sorry, but the low end (1-20) is NOT fun now.




At first I liked groups like the Outcasts having more varitey of powers, but now they are just too tough. Low level players don't have the powers at that point to deal with them. This and the +1 mission problem are being worked on, but man, it can't come soon enough. Missions are just plain painful right now. Up until this point, I've been extremely happy with Cryptic, but Issue 2 is a mess. I've never seen an update with so many bugs. I can't help but wonder how something like this happened when it was on test for a while.

[/ QUOTE ]

We gave feedback on the Outcasts being over powered on test. The +1 mission bug though I don't remember seeing. Could be it was there and I missed, or it could be it's a bug that didn't make it onto test and went straight to live.




Oh, and about the outcry thing, the large quantity of outcry(read whining) coming from a few posters don't mean that the rest of us are all pissed off. It's the principle of the silent majority vs. the noisy minority(Yes I am aware of the Nixon theme ). Anyways if it is the case that many people are dissatisfied it is only logical that they flood to the boards here to post their complaints. Since this forum makes up for less than 1% of the player base and I haven't seen any jump in the number of new posters, I can only conclude that people either don't care enough or that they simply find the new issue challenging and fun as opposed to "impossible" like some whiners here(you included) have put it or implied.

I leveled one char to lvl 21 and another one to lvl 12 after the release of issue 2. One was a dark/dark defender and another was a scrapper. I went through both hallows and perez park without undue trouble so I don't see what the real complaint is. I died about 3 times between the 2 chars, and the deaths were in a group. Unless you play like an idiot and don't plan your targets and skill slots wisely you shouldn't have too much trouble lvling in the lower lvls even with issue 2.

[/ QUOTE ]

So because we post our thoughts here on the boards we are whiners? That's nice to know. Oh and what makes you so sure the majority favor the patch, the same can be said about the majority hating it. There is no way to really tell unless you get everyone who plays to speak up. But that won't happen because there are some who just don't care or wish to remain silent. I will say this, I for one do not wish to remain silent when I think there is something wrong with the game. That's how things get fixed if it is a mistake. I'm glad some people like it, great for them. But like I said earlier in a post, the MMO's will never cater to everyone. And what I mean by that is, someone somewhere will be unhappy about something in the game.

As for your assumption of people not knowing how to play because 'you' leveled just fine ... I have been playing since beta, I think I would know how to play by now. I've solo my whole gaming experience with the exception of doing the TF missions. Not to mention the many other MMO's I have played. So just because you got 'lucky' does not mean you have to talk smack about the other players who are having difficulty.

And another thing, you have to also look at it from a casual gamer's view. With this new patch the casual gamers (not hardcore gamers like 'you') might as well not play. They don't get enough done in the time that they play. My boyfriend who is a casual gamer has pretty much stopped playing. He feels no reward in playing anymore.

So ... Logmo ... Stop thinking you are the only one playing the game and try to take in other people's perspectives. Maybe then you will see why there are people making statements about the new patch and you won't be so quick to judge.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you played fine since beta you SHOULD know how to play, but it doesn't mean that you DO. I must be real lucky when I play just fine with my 46 and my scrapper who since my last post on this thread has leveled another 10 times to 33, I even rerolled my defender just for the spelunker badge and got him to 7 in a couple of hours. There's no luck involved in playing this game, just need to know your limitations and pay attention.

Btw you want me to look from a casual gamers point of view? I AM a casual gamer, why do you think I play COH? And frankly I do see the perspectives of other people and I know exactly their reasons, and that's why I am disgusted because a majority of them are just little kids who got disgruntled after dying to clumpes of yellows thinking they could solo them at lvl 5, so instead of thinking about what they did wrong they blamed the game without good reason, which will probably in turn make the devs give in and nerf the game down a bit more. If you seriously think this will make people stay in the game you are very wrong, the easier it is to level up to 50 the sooner the player will see that there's no real content outside the actual fun fighting against mobs and get bored and quit. If you make it so that whining noobs can breeze through missions and other fights then the normal people and those that are more hardcore will be bored very quickly and probably move on to another game. The devs will make a mistake if they cater to the whining noob crowd because this will ailenate everyone else.

There are just simple facts in the game you have to realize:

If you are a defender, You WON"T be able to solo well early levels in any form(missions, street clearing, anything), or even later for that matter, reroll now and forever hold your whine if you don't like this.

If you are a controller, You DEFINITELY WON"T be able to solo well early levels, and depending on what primary you took you will have varying degrees of success post 32. Once again if you want to be able to kill stuff quick and don't plan to spent enough time to get 32 reroll now and hold your whines.

If you are a scrapper, You will be able to solo SOME of the early game, still not gonna be able to solo clumps(15+ # mobs) of things unless you had inspirations, later levels you'll solo better.

If you are a blaster, You'll be able to solo SOME of the early game depending on what primary/secondary. Your success later on in soloing depends on your primary/secondary, but still dangerous as hell due to scaled up mob dmg and effects. Don't play this class and expect to dominate later on because without being careful you'll just soak up debt, if that happens castrate yourself for being an inferior human specimen and/or reroll, but keep your whines away.

And finally if you are a tanker, go build yourself an invul scrapper.... unless you are a fire tanker, in which case you should go shoot yourself and save yourself the boredom of the /healing flames/burn/combust/provoke tedium in the long run. And btw lower levels before you get your skills you'll still die if you go against high number of mobs even or greater con.

So my main point is... if you can't take on something you either got a gimp character where you messed up in slotting, or you should get members to help(not everything is meant to be soloed by any AT you know.) or go quit and spare us the ensuing whining after you die. Either have fun in this game, or make some constructive posts on why you think things are broken, don't come here with whines about how you died without even saying what your AT is, what mobs you were fighting, and how you slotted out your build and your level, because without valid information like those all you'll be posting is a whine, and I've seen alot of it here.



I hear in future Issues they are putting in Police scanner missions and maybe Temp powers to make low levels Travel easier.



Necro Posting Gone Wild ?

Nothing wrong with offering your opinion but you could have just added to one of the threads about safeguard missions.

There is no need to pull up and old thread like this one on a subject that is unrelated and dealt with long ago.

Well unless you playing that old forum game that deals with resurrecting the oldest thread you can find

Xanthor Defender 50 Empathy/Electricity/Power,
Arctic Heat 42 Tanker Fire/Ice/Pyre Guardian

Xanthor Blaster 50 Fire/Electricity/Electric
Dr Victor Fury MM 50 Robo/Dark/Mace Freedom

Support Big Red Balls



Two years minus a month since the last time this thread was posted in. Wow.

Why is it even still here? Why hasn't board maintenance swept it into the rubbish bin long ago?



Threads with a red name in it aren't supposed to be auto-purged. I'd imagine that's what happened here.

It needs to be locked though.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Really, anything over a year old at the most should be locked.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Threads with a red name in it aren't supposed to be auto-purged. I'd imagine that's what happened here.

It needs to be locked though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah. I hadn't read all the way through the nearly 40 pages. Didn't know a redname had posted.



Its the only reason a thread this old would still be here.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Its the only reason a thread this old would still be here.

[/ QUOTE ]

One of the forums has a no-purge policy. Not this one, though.



Yeah, it does, for everything with a dev post in it. Dev posted threads never go away unless deleted AFAIK. I've got another tab open that shows 17 threads from 2004 still in this forum, with only a few of them locked. I don't know why some mod doesn't just go and lock them all.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



I meant it doesn't have a general no-purge policy, like the player guides forum.



Ah, right I see. Thats the only forum that's not purged.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Oops...never mind, then, heh