sorry, but the low end (1-20) is NOT fun now.




DOn't worry, when you back to the pointless grind of the high levels you'll discover that those aren't fun either.



Re: sorry, but the low end (1-20) is NOT fun now.

[/ QUOTE ]
It was fun before?



2 INSIGHTs + 2 LUCKs = pwned RED boss



I'm not going to play dumb... not going to lower myself to your level of ability. I used 4 healing and 4 endurance inspirations when I beat ElectricEel. I rested once as well. Guerilla tactics. Learn 'em. Or cancel your account and leave the real gamers to the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

So this is what it boils down too, huh? That was TOTALLY uncalled for. Insulting my intelligence AND my way of playing CoH.

You might find dying twice in a mission fun. You might find having to run back and forth to get more inspirations fun. You might find having to resort to the elevator-trick fun. I, for one, do NOT find it fun. It needlessly drags out the time to do a mission properly. It needlessly drags out the time to get anywhere, because you end up with so much debt to deal with.

I'm starting to look right through you Missy. You consider yourself a REAL gamer. Give me a break, will you? I'm no less of a REAL gamer than you are. I just view different things as FUN in my gaming experience. You could have just said "fair enough" and let me make my observations about this game without flaming me. But instead you have opted for continuous flaming. Not just me, but ANYONE who doesn't fall into your set opinion of what a REAL gamer is.

Stop flaming, free your mind, and at least TRY to find some validity in what the "whiners" are saying.



I cannot stress enough - the +1 mobs everywhere are a BUG. We did NOT notice them on the Training Room server. It happens. I made a mistake. We're fixing it (though it isn't live yet).

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed.. I soloed both Electric Eel and Bedrock on Test with my Tanker who had a badly slotted Lethal/Smash Resist (permanent) a better slottet T.I. (but a toggle affectable by stun), NO resist to Fire/Cold/Energy or any kind of Mezzes (bad Tanker! - useless Tanker!) with little or no problem, and didn't recall seeing any Red Bosses (I'm sure I would have remembered). On live all my characters get nuked repeatedly, so there is a difference which somehow slipped through the testing cracks - it happens - it is being fixed! Chill! The only conspiracy here is the one which awards you the Crey Freeze pistol accolade!

Victory - Mare,Dagger of Pain,Keep,Hogun and Bloodpetal
The Keep-Arcs: 164260, 188373, 192610, 196090 and funny side-chapter 218575.
Mender-Arc: 266163



2 INSIGHTs + 2 LUCKs = pwned RED boss

[/ QUOTE ]

Well certainly not always....

I've tried some of these red bosses popping 8-10 varying insps.. best i got with the new Eel was him down to 5% before his repeated lightning sapped my last END.

I've even been chain-mezzed by Bedrock when iI finally managed to keep him away from me (chillblain+ice storm), oh the ignomity of being stuck in 1-2 layers of crushing stone for a very long time - he didn't even bother to punch me properly to death. (I think the psi-wielders labor union have to come after him for stealing their gimmicks).

Victory - Mare,Dagger of Pain,Keep,Hogun and Bloodpetal
The Keep-Arcs: 164260, 188373, 192610, 196090 and funny side-chapter 218575.
Mender-Arc: 266163




If you are still monitoring this thread... I just spent over an hour in the Training Room trying out the latest patch (9/23). My L15 Energy Blaster entered a mission dungeon that he had tried prior to this patch. The problem with +1 MOBs HAS NOT BEEN FIXED. The first room he entered had 4 +1 OJ Lts., and a slew of +1 yellow minions. This was almost the exact same MOB spawn pattern I saw with this dungeon prior to this patch.




*laughs* Learn to play better than. I can solo my Force Field / Energy Blast defender and be successful. I beat the Electric Eel mission in the Hollows with only two deaths. One of them because I was stupid and got too close. The other because I was stupid again and stopped when I had 27 health and his attack was doing 33. I should've kept running.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's nice. Tell people that they aren't having fun because they aren't playing properly. Troll.


Regardless of those two deaths, I loaded up on more inspirations and went back and kicked his butt. I even took a demo of it and a friend of mine is hosting it:

[/ QUOTE ]

That's nice. So heros should play like terroists - hit the mobs, run away and hide and restock, then run back and finish the job.



I love the new difficulty in the game now. The only problem is that the missions are spawning way too many villains for larger groups. Solo spawn is great. Group spawn over four is borked unless you've got a really good group together.

[/ QUOTE ]


I cannot wait ofr the difficulty slider and I will boot out anyone in any group I lead that doesn't want to do that hardest difficulty. I don't have time to deal with pansies and cowards. They can go street patrol green and blue cons for all I care. I want a game that challenges me. Not a game that I use my left hand to mash buttons on the keyboard while I read a book with my right hand. Snooze fest will equal cancelled accounts.

[/ QUOTE ]

An observation...

I think what you need is a real challenge, something for the hardcore gamer, and something that's full out and out non-consensual PvP.

You want things hardcore and intense that takes 100 percent focus. Well, CoH was meant to support the casual gamer as part of it's customer base. Without any tolerance for those fellow players, you'll probably never be happy as long as they are able to play.

You enjoy baiting other people by implying they should "play better". Like you do. Well, perhaps the playstyle that you enjoy would be completely boring for others. I like my challenges in the real world where there is a real reward - my game world is for me to have fun, escape from the stresses of the real world, and enjoy some play when I want, for as long as I want. Your playstyle would make me think : "Am I stupid, putting all this effort into a <bleep> game, when I could be putting it into something real ?".

Some folks want it hard and challenging in the game world, some folks would rather keep the game fun and casual.

I enjoy my playstyle, you enjoy yours. In no way is one the "right way" and the other the "wrong way". I will respect yours if you respect mine.

A mission difficulty slider would solve problems. If you insist on having groups that want it full - I suggest you announce it first before inviting people. There are lots that want it full, let them know you play hardcore up front. Otherwise people will think some pretty unkind things about your attitude.

Bottom line - people have a right to be unhappy when the game took a sudden change and their enjoyment stopped. Baiting them, calling them cowards that have to learn to play better - that's uncalled for. Unproductive. And unnecessary. You want to impose yourself on people, go play a non-consensual PvP game where that's part of the rules.

I think many folks have made some valid suggestions and complaints, and that many folks are patiently waiting for a fix. I sincerly believe that there are people that are taking advantage of the situation to make folks even more upset by saying that "they should learn to play better", and that folks wanting anything but the hardest are "cowards and pansies".

These are called "Trolls" and "Griefers".

Please don't feed the trolls. CoH was made for a broad spectrum of players - powergamers and casual. Respect each other. If you aren't happy, suggest something that can benifit both sides without hurting the other. The difficulty slider was a good example of a constructive suggestion.

I think people should start responding only to posters that post with respect for each other, without baiting each other, and that people should ignore the trolls.



I am curious if this what people mean by using strategy now. Finding ways to dimantle the groups? IN EQ, you had to not OVER pull. If you did you needed and enchanter for crowd control so you were not overwhelmed. So is this now the tactic or strategy for CoH? Find a group, look around at your enviornment. Find a way to screw up thier pathing, channel em through a gate like cattle to the slaughter house? Find ways to single pull em? Or...Group withthe proper powers and "skilled" players? Or have a much higher level healer type keep you alive while you battle? Or kill some, use travel power run away (repeat)?



So everyone is saying solo is harder.
I dont find that to be true but I could be wrong.
What I find insane is the scaling.

I did the hollow's mission with
2 blasters
1 tank
1 controller
1 defender.

All players were either 15th level or SK'd to 14th.

zone in and the 1st floor is relatively easy but we keep getting adds 'cause the Outkasts are wandering around. We trying pulling to a safer location and that seemed to help.

Take the elevators to the next level and fight in the elevator room. We have one puller dragging mobs back when suddenly we get this 16th level boss mob and his entourage of orange LT's who proceed to hand us our respective arses. We all die, run back from the hospital 'cause they are camping our corpses in the elevator room. The boss mob had summoned 5 little fire monkey pets that were also orange to us. So our inital pull was 3 mobs, add the boss and his 5 or 6 LT's and the monkies and we bit it hard and fast. We return and get the same scenario. When we pull the boss is no where near us and then suddenly he and all his friends are there pounding us into hero soup. I manage to esacpe this time only to return to the floor to see the outcasts camping the teams corpses. There is no way that mission was scaled to the levels we had or the # of players we had. We did use tactics too. The was hovering so that the "Bricks" earthquake stun could not stop her steamcloud. I stood as far outside of the range of the mobs as I could and healed the tank as often as my power recycled. The blasters I tried to keep healed with AoE heal but it was hardly enough. After the 4th wipe we caught a bit of luck in that the boss and his friends got stuck trying to run towards us to cream us and we managed to finish our pulls off before they made it. Just as we were using the elevators to escape and rest they showed up. When we went back up one of the LT's was just standing there alone so we took him quick. Once we had finally finished off all the mobs we left. Another of our group members had the same quest in the exact same building so we went back in ... same dang thing .. super broke. Tactics work if you are not stunned all the time. They work if you are fighting things close to your level that do not have the powers of things 17 levels higher than you. No matter how much you might think that is fun. It's like a High School football team playing against some team from the NFL.



You might find dying twice in a mission fun. You might find having to run back and forth to get more inspirations fun. You might find having to resort to the elevator-trick fun. I, for one, do NOT find it fun. It needlessly drags out the time to do a mission properly. It needlessly drags out the time to get anywhere, because you end up with so much debt to deal with.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't mind taking a trip to the hospital. It's only debt. And it was only twice. I can run around Founder's Falls at level four and not die. I got the Chaotician badge to prove it. Getting around in the Hollow's is cheesecake. Hit-n-run tactics are a valid strategy to use when facing a superior foe. I see no reason to charge in like a newb and mash buttons in an attempt to kill the enemy before they defeat me.

I also pointed out that I did not need to escape down the elevator. I could have easily lost aggro on the same floor. There was plenty of room to run around. Taking a moment ot rest was like re-grouping and gathering my strength. I'm sure in some comic book somewhere the hero has used hit-n-run tactics and short breaks in the action to recover or catch their breath.

That fact that you want to dumb the game down pisses me off. I'm tired of playing games where there's no challenge. I like to be intellectually challenged and stimulated when I'm playing. If you want mindless, mindnumbing action... You don't even have to push any buttons once you get started... you can mindlessly sit there and enjoy the safe and easy leveling.

... at least TRY to find some validity in what the "whiners" are saying.

[/ QUOTE ]

There is no validity. You whiny crybabies want to dumb the game down and make it so damn boring it turns into the Sims with Super Powers! Whoohoo. That sounds so much fun! /sarcasm....

Why don't you see the validity in my viewpoint? The game should be a challenge, otherwise there's no point to playing. You'd be better off in SimsOnline instead of in CoH at that point. Learn to play the damn game better instead of whining on the forums that you can't handle it. If you spent half the time you spend whining on these forums about the challenge of the game, you'd have the tough stuff beat and be done with it.



The last post really got me thinking. Does "strategy" now mean nothing more than find ways to screw up the AI's path system? Does it mean the only strategy now is hit and run? It may not be the only strategy, but it certainly seems to be the predominant one, and... it is NOT fun and it takes forever.

I'm continuing to play to try to figure out fun strategies that will still let me continue to develop my characters, but the current level of difficulty (for a casual player) is exactly as the thread's title suggests: Not Fun. This has turned the game into more a chore. It is a stress enducer rather than a stress reliever, and that, my friends, is a problem. Obviously I speak only for myself, but that's the only basis upon which I can judge a game. Take it or leave it as you will.



Hi, Im Gravewalker and Im an altoholic (/me pauses for traditional greeting).

I have been playing the game since commercial release thus my capped level at 32 thus far on my main... I consider myself an expert on levelling alts up to about 20 and then deleting them simply because I enjoy the process of making new heros.

The game has become substantially more difficult beneath level 20.

Is it unplayable, no. Is it less enjoyable, yes. But only in part.

I do not mind the increase of mission difficulty. I have found the mission challenge a welcome change to the disgusting walkthough they were previously.

However, the average groups of street mobs abilities have increased beyond an enjoyable challenge. The work (effort over time) you have to put into defeating the average even con does not balance to the reward for doing so.

For example...

I held off levelling my Lvl 14 martial arts/regen scrapper "Bug." pending the patch. Now a typical group of 3 white mobs and 1 yellow can be defeated, but rather than wade into the midst and carefully balance out my inspirations and use of healing abilities, I have to use a sytem of hit and run tactics to take them down. I can accept this based on the mob difficulty descriptions.

The length of time this takes however for the comparative reward has exponentially lengthened the time it takes to level.
I primarily use street sweeping as a means to to make tough missions achievable (by outlevelling an unbeatable mission) and the slow down is terrible.

Many people say take on blue LT/Bosses but I do not see a fair return for the time invested. 4-12 xp per mob is painfully slow and makes soloing drudgery.

To which many say "Go find a group!" This is not always a viable option. Because some of the player base can afford to sit around a half hour or longer until they get a group does not mean everyone may do so... This is a very self-centered and self-serving argument rather than a solution. I know many of my friends who only have a limited amount of play time a night and to waste 1/4 of that time finding a group is an unfair request.

I agree all of the content should not be soloable. Not every mission should be able to be accomplished alone. This is a Massively MULTIPLAYER game. It does not mean only playing with others, it means you MAY play with others. By the book a team is only a temporary alliance.

The game in general should be fun in all aspects of play. Currently a large number of the playerbase have found a portion of the game to be difficult or unrewarding. They are expressing their concerns. Not all of them may be the as judicious in their choice of wording, however many people in the forums would represent themselves better with constructive arguments, advice, or through simply ignoring the commentary than by lowering themselves to facile attacks.

Part of empathy is placing yourself in the viewpoint of another. It is the easiest way to gain understanding of their situation and to provide insight to a problem.

If your goal is to drive people from the game by being a butthead...good luck..but some day you may find yourself alone and the game you enjoy simply a coaster on your computer desk.

Doc Endeavor - (50) FF Defender
Gravewalker - (40) Emp Defender

Duty: The sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things, you can never do more-you should never wish to do less.



Gravewalker, just wanted to say I think that's one of the most balanced and well thought out posts on this topic I've seen.



I'm not sure how the update changed, but way before it was in effect I tried as a scrapper and failed miserably. Is it possible that you aren't suited for that style of play? I found out the hard way I'm not. Just a question.



Learn to play the damn game better instead of whining on the forums that you can't handle it. If you spent half the time you spend whining on these forums about the challenge of the game, you'd have the tough stuff beat and be done with it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think the problem is they (we) did learn to play the game... and then the game was changed. This is not the same game it was before Issue #2 came out. Some people prefer it the way it was, not the way it is. How is that not a valid point? Some people did find it challenging before and did "die" before, but were also able to occasionally level as a reward for their efforts. Now, leveling takes twice as long because they (we) are perpetually in debt, missions take forever because we have to use hit-and-run tactics on even white and blue mobs. How can you claim there is no validity to a point when a vast number of people subscribe to it? Yes, your point is valid... there should be a challenge. I don't think people disagree with that. But I think what people are saying is that the challenge pre-Issue 2 was, for them, enough... The current level of challenge is too much.

For you to blindly dismiss that point is unfair and thoughtless. Particularly because if enough people share that point of view, they will eventually start leaving the game... and enough of them leave the game, then YOU will have no game to play. If nothing else motivates you to at least recognize the validity of the concern and begin to address the merits of it, then at least look at it from the perspective of your own self-interest in making sure this game sticks around. (And no, I'm not saying I'm going to cancel my subscription, just pointing it out as a fact... If the game isn't fun for people, they stop playing.)



In regards to the +1 bug, I looks it's fixed on some missions and not others. My friend and I (both lvl 22 - me, blaster, him, tanker) did his Banished mission last night and it actually had a good mix from greens up to a red boss. However, there were large clumps of yellow/orange.

We then did my timed Sky Raiders mission and it was close to impossible. Nothing was below white. I would say it was 40% white, 40% yellow, and 20% orange. It wouldn't have been so bad if it was like whites with a yellow or an orange, but it was large clumps of yellows with an orange. The only thing blue was the force field generators, when they had a chance to set them up.
Even without the generators, I was having a major accuracy problem. I have DO's and SO's in my accuracy slots and I was mission more than 70% of my shots.
I have never had a timed mission take me more than 45 minutes to complete.. this is the first one I came close (15 min left) to failing...

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame




I don't mind the occasional trip to the hospital. Any debt that is earned usually is removed within 30min of play afterward and I pocket the extra influence toward my next set of Enhancements....

I also don't mind the challenge either. There is a good feeling of being able to take down large groups of tough mobs solo or grouped.


There is a big problem tho when you use good tactics (and I don't mean running away or changing levels to heal or running all the way back to your contact because you popped all your inspirations on a large group of mobs only to find right in front of you another large group of mobs) and you do play smart only to find yourself taking a dirt nap for the third or fourth or fifth time on the same mission because the mobs are just too much.

It doesn't help to say, "Go and level and come back" because then your only limited to doing three missions a level which is not how CoH was designed.

Arresting Street Crime, while it is in character, is mindnumblingly boring and it something that I try to avoid. I prefer the missions because of the storyline and the content. Personally the mission exp while nice, is not all that important.

I don't like to hear all the whining on the boards either, but there is a problem and it needs to be addressed.

If / when the Difficulty Slider comes out, then it will all be a moot point.

Until then, perhaps everyone needs to sit back, take a deep breath, and realize that this is just a game and way of enjoyment, not a job.




I have characters ranging from 19 to 15, 1 of each AT. Since Issue 2 I've been having a blast. I've really enjoyed the new tougher mobs, especially when playing in groups. I didn't agree with all the new changes but I thought they were an improvement when taken as a whole. Then I end up in a solo Tsoo Mission from hell.

My 19 Tanker is battling 2 Sorcerers and 3 minions for his first fight. I am always in caltrops. The 2 sorcerers heal everything I fight. I win the fight by having every Tsoo burn all their endurance and then use the Tsoo's Combat AI against them to defeat them (long convoluted stratagy). I basically win because I have Invincibility and the long dragged out battle gives me the time to notice the patterns used by the Tsoo. It ends up being a very long, boring as hell battle with a rewarding finish.

Next fight is an Ancestor Spirit and an Ink Man. It's a non stop series of stun attacks. I stun them, they stun, mezz me. Again I win thanks to Invicibility. Its an annoying battle with no rewarding finish.

These 2 battles repeat themselves over and over. I keep telling myself this is just a bad mission and I just have to get thru it. Then I hit 3 Ink Men. I never close for battle. They never use any power but Mez. I have from 2 to 5 mezz effects on me at all times. I stand there unable to move and slowly watch my hit points bleed away. With half my hit points gone, I break free of the multiple mezz effects and run away.

I camp my character out and decide to come back another day with a team. I camp out knowing that I could have won the battle. The Ink Men would run out of Endurance and then I would finish them off just like the sorcerers earlier. I just don't have the willpower left to finish the mission anymore.

The whole point here is, I was enjoying Issue 2. It was fun solo, it was fun in groups. I had problems (mobs vanishing during defeat all missions) but I was happy with the overall improvements that Issue 2 gave. Then I hit this mission and for the first time ever in this game I gave up on a mission and walked away. I walked away without ever dying. I walked away making real good experience and influence. Issue 2 is more challenging than the old game, but some of the new power combos suck a lot of the new fun out of it. Constant wading thru caltrops and recovering from stuns isn't fun. Its challenging, just not fun. I'll take a Vahz mission over another Tsoo mission like the one I just described. I might die a few times in a Vahz mission but I'll be in a furious fight to the death instead of the slow, agonizing bleeding I took on that Tsoo Mission.



Learn to play the damn game better instead of whining on the forums that you can't handle it. If you spent half the time you spend whining on these forums about the challenge of the game, you'd have the tough stuff beat and be done with it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think the problem is they (we) did learn to play the game... and then the game was changed. This is not the same game it was before Issue #2 came out. Some people prefer it the way it was, not the way it is. How is that not a valid point? Some people did find it challenging before and did "die" before, but were also able to occasionally level as a reward for their efforts. Now, leveling takes twice as long because they (we) are perpetually in debt, missions take forever because we have to use hit-and-run tactics on even white and blue mobs. How can you claim there is no validity to a point when a vast number of people subscribe to it? Yes, your point is valid... there should be a challenge. I don't think people disagree with that. But I think what people are saying is that the challenge pre-Issue 2 was, for them, enough... The current level of challenge is too much.

For you to blindly dismiss that point is unfair and thoughtless. Particularly because if enough people share that point of view, they will eventually start leaving the game... and enough of them leave the game, then YOU will have no game to play. If nothing else motivates you to at least recognize the validity of the concern and begin to address the merits of it, then at least look at it from the perspective of your own self-interest in making sure this game sticks around. (And no, I'm not saying I'm going to cancel my subscription, just pointing it out as a fact... If the game isn't fun for people, they stop playing.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Extremely well stated! I think this is the problem with many MMORPGs. The power gamers want the game so hard that it drives the casual gamers away. Unfortunately neither wants to see or accept the other's position or feelings.

Personally, I am pretty much a casual gamer and find the changes made in Update #2 along with some serious bugs has just about ruined the fun in CoH for me. I have thoroughly enjoyed the game, which I started playing when the open BETA was available for preorders, until the drastic changes and/or bugs introduced in Update #2.

As stated in a previous message above, it does not appear to me that Cryptic is addressing the problems as Statesman indicated they would. The current patch in testing on the Training Room server does not fix many of the things that are so drastically wrong with the game after Update #2.




That fact that you want to dumb the game down pisses me off. I'm tired of playing games where there's no challenge. I like to be intellectually challenged and stimulated when I'm playing. If you want mindless, mindnumbing action... You don't even have to push any buttons once you get started... you can mindlessly sit there and enjoy the safe and easy leveling.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well the same can be said for you, if you want a game with more of a challenge try something else. Lineage 2 perhaps, where you are constantly watching your back because people want to kill you.

MissAurora, I understand fully where you are coming from when you say you want more of a challenge. But what you are failing to look at is there are other people who aren't powergamers like you or myself. The casual gamer can't even play anymore, or they can but they don't get anything done. Not everyone has the time to use your tatics, running back and forth between your ongoing mission and your contact to get inspirations. Or smack a couple of whites then run and rest. While I have gotten used to the extra difficulty and fair pretty well in game now, there are plenty of others who have not. That does not make them cowards, mindless or stupid. And the way they play the game, nor the way you play the game, is wrong.

Open your eyes to what other people feel, not just yourself. If you want a game that's all about you try playing FPS games or console games. This is a community game, not a single person game. And how others feel is important to the game's success. So while your opinion (constructive critisism not trolling like ...


You whiny crybabies want to dumb the game down and make it so damn boring it turns into the Sims with Super Powers!

[/ QUOTE ]

that's beyond wrong) counts, so does everyone elses. Like I said before this is a community game, not 'CoH: MissAurora'.

Put in your thoughts constructively, not senseless ridicule. Enjoy the game, if you have to stop reading this particular post then do so. With the difficulty slider coming into game you get what you want, but until then the people as a whole have a right to speak their minds without being called names or yelled at by someone who thinks their way is the only and right way to play the game.



Extremely well stated! I think this is the problem with many MMORPGs. The power gamers want the game so hard that it drives the casual gamers away.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um hello. I'm not a power gamer. I just know how to use the powers I have most effectively. I can take any non-uber build and play the game just as well as I can with any uber build. I can still solo, I can still team. I can still do my missions. I've already proven that taking a FF / Energy defender and soloing my Eel mission in the Hollows.

None of the FF powers I have help me, so I was relying solely on my 75% of blaster power attacks, tactics, and inspirations to get me through the fight. I beat bedrock today as well with my Defender, by always keeping him knocked on his butt.

The game isn't hard to learn. Really, it isn't. And once you learn how you can overcome an obstacle you though you couldn't beat... that makes me feel more like a "hero" than mowing through a group of easy cons. I want risk involved in my battles. Pre-issue #2, there was little to no risk at all unless I did not do my missions and instead piddled around in areas with higher level mobs.

It's not fair for people like me to be forced to not do our missions because pansy cowards can't handle the missions themselves. If the missions get toned back down to pre-issue #2 levels, I'll taking another break from the game, temporarily suspending my accounts until they get the difficulty slider in.

I will not do boring, lameass missions with pansy cowards anymore. I won't go back to a boring boring boring game where I mash buttons with no thoughts towards tactics or strategy.

As I've said before, if you can't handle the difficulty of the Hollows and the Outcast missions, you should just go play SimsOnline or ProgressQuest. Those two games are much closer to what you folks want.



t's not fair for people like me to be forced to not do our missions because pansy cowards can't handle the missions themselves. If the missions get toned back down to pre-issue #2 levels, I'll taking another break from the game, temporarily suspending my accounts until they get the difficulty slider in.

[/ QUOTE ]


And as I told you before, no one will miss you.



t's not fair for people like me to be forced to not do our missions because pansy cowards can't handle the missions themselves. If the missions get toned back down to pre-issue #2 levels, I'll taking another break from the game, temporarily suspending my accounts until they get the difficulty slider in.

[/ QUOTE ]

*** You are ignoring this user ***

[/ QUOTE ]

*laughs at Vegetable*



What is funny to ONE person, is quite the pysche enlightener to MANY others.

[/ QUOTE ]

And that you deem yourself so "above it all" contains a few
volumes on your character as well.

Don't laugh, no sweat..

But as soon as you climbed onto your soapbox to point the
finger you became exactly like the one you are pointing at.

Do you feel like the "big man" now ?

[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry, Vegetator. I am not responsible for how you feel about yourself. Do you feel that you are "below it all"? I am thinking you may, since you felt the need to reply to me. Take your shots at me. I can take it.