little explosion and ding is undeniably pleasant.

Maybe you and I can agree that leveling is a chore, enjoyable for the most part, but a chore none-the-less. Given a certain time frame of expectations how does one balance? How soon will a player become bored and quit? How to spread the content out and the leveling process to keep interest as long as possible? How to balance between someone playing 5 hours a week vs. someone playing 40 and both getting bored for lack of leveling or content? How to keep people playing without it being a chore?

Chore wise, CoH is pretty clean. The leveling aspect is the only chore in the game. Trying various combinations of classes and builds with my Super Group lends to the long term enjoyment of CoH. City of Villains will add another dimension that will really be entertaining. I know my buddies are looking forward to it's arrival (all of us come from competitive play backgrounds - be it RTS, FPS, or RPG).

But the main thing: How do you balance it so that the person who plays 5 hours gets as much enjoyment and satisfaction as the one who plays 40 hours without the latter using the formers perks to "power level".

... rambling... sorry.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



personally, i think you're wrong. It's everyone's responsibility to test - as it's impossible for the folks at cryptic to check everything. And I know personally, i only went on test during the issue2 preview to play with capes + respec, I didn't go toying around w/ level 5 mobs. maybe if I and a number of other folks had, and pointed it out, it never woulda made it in live.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll have to say this. As one of the beta-testers for this game, I'd admit I think we dropped the ball on a lot of things. Just because it was too big to handle.

A lot of things went live at launch that shouldn't have. Exploits, bugs, or just basic game design issues. Burn, anyone? The core group of beta testers only numbered a few hundred for the longest time. I'd wager those who play on the test server don't number much more than that.

Some people in beta kept quiet about exploits and imbalances. That's going to happen with any game. But I like to think that *most* of us were just trying to test the best we could, and offer the best suggestions we could.

Even so, sometimes the things we suggested weren't the best for the game. We had too much to test, not enough testers, and sometimes our personal goals clouded our decisions.

I'm thinking it's the same way on the test server.

Anyways, the short of it is...if you're pissed that something made it from test to live...then get your [censored] to the test server. :P Or you can spend your time in less constructive ways, like photoshoping 'pictures' of Statesman, and arguing grand conspiracy theories.



Personally there are only few things I see wrong with the game at the moment.

1) Having red bosses in low level indoor missions (just a pain but can be delt with).

2) Missions that require you to have at least one other person to complete.

3) Missing an ungodly amount even when maxed with accuracy enhancements.

4) The amount of patroling mobs in the indoor missions.

5) The mobs having high level powers (which they are fixing, so I've been told. If it hasn't been fixed already).

Other than that I love what they have done with the game. But not everyone feels the same. A MMO will never cater to everyone's need for how the game should run. But the players are entitled to their opinion and no one should berate another for them speaking up with what they feel is wrong with the game.

As far as this whole thing being a mistake or not ... No one knows but the people who run the game. Besides, does it really matter now? They are fixing it.



Even through the ranting and tirades of myself and others, you
are quite civil, Cat.

I bow to your strength of character.



I never speak for anyone but myself.

Try again.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry, but according to Statesman this is more "fun".

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry but you tried speaking for Statesman earlier since you appear to be the authority on what lurks within the hearts of evil Devs. Forgive me for reading into your posts...