sorry, but the low end (1-20) is NOT fun now.




I am not responsible for how you feel about yourself.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, but you were quite responsible for your own need to point
the finger from atop your soapbox.

And by "above it all", I was referring to your need to try and
categorize what many have called funny as so terribly "petty",
so, kindly, save your dimestore analysis for someone that is

Enjoy your position atop the soapbox.

Someone will knock you off it soon enough.




LOL so true. I consider 1 death in a mission to be considered a failure.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then you have an incredibly narrow definition of failure.

[/ QUOTE ]
I also think that not completing a mission in one shot IS a failure. In life, there are no "do-overs".



I am not responsible for how you feel about yourself.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, but you were quite responsible for your own need to point
the finger from atop your soapbox.

And by "above it all", I was referring to your need to try and
categorize what many have called funny as so terribly "petty",
so, kindly, save your dimestore analysis for someone that is

Enjoy your position atop the soapbox.

Someone will knock you off it soon enough.

[/ QUOTE ]
::steps aside::
There is plenty of room up here if you'd like to join me.



There is plenty of room up here if you'd like to join me.

[/ QUOTE ]


Sorry, but I don't see any room at all...



From Quicken: (about Miss Aurora)
You enjoy baiting other people by implying they should "play better". Like you do. Well, perhaps the playstyle that you enjoy would be completely boring for others. I like my challenges in the real world where there is a real reward - my game world is for me to have fun, escape from the stresses of the real world, and enjoy some play when I want, for as long as I want. Your playstyle would make me think : "Am I stupid, putting all this effort into a <bleep> game, when I could be putting it into something real ?".

[/ QUOTE ]
This is it right here. I can see that Miss Aurora likes MMOGs for she can feel like "somebody" here. In real life, she is nobody and lacks friends, mates, and other human interactions so she comes here, belittles everyone, and logs off happy as a clam. She "knows all" and will tell you that every chance she gets, even if you did not ask her.

Troll away, Miss Aurora. You're very transparent.



This is it right here. I can see that Miss Aurora likes MMOGs for she can feel like "somebody" here. In real life, she is nobody and lacks friends, mates, and other human interactions so she comes here, belittles everyone, and logs off happy as a clam. She "knows all" and will tell you that every chance she gets, even if you did not ask her.

Troll away, Miss Aurora. You're very transparent.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seriously, I gave you 5 stars for that.



The last post really got me thinking. Does "strategy" now mean nothing more than find ways to screw up the AI's path system? Does it mean the only strategy now is hit and run? It may not be the only strategy, but it certainly seems to be the predominant one, and... it is NOT fun and it takes forever.

I'm continuing to play to try to figure out fun strategies that will still let me continue to develop my characters, but the current level of difficulty (for a casual player) is exactly as the thread's title suggests: Not Fun. This has turned the game into more a chore. It is a stress enducer rather than a stress reliever, and that, my friends, is a problem. Obviously I speak only for myself, but that's the only basis upon which I can judge a game. Take it or leave it as you will.

[/ QUOTE ]
I am in your corner, Shortwire. Nicely stated.



This is it right here. I can see that Miss Aurora likes MMOGs for she can feel like "somebody" here. In real life, she is nobody and lacks friends, mates, and other human interactions so she comes here, belittles everyone, and logs off happy as a clam. She "knows all" and will tell you that every chance she gets, even if you did not ask her.

[/ QUOTE ]

*laughs* As if. I belittle the people that can't handle the game because it's vary apparent to me they're just being lazy gits that shouldn't play a game like this. If they want something so easy they don't have to think about it, they can go play ProgressQuest. It's perfect for them. And it's free... so it saves them $15 a month.

I love how the cowards always make assumptions about the person behind the screen. You cannot and will not ever know anything about who I am behind the screen. That is simply none of your business.

All I'm simply doing is pointing out the truth to people that can't see it for themselves. They want a game so easy they don't have to play it... it plays itself for them. They're cowards. They run away from a good fight instead of learning how to overcome the obstacles in their way.



I love how the cowards

[/ QUOTE ]


What a piece of work.

Paragon_Star is now a "coward"...


If the buffoon wasn't so entertaining, I would actually consider
ignoring a poster for the first time ever.



Weren't you already warned by CuppaJoe and had 1 post removed, and another deleted for name calling? AGAIN, LEARN HOW TO ARGUE WITHOUT NAME CALLING!



From Miss Aurora:
Um hello. I'm not a power gamer.

[/ QUOTE ]
um hello. You ARE a power gamer. Your attitude belies this. No "casual gamer" would make the posts you make.



It's not fair for people like me to be forced to not do our missions because pansy cowards can't handle the missions themselves. If the missions get toned back down to pre-issue #2 levels, I'll taking another break from the game, temporarily suspending my accounts until they get the difficulty slider in.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fortunately the developers of this game have concluded that the increased difficultly was a mistake and will be fixed so can I have your stuff since you seem to feel we're all too retarded and lazy to earn it for ourselves?



Um... no... I'm a smart gamer. I play a couple hours here and there when I have the chance. And when I play during those hours, I want to have fun and be challenged. I do not play the uber builds. I play what I have fun playing. This includes a defender that solo's fairly decently (FF / Energy).

I am not out to make the most xp / minute. I am not out to level as fast as I can. I'm out to have fun. I am a casual gamer. I just make the most use out of the powers I have and know how to play smart.

Weren't you already warned by CuppaJoe and had 1 post removed, and another deleted for name calling? AGAIN, LEARN HOW TO ARGUE WITHOUT NAME CALLING!

[/ QUOTE ]

So much for you having me on ignore. 8p I'm not calling anyone names. I'm simply applying a label to a lot of people. That label is coward. The same way people apply the power gamer, the casual gamer, and the uber gamer label to people. If you can't handle a mission and run away from it instead of persevering and overcoming it, you're a coward. Simple as that. You're a quitter.

I am seeing a lot of people in game that are enjoying the new mission difficulty. Most people are actually trying to beat the mission. The forums however cater to the vocal minority of people (the forums represent less than 2% of the game population, remember that) that don't like the new difficulty.

If the majority of people didn't like the new difficulty, they would come here and post. I don't see all that many people, compared to the number of people in the game still playing, posting here that they don't like it. I do see quite a few posts saying they do like the new difficulty and want it to say. The only way Cryptic will ever get a true opinion of the game is to create a poll that you have to answer when you log in.



You need to choose a new label because calling someone coward sparks very harsh, angry reactions. This is not an incredibly wise course of action on your part, and if you continue to do so I will contniue to report it until you either are stopped or banned. Period.



You need to choose a new label because calling someone coward sparks very harsh, angry reactions. This is not an incredibly wise course of action on your part, and if you continue to do so I will contniue to report it until you either are stopped or banned. Period.

[/ QUOTE ]

So which of these lables should I apply to the quitters that run away from their mission instead of finding a way to beat it?

Synonyms: alarmist, baby, big baby, caitiff, chicken, chicken liver, chicken-heart, craven, cur, dastard, deserter, faint-of-heart, fraidy cat, funk, gutless, gutless wonder, invertebrate, jellyfish, lily-liver, malingerer, milksop, milquetoast, mollycoddle, mouse, nerd, pessimist, poltroon, punk, quitter, rabbit, recreant, scaredy-cat, shirk, shirker, sissy, skulker, sneak, turkey, weak sister, weakling, white liver, yellow, yellow-belly.

Mouse or rabbit seems good. Let the little rabbits run back to their holes while the wolves go out to play and have fun.




I am seeing a lot of people in game that are enjoying the new mission difficulty. Most people are actually trying to beat the mission. The forums however cater to the vocal minority of people (the forums represent less than 2% of the game population, remember that) that don't like the new difficulty.

If the majority of people didn't like the new difficulty, they would come here and post. I don't see all that many people, compared to the number of people in the game still playing, posting here that they don't like it. I do see quite a few posts saying they do like the new difficulty and want it to say. The only way Cryptic will ever get a true opinion of the game is to create a poll that you have to answer when you log in.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can not state anything correctly about a majority or minority of the game. Unless you know every last person who plays, which I'm sure you don't. However you are correct about the poll idea. That would be the only way to truely know. And even then, they probably wouldn't tell us the results.



You need to choose a new label because calling someone coward sparks very harsh, angry reactions. This is not an incredibly wise course of action on your part, and if you continue to do so I will contniue to report it until you either are stopped or banned. Period.

[/ QUOTE ]

I completely agree with you on that. What MissAurora is 'labeling' people as is harsh and will be taken that way. I have yet to see a post from her that does not have some type of labeling such as 'stupid, mindless, cowards'.



You can not state anything correctly about a majority or minority of the game. Unless you know every last person who plays, which I'm sure you don't. However you are correct about the poll idea. That would be the only way to truely know. And even then, they probably wouldn't tell us the results.

[/ QUOTE ]

Correct, which is why all these posts about the game being too difficult should not be listened to by the devs. They're trying to speak for the majority when it is clear they are not. Otherwise you would see many, many, many more posts about the Hollows than there are.

I speak from personal experience while playing in the Hollows and doing missions with groups and solo. There are more people in game that I've met with personally that are enjoying the new difficulty then there are not enjoying it. Hanging around the Atlas entrance you hear a lot of stuff in broadcast and local and you get a general feeling about the area just by listening to the people you group with.

That's what I'm basing my experience off of. The 8 person group that tacked the Eel mission that I was part of was a blast. Seven of the eight people enjoyed it. The blaster that didn't know how to control his aggro kept dying and didn't like it. Not much a tank can do when the players uses two ae attacks before the tank can get in range and provoke.

So overall in my experience, the opinion in game towards the Hollows and the missions within that zone have been positive. This includes opinions voiced by people in my super group.




Correct, which is why all these posts about the game being too difficult should not be listened to by the devs. They're trying to speak for the majority when it is clear they are not.

[/ QUOTE ]

You took what I was saying and twisted the meaning. I was talking about the majority/minority thing that you and a couple others claim you know. Speaking for myself, I post on these boards about things that I think should be fixed. They may be bugs and indeed need to be fixed, but I in no way speak for the majority of the people playing. As for the others, who knows if they are trying to speak for the majority of the people or not. But assuming that is bad judgement on your part. As for the Devs not paying attention or listening to the boards ... They should, in my opinion, because it is the only thing they have that connects them to the gamers.



Until someone else pays the $50/game and $15/month, I can run away from anything that I want to. Do you consider me a coward .... do you pay my house note ... yeah I don't think I care then. I have a right to state that I think the missions are too hard, that the hollows is too hard, etc. etc. etc. etc. and I have talked to people in game who agree with me. So where does that leave us ... oh that's right I get to say what I want because I know how not to call people names, and my $15/month allows me the right to express whatever feeling I have about the game for as long as I pay it.



They should, in my opinion, because it is the only thing they have that connects them to the gamers.

[/ QUOTE ]

No they shouldn't. Forums for any MMOG out there are the most horrible place to go to find information about that game. Take a look at any official forums for any MMOG out there and the biggest thing you'll notice is that they're filled to the brim with whiners asking for everything under the sun to be nerfed every which way but loose.

I don't know where the post is, but even Statesmen made mention of the fact that forums for games are typically filled with people who have a problem with the game. The greater part of the playerbase that is enjoying the game is too busy playing the game to come post on the forums, which is why it's horrible to use the forums as a means to find out what's wrong with the game.

In-game polls you have to answer before you enter the game and prolific use of data-mining are the best tools available for finding out what the playerbase is really thinking.



I just got to lvl 8 on my Grav/FF controller, and find only the hollows and their insane mobs to be hard.

My missions have been spawning +1 mobs, but I'm getting the hang of my lil solo built controller and though I may die, I always succeed solo'ing. (May have had to get help once. don't remebmer, too many alts.) But I can see where others would be getting killed. Like my scrapper in the low 20's. He died alot in misions solo way before update 2.
Just goes to show everyone plays different. Different styles, different AT's, different powers.
Difficulty sliders are the solution I think. (And if I'm not mistaken the lead dev has commented that this is a sooner than later issue.)

As to the hollows. Well, I hated it at first. I can solo a lil there now, but it's difficult and intense. I kinda like it. Even with the stuns, debuffs and enemy heals.
Surprises me too. Only problem? Need to get more xp for fighting those crackheads. I like a good challange, but the risk vs reward is Way off on those outcasts.



First of all...labelly people cowards is precisely what Im talking about...people are complaining that their is an imbalance between the work and the reward... and if stating a dislike for a change is cowardly then name calling is immature.

Noone is complaining about the challenge persay except in those cases where the game has become grossly imbalanced against a comic book genre battle (perma rezzes etc).

Yes heros oft have to flee when faced with greater adversity, but NOT EVERY FIGHT.

The solution so many offer is run back to your contact and stock up on inspirations (prior to your travel power and perhaps a full zone away) It is like spiderman having to run back to refill his webfluid after taking on every minion, not just simply the boss.

The game has become City of Supervillains where the villains have infinitely more powers than the level dictates they should (we are talking sub 20 villains with level 32 plus powers), may use them with unlimited frequency, hit with unerring accuracy for maximum effect) and this illustrates the grave imbalance. Especially when the mob awards a trivial amount of experience... How long can you say fight...and then realize you got a whole 25-50xp for a 15 min battle.

My primary contention with the game is not an increase in difficulty, but the increase of work for little gain.

Because you enjoy taking the 50yd dash in the 40yd gym doesnt mean everyone does...and regardless of YOUR experience the instance someone experiences the game contrary to you..both of your opinions are get off your high horse you do not have the moral high ground.

"It's easy to solo"....My FF/Energy defender...blah blah blah...

Lets see resistance to both melee and ranged attacks of lethal, smashing, energy..and with one of the most damaging secondaries of the entire defender line...

Your basic failing is you look through the game through your personal bias without regard to anyone else...and try to claim it as truth...and when anyone refutes you...rather than give a substantive argument you resort to namecalling....

Your arguments are of the form: "I made it across the expressway everyone can...."

bah go play in traffic some more...

Doc Endeavor - (50) FF Defender
Gravewalker - (40) Emp Defender

Duty: The sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things, you can never do more-you should never wish to do less.



You need to choose a new label because calling someone coward sparks very harsh, angry reactions. This is not an incredibly wise course of action on your part, and if you continue to do so I will contniue to report it until you either are stopped or banned. Period.

[/ QUOTE ]
It is OK, Kazarak. Miss A's opinion of me truly does not matter. Besides... I have been called far worse by far better people. LOL



I made a Defender (Emp/Dark) two nights ago and have soloed to level 5 in only about 3 hours of play. And I have built this character to be a support characrter in the future so I have taken Aid Other (despite soloing) and once I hit level 6 I plan to take nothing but pool powers.

That said it's been a breeze. I've died precisely once so far when I jumped a group of minions 2 levels above me. Now, my next mission is in The Hollows so I think I'll street fight for a level or two before I head there but I really can't see what the fuss is about. I don't mean to offend anyone but I have not had a really hard time.