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  1. Casting every 30 seconds or so is not fun. The duration of all of these should be upped.
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    Ok two can play this game. In my experience in game, the people who aren't enjoying the new difficulty are more numerous than the whiners who are. You can make up all the aribtrary BS you want but the changes were not indended and will be fixed. This is a FIX and not a NERF. You do understand the difference right?

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    LOL I just have to laugh at this. The devs put literally dozens of individual elements into issue 2 that all seem to increase difficulty, some in very small ways, others in bigger ways. Errors/bugs are by nature random. They could go one way or the other. Believing that ALL the increased difficulty was inadvertent is tantamount to believing the cashier who has shortchanged you the last 20 times you purchased goods and never made an error the other way, when he says each and every time it was just a mistake.

    Sure, some of this is bugs. I believe the devs about the +1 mission bug (I think). But no way was all of this increased difficulty inadvertant. Some of it was experimentation. Recall that the devs thought the game too easy pre-Udate (at least post level 25). Consider also that toon powers overall were given a boost (about 40 were improved vs. 3-4 nerfed). And they dramatically increased door mission XP. Maybe they thought they had to toughen up some mobs to maintain at least a constant difficulty level?

    Does anyone seriously believe that the devs added all these powers to minions of various mob groups and each separate occurrence was an "oops." And "oops, I did it again." Each a separate and specific error of *commission*. LOL

    - felicity

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    From statesman-

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    As I said, the +1 minions are a bug.

    The stun/mez/etc. powers in low level villains - that was a Design error. No doubt about it. A mistake - and one we're rectifying now.

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    True a design error is not a bug but they obviously don't feel the change is what the wanted and are going to fix it. It's all water under the bridge and easier to call it a bug since it's effects were unintended or underestimated.
  3. Ok two can play this game. In my experience in game, the people who aren't enjoying the new difficulty are more numerous than the whiners who are. You can make up all the aribtrary BS you want but the changes were not indended and will be fixed. This is a FIX and not a NERF. You do understand the difference right?
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    It's not fair for people like me to be forced to not do our missions because pansy cowards can't handle the missions themselves. If the missions get toned back down to pre-issue #2 levels, I'll taking another break from the game, temporarily suspending my accounts until they get the difficulty slider in.

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    Fortunately the developers of this game have concluded that the increased difficultly was a mistake and will be fixed so can I have your stuff since you seem to feel we're all too retarded and lazy to earn it for ourselves?
  5. Ok if 1-2 "defeats" per mission is accepable to you that's say 8-16 "defeats" per level if you complete 8 missions in a level. I'm sorry but that's just nuts. I don't see where I'm wrong and why how I've leveled without dying in the past is irrevelevent. Sorry but I look forward to the fixing of this bug and red bosses being banished from the early levels of this game. Maybe your character is not a superhero but mine is
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    LOL so true. I consider 1 death in a mission to be considered a failure.

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    Then you have an incredibly narrow definition of failure.

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    No I just think my character should represent a superhero who is only defeated on rare occasion. For the most part it's been that way since beta. I only die once or twice per level not mission if that.
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    2 Defeats to complete a mission and you are telling someone ELSE to learn to play better!


    (not really, the BTiLC thread is actually...)

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    LOL so true. I consider 1 death in a mission to be considered a failure. I have been failing a ton on my new scrapper. Since mission xp barely outweighs debt accumulated and I made him to do all the games missions I can, he's on hold till they patch or I learn how to play better. He can still street hunt just fine but that's not what I wanna do. On the plus side my higher level characters are mostly unaffected.
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    Wow states I'm amazed. I didn't think you'd ever come out and say that small groups are penalized by adding more members past 3 or 4 after yesterdays declaration that there was no group penalty at all for adding team members. Kudos to you for seeing past the simple math of the group bonus.

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    Wipe the smirk off your face, Bonzo. If you acually read what he said, you'd notice that he's not talking about the same thing you're deriding him on.


    Is it just me, or are these forum posters intentionally trying to act smarter than the people who made the game and failing miserably?

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    Ummm do you even understand what you're reading? To see the penalty you have to read between the lines. Yesterday's posts from him were on straight up group bonus and not reading between the lines which was not what anybody was referring to when they were talking about the group penalty. Thanks for playing though. Love the bonzo comment. Insultive troll fanboi posters rule. Just wipe your lip every now and then and you'll be ok.
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    You'd end up with exactly what we have now - small groups hunting massive spawns, while the larger groups are penalized because there's nothing challenging enough for them.

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    Wow states I'm amazed. I didn't think you'd ever come out and say that small groups are penalized by adding more members past 3 or 4 after yesterdays declaration that there was no group penalty at all for adding team members. Kudos to you for seeing past the simple math of the group bonus.
  10. Even pre purple patch I think we were only fighting stuff that was +5 or maybe +6. difference was you could all hit and do decent damage and not such a whifffest. Everybody could still feel like a hero in a group with a level spread of 3. Now once you pass the magical +4 limit, the low end of your team becomes leeches. I admit I'm more caught up in expanding level curves as opposed upgrading ememies cause it's easier to fix. Guess you tend to remember the good times. In the end I think adjusting ememies will also work but I'm scared of the growing pains and other side effects that will emerge. Guess I'm saying that the solo cap should be +4 and the group cap at +6 but this doesn't solve the problem of the mid game being too easy. I guess it's unavoidable that we are gonna have to go down the road of making ememies harder. I'm sure *cough cough* they will make them more rewarding to compensate for the additional time spent.
  11. Statesman,
    There are many many great posts here that I feel sum up the games shortcommings pretty well. Don't get me wrong I enjoy this game very much. You elude that the purple patch has nothing to do with these issues but I respectfully disagree. Please try to keep an open mind and take a look again at the purple patch because for me it's pretty cut and dry. Before the pruple patch I found group play to be 100% more fun. The purple patch has changed my solo game 0%. Is it just a cooincidence group play took a fun dive when the purple patch was introduced? Also I would appreciate if you could respond to the questions of the only good large group hunting areas (hazzard zones) only being available to groups without sk's which in a group of 8 is rare. I'm not saying the purple patch needs to be removed but there are better ways of dealing with the problems the purple patch was meant to fix without hurting groups.
  12. I also think the purple patch hard limit of +4 should vary based on the size of the group as a proper solution. Just wanted to throw that out there. Keeps the happy single player +10 mob killers that brought on the purple patch at bay too while allowing groups to up the ante with bigger targets as they add heros.
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    Just so that I'm clear - the larger the group, the larger the spawn. The problem is not the "purple patch" - the problem is that players are approaching MOB spawns that are simply too small for their group.

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    I agree that this could probably be made up for by larger spawns but as it sits now it's not really practical. The differences in level and the no sk in the trial zones make getting our group to level appropriate trial zone unrealistic. It's easier to just decrease the group size and stay in the all levels can access this zone areas. We also run multiple groups out of our group as a way of getting around large group xp woes. We like to play as a group. Trial zones don't do a good job of facilitating this. Missions and general access areas do. We decided mission xp was poor quite a while ago and that really only leaves one option (I'm aware this is changing and I'm looking forward to going back to missions as a viable source of good xp).
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    The game is too easy at higher levels. Larger groups need to hunt higher level spawns in order to find challenge, and therefore fun.

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    This is how the game worked prior to the purple patch. When you added more members to your group you went after harder spawns. After the purple patch your cap is set to +4 from the highest member. If your killing +4 in decent time with 3 people then adding another person only serves to net you less xp per person since you cannot increase the difficulty anymore past +4 to compansate for the added person and another divider to the xp. The solution to this for the players has been to do 2 or 3 groups within the group but I think that ruins the aspect of having a group.

    So to recap if your already fighting the max level mobs and doing it in good time adding another person only serves to decrease or penalize the xp you were getting before you added that person. The max mob vs time for the amount of players can be reached at 3 or 4 people. After that it's leech time unless you break the group into two since the new member is not adding to the level of spawn you can attack or making the process any faster (especially in the case of support AT's).
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    What isn't acceptable right now is that some Archetypes solo slowly AND aren't so needed in groups. And that's what I'm focused on at the moment.

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    oo you got it right on Statesman